BA chairman gets most expensive car on OPM list

Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority chairman spent €5,325 for fuel in three years.

According to information tabled in parliament which lists new cars bought by the Office of the Prime Minister for chairpersons, general directors, chief executive officers and directors between 2008 and 2011, Broadcasting Authority Chairman Anthony Tabone got the most expensive car on the list.

Bought in 2009 when the head of the broadcasting regulator was Joe Scicluna, the car is a Renault Megane bought at €22,500.

Between 2009 and 2011, €2,167 was spent to fuel the car.

The second most expensive car, also a Renault Megane costing €19,800, was bought in 2008 for the chairman of the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA), Francis Farrugia. During the three years, €5,325 was spent in fuel for the car.

On the other hand, the cheapest car on the list went to the director of the MCCAA where he was given a Toyota Yaris at the time worth €11,635. Fuel expenses during the three years amounted to €3,377.

For the list as requested by Opposition whip Joe Mizzi, only one car was bought in 2011 - a Nissan Qashqai for the superintendent of cultural heritage bought at €19,500.

X' kummenti banali u mentalita meskina. Dawn huma karozzi medji u zgur mhux ta' lussu. Fuq kollox f'dawk il-prezzijiet hemm il-VAT u t-taxxa tar-registrazzjoni li jmorru lura ghand il-Gvern. Fuq kollox l-analizi hi bazwija ghax hafna karozzi jinkrew u mhux jinxtraw!!
And we pay taxes !!! Well done Gonz ...Never have I voted PL but this time it's a no brainer !!!!!!!!!!!
Priscilla Darmenia
The PN in government brought this country on its knees with the slogan “Money no Problem”. Now they brought us in a position that we have “Problems no Money”
Mela jien biex naqla €17,000 nonfoq tal-linja biex immur naqla bicca paga u dawn nixtrulhom karozza, inhalsu ghal petrol taghhom u f'hafna kazi intghuhom xufier bl-allowance, overtime etc halli ikunu komdi filwaqt li ghandna nies bil-kemm ghandhom x'jieklu, jew xi penzjonant li lanqas ghandu biex ihallas il-kont tad-dawl u ilma. Din tisejjah "Gustizzja u Demokrazija u Solidarjeta mal-Familji".
Haha, the MEPA chairman is no longer the most expensive car around.
Nothing has changed with PN.Money no problem for the elite!