€500 million price tag on Gozo tunnel link
Tunnel could cost up to 1 billion euros for two-lane uni-directional tunnel, and take up to seven years to construct.
The Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications has now instructed Transport Malta to commission detailed feasibility studies on a road-tunnel link between Malta and Gozo.
"This follows expert findings that in principle, and on the basis of a preliminary and high level review, a road link is technologically doable and may be economically feasible," minister Austin Gatt said.
In July 2011, Transport Malta appointed Mott Macdonald to carry out a preliminary analysis of road tunnel link options between Malta and Gozo.
The five-month study provided a list of technical, engineering, environmental and economic issues relating to potential sub-sea tunnel fixed-link options connecting Malta and Gozo.
The final report identifies four potential tunnel alignments for further investigation.
The number of vehicles crossing between Malta and Gozo has increased at 4.1% per annum between 2000 and 2010. In 2010, there were an average of 1,500 vehicles per day per direction and 5,500 people per day per direction travelling between Malta and Gozo.
"The introduction of a fixed link would reduce average journey times between Gozo and Malta by at least 40 minutes," Gatt said.
Four potential tunnels alignments have been assessed at a preliminary, conceptual level ranging in length between 6 and 10 kilometres depending on their depth and structural design.
The typical construction stage for a tunnel of this nature would be approximately 5 to 7 years, but this average duration is strongly dependant on the geological environment.
A detailed geological and geotechnical investigation is still required to determine more precisely the tunnel alignment, tunnel form, cost and construction methodology.
Based on the reviewed case studies, the range of costs estimated for the construction of the fixed link is wide and would depend on ground conditions and other circumstances.
The consultants have estimated a range of costs for each tunnel alignment option between €156-€492 million for a single-bore, three-lane bi-directional tunnel, up to €1,080 million for a twin-bore two-lane uni-directional tunnel.
Mott Macdonald also found that an undersea tunnel link between Malta and Gozo would be technically feasible. A road tunnel link between Malta and Gozo could potentially be co-financed by the European Union under the Cohesion Fund.