Gonzi in urgent strategy group meeting on margins of gaming conference

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi meets ‘inner core’ for urgent PN strategy group meeting during digital gaming conference.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi held an urgent meeting with his inner core on the sidelines of a national conference in a St. Julian's hotel this morning.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi held an urgent meeting with his inner core on the sidelines of a national conference in a St. Julian's hotel this morning.

Government ministers were today witnessed at the Corinthia San Gorg hotel to attend what seemed like an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, shortly after he took the podium to address an international dgital gaming conference, themed 'A digital strategy for Malta'.

But while Gonzi and finance minister Tonio Fenech were the only two government officials expected to address the conference at 9:30am, journalists witnessed security personnel ushering in foreign minister Tonio Borg, investments minister Austin Gatt, justice minister Chris Said, Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, MEP David Casa and Castille's chief-of-staff Edgar Galea Curmi in the hotel and into a separate conference room at 9am.

The only notable absentee was the Prime Minister's special envoy Simon Busuttil. On Gonzi's confirmation as PN leader in February, the MEP was charged with organising meetings with civil society in an attempt to bring the party closer to the people.  

Gonzi had been at the hotel since 8:15am. He was closely followed by investments mininister Austin Gatt, who reportedly has been in charge of the party's strategy group together with Richard Cachia Caruana.  

The ministers were seen entering the hotel, where they were later joined by Gonzi in the business centre. The Prime Minister's personal assistant Josephine Vassallo stood outside the door where the meeting was taking place.

The meeting took at least 40 minutes. All ministers, except Gonzi and Tonio Fenech, left the room, refusing to comment to the media.

Gonzi later released a comment as he walked towards his car, saying "today was a day dedicated to the strategy being discussed here today" - without going into any further detail.

The government yesterday evening insisted that the Budget Measures Implementation Bill vote must be taken before discussing the Opposition's motions of censure on Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Malta's permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana. "All other business, including the two motions presented by the opposition today should be debated after 9 May and as decided by the House Business Committee."

Another resolution related to the setting-up of the special purpose vehicle to finance the City Gate project and a Bill to extend the membership of the MCESD will be moved, debated and voted upon before 9 May.

The statement was issued after Opposition leader Joseph Muscat announced he will present two motions in parliament to have the House debate with urgency the Opposition's motion on justice and home affairs, and a motion of censure of permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

An adjournment motion proposes that the House adjourns as a way of having a debate carried forward. The motions give Parliament three days to discuss and vote on the censure motions in Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Richard Cachia Caruana.

@ camillu...Ma nafx jekk ghandiex nidhaq jew nibki...Il partit nazzjonalista tela fil gvern wara 15 il sena ta gvernijiet laburisti 71 sal 86.. fl`87 gvern nazzjonalista kien hemm...u jekk veru KMB dahal 7000 ruh jahdmu...jimporta tghejdilna fejn ? jew qeghed tghamel bhal pappagalli...tirrepeti li tisma.Allura jekk veru haddem 7000 ruh, ghamel pjacir lin nazzjonalisti, ghax meta hadu il gvern 86, ma sabux 7000 elef ruh qeghdha.L-anqas tafu x`inthom tghejdu.
mourinho jidher li tant thawwadt li lanqas taf li l-PN kien rebah l-elezzjoni fl-1987 u mhux il-PL. Mela bi kliemek stess il-PN seraq l-elezzjoni tal-1987 u sewwa qed tghid ghax seraqha bil-glied li qanqal fil-pajjiz Eddie Fenech Adami.
@ mourinho...Tibqawx raskhom fir ramel u tghejdu li tisimaw bhal pappagalli. L-ewwel haga is sena kienet 1981, ghax fl`1987 Alfred Sant ta l-akbar tkaxkira mill 1955 l-ghawn lil EFA. Issa tibqawx stinati u tghejdu li fis sena 1981 il lejber seraq l-elezzjoni.Kull ma ghamel il lejber kien li OBDA il kostituzzjoni, li kienet tghejd ( ghax wara irrangawa ) li min ikollu l-akbar ammont ta siggijiet jigverna. Kemm hija kbira illum. Jekk tghodd il voti li gabu bejnithom il partiti iz zghar u dawk tal lejber issib li aktar min 5000 votant ma riedux lil partit nazzjonalista jiggverna.Allura tohrog wehidha li il P.N. qeghed imexxi b`minoranza assoluta. Apparti il voti tal lejber dawk il vot l-ohra( ta Alternattiva u il partiti iz zghar ) huma nies tad demm u il laham u ihallsu it taxxi..Dak serq hux...Is sabiha hija li int jien u kullhadd qeghedin inhallsu ghal erba deputati zejda li hemm fil parlament...dak serq hux...ghax suppost qeghedin inhallsu ghal 65 ,mentri hemm 69....
A mourinho - sa fejn naf jien fl-1987 il-PN tela' fil-gvern; jigifieri kif qed tghid int jekk kien hemm xi hadd li seraq l-elezzjoni kien il-PN! Is-soltu nies jippruvaw iqarrqu bin-nies!
sur eddiejoyce, JPO fil 2008 iktar sfida lil alfred sant milli qaghad jibki quddiemu...pero ma seraq l ebda elezzjoni kif ghamlu il labour fl 1987....jekk forsi insejt xi naqra ;) u nghiduha kif inhi, mnalla kien hu li ressaq il prvt members bill biex beda il process ghad divorzju....!!!!
camillu P.s. jekk kont taf li hemm min inghata l-karta r-roza, safra u blu u ma kienx intitolat ghaliha kien fid-dmir tieghek li tirrapurtah. Minn dak li ghedt int qed tikkonferma kemm hemm korruzzjoni fil-Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti ghaliex issa ilkom hemmhekk 25 sena u ma nehhejtuhomx. La ma nehhejtuhomx jew kellhom dritt ghalihom jew jekk ma kellhomx xorta wahda hallejtuhom. Mela nsejt x'kien qal siehbek li "jekk ikun hemm min jaf bil-korruzzjoni u ma jaghmel xejn biex iwaqqafha ikun huwa wkoll korrott"?
camillu P.s. jekk kont taf li hemm min inghata l-karta r-roza, safra u blu u ma kienx intitolat ghaliha kien fid-dmir tieghek li tirrapurtah. Minn dak li ghedt int qed tikkonferma kemm hemm korruzzjoni fil-Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti ghaliex issa ilkom hemmhekk 25 sena u ma nehhejtuhomx. La ma nehhejtuhomx jew kellhom dritt ghalihom jew jekk ma kellhomx xorta wahda hallejtuhom. Mela nsejt x'kien qal siehbek li "jekk ikun hemm min jaf bil-korruzzjoni u ma jaghmel xejn biex iwaqqafha ikun huwa wkoll korrott"?
camillu li taghti x-xoghol huwa tajjeb imma x-xoghol irid ikun jezisti kif kien jezisti meta KMB kien ta x-xoghol lil dawk kienu tqabbdu jahdmu mhux bhal meta il-PN kienu impjegaw is-600 gatekeeper qabel l-elezzjoni meta lanqas f'Malta kollha ma kien hawn 600 xatba ahseb u ara kemm kellu xtiebi l-Gvern. Meta taghti x-xoghol li jkun jezisti tkun qed taghti d-dinjita lill-haddiem. Meta lill-haddiem taghtih xoghol li ma jezistix imma biss biex tnaqqas il-qaghad minn fuq ir-registru tkun qed tghaddi z-zmien bil-haddiem u twaqqghalu d-dinjità tieghu.
Ha jaghtih tal-qamar bil-genn ma jmurx jitlef is-siggu tal-poter minn taht il-warrani!
Ian George Walker
They must have missed Peter Serracino Inglott.
Ian George Walker
They must have missed Peter Serracino Inglott.
Skaldazghira, mela insejt is-7,000 ta' qabel l-elezzjoni tal-1987 meta kellkom lill-KMB fit-tmun? U dawk ma kienu xejn lejn il-mijiet ta' kartun roza, kartun isfar u kartun blu li kienu hargu lil persuni li ma kinux jikkwalifikaw u baqghu sal-lum bihom!
Luke Camilleri
Fl-ahhar tal-laqgha tqassmet LISTA TAL-KCEJJEN li l-Prim u tieghu irridu jikkunsidraw ghaz-zjajjar taghhom! Certament il-kcina ta' Franco Debono ma kienetx inkluza f'din il-Lista!
Li zgurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr idduskitew kien kif jistghi jergghu JISIRQU l-elezzjoni bhal ma ghamlu fi 2008 ! Izda din id-darba m'ghamdhomx lil JPO joqghod jibki, kif kien qallu jaghmel Joe Saliba. Jew li jfixkel lil Alfred Sant meta kienu giegheluh jaghmilha ta' gurnalist !!!
ohhh...so just by being outside a door...means being demoted to a door woman....why dont you report this incident to the ETC ....forsi they would send an inspector on sight after seeing your fertile comment ....lol
Priscilla Darmenia
limportanti li deffes lil RCC u lil Galea Curmi, imma halla barra lil membri eletti tal-parlament. ghandu ragun Franco Debono.
Gonzi, aghmel pjacir lil Malta u lill-poplu Malti. FITTEX ITLAQ.
"The Prime Minister's personal assistant Josephine Vassallo stood outside the door where the meeting was taking place." Ara, mela lahhquha gatekeeper? Din tfakkarni meta l-PN kienet waslet l-elezzjoni u biex jippruvaw jirbhu dahhlu 600 gate keeper meta lanqas f'Malta ma kien hawn daqstant xtiebi.
malonki Mhux biss siehbi, imma mill-gimgha d-dielha se jibdew jaghtu refunds tat-taxxa lill-kumpaniji, xi ftit iktar minn 400 kumpanija li se jaghtuhom lura iktar minn 9 MILJUN ewro. Hekk mhux qeghdin fil-girja tal-elezzjoni wkoll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'' Josephine Vassallo stood outside the door where the meeting was taking place.'' Ths last time I saw soemthing like this was durin a trip to Libya some 3 years ago, where a guard stood outside the hotel room of the President of Chad!!! ...of Chad, I said - not soem civilised European nation where these things are not done. And since when is this Josephine Vassallo been demoted to door- woman, miskina!Is she training for a new job already?
Ha nghidilkom jien x'gara fil-laqgha ta' dan l-istrategy group: issa li elezzjoni hi inevitabbli qablu dwar il-pjaciri u l-favuri li se jqassmu u kemm qed jistmaw voti minn kull pjacir/favur: arawhom gejjin - koncessjonijiet (taparsi) lill-kaccaturi = 5,000 vot; koncessjonijiet lil tal-hwienet dwar permessi, applikazzjonijiet = 1,000 vot; impiegi godda (u zejda) mal-gvern, korporazzjonijiet, entitajiet, ecc tal-gvern = 5,000 vot; impiegi Ghawdex (watchmen go Villa Rundle, iz-Zewwieqa, id-Dwejra) = 1,000 vot; mahfriet ta' multi, taxxa, VAT, penali = 6,000 vot; permessi tal-bini (l-aktar f'areas fejn mhux suppost) = 3,000 vot; tqassim ta' djar, garages, plots = 2,000 vot; promozzjonijiet fid-dipartimenti = 2,000 vot; ghotjiet ta' flus lix-xjuh, pensjonanti, studenti, genituri = 5,000 vot. Fl-istess hin tigi llancjata kampanja shiha u vendikattiva mill-aktar fuq il-PBS (minn dawk it-tnejn tas-soltu) u fuq il-gazzetti pro-gonzipn biex jigi iddemonizzat joseph muscat u mieghu franco debono ... ma ddecidewx biss jekk juzawx ukoll lis-sahhara tal-bidnija f'dan il-programm vast ta' propaganda ....