Labour motions ‘not informed’ by Debono rebellion, Joseph Muscat claims

Muscat: adjournment motion inspired from need to secure clear time-frame on motions on justice and home affairs.

Joseph Muscat did not comment on whether he expected support from MPs like Franco Debono on the motions: “I expect the Opposition to vote for the motions. What other MPs do is up to them.”
Joseph Muscat did not comment on whether he expected support from MPs like Franco Debono on the motions: “I expect the Opposition to vote for the motions. What other MPs do is up to them.”

Additional reporting by Miriam Dalli

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has brushed off suggestions that Labour's motions to force the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici and the Permanent Representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, are directly inspired by Nationalist MP Franco Debono's open rebellion.

The Opposition on Thursday tabled an adjournment motion to have the two motions debated at the next sitting of the House, in a bid to spike filibustering attempts by Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

Franco Debono, who broke ranks with the PN since a cabinet reshuffle in January excluded him from the potential justice minister's post, is insisting that the justice and affairs motion is debated before a 9 May money bill to implement the Budget 2012 measures.

"Our adjournment motion is inspired from the fact that our motion on justice and home affairs was presented irrespectively of Debono's concerns, back in December. We have been always consistent about it," Muscat said when asked about the Debono connection.

He would not comment on whether he expected support from MPs like Debono or Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando on the motions: "I expect the Opposition to vote for the motions. What other MPs do is up to them."

On Wednesday Muscat entered the House and walked over to the government benches where he spent 15 minutes in conversation with Debono, whose strained relations were made evident when he was seen refusing to speak to government whip David Agius.

Muscat has defended Labour's decision to present the adjournment motion: "We showed good will in saying we would not present the motions if government was willing to discuss a time-frame for the debates. Instead the government has arrogantly refused our offer. It is once again trying to dictate the agenda.

"Nobody is telling government what to do on the 9 May vote - we could have voted on the bill before, we didn't need the four-week recess."

Muscat also said he was open to have Richard Cachia Caruana testify before a parliamentary committee, as proposed by the government, but as a substitute to the Opposition's motion to have him resign,

The Opposition's motion of censure was presented last week, a full year after Wikileaks released embassy cables showing the diplomatic behind-the-scenes efforts of Cachia Caruana to argue that Malta had suspended its Partnership for Peace membership, and not "withdrawn" its participation, allowing it to rejoin the Nato programme in 2008.

John Paul Sciberras
@just ray: int taf taqra jew?
@blekkrows Int wiehed min dawk l-4 jaqaw?
Mur emmnu miskin lil dan !!!! Ahjar jghidilna fuq xix kien qied jitkellem ma FD fuq il bankijiet tal Gvern!? Dan il poplu jrid ikun jaf Dr Muscat.... mhux ovvja kienet dik il mossa biex jigbed l-attenzzjoni tal kumplament tal Kamra. U nahsen ahjar tghidilna kif behsiebek tiffinanzja il kontijiet tad dawl u lilma ghax is shadow minister tieghek Dr Farrugia lanqas ghandu idea kemm Hu barmil zejt ahseb u ara bil kemm ser irahhas il kontijiet. Tal lejber dejjem listess jibqaw..... paroli kemm trid u fatti
@ blekkrows. That is the problem with you lot! You think that because you are Nationalist you know everything and the rest of the world is just FUCKEN stupid as you said. But the truth is that you are more than blinded than the blind and the worst that one could ever happen to him is not to realize his own stupidity! It people like you (probably in the 20's)who lead GonziPN to believe he has become almighty, but soon he will realize that he build his glass castle on sand. If I were you I would go into a corner facing the wall and hide your self from the resr of the world.
I believe the heading should read ' "not inspired" by Debono rebellion' and not "not informed". The heading does not make sense.
What if?
L-oppozizzjoni zgur li ma ghamlet xejn hazin billi talbet ghall-aggornament tal-mozzjoni. Dak xogholha. Issa jekk hemm xi deputati minn nahha tal-gvern li jemmnu bl-urgenza tal-mozzjoni huwa dover taghhom li jappogjaw lill-oppozizzjoni. The more the merrier.
John Paul Sciberras
L-MPs Maltin min jigdeb l-aktar u l-poplu specjalment xi 4 li jigu jpecilqu fuq il-MALTATODAY, stupidi bizejjed biex jibilghu li jghidulhom. Labour motions not informed by Debono Rebellion: YEAH RIGHT! FUCKING RIGHT! Mela hsibtu kulhadd stupidu jew!