Franco Debono in meeting with Chris Said and David Casa
Rebel backbencher Franco Debono met up with Chris Said and David Casa hours after a PN strategy meeting was held at the Corinthia hotel.
In spite of his scathing attacks on the Prime Minister and the PN, the Nationalist MP Franco Debono found no problem having lunch today with justice minister Chris Said and Nationalist MEP David Casa.
Earlier in the day, Said and Casa were involved in a strategy meeting at the Corinthia Hotel with the Prime Minister on the margins of a digital gaming conference.
Contacted by MaltaToday, Franco Debono confirmed the meeting did take place but he insisted it was a "personal meeting."
The three had a sumptuous Chinese meal at the Blue Room restaurant in Valletta, a suitable location for the Nationalist Party to attempt to bridge with Debono even after calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi for refusing to set a date for an Opposition motion on justice and home affairs that is intended at getting Carm Mifsud Bonnici to resign - one of Debono's major peeves in the ongoing debacle with the government.
Last Monday, Franco Debono accused the Prime Minister of procrastinating over the motion censuring home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, and even challenged Gonzi and at least two ministers to a public debate "to discuss all points [he] raised in recent months in any forum he deems fit."
Debono's antics have led both political parties to engage in electoral preparations, but it is expected that Debono will simply abstain when it comes to the 9 May budget bill - a money bill that government needs to win to continue governing.
In the aftermath of the Cabinet reshuffle in January in which Chris Said was promoted to Justice Minister, Debono had claimed that he is not Said's "little child" after the newly appointed minister made contact with him via SMS, asking him for help to carry out the necessary reforms.
In comments to MaltaToday, Debono has insisted that he has a friendly relationship with both Casa and Said. "The meal was pre-arranged before the developments in Parliament this week," he said.