Fishermen hold 'positive' meeting with Lawrence Gonzi

Following the suspension of a protest earlier this month, the two fishermen cooperatives hold a 'positive' meeting with PM Lawrence Gonzi and MEP Simon Busuttil.

In December, the fishermen held a demonstration against the way they were being treated by Minister George Pullicino
In December, the fishermen held a demonstration against the way they were being treated by Minister George Pullicino

This morning Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and his special envoy, MEP Simon Busuttil held a meeting with The National Cooperative for Fisheries and The Fishermen's Cooperative in Valletta.

Journalists were only allowed to stay for the first couple of minutes of the meeting, which is part of the structured dialogue meetings the PN is having with civil society and social partners following the Prime Minister's call for a reaching-out exercise on his re-election as party leader.

As the meeting came to an end, national fisherman cooperative president Ray Bugeja told MaltaToday that the meeting was positive and added "we are satisfied with the outcome of the today's meeting the Prime Minister."

He said that the difficulties of the cooperatives were addressed during the meeting and explained that "further discussions will be held with rural affairs minister George Pullicino and the Prime Minister's special envoy Simon Busuttil."

Asked whether the meetings will be held separately, Bugeja answered in the affirmative. He also said that all protests have been called off for the moment, as discussions continue.

The meeting with the two fishermen cooperatives follows the suspension of  a planned  demonstration on 20 April, in protest at a lack of agreement with the rural affairs ministry in conceding to their demands on fisheries reform.

The protest was scuppered following the intervention of Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil.

In a letter sent to the fishing co-op, Busuttil scheduled a meeting for this morning. In comments to MaltaToday, co-op president Ray Bugeja had said that he received the request for the meeting after the co-op made its plans for a protest public.

While he wouldn't reveal the details of the communication, Bugeja said that Busuttil recognized the problems which the fishermen are facing.

"We are very satisfied to be meeting with the Prime Minister. In view of this the protest has been suspended," Bugeja said, insisting that it was not "cancelled".

In  December, some 500 members from the fishing community held a protest against the fisheries management plan and rural affairs minister George Pullicino.

The protestors held up a banner accusing Pullicino of arrogance and accused him of leaving fishermen without a job in 2012.

So the fishermen have become the fish with gonzi fishing for their votes. What a bunch of wet sponges.
Luke Camilleri
Sejrin jibqghu IMZAZZEN is-sajjieda u JERGGHU jibilghu il-lixka li joffru Gonzi u l-Klikka kull qabel elezzjoni? Tghid indunnaw li saret 'LAQGHA POZITIVA' ghax xejn ma jsir b'kumbinazzjoni meta tersaq l'elezzjoni?
One would certainly not expect fishermen to have university degrees but neither would expect them to be stupid. Why did it have to be talks with gonzi to yield positive results? And why will talks with Pullicino be held now when these could have been held months ago? What possible use are talks with Busutill and what do they expect from him except emty rethoric and empty promises like he did prior to the EU referendum? Apparently Maltese feishermen love bananas.
Ray Bugeja qal hafna affarijiet qabel ir-referendum biex dhalna fl-ewropa u dejjem qabel maghhom , issa wara li gabkom darkom mal hajt rega ha jgiebkom zewg, emmnuh ta halli jerga jwahhalulkom, ma hattu xejn u ghadu hemm u tibqaw temnuh, nahseb intom il-hut u Gonzi s-sajjied u b'sunnara jew b'kulpara jghinu Bugeja LOL.
Ian George Walker
From now till the elections, ALL meetings will be "positive" The fun starts later.
Ian George Walker
From now till the elections, ALL meetings will be "positive". The fun will start later.
I always believed that fishermen caught fish in THEIR nets and not be caught in Gonzi's net after having been caught so many times by Eddie Fenech Adami and Gonzi himself. However, I seem to have been wrong and the fishermen led by those who used to take EFA for a tour on their luzzu before opening the fish fair in Marsaxlokk are being led again into the OPN net by their leaders. No wonder the PN broadcasting media is called NET.
Patricia Marsh
Dan Gonzi skanta ghax Muscat qieghed iwieghed kollox lil kulhadd???? Ara veru li l-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik!!!!
It has always been obvious that Ray Bugeja will never be against the PN, and the December protests were bogus protests. If fishermen are lackeys enough to, once again, swallow the bait (no pun intended) and believe what Gonzi promises them, then good luck to them. They might just as well sell their trawlers and pack up their nets. We can get enough fish for a good price from Sicily. They're selling the lampuki to the Sicilians at sea, anyway, so what's the difference for us?
Probably all fishermen will now be issued with all their needs of their job like bait, fuel etc till election day, then, God forbids if elected again then we will see what to impose on these fishermen to hinder their living and progress.