JPO: ‘It is not in my personal interest if early elections are called’

Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando reiterates calls for political situation to be resolved ‘in the coming days’.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando backed up calls for early elections
Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando backed up calls for early elections

Adds Pullicino Orlando's latest comments on Facebook at 3:45pm

Government MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who will not be contesting the forthcoming general elections, has reiterated his call that "the political situation is resolved - either way - in the coming days".

Earlier this week on Facebook, while a meeting of the PN parliamentary group was ongoing, Pullicino Orlando had also backed up calls for early elections. Like backbenchers Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett, Pullicino Orlando had not attended the meeting.

Writing this morning on his Facebook wall, Pullicino Orlando said: "It is unfair on the country to prolong the uncertainty. As representatives of the people we should always remember that the national interest supersedes any other consideration."

Pullicino Orlando illustrated his comments with a picture of the Maltese flag.

Reacting to criticism he faced for supporting calls for an early election, Pullicino Orlando said his appeal for "a clearly charted way forward" was "definitely not in my personal interest if elections are held early - I will not be contesting the next elections".

He then added: "I will be very disappointed if I am not allowed to continue putting the Malta Council for Science and Technology on a sound footing-with the invaluable assistance I am getting from my board and staff."

In the latest update to his Facebook page, Pullicino Orlando wrote  "Unless the government suffers a defeat in a vote of confidence or a money bill it can continue to govern till the end of the legislature."

However the Zebbug MP added "The question is whether it is wise to do so, given the circumstances. The impasse between Hon. Debono and the Prime Minister is not only harming the country----it is also harming the Prime Minister's standing."

"If the Prime Minister continues to be weakened it will surely not help the PN's electoral chances. He has been re-confirmed as leader of the party with a resounding majority. He WILL be in the forefront of the forthcoming electoral campaign. How can a statesman who has had to endure months of humiliation lead a campaign with his head held high?"

Intom is socjalisti ( jekk ghadkom) li qedin tpecilqu hawn tafu kemm ilu ma jkollu l-maggoranza tal poplu warajh il lejber? 36 sena (naqqas 22 xahar ta ingann minn alfred sant) ghax wieghed li ser inehhi l- vat u flok VAT telaq Lino Spiteri. Jekk hawn xi hadd li seraq elezzjoni sur privitera huwa lejber 1981 ( joey muscat iniffsu ametta fil konferenza fejn qal li 1981 ma rebahiex il lejber) Prova aktar minn hekk minn halq il leader taghkom ma jistax ikollkom. KMB dahhal 8000 ruh mal gvern u dan mhux li nisimaw imma provi. Qatt smajtu xi cahda mil ex mexxej bravu li kellna KMB? Il hmieg tal lejber TIPPRUVAW twaddbuh fuq hadd iehor pero qatt ma jista jirnexxilkhom ghax il passat tal lejber huwa wisq mahmug u korrott. 1981 kellna gvern illegitimu u baqa ikaxkar saqajh sa l-ahhar gurnata sakemm seta u tatu cans il kostituzzjoni Maltija. 36 sena minghajr maggoranza tal poplu Malti....... il vera partit tal misthija. U nghidilkhom jekk il lejber ma jerbahx din l-elezzjoni ( tigi meta tigi) ma nafx lima elezzjoni dan il partit taghkom irid jerbah ghax vera bla sinsla.
Luke Camilleri
Wo said once - ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. It wasn't lawrence Gonzi for sure , otherwise he'd call a general electon or just move on!
JPO - "definitely not in my personal interest if elections are held early - I will not be contesting the next elections". Mela toqodx tiddetta x'ghandu jsir. Halli lil min suppost jiddeciedi x'ghandu jsir. Inti ghalhekk qed titkellem hekk biex joseph muscat ihallik tokkupa il post li tak gonzi. JPO OPPORTUNIST MIL KBAR
Unfortunately, neither JPO nor the PN will be in power next time around. Of course, as for Debono, he will definitely not go anywhere. If he had to run, he probably will obtain less than a 0-100 votes from the PN. If runs for PL, he probably will get o-10 votes. Sad indeed what one individual can do to serve his own personal interest and adgenda.
Igor P. Shuvalov
One wonders why JPO felt that he had to add the last paragraph when this has not to do with the Government Crisis or election. Or this means that he is worried that his tenure of this post is being endangered because of his comments?!
Some four years ago he told us that he had no personal interest in the Mistra disco when he was being targeted viciously by Alfred Sant on the eve of an election! PN lost around 7,000 votes because of this land speculator/dentist and PN (?) MP. His personal interest is his partner Carmen who is a PL delegate. Hallina Jeff!!