Hermann Schiavone launches PN candidature

Hermann Schiavone launches candidature for the next general election in defiance of the Nationalist Party and Franco Debono.

Hermann Schiavone
Hermann Schiavone

Hermann Schiavone officially launched his candidature for the next general election on Friday. The PN candidate did this during an event held in Marsaxlokk, which makes part of the fifth electoral district.

Sciavone has launched his candidature despite being censured and told that he cannot present himself as a candidate by the Nationalist Party's higher echelons in December.

The PN had publically declared that Marsaxlokk activist Hermann Schiavone is not a party candidate, adding that "he has been directed not to present himself as one."

Sunday newspaper Illum is in possession of a number of photographs showing Shiavone and other persons entering an establishment in Marsaxlokk where the event was held.

In the past months, Schiavone was heavily criticised by Nationalist MP Franco Debono who also contests the fifth electoral district.

Debono had internally incessantly called for censure following the Marsaxlokk activist's allegation that the MP could have been behind an anonymous letter sent to the party in 2003 which had cost him his candidature on the fifth electoral district. Debono vehemently denied this and even informed the police.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

Dan mhux dak li qabad u ha bicca art PUBBLIKA fix-Xatt ta' Marsaxlokk u ghamel kiosk li dejjem jikber fid-daqs? Fejn huma l-awtoritajiet biex jehduha lura?
Hermann Schiavone jisfida lil Franco u lil PN ! Ma’ nafx minn fejn se nibda: l-ewwel haga Hermann jekk ma jobdix lil Partit tieghu , ma jhalluhx johrog . It-tieni jekk se jisfida jaghmilha il-Garden of Eden u jmorru xebgha nies (votanti prospettivi). Li issemma Franco huwa bizzejjed biex turi l-intenzjoni ta dan l-artiklu , ikesksu lil Franco kontra Hermann biex jerga jiftahlu kontra l-gvern u biex forsi jivvota kontra fil-Parlament. Franco m’ghandux x’jaqsam ma kandidaturi ta’ hadd ! Rigward il-vot ta’ Franco jien sa fejn naf jien kont rajt lil-Franco isabbat b’approvazzjoni fuq il-mejda ta’ quddiemu meta kien hemmm il-budget. Ezatt fil-linja tal-kamera kien meta inqara il-budget ...kien wara Tonio Fenech. Din il-Gazzetta saret qisgha in-Nazzjon fl-1972 , ghal min jiftakar konna nghidulha IL-GIDDIEBA!
Julia Farrugia qieghda issir qisa tan-NET twaddab it-tajn bl-adocc...l-unika haga tajba li ntqalet f'dan l-artiklu kienet li Herman Schiavone kien prezenti ghal ikla organizzata ghal kazin tal-banda ta' B'Bugia...Lanqas haqq il-hsara li ssir lil nies li ma ghandomx x'jaqsmu xejn inkluz il-business...Jekk tridu l-informazzjoni ezatta staqsu u investigaw sew...
Partit tat-tahwid. Mhux ta b'xejn fuq speed ahead ghan-nizla. Veru Partit maqghud il-Partit Nazzjonalista.
U t-tahwid ikompli jizdied. Din id-darba ma marx Bondi biex jaghtih palata? U x'ghandu xi jghid il-PN dwar din il-kanditatura?