‘The PN can win again’ – Austin Gatt

Transport Minister Austin Gatt says MaltaToday poll surveys are identical to the PN’s information

'We can win again' - Transport Minister Austin Gatt
'We can win again' - Transport Minister Austin Gatt

Transport Minister Austin Gatt is convinced that the Nationalist Party "can win again".

Speaking last night on TVM's Dissett, Gatt - who acknowledged that poll surveys carried by MaltaToday are "very good" and identical to the PN's - said that it was true that the PN is currently behind in the polls and if an election were to be held now, the Labour Party would win.

He was however quick to add that if the PN carried out a "responsible campaign" the party would win again.

"I only go for elections to win and I believe we can win," Gatt said.

The transport minister denied that he was spending too much time at the PN's headquarters in Hamrun: "I am not employed full-time yet ... I am just giving some advices on what can be done before the electoral campaign."

Gatt added that he had no intention of leading the electoral campaign and stressed that the PN's campaign manager was secretary general Paul Borg Olivier.

He also said that even though he has been leading the PN's campaign since 1981, it was impossible to believe one could win all the time.

"If it were like this, they would want me around the world ... even probably to be Barak Obama's consultant," he joked.

On the trouble faced by the Prime Minister in parliament Gatt said, "certainly everyone knows what the problems are ... we wouldn't continue until the end of legislature if one of our MPs votes against government in a confidence vote,".

Asked about the Speaker's casting vote when a motion of censure was presented against him, Gatt said he felt "comfortable" that he was saved by the Speaker.

Mr. bombastic take a walk down the bridge that leads to nowhere and do us all a favor when you reach the end please don't stop ,we will be so grateful except the fish.
Ara kemm hawn min ipeclaq , ghiduli min kien kapaci jikkontrolla lix xufiera tal linja! Semmu jmqar persuna wahda mejta jew hajja!!! HADD u qatt ma kien hawn bniedem kapaci li itaffilna id dejn ta tarzna (li intom kollha frankajtu mit taxxi taghkom)inkluz jiena stess..... il glieda sal barkun kif jghidu ux!!! Ma nafx ghalfejn qedin tistaghgbu li qal hekk Dr Gatt.... l-ahhar elezzjoni il lejber kellu jerbah bxi 10,000 elf vot u ara x'gara!!! Kull min ikun fit tellieqa kulhadd ghandu cans li jerbah igifieri nahseb ma qal xejn ta barra min hawn. Min ma jaqbilx ma transport il gdid ta ARRIVA u ma japprezzax is servizz, anzi tippruvaw minn ghalikhom twaqqaw ghan nejk is sitwaazjoni nahseb intom tkun qedin taqaw gha nejk ...... u nghidlikhom li intom ' you dont deserve better but the cheap and second hand stuff that socialist used to feed us' dak li jixraqilkom il hmieg li kellna.
Can't blame Austin for these kind of statements its his job to keep the supporters' hope up, but then even that is difficult for him cause only the colour blind supporters believe him today. Gauging him by his successes like the BWSC and the ARRIVA reform their hopes get even lower.
Vincente Destra jidher li inti mhux qede tghis issa, lanqas fil-medju evu, imma fi zmien il-hagar.
"I only go for elections to win and I believe we can win," Gatt said. Yes of course, but the question is can Austin tell us how?
'it was impossible to believe one could win all the time'. Isn't this the same big head that said a few months ago that the PN will win elections for the next 20 years? Bla bla bla.
you can fool some of the people all of the time you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool the majority of the people all of the time....
Ciss, mur obsor that the PN can win again !!! Alla hares le - jekk gonzipn u l-klikka iddisprata ta' madwaru se jaghmlu kif dejjem ghamlu u juzaw ir-rizorsi tal-gvern biex iqassmu l-pjaciri, l-favuri, il-promozzjonijiet, l-impiegi mal-gvern u l-entitajiet tieghu, il-permessi, iqassmu l-flus, jaghlqu ghajnejhom ghal kollox, jaghtu l-amnestiji, juzaw il-pbs bil-mod oxxen li ga bdew jaghmlu, juzaw l-impjegati gholja tac-civil li huma ta' gewwa maghhom .......... alla hares ma jkollhomx cans jirbhu !!!! Ta' KMB meta dahhal eluf ta' nies mal-gvern kien skandlu, mhux hekk !!!! U mbaghad ghadhom jahsbu li n-nies ghadhom hmir u imbecilli u li se jirnexxilhom jghammxuhom ghax jasfaltaw xi triq u ghax jifthu l-parlament .... huma u l-klikka jimpalaw il-miljuni ta' ewro u l-poplu jghammxuh b'xi progett (minghalihom) biex jaghtihom il-vot !!! Kemm huma nies bla sinsla, bezziegha u boloh dawk li jmexxu l-kampanja elettorali ta' gonzipn !!!!!
Minn fommok 'l Alla Dr. Gatt. Difficli, by default, li ma jtlax il-PL. Pero' nibqghu nittamaw li ma mmorrux lura ghal medjuevu nord korean socjalista. Le ghal Malta socjalista. Kburin, fir-rebh u fit-telf, li ahna tal-Lemin. Il-Liberta' l-ewwel u qabel kollox.
Ara jafdalikx it transport pubbliku amerikan Obama!!! tirranga l-amerka!!!
"I am not employed full-time yet ... I am just giving some advices on what can be done before the electoral campaign." Yea just like the advice you gave gonzi to mention N Korea, even a 6th grader would steer away from such. If PN wins then Malta deserves all the pain and anguish it deserves. Austin's staements proves PL right gonzipn is only playing for time in order to use incumbency to steal the people's votes. He is also admitting they do not have a majority, neither in parliament nor in the streets.
"I am not employed full-time yet ... I am just giving some advices on what can be done before the electoral campaign." Yea just like the advice you gave gonzi to mention N Korea, even a 6th grader would steer away from such. If PN wins then Malta deserves all the pain and anguish it deserves.
If the term ' bulshitter' were not already coined, it would have been specially invented for this individual. There has never been another person in the political history of Malta to has screwed up so many projects and companies which fell under his reponsibility, and under performed so much, as has this Austin Gatt....at our cost! Yet he behaves as if he is God's gift to the PN and this country! But then, what do you expect from a Party whose members clap and rejoice at a minister who has embarassed the party and the counry with his Arriva disaster! In other civilised countries, where the national interest comes first and foremost, he would have been kicked out on his ass and asked to please never to go anywhere near Pieta' or Castille ever again ! But No, the PN bravi hailed this man as some sort of hero. It is from this time that I realised that the PN's values and good sense have gone down the drain absolutely and completly. Austin Gatt just keep your promise to us all. Leave..... and close the door behind you. You will not be missed.
JAqaw ghax se tibdew minn ghada tibghatu iktar minn 9 MILJUN EWRO rifuzjoni tat-taxxa lil xi ftit iktar minn 400 kumpanija? Ghidilna Wistin, ghidilna.
Anette B Cassar
Dan l-istess ministru li qalilna li l-PN Ghandu 20 sena ohra gvern. Issa qed jghid li l-PN JISTA' jerbah elezzjoni. Donnu mhux daqshekk komdu jghamel imhatra fuqha din issa. Tafu intom bhal meta kien lest jilghab imhatra li spiccat il-maifattura hawn Malta.
God forbid!!!
I belive we can,and we will win if you gave everything that Franco Debono want.
hahahaha flok Barak Obama,biex flok disastru F' Malta biss ikun disastru Universali
Dan mhux l-istess ministru li qalilna, meta varaw l-Arriva Mai, li minn ghada jispiccaw il-Buzullotti u li taghna servizz Avante Garde. Kulhadd jaf x'pudina kbira ghamel. Sewwa tghamlu tistriehu fuqu ta` GonziPN. Komplu sejrin hekk!
Luke Camilleri
....using funds , or what's left from the country's coffers, our taxes, to give out handouts to buy back disgrunted Natioanlist Voters , IDENTIFIED from the last national survey - The Local Louncil election results! Do Malta a favour and end all this with your VOTE!
Most GonziPN ministers are feeling "comfortable". I wonder if the general public can declare the same.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Stating that the PN's survey is identical to that of the Maltatoday means that at least there is a 12 point difference and yet Dr Gatt hopes that the PN would overturn this deficit but of course this means they need time to implement the tactical plans. No wonder that the Prime Minister has forgotten all his priorities, and his only target is to prolong the time , possibly to the last day possible, before calling an election.
The Gozo Tunnel clown has spoken!! Keep on dreaming!!