Gonzi underlines government’s priorities for work, education

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says 1 May is a celebration of the worker and the achievements Malta made through its accession to the European Union.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this morning reiterated the PN's commitment to continue generate work and invest in the education so that coming generations are guaranteed a place of work.

Addressing party followers in Birkirkara, Gonzi said that 1 May is a celebration and a reminder of government's commitment of always giving priority to work and education.

"Malta's achievements are the result of a government that wasn't afraid of taking decisions and of always being on the right side of history. We weren't afraid of change - we privatised the dockyard because it was the better solution for the country. The protests didn't stop us because in life it's impossible to please everyone if the right decision must be taken," Gonzi said.

He added that government always kept in mind the families in all reforms, policies and decisions it carried out.

"Look at the investment we keep making in education. Coming generations will be qualified to work anywhere they want. We are paving the way for future generations to secure good jobs."

Gonzi said that all those who opposed EU membership have been proven wrong: "They used to say we would only receive Lm1 million. So far, we have already received €1 billion."

He said that Malta's positive results were also thanks to the workers. "They are our secret. We invest in the worker because we believe in the worker. Investments in the environment, education and health are all done to give our workers to best possible in life," Gonzi insisted.

The Prime Minister added that Malta's fame as a "serious and responsible country" was also down to the workers who never "let us down".

"The hard work has rewarded us with a good reputation ... and I will not allow anyone to ruin it," he warned.

When Opposition leader Joseph Muscat was visiting Libya earlier this month, Gonzi warned him not to "tarnish" Malta's reputation with the foreigners.

"I repeat it again. I will not allow anyone to tarnish our reputation," he said.

Referring to the visit the North Korean ambassador made to Muscat, Gonzi said he conceded that the Korean Central News Agency may have misquoted Muscat when it reported Muscat as saying the Koreans will greet the centenary of Kim Il Sung's birth "with shining achievements in economic construction under the wise leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un".

"But what worries me most is that the PL's official spokesperson said the PL respected the legitimate rights of the sovereign state - the same country which received international condemnation for its satellite launch," Gonzi said.

"This PL's declaration is serious and dangerous which goes on to show the lack of seriousness of the party, which could also ruin our reputation."

Speaking at length on education and work, Gonzi said that while the Opposition was continuously downgrading government's work, the moment of truth would come in the general elections.

"People always chose well during elections and I am convinced that the electorate will once again make the right decision," he said.



Luke Camilleri
U hallina Gonz tkompliex tghid cucati! ------------ is a celebration of the worker and the achievements Malta made through its accession to the European Union. ------------ Jintilfu qedin id-drittijiet u l-benficcji ghal haddiema kif SPLODA ix-xoghol prekarju aktar mill missili ta Pyongyang u SPLODA l-isfrutar legalizzata bil-barka tieghek! U xi nghidu ghal leve li tilef il-haddiem bid-daqqa ta' piena tieghek tal granet tal-festi li jaqghu fil-weekend! Kemm bi hsiebek iddum taghaddi in-niexs biz-zmien!
Dr.Gonzi, you are always boasting of the 0ne billion we have available till end 2013. Let's hope we will make use of ALL that promised money. But, please, can you tell us how much money we subscribed to the EU's coffers ?. This question has been asked hundreds of times, but neither you nor any of your financial wizards (sic) ever had the gumption to answer. Why ?. Please inform us. We have a RIGHT to know where our money is going. Unless you come out with precise figures many will take your words with a ton of salt.
This cheap talk of the PM is just a show of his weakness and lack of strategy. Why talk about education? Because it is impossible to measure true deliverables and possible to say anything or anything goes! It is true that spending in education has increased significantly. One just needs to see the crazy recruitment spree at the university in the past eight months to observe this. Even the ongoing massive buildings taking place are a strong indication of this. But quality is at rock bottom levels. Alas School teachers have not done so well and a new curriculum is currently being forced down their throat. Soon the country will have many unemployed graduates just like the rest of Europe perhaps in the coming years.
Is this the best gonzi can do, scaremongering about statements that werenever said or twisted according to one's spin. gonzi you have lost it, not that you ever had it, the only time you said anything that made sense was when you said "Judge me by what I do not by what I said" and you did nothing except burden the people with taxes and useless projects, but said a lot of bull droppiungs and hollow rethoric. Time that you disappeared from the political scene and back to some chairmanship with Zaren or Caqnu.
Veru li lanqas zejt ma baqghalek f'wiccek Gonz. Trid taghmel prijorità ix-xoghol meta qed thalli li jinghataw kuntratti b'inqas mill-paga minima u thalli eluf ta' haddiema barranin jiehdu xogh il-haddiema Maltin? Ma nghidlek "ma tisthix?" ghax lanqas zejt ma baqghalek f'wiccek u lanqwaas taf tisthi.
"People always chose well during elections and I am convinced that the electorate will once again make the right decision," he said. L-aktar u nahseb l-unika haga li l-Hon Gonzi qal biss-SENS kemm ilu Prim Ministru. Ejja mela ha morru ghall-Elezzjoni. Il-Poplu Sovran.