‘Bring our boys back home,’ families of Maltese crewmen held in Tripoli tell government

Families of Maltese crewmen held in Tripoli in appeal to government to step up efforts in seeking their release, and unconditional return of Malta-chartered ferry seized by port authorities.

File: The MV Azzurra
File: The MV Azzurra

As the MV Azzurra saga enters its 13th day, conditions on board the Maltese-chartered passenger and cargo ferry are said to have deteriorated over the weekend, as water and food supplies have run out, and Libyan authorities still prohibiting the ship to sail back to Malta.

Informed sources have told MaltaToday that armed soldiers have surrounded the Moldovan-flagged ferry, and the crew prohibited from disembarking, leaving them without any food or water.

The Libyan ticketing agent who is liasing with the Tripoli Port Authorities has been warned to stay away, and reportedly threatened to be jailed if he approached the ship.

He was said to have been prohibited from taking any water or food supplies to the crew members, four of whom are Maltese.

Meanwhile, one Maltese crewman told MaltaToday that this morning, the ship's Turkish Captain was threatened via radio that if he attempted to steer out of harbour to return to Tripoli, he would risk being "bombed by the Libyan air force".

MaltaToday broke the story on the MV Azzurra's arrest in Tripoli harbour last Thursday, but since then, families claim that "little has been done by government or the Opposition" to seek the release of the crewmen and the return of the ship.

MaltaToday is informed that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has called on the Libyan authorites to have the ship and its crew "unconditionally released" after a communication from the Tripoli Maritime Authority specifically told the charter company that the ship may leave Tripoli "on condition it does never return."

Foreign minister Tonio Borg has also been in contact with the Libyan embassy attache', while Malta's ambassador to Tripoli has been engaged on the matter

But families are claiming that not enough is being done, and the conditions on board the Azzurra are fast becoming desperate.

The Azzurra is ostensibly being held by Tripoli authorities who are acting on reports by Libyan business giants Husni Bey Group, who claimed the ship was carrying smuggled goods.

MaltaToday is in possession of correspondence sent in March by the brother of prominent millionaire Libyan businessman Husni Bey to Libya's interim president Moustafa Abdul Jalil and Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib, in which he denounces the M/V Azzurra as a trading ship "used to transport smuggled goods."

Bey alleges in the letter that cars with Maltese licence plates vehicles leave the ship and enter Libya "without compliance" avoiding taxes and duties, and "freely distribute their goods to traders and markets."

"Those who profit are Maltese traders and smugglers who have even opened markets and shops in Libya. These goods include some that have almost reached their expiry date, they even involve alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, and some of them might not even be suitable for human consumption and could cause serious harm to the consumer. The history of Malta has seen operations of reprinting best-by dates and committing fraud in this respect."

The letter was copied to the Libyan Chamber of Commerce, the Ports Authority, Police and tax departments, calling on them to "stop any goods from being loaded or unloaded" from the Azzurra, and that the "shipping line be placed under surveillance and call it to account as it has permitted these goods to be brought onto the ship."

Contacted at his offices in Italy, HB Group chairman Husni Bey - whose interests in Malta include the Metropolis development in Gzira - told this newspaper that Maltese and Libyan "small-time businessmen" had allegedly created a "commercial mafia."

Smuggling allegations

The M/V Azzurra was reportedly held in a remote part of Tripoli Harbour, and its Maltese and Turkish crew prohibited from leaving the vessel. Sources close to the crew claimed conditions on board the ship were said to be "desperate", as they struggled to get water and food supplies on board to the crewmen over the past days.

The Moldovan-flagged ferry M/V Azzurra is chartered by Maltese company Zammit Group and Turkish company Fergun Shipping, and has been in service since last November, ferrying passengers and goods to Tripoli twice a week.

But ten days ago, the ship was greeted by armed police officers as it moored in Tripoli and prepared to unload its cargo from Malta.

While the cargo and passengers were allowed to disembark, port authorities denied the same to the crew who were told that they were under investigation for contraband.

The correspondence seen by MaltaToday confirms claims by a Libyan government official who told this newspaper the Azzurra had been "under observation" for some time: "Every time this ship docks, we have 'thuwar' (thugs) with guns coming to offload it... there were several reports complaining about this boat, and we are now making an official transfer of this boat to stop at Misurata or cancelling its license to Libya."

But while this source claims the cargo aboard the Azzurra was suspected to be "so sensitive" because of militia groups seen unloading it, the Maltese shipping agent - who has requested anonymity - has insisted with MaltaToday that no contraband was ever found on board the Azzurra.

"All the cargo was let off, and it is ridiculous to hold the ship responsible if somebody imports contraband," the agent said.

When the ship was released, the director-general of Tripoli port told Captain Hassan Salim Jouili in a letter that the Azzurra could "on condition that it does not return to the port of Tripoli in any form at all and that the Captain and owner of the ship are informed of this."

'Trade war' claims

One Maltese businessman however, claims the arrest of the Azzurra is the beginning of "an all-out trade war" between Malta and Libya.

Maltese and Libyan businessmen have been using the ferry to transport an estimated €3 million worth of goods every week, which filled most stores around the capital, while trucks and vehicles supplied and stocked warehouses around the Libyan capital.

The Husni Bey group is Libya's largest import-export enterprise and represents most of the major global companies in food, general products, medicines and services.

The same Maltese businessman who spoke to MaltaToday claimed Husni Bey's influence on the Libyan authorities threatens to push other operators out of business. "The Maltese government appears impotent to protect our commercial interests, and the livelihoods of many Maltese whose jobs depend on the exports to Libya, in the wake of the current economic climate in Europe."

This is not the first time that maltese were caught in the middle of a contraband case in Libya. In the seventies Mintoff had also interceded on behalf of a well know businessman who had been caught and found guilty and was serving a jail term in Libya. Mintoff managed to get him back to Malta, no need to mention names except that he was blue eyed boy who never reciprocated Mintoff's part in his release and you could still hear him talk against labour and Mintoff. But then we labourites are way up above these sort of people. It is up to gonzi now to show what he really manged to get out of Malta's part in the Libyan conflict except the few back slaps he already got.
Sur Prim Ministru ta Ghjni,,,,Gibt tant Barranin fi zmien il krizi Libjana ma ghandekx is sahha iggib l erba maltin lura Malta,,jew tibza tmur henmm issa,,,,ghax ma jkollox cans taghmel il priedki fil vojt ....Mur u titlifx zmien,,,,forsi iddabbar xi erba voti ohra ...Chicken Gonz
Missierijietna kienu jghejdu li meta tigi id daqqa " KULLHADD JIGBED GHAL XAWWATU "..u " IL LUPU IBIDEL SUFU " imma lupu jibqa..u mela jigi xi hadd bravu u jghejdilna li xi pajjiz iehor ser jinsa l-interessi tieghu sabiex jacevola lil xi pajjiz iehor ghax ikun ghenu SEW f`xi gwerra...J`Alla il Libjani HUTNA !! ipattulna dak li ghamilna maghhom ( meta kienu fil bzonn ) billi ma ihallux inkwiet zghir jifridna. Kellu bzonn li ghanke fil kwistjonijiet tat tfittix ghaz zejt ma jghoqodux isibu ix xaghara fl`ghagina, meta ghandhom zejt bir rimi. Imma meta ghandek gvern imnejjek ma tasal imkien....paroli biss...
"The Maltese government appears impotent to protect our commercial interests, and the livelihoods of many Maltese" What do you expect from a spineless foreign minister and politically appointed ambassadors. Just a few days ago Gonzi boasted of the opportunities that exist for Maltese in Libya. It appears that he is not able to back what he said a few days ago with concrete action.
Libya - from the frying pan into the fire. Congratulations France, UK, USA, NATO for the Pandora's box you have opened in Libya.
Dr. Gonzi ahjar milli toqghod mohhok taqra l-gazzetti x'qal Dr. pulicino Orlando jew Franco Debono tmur tigri ghand l-Ambaxxatur Libjan u ggib malajr lil Maltin min Tripoli, u mhux toqghod iddur l-kazini biex icaccpulek ghal xejn, hlief awwarek ma tarax int. Mur isa ejja haffef u toqghodx tippopa kemm ghamilt sew fuq il-Libja meta kien hemm il gwerra, issa uri kemm int qalbien, mela ilhom hemm imwahhlin zmien, il paroli hallieh u ghamel fatti jew jigu jew inkeccu lil L-Ambaxxatur mela nizelu bihom wara li ghamilna hafna ghalihom, Maltin l-ewwel u qabel kullhadd