Increasing utility rates helped us save factory jobs in 2008 – Fenech

Finance Minister defends removal of subsidy on fuel costs when financial crisis threatened industrial relocation

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech
Finance Minister Tonio Fenech

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has stood by a momentous decision to raise utility prices in 2008, declaring that subsidising the cost of fuel would have made it impossible to keep industry from relocating from Malta during the economic crisis.

Fenech defended his four-year record in achieving sustainable finances, which this year saw the deficit climb down to 2.7 per cent of the gross domestic product after announcing a €40 million cut in government spending in January 2012.

But he defended the decision to raise utility tariffs, saying government could have not sustained factory salaries in 2008 that prevented major industrial players from leaving the island.

"The most difficult moment I encountered was during the economic crisis when ST Microelectronics was close to leaving the island. I had even met up with STM's chief executive. Had we lost such companies like STM, Trelleborg and Methode, no amount of investment promotion would have got us such enormous industrial capacity back," Fenech said.

Responding to questions on the effect of utility rates on business, Fenech said business and industry had to respond to the challenge of energy costs by investing in alternative energy resources.

"The reality of the international price of oil is what it is... many of these factories were attracted to Malta because of the government's indiscriminate subsidy on fuel costs. But had we not raised the rates we could not have paid the salaries of so many factory workers whose employers were so close to relocating away from the island.

"Even businesses know they must reform with more efficient modes of production to save energy," Fenech said.

The minister said that with the impending coming into operation of the Delimara power station extension, and the eventual completion of the Malta-Sicily interconnector, the Marsa power station would be finally decommissioned in October 2013. "We will then look into European funding for the eventual conversion of Delimara to use gas for its fuel," Fenech said of the new turbines that will run on heavy fuel oil.

Fenech also said the government will be exploring more ways of outsourcing services it provides to the private sector, in a bid to reduce its complement and curb government expenditure on the public sector. "We have already stated doing it in the sector for elderly care through public-private partnerships, and we recently took the decision to replace just one of every two government employees who retires."

The finance minister said the European sovereign debt crisis that followed the financial crisis of 2008 had been precipitated by "politicians who strayed from the line of sustainability to dish out more money than they could possibly afford."

Fenech said Malta had managed to achieve economic stability through a programme of financial sustainability, drawing comparisons with other neighbouring countries that were experiencing high levels of debt and debt servicing problems.

"You cannot have economic growth without financial stability... our sustainable finances were the sole recipe for economic sustainability. Today we see the serious consequences of what too much borrowing can wreak upon a country.

"Not so Malta - the corrective measures we took in the last Budget to cut down spending, means investors don't need to expect any unexpected shocks."

"Today we see the serious consequences of what too much borrowing can wreak upon a country." - Tonio Fenech Mr.Fenech you should have said these words to the late George Bonello Dupuis who once proclaimed that public debt will be paid by our children and grandchildren. It is almost nauseating to see the party responsible for over 90% of Malta's structural debt to project itself as the party who can run our finances in wisest manner.
Give us another one Tonio! Who does he think he is trying to fool?
Did Tonio ever hear "contradiction in terms"? Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad
"Increasing utility rates helped us save factory jobs in 2008 – Fenech". And what did the increase of €500 in weekly salary/honoraria in Fenech & Co helped us save?
Luke Camilleri
Dan stordut jew ghadu jqum?
Joseph Grech
Subsidizing energy is unsustainable. Social conscience for the under privileged should be within certain conditions. A threshold upper limit should be set and anything above should be paid at normal rates. Subsidizing energy is counterproductive to encourage use of efficient appliances and reducing waste. What is needed is transparency in the energy purchases by Enemalta.
mela mhux ghax ghola z-zejt minn barra ghollejt it-tariffi tad-dawl u ilma ? Dejjem b'xi skuza biex jiggustifika il-fatt li kien gholla t-tariffi META L-PREZZ TAZ-ZEJT KIEN NAQAS !
and it helped us got broke.
really....the most DIFFICULT moment???...and what was the EASIEST one?...raising your own salary exorbitantly! Your time is UP Tonio!
Ara dal-ministru lanqas bicca kunsill ma kien kapaci mexxi ahseb u ghara kemm kapaci jmexxi il-ministeru tal-finanzi u jien naf x'qed nghid ghax kien ikollna hafna xoghol relatat mal kunsill ta b'kara u nista naccertakom li kelma wahda tixraqlu KARETTA bhal siehbu GONZIKARETTAPN.
You cannot have economic growth without financial stability... our sustainable finances were the sole recipe for economic sustainability. Today we see the serious consequences of what too much borrowing can wreak upon a country.......... What a fricken cheek like the maltese saying goes "quddiem u wara xorta" After burdening the country with €5.4 billion in debt he has the gull to pontificate about debt. This guy could drink acid and would do him no harm "Stonku infurrat bhal wiccu"
You cannot have economic growth without financial stability... our sustainable finances were the sole recipe for economic sustainability. Today we see the serious consequences of what too much borrowing can wreak upon a country.......... What a fricken cheek like the maltese saying goes "quddiem u wara xorta" After burdening the country with €5.4 billion in debt he has the gull to pontificate about debt. This guy could drink acid and would do him no harm "Stonku infurrat bhal wiccu"
But he defended the decision to raise utility tariffs, saying government could have not sustained factory salaries in 2008 that prevented major industrial players from leaving the island.....So according to genius increasing the electricity tariffs prevented main industries from leaving the island. So according to this genius's logic if Joseph lowers the tariffs these industries will leave. OK I will vote gonzipn because last time I voted PL and they lost so I will vote gonzipn so now they should lose. Get a life Tonio and dupe your gullible blue eyed idiots.
....AHA....and increasing YOUR OWN salary helped us save what you double face!!!! Issa nerga nivvutalkom!!!!
...Increasing utility rates helped us save factory jobs in 2008 – Fenech Jew biex hadtu €500 fil-gimgha?
"Increasing utility rates helped us save factory jobs in 2008" – Fenech. Tonio Fenech forgott that increasing utility rates in 2008 also helped in giving schemes to shipyard workers, and closing down the shipyard was easy. Gonzipn forgott his job guarantee, a letter signed by himself few days before 2008 election.
After what you said, do you think it was a wise decision to spend over 80 million in the CITY GATE progect.
Mark Fenech
Jiena, kull l-ahhar Gimgha (Friday) tax-xahar inkun bi msarni f'saqajja nistenna l-figuri tal-NSO dwar kemm kiber id-dejn, u sa nhar il-Gimgha stess kompla telgha sa Marzu 2012 u anke qabeż l-istess 3 xhur tas-sena 2011. Issa jiena pensjonant u ma ghandiex responsabilita fuq spalti, imma xorta nhoss. Imbaghad jitfacca l-ministru u jghid il-finanzi kollox sewwa. Qalilna wkoll il-ministru li l-extension sejra tahdem bid-diesel, u allura ma ghadiex bil-Heavy Fuel Oil, allura hemm cans tajjeb li hallasna aktar milli suppost biex taghajna dan il-kuntratt lid-Daniżi, ghax fil-workings probabbilment ghamlu li din l-extension kienet sejra tahdem il-HFO li huwa irħas mid-diesel u issa nqaleb kollox, imma basta ħadu €4 miljuni commission xi ħadd jew xi wħud hawn Malta. Tista' terġa titfaċċa din il-problema. Illum kellna l-ahbar kerha hafna lit-turizmu f'Marzu naqas bi kważi 20% fuq Marzu tas-sena l-oħra. Hu l-Ghid anke s-sena l-ohra gie f'April, allura Marzu kellu kollox normali kemm is-sena l-ohra u anke din is-sena. U allura wieħed jistaqsi dan x'inhu jiġri għax 20% anqas, huwa perċentaġġ kbir ħafna. Imma għal ministru kollox miexi fuq ir-rubini. Hekk sewwa.
Fuel prices increase gave the government more income from Duty and VAT we consumers had to pay so the bottom line is higher taxes paid by us consumers saved the jobs. This means that if we had good governance especially in the way we spent our money we wouldn't have reached the need to tax more the population to save the jobs. Tonio's reply is a proof that bad governance and huge debt are loosing malta's competitiveness......
"...Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said Malta had taken corrective measures in the 2012 budget to reduce spending and reach deficit targets of 2.7 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP)." zinnnnnnnn!!! hallina Ton, mela hsibt li kullhadd mazzun, ghax ma tghidulniex kemm hu vera id- dejn KOLLU tal pajjiz, id-dejn ta l- enemalta, ta l- airmalta ta transport malta, il- mepa etc u kemm ser izzidu fuq dan id-dejn bil progett ta bieb il- belt u il parlament gdid.
Dan x'kien marilna fl-industrial estate ta' Hal Far biex jaghti press conference dwar il-finanzi tal-gvern l-abbati ta' birkirkara u ex-sindku li falla l-Kunsill Lokali ta' bkara? Mela jaf li jezisti? Tghid marilna b'xi pullover blu u bla ingrevata u bil-glekk u l-jeans? Jien hsibtu se jmur f'xi lukanda ta' hames stilel biex jaghtiha ghall-hela ghax is-soltu dawk tal-MCESD u shabu hekk jaghmlu !!! Imma insomma bhalissa mohhu biex jixhet il-lixka ghall-voti s-sur tonio u allura taparsi jilghabha li hu umli, jibza' ghal flusna, kawt, ma jonfoqx bl-addocc, li hu xi haruf, tafu intom ... PUNT WIEHED TA' MIN ISAQSIH LIS-SUR TONIO: dan id-dejn goff li qered u kisser u farrak il-pajjiz, min dahhalna fih? Il-partit Laburista jew il-klikka ta' fenech adami segwit minn gonzipn? Imma din il-figura miskin qatt ma johrogha, mhux hekk !!!!!
Hallasna ghad-dejn li ghamel Gvern GonziPN u spiccajna bil-kemm ninhaslu minhabba il-kont tad-dawl u l-ilma. Spiccajna bil-kallijiet f'saqajna ghaliex hallejna il-karozzi fil-garaxx minhabba li gallun petrol sar kwazi Lm3 il-gallun. U wara kollox qed nomordu ghaliex qedin ikolna innaqsu ukoll mill ikel ghaliex wara li inhalsu il-kontijiet ma jibqa kwazi xejn. Grazzi Hon Tonio Fenech.
"Curb the structural deficit" did you say Tonio Fenech ? How come the deficit exploded up in the first two months of this year ? Is it not obvious that you postponed payments worth many millions of euros last year and paidthem at the beginning of this year ?? You may fool some GonziPN hardliners, but you are not fooling those who have a modicum of intelligence, including some of your own MP colleagues !!!
"Curb the structural deficit" did you say Tonio Fenech ? How come the deficit exploded up in the first two months of this year ? Is it not obvious that you postponed payments worth many millions of euros last year and paidthem at the beginning of this year ?? You may fool some GonziPN hardliners, but you are not fooling those who have a modicum of intelligence, including some of your own MP colleagues !!!