Parties fail to reach agreement on Opposition motions, Committee adjourned to Wednesday

Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg proposes to discuss the Opposition motion on Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici on 4 June during House Business Committee meeting. Speaker proposes compromise date, 23 May.

Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici may face fate on 23 May, no date yet set for motion calling for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana
Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici may face fate on 23 May, no date yet set for motion calling for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana

The government and the opposition have edged closer to agreeing that the debate on the Opposition motion censuring Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici should be debated on 23 May.

At the start of the meeting on Monday evening, the former Leader of the House Tonio Borg proposed to discuss the Opposition's motion of censure against the Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici on 4 June.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono was present in the House Business Committee meeting and was given permission to intervene. The Opposition whip Joe Mizzi expressed his disagreement with this date. A tense looking Carm Mifsud Bonnici, the current leader of the house, was silent for most of the meeting and his predecessor Tonio Borg did most of the talking.

The only time Mifsud Bonnici spoke was when he proposed to have the other Opposition motion, calling for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, discussed one week after his appearance before the Parliamentary European Affairs committee, which has no date set yet.

He added that the government's plan was to have the MSECD and Budget Bill discussed on Wednesday and have the Special Purpose Vehicle for the funding of the City Gate project discussed on Monday and Tuesday.

He explained that both debates will be concluded and voted on 9 May.

Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia said: "It is now clear that the majority of MPs in parliament want to discuss the Opposition motion on Carm Mifsud Bonnici immediately."

He added that the Opposition felt that this proposal was unacceptable. "The vote must be taken around the 9 May Budget bill vote. 4 June is too far away," Farrugia said. "We want to come to an agreement about a date before 4 June."

At this point Debono interrupted and said: "this dragging of feet is unacceptable in a democracy."  

Joe Mizzi asked: "What is the difficulty in discussing the motion on 10 May?" He added that the government should explain why it is reluctant to hold the vote immediately.

Borg rebutted: "What is the difficulty in discussing the motion on 4 June?"

Mizzi then replied by proposing to convene Parliament in the mornings apart from the customary evening sittings "to catch up with workload."

All Borg could say at this point is "We have proposed a reasonable schedule."

Franco Debono then said: "I only need 10 to 15 minutes to say what I need to say on the censure motion. The budget vote could have been discussed months ago. Instead you chose to visit peoples' kitchens," he said, sarcastically regerring to the prime minister's reach-out campaign. "Now you come here crying out that the budget vote must be discussed with urgency."

The Ghaxaq MP said the issue is not who will win elections but "whoever will win, elections will be held in a unregulated system because the party financing bill was never discussed." He added that this also fell under the responsibility of Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

"God willing an agreement will be reached. Taliking about schedules gives the impression that the legislature has 2 or 3 years to go. If so many things need to be discussed urgently, why did we take a 4 week Easter recess? Hopefully reason will prevail. The Carm Mifsud Bonnici motion is very important. It is crucial for the government to get this vote out of the way before the Budget vote. Hopefully the government will fulfil its term but things have to be done seriously. Reason and responsibility demand that the motion is discussed before the budget bill. If you choose to bulldoze on everyone there will be some reaction."

 "The country was not governed by Parliament but from the blogs in the last four years," Debono said, in a reference to the unofficial party media of bloggers and pundits slating critical voices and the opposition.

Speaker Micheal Frendo said he would not play Solomon in trying to divide a newborn baby, but proposed to have the motion discussed on 23 May although he said he was doing this on his own personal initiative.

On this proposal, Farrugia reiterated that the motion of censure must be discussed immediately because the majority of MPs want to discuss this with urgency. He added that the debate has been on the agenda for so long that it needs to be discussed immediately.

The Opposition proposed to suspend the meeting in order to consider the Speaker's proposal to hold the debate on 23 May.

As the meeting resumed Tonio Borg proposed to have the debate on 23 May and have the vote taken "not later than 30 May."

Labour whip said the debate could be held over two days with morning and evening sittings in the two days preceding 23 May and take the vote on Wednesday 23 May.

Farrugia said the Opposition is accepting to have the vote taken on 23 May as a "sign of good will." He however explained that the vote should not be taken later than 23 May.

PN whip David Agius on his part proposed to go back to the respective parties' parliamentary group to discuss the matter. At this point Speaker Michael Frendo said the two parties are close to an agreement and the House Business Committee should re-convene on Wednesday 2 May and take a definite decision.

As the meeting came to a close with fireworks from the pyrotechnic festival heard in the background, both sides agreed to adjourn the House Business Committee to Wednesday 2 May at 6:30pm.

Luke Camilleri
Mhux Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici Leader of the House, baqa' rieqed jaqaw? Diga tnaqaslu il-Ministeru bin-nofs, u l-unikau tidher li hi gej u sejjer l'airport jaghti il-good-byes! KEMM GHANDU RAGUN BIEX IBIEGH r. Franco Debono fuqu u fuq l-oligarkija ta' Gonzi!
The majority of MP's 35 out of 69 wants the motion to be discused earlier. This shows clearly that GonziPatitNegative has lost the parlament MAJORITY. Go for an election dear PM, and give rispect to Maltese people and the Democracy.
Il-proverbju Malti jghid “mill-kliem ghal fatti hemm bahar x’jikkumbatti”. Il-bierah smajt lis-Sur Wayne Hewitt fuq “Cross Roads”, ihambaq fuq kemm il-Partit Nazzjonalista jemmen fid-demokrazzija u kemm kulhadd ghandu dritt ghal-opinjoni tieghu. Ma stajtx naqbad biex nesprimi l-opinjoni tieghi fuq is-suggett. Jekk is-sur Wayne irid ikun jaf kemm il-Partit Nazzjonalista jemmen fid-Demokrazzija ghandu jitkellem ma dawk il-Laburisti u anke sezzjoni tan-Nazzjonalisti li jaqalghu bis-sieq u intremew mill-Leader tieghu, u l-klikka ta’ madwaru. Ghandi gie Segretarju Parlamentari li wara li lqajtu w dahhaltu go dari, offrejtlu x’jixrob kellu l-ghardir jghidli “Inthom il-Laburisti kollha xorta”. Dan x’ iffiser, li dan is-sinjur huwa demokratiku jew dak li jahseb hu “huwa Vangelu”, u jien kelli ninzel gharkubtejja nincensah. F’kas iehor meta kont ghaddej mill-Infern tad-dinja, u ghaliex inthom hekk tafu taghmlu ma dawk, mhux li ma jahdmux u jaghtu sehemhom ghall-pajjiz imma inthom tahdmu bil-kulur politiku ta’ dak li jkun, il-mara li kienet Nazzjonalsita marret minn warajja tkelmu u titolbu biex jghini, dan supost li ukoll jemmen fid-demokrazzija qalla “kieku kien Nazzjonalist nghinu”. Din hija d-demokrazzija li inthom temmnu fiha. Kieku kontu qatt temmnu fid-demokrazzija inthom kontu timxu ahjar fil-kumitat tal-Kamra u mhux tridu timponu fuq kulhadd. Kienu kontu taghmlu minn kollox biex taslu ghal ftiehim mal-Opposizzjoni u ma tkomplux tghaddu n-nies biz zmien. Kieku kontu temmnu fid-demokrazzija kontu jssejhu Elezzjoni halli taraw jekk il-Poplu baqalux fiducja fikhom ghaliex wara kollox ma ghandkom l-ebda jett li tigvernaw jekk il-poplu xeba minnkom. Tafu li lil poplu dejjaqtuh u jien nifhem illi ikun min ikun fil-Gvern jekk jara li l-poplu ikun xeba minnhu ghandu iwarrab u mhux jibqa hemm ghaliex ikun tela ghal hames snin. L-akbar haga li ghamel il-Leader tieghek, biex wera kemm jemmen fid-demokrazija, u anki wasaltu li ghidtu wkoll li huwa “World Leader” ma jivvota kontra r-rieda tal-Maggoranza fil-parlament, meta jivvota kontra l-ligi tad-divorzju. L-ohra kienet meta jivvota bil-qalb biex jollghu l-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-Ilma. Jekk din hija d-demokrazzija li temmnu fiha, lanqas biss irrid nimmaginakom tigvernaw f’ Dittatorjat.
The country was not governed by Parliament but from the blogs in the last four years," Debono said, in a reference to the unofficial party media of bloggers and pundits slating critical voices and the opposition. Dak li kellu xi Franco Debono,,,,lil Franco jien Nighdlu,,,Int kont u ghadek parti mil klikka ta GonziPn u ghallhekk int responsabbli ukoll..Tal Klikkek ghax kieku taf xkellek taghmel..Imma intom kollha PUPPETS
Why 23rd late?The Opposition has back tracked! Either it is convinced to have a majority for its motions or seems it does not have after all! This is a sign of weakness on the part of the Opposition! Or does it not have any good will to try to take the reigns of power? Why is it so shy? It should force the issue to show that it is ready to take power and do everything to upset the ailing GonziPN......time is ripe unless it does not wish to be overwhelmed by the power of incumbency of GonziPN. The voice of the nation is loud and clear.....we have an expired government, let us hope we do not have an expired opposition!
Why 23rd late?The Opposition has back tracked! Either it is convinced to have a majority for its motions or seems it does not have after all! This is a sign of weakness on the part of the Opposition! Or does it not have any good will to try to take the reigns of power? Why is it so shy? It should force the issue to show that it is ready to take power and do everything to upset the ailing GonziPN......time is ripe unless it does not wish to be overwhelmed by the power of incumbency of GonziPN. The voice of the nation is loud and clear.....we have an expired government, let us hope we do not have an expired opposition!
U allura ghal dan il-Parlament li sar post ta' zufjett, post ridikolu li issa fih saru jiddiskutu biex ma jiltaqghux u gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu li qazzet pajjiz jivvintaw kull skuza biex ma jiltaqghux, qed niddejjnu 70/80 miljun ewro .... mhux hekk nibqghu!!! ..... tisma' il-House Business Committee il-lejla fuq l-internet tibda tisthi tghid li int malti u li l-pajjiz qed jitmexxa b'dan il-mod ... u dan kollu tort ta' bicca pespus li jahseb li hu xi ggant li l-lejla rega' tfacca biex joqghod jixhet il-vlegeg u jniggez lil gonzipn u mbaghad jibza' tant li jiehu l-pass li jmiss biex ikompli jmaxtar hu wkoll u jhedded kull meta jfettillu lil gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu .... veru qieghdin sew !!!!
Hehe, so it was not fireworks in the Committee. Why are Gonzi and his apostles so afraid to discuss the motion before 9 May? More time to scratch the backs of those who have been complaining for God only knows how many years to buy their vote?