Muscat tells party faithful’ best days are ahead of you’

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat says the time will soon come for country to judge the government and choose whether change is needed.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat addressing Workers' Day rally in Valletta
Labour leader Joseph Muscat addressing Workers' Day rally in Valletta

In the traditional Worker's Day rally for the party faithful in Valletta, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said the "best days of this country are ahead of us."

In an indirect reference to impending elections, Muscat told the sizeable crowd in St George's Square "the time will come when families will judge the government and choose whether a change is needed. We will come forward with a clear roadmap on where we want to take the country."

He added that Labour will "embrace hope and overcome fear." As his address came to an end he told the cheering crowd "have hope and keep your feet on the ground. We have the best vision and the best plan for the country. Buoy up and through work we will create wealth."

On the current political impasse, Muscat warned the party supporters that the Nationalist Party will not give up power easily and "they will cling on till the very last day." He said the government was sacrificing the rules of democracy to remain afloat, although "the majority in Parliament wants a decision to be taken immediately and remove doubts on what should happen."

Muscat reiterated that the opposition is willing to find a reasonable solution but it would not accept more dragging of feet from government.

In the presence of a large number of MPs and new candidates, the Opposition leader repeatedly reassured the crowd that the party is "serene" because it was on the right side of history. "While others are stuck in their ivory towers, we are one with the people," he said to great acclaim.

In the first part of his address, Muscat underlined his party's commitment to meritocracy and social mobility. He said that each and every child should be given the chance for a better life, irrespective of the family name or background.

Muscat said the social mobility movement has a "common aspiration to the improve the life of the next generation." He explained that is the dream of all parents to see their children have a better life than theirs.  

"The key to social mobility is education," Muscat stressed, adding that education is a weapon to destroy the barriers of privileges.

He explained that education is facing the same predicament as health.  "Just as we have a new hospital we also have new schools. However, in spite of a new hospital, problems still existed in the sector. The country also has new schools but students are being left in metaphorical corridors," Muscat said.

He added that 36% of students were not continuing with their education after reaching the age of 16 and were leaving school without basic skills.

"Labour will wage a war without precedent against the social wound of illiteracy," he said. Muscat said the party will guarantee that every 16 year old will either be studying, in training or working.

The party will guarantee a future for all young people, including early-school leavers, Muscat said. "We need to grant everybody access to a better career and a better standard of living," he added.

In a rare reference to the party's electoral programme, Muscat said "the movement's manifesto will present a holistic strategy to combat unemployment, precarity, criminality, inadequate housing and poverty."

He also pledged to put employers and the self-employed at the centre of the movement, which he described as "the movement of business." He said workers and employers should be in a "partnership to create wealth."

Muscat described the new Parliament project as "narcissistic". In a Mintoff-style parable, Muscat likened the new Parliament building to a father of a family wanting to purchase a luxury car but could not afford to buy one or to take a loan for one and instead getting someone else to buy it for him and then take the car on loan.

He said the government is "throwing money away" on this project while cutting on the budgets of health and education.


@ Skaldazghira..... 'what a small mind' int tahseb li poplu cucc u bahnan. L-avukat tar rahal li qied tirrefi ghalih int( biex minghalik tnaqqaslu xi mertu) Huwa wihed mill akabar statisti ta Malta ( jekk ma taqbilx saqsi lil Joe Grima li jaghmel inkontri u ex ministru fi zminijiet tal wahx ta pajjizna. Ghar riqward il vjolenza nahseb in nazzjonalisti kienu iqabdu lil pulizija jisparaw u jitfaw il gass dmgh fuq in nies taghhom stess, nahseb in nazzjoanlisti stess qabdu lin nies ikissru u jsawtu il familja ta Fenech Adami , ikissru il kurja , il qorti u harqu it times. Nahseb jekk trid tkun kredubbli fi kliemek iprrova ghalinqas taqax ghan nejk ma shabek stess. Kun onest mieghek inniffsek.
@ skaldazghira >> And his grey cells in brine!
duncanbusuttil qed jaghmlu hekk apposta biex joholqu incidenti qabel l-elezzjoni bhal ma kienu ghamlu qabel l-elezzjoni tal-1987. Tal-PN dejjem hekk kienu. Jaraw kif joholqu incidenti halli jippruvaw jisirqu l-elezzjoni. Il-Gurament falz ta' Terinu, id-dnub il-mejjet fis-snin sittin, il-glied f'Tal-Barrani, il-Qtil ta' Raymond Caruana li l-avukat tar-rahal kien qalilna li malli jkun fil-Gvern jghidilna min kien qatel lil Raymond Caruana u lil Karen Grech, il-gidba ta' l-avukat tar-rahal lejliet l-elezzjoni li Dr Alfred Sant ma kienx halla lill-ibnu jattendi l-Universita', il-gidba ta' l-avukat tar-rahal "go darek, fuq il-post tax-xoghol, b'mohhok mistieh, bla bizà", il-gidba tal-mitt miljun lira fis-sena jekk insiru memmbri tal-UE, il-gidba ta' serhan il-mohh ma Gonzi, u elf gidba ohra. Issa se jippruvaw jergghu jqanqlu l-glied halli jghidu li l-Laburisti ghadhom l-istess. Tpaxxuhomx, halluhiom jifgaw f'demmhom, aqtulhom l-ghatx bil-perzuta.
jgalea seems that you've got your snout in the trough.
Who wants to about democracy? LOL lanqas bicca ntervista m'huma kapaci jihdu ahseb u ara min irid jghallem id demokrazija. @ Duncan ghal informazzjoni tieghek ghaliex cameraman ta super 1 jistaw jihdu intervista u ta MediaLink ma jistawx? ghandek xi raguni partikolari please? Grazzi.
It is clear to any casual observer that Dr Muscat and his party have an up and running, future looking, winning manifesto, albeit under wraps, ready to roll out at GO! Roll on elections so Malta may rid itself of the present blood suckers. What Dr Muscat needs to promise now is not to forget the past, and not to allow manifestly lucre suckers to get away with their loot.
Veru kliem ta mexxej. Prosit u j'Alla il-Bambin itina l-grazzja li narawk Prim Ministru ma ndumux.
If Muscat tells party "faithful", did Gonzi tell the party "Unfaithful", hahahaha faithful = fidili unfiathful=infidili
Provokazzjonijiet kbar mill-Partit Nazzjonalista fejn intbaghtu 4 camera persons jistaqsu mistoqsijiet li jiskreditaw lil deputati u nies fil-kamp Laburista. Huwa Xokkanti li tal-PN qeghdin jaqghu f'dawn it-tattici moqzieza u malinni sabiex jiskreditaw u jippruvaw jumiljaw lin-nies. Att:GonziPN HALLU LIN-NIES BI KWIETHOM!! Qieghed nikkonferma kemm Times of Malta hija parti min Gonzi PN. Fl-ewwel bicca tal-filmat li gibdu gabu lil Joe Debono Grech biex f’mohh min qieghed jara l-filmat jghid li tal-Labour ghadhom bl-istess nies. Imbghad gabu filmat fejn kien hemm min imbotta fir-rassa li kien hemm, biex jippruvaw jwasslu l-messagg li l-partitarji Laburisti injuranti. Ma nistax nifhem ghala din il-krucjata mit-Times kontra l-PL. Meta tara dan il-velenu u hdura kontra l-PL li qieghed jihrax kuljum mil-gurnal Times of Malta jghaddili l-hsieb min mohhi li Gonzi ser jibqa fil-gvern ghal ghomorna! TVM,TVM2,NET,TIMES,INDEPENDENT​ VS PL!
Luke Camilleri
Not only the "party Faithful" , but to all who want to listen ,to all who want a better future for themeselves and their families, to all who want ACCOUTABILITY and value for taxes paid !
Joe Muscat is and will remain the biggest liability of his MLP. Thanks God PN will again win the next election, u nkomplu ingawdu il gid li jaf igib biss il PN taghna :)