Government keeps Mike Spiteri in mind with €19,328 contract

Singer Mike Spiteri will be the new face of an anti-littering campaign organised by the Rural Affairs Ministry

Singer Mike Spiteri was given a €19,328 contract to be the face of an anti-littering campaign.
Singer Mike Spiteri was given a €19,328 contract to be the face of an anti-littering campaign.

Corrected at 12:58

Four words come to mind on hearing Mike Spiteri's name: 'Keep me in mind' - the song which led him to local stardom when he represented Malta at the 1995 Eurovision Song Contest.

And he was definitely kept in mind when Rural Affairs Minister George Pullicino chose him to be the new face of an anti-littering campaign.

A spokesperson for the ministry confirmed with MaltaToday that Spiteri was engaged with the Cleansing Services Department on 26 March, with a salary of €19,328.

"He was chosen on his aptitude with the media given that his responsibility is to lead an anti-littering campaign, raise awareness against littering and educate the public," the spokesperson said.

In fact, no public calls for interest were made, but the ministry specifically chose Spiteri.

"The ministry wanted a household name and face in order to communicate with people," the spokesperson added.

Spiteri will not simply be the face of the campaign, but he will be also responsible of carrying out the relative research. At the same time, the ministry will also help out by providing the necessary information.

According to the rural affairs ministry, Spiteri's contract spans over a year. Asked whether it included any fringe benefits, the ministry said that it only includes normal mid-year and Christmas bonuses, sick leave and leave as per normal working conditions.

MaltaToday also requested a copy of the contract. However, Pullicino's spokesperson said it could not be made public, as Spiteri's permission was needed due to personal and confidential information.

The new anti-littering campaign also coincides with the re-launch of Malta's favourite hedgehog 'Xummiemu' - who has undergone a massive makeover to reflect modern times.

The 90s environment mascot is now also sporting a new spike jacket which hides his superhero costume.

I would have chosen Franco Debono for the job. He wishes to sweep out half of the PN's cabinet, including the leader himself! Don't you agree Mr Demartino?
Mariod...allahares kellek taghmel dictation bil-Malti ghax WEAK tiehu.
Kemm hawn min ilu dispratt jahasra u jara ma xix ser jipprova jaqbad..... Thorny , Mariod , Tas South , imbaghad hemm skaldazghira u Progress....... Intom possibli tahsbu li nies ghandhom xi "small mind" bhal taghakom. Intom possibli li wara 25 sena fuq in naha l-ohra ta dinja ghadkom lanqas biss tghalimtu xi haga, ghajr li tghajjru lil dak u lil iehor minghajr ghandkom dritt. Issa xi darba jitla lejber u jaghmel kuntratt lil Mary Spiteri jew xi Renato.... what's the big deal? hemm ghalfejn toqodu tghajjru lil kantanti issa wkoll. Ha naraw jispiccax bhal Chiara , Mike Spiteri bil pulizija wara l-bieb. Jahasra grow up for once forsi xi darba tirbhu dak limnifah post li ilkhom ghalih issa for quite some time !!!!
Progrerss ifhimni tajjeb ha taghmilli libell. INT GIDDIEB. Fhimti? GIDDIEB. GIDDIEB u STUPIDU. Jien qatt ma kont sindku ta' mkien u ma fallejt lil hadd. Int GIDDIEB u oqghod attent ghax issib ruhek fl-inkwiet. Jekk ikun hjemm bzonn il-gazzetta obligata tikxef l-identita tieghek. GIDDIEB!
Giovann hi biex tara min jikxef ismu jigi ivvittimizzat . Ara inti anki taht il-labour tikxef ismek u xejn ma jghamlulek biex tara kemm il Pl hu demokratiku. Int sa wasalt fallejt kunsill u hlejt flus il Poplu tal Mosta bl-addocc u xorta ma ittihdux passi kontrik, jien l-anqas jekk jitla l-Pl ma nikxef ismi ghax nibza min xi, ittra bomba fhimtni issa? Int taf tikteb bil malti minghalik imma taf ukoll tharbat flus il Mostin u hallejt xeba dejn.
Luke Camilleri
Did Dr. Gonzi include Mike ( a member on the PBS Eurovision Board) on one of his kitchen visits? Oh how Mike must have chanted HALLELULIAH GEORGE, HALLELULIAH Gonzi, i'll keep you in mind...... u what a "mind"!
Giovanni Demartino (jew kif inhobb insejjahlu jien l-gharef tal-lingwa maltija) huwa fotokopja ezatt ta shabu fil partit GONZIKARETTAPN l-arma tijaw ijja dik li jaghajjar kemm jista ghax da zmien hekk biss saret l-arma taghhom u jien intik parir sur gharef li misskom ghaziltu lil dak li jhobbkom hafna FRANCO DEBONO biex jaghmel kampanja fuq l-indafa forsi jnaddfilkom il-partit.Sahha u s-sliem sur Demartiinnnnnooooooooooo.
il kbir ghadu illum il hemm nistennew min bravu austin qed imexxi ,x'tistenna lol
Progress int liebes maskra kif tridhom jaghzluk? U l-Malti tieghek ghadu orrur......apparti l-argumenti fjakki.
Progress int liebes maskra kif tridhom jaghzluk? U l-Malti tieghek ghadu orrur......apparti l-argumenti fjakki.
xoghol prekarju jofrulhom il hbieb tal hbieb......
U ejja,a household name?? With just one bloody song which he keeps repeating ad nauseum for 17 bloody years ...mur gibu rebah il eurovision biha x kien jghamel. There must be another reason for the minister to choose him. ,maybe because he looks macho or maybe because he...........everybody can have his own guess....keep me in mind (minister) when you,re all alone... Lool
Is Mike the only face familiar with the Maltese people? NO. The color of one's eyes certainly is a boost factor.
Il-hbieb tal -hbieb. Mike Spiteri niftakru jigri f'kull okkassjoni wara tal Pn fit 2003. Bdew l-favuri lil ta madwarom biex jibqaw lejali lejom u miskin u min kien imissu misthoqq veru dan il job min jaf kemm ilu jselli. Komplu hekk ghax zammejtu vot u tliftu izjed min wiehed.