Updated | Fenech denies Labour MEP's claims over Brussels' warning to cut spending

Replies to Labour MEP's question show Brussels demanded budgetary cuts from Malta, after denials from finance ministry that €40 million cuts were not imposition from EC.

EU Economic Commissioner, Olli Rehn.
EU Economic Commissioner, Olli Rehn.

Updated at 7pm with finance minister's statement.

The EU's Economic Commissioner Olli Rehn has said that in November 2011 the European Commission had asked Finance Minister Tonio Fenech for additional measures that would ensure a timely and sustainable correction of the excessive deficit.

Rehn said this in reply to a number of questions tabled by Labour MEP Edward Scicluna on the €40 million in budgetary cuts announced by the government in January.

Scicluna has accused Tonio Fenech of "repeatedly failing to heed" the two explicit warnings prior to the publication of the 2012 Budget after the Commission confirmed that it had repeatedly warned the government that Malta's budget deficit would fall short of expectations. "After an implied third and final warning in the beginning of January during the bilateral talks held with the Commission the government announced spending cuts worth €40 million worth 0.6 per cent of GDP."

Scicluna asked Economic Commissioner Olli Rehn why had the 2012 Budget failed to convince the Commission that the targets set by the Maltese government could be attained.

He also asked whether the Commission communicated with the government regarding its evaluation and conclusion and whether the Commission suggested to the government that any cuts were needed.

In his reply Rehn said: "The Council recommended Malta to bring the general government deficit below 3% of GDP in a credible and sustainable manner by 2011. According to the Commission services' 2011 Autumn Forecast, the general government deficit was estimated at 3% of GDP in 2011 and projected to widen to 3.5% of GDP in 2012 and 3.6% of GDP in 2013."

Rehn added that the projected path of the general government budget deficit in the forecast "was not consistent" with a sustainable correction of the excessive deficit.

"Vice-President Rehn communicated this assessment to the Maltese finance minster in November 2011 and asked for additional measures that would ensure a timely and sustainable correction of the excessive deficit. The Maltese government presented its budget for 2012 in November 2011," Labour MEP Edward Scicluna said.

In January 2012, after prior bilateral consultations, the Commission published its assessment of the budgetary measures taken for 2012 and considered that the Maltese authorities have taken effective action towards a timely and sustainable correction of the excessive deficit, Rehn's reply added. This was a reference to the €40 million cuts that were announced by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi on 6 January, in tandem with a Cabinet reshuffle that was to destabilise his fragile one-seat majority with a rebellion by MP Franco Debono.

The budget cuts are equivalent to 0.59% of gross domestic product (GDP). Finance Minister Tonio Fenech had denied that these cuts were imnposed by the European Commission and said that it was government that came up with the cuts, which have touched upon salaries, overtime, operational and maintenance expenditure programmes and initiatives and government entities.

Scicluna said that the measures included hefty cuts "in contributions to government entities including Appogg, Sapport and Sedqa, which provide essential support services to the most vulnerable people in society."

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech strongly rebutted Scicluna's statement. "Scicluna's declaration betrays Labour's continuous efforts to paint a negative picture of Malta by spreading such spurious claims. The Opposition is ready to sacrifice the country's stability for political gain."

Fenech said it was untrue that the budget's partial revision took place after a warning from the Commission. "What the EC said was that it had assessed the country's finances in January and its conclusion was that the government had taken the right and timely measures against an excessive deficit," Fenech said.

The minister denied that the EC had warning the government on its finances, but that it had "expressed trust" in the government's budgetary measures.

"We already have seen the deficit go below the 3% of GDP, which is the threshold allowable under the Stability and Growth Pact - we are now at a deficit of 2.7%, and Malta is one of six eurozone countries to have achieved this," Fenech said.

"Additionally, the International Monetary Fund is predicting the third largest economic growth in the eurozone for 2012."

Ara kif xi hadd b'rasu fuq ghonqu, jista jemmen lil Tonio Fenech wara tant affarijiet li qal u li mbaghad irrizultaw li kienu differenti minn kif qalhom hu !
Mela skont briffy ahna lkoll arci stupidi. Ghallanqas barra T. Fenech ghana issa lill briffy li mhux cuc wkoll. Prosit briffy! Nasigurak li linsult tieghek hu "A drop in an ocean" Meta ghajartna arci stupit kont qeghed tikludi lill Olli Rehan???!!!! Li kont ta azzar mill kitba tieghek ma tghamilx ponta ta baqqun!!!!!!!!!!!
@ the briffy guy >> Your comment certainly shows you up as inept; a blindfolded PN apologist labelled by the ancient catholic religion as one of the "fidili", aka naive blind followers. Open up to reality and use your grey matter which obviously you possess.
Il-veru trid tkun arci-stupidu biex taghmel kommenti bhal dawn ta' taht. Jafu dawn l-ghorrief li id-deficit ghal 2011 nizel ghal 2.7% tal-GDP? That figure says it all despite all the gibberish uttered by E Scicluna; saying stupid things to gain political points doesn't say much for one's intelligence.
Dan kif ghandkom l-ardir li tiddubitaw fil-bravu Tonio Fenech (dak il-Malti li mhux cuc)?. Dak li qal il-Kummssarju Rehn huwa kollu gideb instigat minn l-ghajju ta' Joseph Muscat. Viva GonziPN. Viva Tonio il-Bravu!
The EU wants us to cut some of the most needed expenses. Those Members of Parliament who preech “Solidarity with the families” are inflicting the cuts needed in the budget on those mostly in need. If GonziPN wants to do this, I can suggest some measures and the nation will save some millions. How many new cars have been bought by the Government since 1st January 2012 and why some of them that are in tip-top condition are being changed? Is it because they need a brand new car every four / five years. Do the owners of these cars change their private cars so often? How many thousands of litres of fuel are being given for the cars the government owns? How many cars are being privately rented and given to individuals so that apart from running around during office hours, their families can also enjoy free weekend rides/drives? How much all this amounts to? If the Arriva service is that good as claimed by the Minister himself why aren’t these given free tickets so that at least they can use the efficient service from home to work and vice versa? What is the global amount being paid to the EU Elite in salaries, allowance and benefits, while others who are less fortunate members in the EU are starving with their Austerity Plans? Is this equality they all speak about? If there is a real need for this Austerity then their salaries should be cut to the barest minimum, after all they all claim they are there to serve us, or in reality we are here to serve them. Every single one of them fights to the last drop of blood not to loose their seat, because they wouldn’t like to live and experience the rules and laws they oblige / force us to obey.
Dear Minister don't you think that after you were so economic with the truth on this issue with the People you should either offer an explanation or if there is still enough decency in the system resign? I feel that Franco Debono is quite right that things are decided by a few untouchables who have taken over the running of state in an undemocratic way. The only problem is that our reputation is being tarnished left right and centre with this irresponsible and democratic dictatorial way things are being done. Shame on you all.
Paradoxically, this is one of the main benefits of being part of the EU. At least, in one way or another, our ears are being pulled to call our attention. True, misleading numbers can go a long time before being discovered (no need to give obvious examples), but at least the fact that our statistics are being audited by presumed independents is one benefit.
What a shame we are spending all that money on City Gate. European politicians are masters of deception and manipulation.That's how they stay in power while spending more and more money they dont have and would never have.Shift the problems on to future generations.
Again PL has been proved right, the budgit figures that gonzipn presented for year 2012 were all wrong. The only thing that comes to mind is that gonzipn wanted once more to take the people for a ride but found out that he has been caught with his pants down by the EU.
Who do I believe the Government or the EU? We all know that the credibility of the present Government has fallen out. The cuts should have been decreased from the excessive increase of the Ministers' pay including the Prime Minister.
Who the hell this Olli Rehan think he is to tell "The only NON CUC Malti" What to do? If Olli had some sense he would beg our wisard to sort out the whole Europe countries finacial problems!!!!
Ghidu li tridu imma dan Olli Rehn veru tuba tafux - ghax ghandna nemmnuh lil dan Olli Rehn meta l-ministru cassar tas-sahha (dak veru bravu, veru stilla, bravu daqs tonio fenech biex niftiehmu) kien qal li hu stess kien talab lil Ministru tal-Finanzi biex inaqqaslu mill-flus li kien tah fil-budget ghall-2012 ghax ma kellux bzonnhom? Jien lil dan cassar nemmen mela lil Olli Rehn - dak x'cuc hu jahseb li se jbellaghhielna li kien hu li talab dan it-tnaqqis !!!! Jien lil cassar nemmen, ma niddejjaqx nghidha quddiem malta kollha.
toninu, il giddib ghomru qasir.Issa jaghdina il bravu ministru li Rehn ma jifimx u li ghandu kollox taht kontrol.