‘We always give you what you want’, PM tells students

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insists PN will remain the party that provides the best education and health services and where workers are a priority.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (file photo)
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (file photo)

If the speech made by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat this morning concentrated on work, education and young people, the Prime Minister's speech focused on nothing less.

Addressing a political activity, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Nationalist Party was and will always be the "party of the workers ... the party which provides the best education and health services".

"This, we can say with facts. And this is the difference between us and Muscat," Gonzi said, referring to the new political theme - Guarantee for Youths: Education, Training, Work - launched by the Labour Party to target young people.

"I don't need to give guarantees about anything because facts speak for themselves. Look at Evarist Bartolo when he was education minister ... not 24 hours had passed after he was elected that he went on to attack the stipends," Gonzi said, whose comment was received by much booing from the crowd.

"The difference between us and Muscat is that we give our students everything they want: we gave them computers, new schools, more teachers, stipends, scholarships," he said.

"Tell us what you [students] want and we will give it to you. We are ready to give you anything because you deserve the best."

The Nationalist leader said that his party carried the big responsibility of creating work: "Work doesn't come on its own. You need serious policies, a clear roadmap and the ability to take choices which may not be popular."

Gonzi added that government should continue to work responsibly, admit when mistakes are made, correct and move forward: "Because this is how you act if you want your country to succeed."

He said that the truth was that Malta was just a rock. "We are simply a rock ... we have nothing but a rock. But look at us, and look at the countries out there who cannot recover from the recession despite their resources. We are producing much more," Gonzi said.

The Prime Minister also said that while the Opposition was only interested in the motions to be discussed in parliament - one calling for the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici and the other for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana - government was focusing on work, education and health.

Gonzi reiterated his disbelief at how the Labour Party never celebrated the eighth anniversary of Malta's accession to the EU.

Ara il vera hawn min lanqas ghandu qatra zejt f'wiccu..... Nisfida lil kull min qied ipeclaq,jikteb u jfajajr bl addocc u jghidulna jekk iz zaghazah taghna ma marrux il quddiem, w gwadanjaw taht il gvernijiet nazzjonalisti. Jghidulna wkoll il generazzjoni taht hakma socjalista xi gwadanjaw. Jghidulna wkoll jekk linteress tal partt socjalista malti x;kienet ghaz zaghazah jekk mhux ihallihom injoranti u lura u qatt ma jimxu il quddiem. Nisfida lil kulhadd u jghidulna xkien qal il kbir salvatur ... oooppsss traditur Dom Mintoff, li certifikati ta luniversita ma jiswew xejn ghax ishom karta ta lincova...... dak hu socjaliszmu Malti
Gheziez studenti, itolbuh lura z-zieda ta 500eur fil-gimgha lura f'fondi pubblici... ha naraw kemm izomm kelmtu!
Tghamiliex daqshekk ovvja li int miklub ghall voti sur pm! Dalwaqt ser johrog jghid li ser jghamel lill kullhadd miljunarju! LOL
Jaqaw dan xorob xi 2 grokkijiet dalghodu jew? Qieghed ihoss il-piz ta' l-incertezza li gab hu stess u qed jghid affarijiet li ma jaghmlux sens aktar minn qatt qabel!! Nimmagina li jkun hawn ftit nies li jaqblu mieghu imma, nies bhal DCG u Wayne Hewitt u ohrajn li qed jiekluha sew!!
Galantom bi flus haddiehor.
‘We always give you want you want’...ONCE EVERY 5 YEARS! Time to move Gonzi, pity the alternative seems just as crap but hey at least we change the taste of it!
Ikolli nghejd li mhux talli il partit nazzjonalista irid issahhah l-edukazzjoni u is sistema tas sahha, IZDA li kieku jista itajjarhom u igibhom fix xejn. Zewg setturi li dejjem kienu ghal qalb il partit laburista ( specjalment il Perit Mintoff )u li il partit nazzjonalista DEJJEM IVVOTA KONTRIHOM. U li kieku mhux marbutin bil Kostituzzjoni kieku ilhom li taru mar rih min zmien John Dalli, ghax huwa kien qal li " Din li kullhadd jipretendi kollox b`xejn trid tinqata ".....Hallina Dr. Gonzi, issa jekk ghada Joseph jghejd li ser jghamel l-ilma jisfen ghejd bhalu.....
Ikolli nghejd li mhux talli il partit nazzjonalista irid issahhah l-edukazzjoni u is sistema tas sahha, IZDA li kieku jista itajjarhom u igibhom fix xejn. Zewg setturi li dejjem kienu ghal qalb il partit laburista ( specjalment il Perit Mintoff )u li il partit nazzjonalista DEJJEM IVVOTA KONTRIHOM. U li kieku mhux marbutin bil Kostituzzjoni kieku ilhom li taru mar rih min zmien John Dalli, ghax huwa kien qal li " Din li kullhadd jipretendi kollox b`xejn trid tinqata ".....Hallina Dr. Gonzi, issa jekk ghada Joseph jghejd li ser jghamel l-ilma jisfen ghejd bhalu.....
Always trying to give everybody what they want is not a viable option.
It is true that certain groups of students have been pampered by this government. Giving students computers, new schools, more teachers, stipends, scholarships does not mean that the end results are better off. Producing paper decorations and certificates in a mass production fashion is the order of the day. Obviously there are excellent students but only a handful. The Gonz should note that teachers have not fared so well under this administration. Even other less privileged groups of students are not really better off. But even just increasing numbers has not really had any beneficial effect on the economy that is actually visible. Today even most waiters and factory operators are graduates.
There's no doubt that the PN is the student's party. History proves this. No matter what Muscat promises we shall not forget that PL promised a sound stipend after the 1996 election but once in power did otherwise.......so long for your empty promises Joseph.
Gonz, trid tkun IDJOTA biex ticcelebra li ergajt sirt ilsir taht dittatura kolonjalista. Sewwa jghidu li L-iblah taqlalhu ghajnu jifrah.
Mhux hekk! hawn min qala' partita transfer u meta qallilkom kemm qed ibghati kontu pronti smajtuh, ghaliex ghidtulu li kieku kien Nazzjonalist kontu tghinuh. U hallina nghixu Wenz ftit fil-paci ghaliex dawn l-ahhar 25 sena hlief ugieh minn ghandek u shabek ma hadnix, u dan ghaliex ma taqbilx mieghek politikament. Ejja fil-Kcina ha nurik ghaliex ghandi ferm x'nurik. Tigix maggel ta'.
Luke Camilleri
Issa Gonzi qaleb minn fuq il-Pantomini u l-buzollotti ghal hrejjef!
Luke Camilleri
Qisghu qieghed ihallas HU! Ahjar gtmexxi naqra b'GHAQAL ghax zbakajt pajjiz tqassam ic-cejca! Flok int ghas-servizz tal-Pajjiz, il-PAJJIZ U L-GID TIEGHU U LI KELLHU GHAMILTHOM TIEGHEK U TA TA' MADAREK!
"Gonzi reiterated his disbelief at how the Labour Party never celebrated the eighth anniversary of Malta's accession to the EU." Mid-dehra l-PL ma ghandhomx hin x'jitilfu. Ticcelebra xi haga li tkun tajba ghal-poplu kollu mhux ghal ftit li marru sewwa hafna. Dawk ghandhom ghax jiccelebraw.