Prime Minister’s social media offensive starts with Budget money bill

Lawrence Gonzi holds web-chat on eve of crucial money bill that requires majority to pass.

Smile, you're on social media now... Lawrence Gonzi gets ready to fight Labour on cyberspace.
Smile, you're on social media now... Lawrence Gonzi gets ready to fight Labour on cyberspace.

The Prime Minister has beckoned his MPs to fight Labour from inside voters' kitchens. Now he is fighting them on cyberspace, channelling voters through the power of social media, even imploring them for their "help" in convincing voters he has done right by them: raise incomes, provide jobs, improving health and education.

But it will be a challenge for Lawrence Gonzi to truly come down to the online community's level and communicate openly with them.

To go by his personal video invitation to subscribers (where the PN has opened up its social media front), the PM will have to lose the shell-shocked look, animate his speech and make it less obvious he is reading the cue-card below the video camera.

It's a challenge for any political leader to reach out effectively to voters who tend to be younger, prone to question statements and point out inconsistencies, and probably be unimpressed by the North Korean overtures from Labour, if not bored outright with politics.

But both parties - and Labour especially has already latched on to the power of social media since Joseph Muscat took the party helm - are now aware that a significant part of the 2013 (or 2012 election...) will be fought out on the digital landscape. It's where immediate political statements will emerge, feedback and data collected (for example, asks subscribers to provide them with identity card registration numbers. Why? It's not a mandatory field, thankfully...), and new, non-mainstream media viewpoints on the parties and electoral issues will emerge. The political amateurs, the bloggers, and the onilne guerrillas will share centre-stage with the mainstream media.

Today, Gonzi will hold a web-chat with subscribers, as part of his strategy to reach out to the online community by using mychoice as a "personal bridge".

What will he talk about? The 'Gonzi goods': jobs, schools, free health, student cash, and other deliverables the Opposition cannot take away from him. But he will be able to answer the difficult questions on Enemalta's €600 million debts, or why he is spending €80 million on City Gate, or why budget cuts have touched upon sensitive areas of health and education when he said they wouldn't?

Held on the eve of the money bill that has been postponed since January, Lawrence Gonzi is not wasting time in imprinting upon the electorate the importance of the Budget Measures Appropriation bill on which Nationalist MP Franco Debono is expected to either put up or shut up after five months of threatening to withdraw his support on government votes.

Gonzi tells subscribers: "Whatever happens, I will continue to be out there convincing voters that the Nationalist Party has managed to raise incomes, provide work and improve health and educational standards in these last years - despite all the problems around us. I acknowledge the fact that there is more to do, but I am also thoroughly convinced that we are the party who can do that best."

"I will be out there - come and lend me a hand. Together we can shape the future."

The near future appears clear, although nothing can ever be discounted in politics: the odds are in favour of Debono abstaining on the money bill, allowing the Speaker to use his casting vote and pass the bill.

Gonzi can expect to emerge victorious, but he will still face two motions targeting his Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici and the ambassador to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana. Will his one-seat majority prevail on these motions? Gonzi is gazing at a cloudy crystal ball.

Malta today = Malta Star ??? Sur Editur hemm xi haga tajba li qeda tigri f'dan il pajjiz???
Tarxieniz naqbel mieghek. Ma ghandniex insemmu il 500ewro, ghax propjanmet 600ewro kienu. Ghandna insemmu wkoll il prezz tad-dawl, ilma, l-ispluzzjoni fil prezz tal gass, il fuel il-medicina out of stock, il-waiting lists, il power station tahden bil heavy fuel oil, it teatru bla saqaf, it-tnaqqis ta 40 miljun mil buget......tassew hemm fuqhiex nitkellmu.
"I will be out there - come and lend me a hand. Together we can shape the future.",,,,,, it should have also read "...for my family and close friends"
@tarxiiz1 ............. u zgur qazziznik u ser inkomplu inqazzuk hekk kif inkomplu nfakrukom fil-€500 zieda fil-gimgha, li s-sospenda ghalissa sa kemm tghaddi l-elezzjoni imbaghad jerga izieda jekk jitla. Jekk ma jghogbokx tisma taf x'ghandek taghmel.
Of course, as soon as you put a post with criticsm it is immediately wiped off.
Zack Depasquale
@tarxieniz1, wara li qrajt il-kumment espert tieghek, indunajt li int qrajt biss l-ewwel vers biss tal-kumment tieghi ghax jien semmejt aktar punti ghaliex ghandu jwiegeb Dr Gonzi. Issa jekk int kont ferhan li int hadt Eur1.20c zieda u il-primMinistru u shabu hadu Eur500 fil-gimgha u dan l-ahhar smajna ukoll li hadu karozza jew 7000Eur bonus, nista nigarantilek jien li bqija tal-poplu mhux kuntent.
Luke Camilleri
Lawrence Gonzi should hold his web-chats with ALL the Media of ALL STATIONS AND PUBLISHING HOUSES, and not run away from reporters who are only doing their job and asking him questions of National interest! And his Ministers should do the same and not cover-up, our taxes pay their bills, their salaries, their Honorarias!
first of all tarxieniz it was 600 and not 500 euros and it must be a case where truth really we will keep reminding people that if god forbids gonzipn will scrape through again come next election he will agian get the 500 increase per WEEK excluding other perks.....
Maureen Attard
Matrix, and all others, change the song now. There are more other things you can sing, and not only the so called €500. xebbajtu lil kulhadd bil-kummenti esperti taghkom.
Anette B Cassar
"I will be out there - come and lend me a hand. Together we can shape the future." - I humbly ask: Is the PM inciting people out into the streets?
Zack Depasquale
What about the 500Eur raise he gave to himself and his cronnies, will he be able to justify that. What about the broken promisies, what is Dr Gonzi going to tell to all the workers at Air malta and Malta Shipyards that recieved reassurances by a personalised letter from the same Dr Gonzi about their job security? Onor Franco Debono is giving the death of a thousand cuts to GonziPN, on the other hand Dr Gonzi will sacrifice everyone and anything, as long as he stays glued to his seat of power. What will happen to Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici if a vote of no confidence is passed on him as a minister? Will Dr Mifsud Bonnici become the sacrificial lamb of GonziPN. Why all this defending and praising of Richard Cachia Caruana and not a word about Dr Carm Mifsud Bonici? Has Dr Gonzi now realised that there are people out there who are hurt? If he returns to power will he still be online as to hear what the people want or will he forget about the people for the next five years and just remember about us the people in the eve of general election? Last election the same gimmick of online chatting was used by GonziPN only for this site to close down after a week that GonziPN got to power.