Fenech claims ‘substantial progress’ on Azzurra release talks

Maltese-chartered ferry Azzurra remains trapped in Tripoli as foreign minister Tonio Borg makes unscheduled trip to Libya in a bid to release the ship.

MV Azzurra remains under arrest in the Tripoli port.
MV Azzurra remains under arrest in the Tripoli port.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said this evening that "substantial progress" has been made in talks over the release of Maltese-chartered ferry MV Azzurra which remains detained in the Tripoli port after three weeks.

"The Maltese government is making its position ... and so is Libya," Fenech said. "However, foreign minister Tonio Borg yesterday was in Libya and I am informed that substantial progress has been made."

"Our hope is that the ship is released as soon as possible," he added.

But when asked by former Labour prime minister Alfred Sant to confirm whether it was true that the ferry was carrying smuggled goods - as alleged by Libyan entrepreneur Husni Bey - Fenech said that he wasn't in a position to reply.

"I do not have the details of the case. Your question should be made to Minister Borg or the Prime Minister," Fenech said.

The Azzurra remains moored to a quay after the harbour master has refused to hand over ship documents to the Captain. Without these documents, the ship cannot set sail according to international law.

Bey alleges in a letter to the NTC that cars with Maltese licence plates vehicles leave the ship and enter Libya "without compliance" avoiding taxes and duties, and "freely distribute their goods to traders and markets."

The ship's contractor, Carmel Dimech has denied smuggling claims by the HB Group: "All the cargo we transported in the past was always let off, so it is ridiculous to hold the ship responsible if somebody imports contraband."

Il-par idejn sodi ta' gonzipn ma tantx jidhru li ghandhom xi sahha specjali u qawwija mal-mexxejja tal-kunsill tranzizzjonali libjan !!! - u dan min dak li bilkemm ma riedx jilghabha li kien hu li xi xhur ilu solva l-problemi kollha li kien hemm fil-libja !!!! Nahseb ghalhekk mar tonio borg ghax kieku mar gonzipn kienu jaghrfuh u jiftakru li hu kien l-ahhar wiehed li ghannaq lil gaddafi meta kienu ga qamu l-irvellijiet kontrih !!!!
I urge Gonzi to use his "regional authority" and the huge influence he garnered following the humanitarian assistance he extended just a few months ago so that these Maltese do not stay one minute longer in Libya.