Tension runs high between Finance Minister and Opposition whip

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has asked the Police to investigate allegations made by Opposition whip Joe Mizzi yesterday evening over the mercaptan case.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has asked the Police to investigate allegations made by Opposition whip Joe Mizzi on the mercaptan case, even though prosecution on the case is now time-barred.

Addressing the House before the start of the committee approving the amendments and clauses of the Budget Measures Appropriation Bill, Fenech said that the Police will now be investigating the case.

Yesterday evening, Mizzi said he was not satisfied with how the government-appointed board of inquiry had conducted its investigations and said that the Public Accounts Committee should now take the case in hand.

But the Opposition's whip is asking how the Police will investigate if the board of inquiry said that criminal offence over the case has now been barred by prescription.

Mizzi is also insisting that both Fenech and Minister Austin Gatt - who was previously responsible of Enemalta - had the background information on the illegal dumping of mercaptan gas in the limits of Mgarr in 2009 before the inquiry started its investigation.

Saru hafna ligijiet retroattivi ghaliex din le?. Hadd ma ghandu ikun il-fuq mill-Ligi u kullhadd ghandu jirrisponsi ghal dak li jghamel huwa min huwa u mhux biss iz-zghir. Inkella dawk ta fuq jistaw jabbuzaw kemm iridu bhal ma qed jigri f'hafna affarijiet f'dan il-pajjiz
"Min ihawwad il-borma jaf x'fiha." "Our investigations have always contributed more to our amusement than they have to knowledge” - Will Rogers
Possibli Mizzi ma jittendix li dan kollu paroli fil-vojt? Anqas in-nies ta l-Imgarr ma fethu halqhom, allavolja huma kien jibilghuwa il-velenu kieku xi haga marret zmerc! Mizzi, isma minni,'Let the Imgarrin eat the cake': they deserve nothing more, and nothing less! It reminds me kemm ghandhom ghal qalbhom lil-votanti taghhom l-MPs Nazzjonalisti!
Fenech should ask the police to investigate the montebelos
Joseph MELI
The Police should be investigating the Finance Minister's role in this debacle and who were the Enemalta officials(now ex-Enemalta but still unknown) who ,according to him,supplied him-and he then informed Parliament- with blantant untruths about mercaptan and when it was last used and how it was disposed of!