Mifsud Bonnici denies resignation ‘rumour’ ahead of Opposition motion

Home Affairs minister facing no-confidence motion insists Prime Minister has full trust in him.

Carm Mifsud Bonnici: 'The Prime Minister appointed me to this position and the prime minister has trust in me.'
Carm Mifsud Bonnici: 'The Prime Minister appointed me to this position and the prime minister has trust in me.'

The minister facing an Opposition motion of no-confidence that may be backed by government MP Franco Debono, has insisted the Prime Minister has full trust in him.

Carm Mifsud Bonnici, whose justice and home affairs ministry was split up in a Cabinet reshuffle in January to pacify errant MP Franco Debono, dubbed as "rumours" a claim that he had offered to his resignation to Lawrence Gonzi in the run-up to the Labour motion of 28 May.

"I became a minister because the people elected me. The Prime Minister appointed me to this position and the prime minister has trust in me," Mifsud Bonnici told MaltaToday.

Asked how he felt about being the target of the Opposition motion, which was tabled hot on the heels of Debono's increasingly vocal criticism of his ministry, Mifsud Bonnici said:

"How do you expect me to feel? I'll just wait and see. Why do you have some doubt about my work?" Mifsud Bonnici asked, who Friday morning unveiled a €1.2 million fleet of police cars and maritime assets. "I will let the people decide."

When pressed on the fact that it was MPs who will decide his fate, Mifsud Bonnici replied: "The people will see for themselves later."

Mifsud Bonnici has come under pressure by Debono and the Opposition over the stewardship of the justice and home affairs ministry, before it was split and the justice portfolio awarded to Chris Said back in January.

He was also appointed Leader of the House, but his resistance in putting a private members' motion on justice and home affairs by shadow ministers Jose Herrera and Michael Falzon, had Labour question his motives.

As government grappled with Franco Debono's alleged withdrawal of support, Mifsud Bonnici successfully managed to postpone crucial votes such as the Budget Measures bill.

As the deadline for this money bill neared, Gonzi decided to set a date for the vote of 9 May, but the deal with the Opposition meant setting a date for the Mifsud Bonnici motion and another calling for the resignation of permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

Biex tkun ghajjur ghal Ministru li qatt ma sema ghax ma ghamel xejn, vera kbira.
Pawlu, ikkonfermajt li int hlief tara in-NET TV u TVM u taqra in-NAZZJON ma taghmilx biex qatt ma smajt kritika li ilha ssir mill-PL ghal dan il-ministru !
trid tkun veru kiesah, arroganti u ghajjur biex tattakka ministru habrieki, onest u kapaci biex tehodlu postu akkost anki li tivvota ma' n-naha l-ohra. ma nafx x'jahseb li huwa. triq wahda fadallu li jitlaq u jhalli l-partit tieghu jiffacja elezjoni li qed jaghmel minn kollox biex itellef.
Imbierek Alla u ta madwaru. Dan il-bniedem ma għamel xejn tajjeb! Allura ħadd qabel ma induna? Kellu jigi Debono biex jindunaw? Ħadd ma kellu l-gazz jikkritikah jew imbaghad idur id-dubbien mal-maghkur? U halluna tridux!!!!!
Does anyone remember what Gonzi told the US Ambassador about the "amount of talented people in his Cabinet?" That's a very clever way of instilling investor confidence isn't it? Who lives in glasshouses.............
Ikun iktar ghaqli jekk taghmel l wissa, ghax ma kont kapaci taghmel xejn kemm ilek fil politika. Ma irnexillek titghallem xejn minghand missierek. Li bnew familtek fil-politka int kissirtu
Ministru, Ara ma iffetilekx tirrezenja ta...Ibqa hemm sa l-ahhar minuta, halli hadd min naha tal gvern ma jista jghejd li ma hallejnikhomx tmexxu.Tismax min (suppost siehbek )li irid jivvendika ruhu minnek ghax ma hax il Ministeru huwa. Ghalina il laburisti ma tghamilx differenza jekk ikun hemm int jew Cikku floqqos Ministru,mhux ahna fil gvern.Ir rizultati u il kontijiet trid itihom lil min ivvutalek u mhux lilna.Il gudizzju mhux ahna jew Dr. Franco Debono irid jghamlu imma il votanti tad distrett/i li tohrog fuqhom int. Nawguralek.....
Who said that CMB had done nothing ? We have seen Corradino turned from Corradino Prisons to Corradino Correctional Facility. And later to Corradino State-of-the-Art Drugs Complex while he held the ministerial responsibility !
Luke Camilleri
'The Prime Minister appointed me to this position and the prime minister has trust in me' -------------------- And Dr. Gonzi goes off to Ms. Molly Bordanaro the Americal Ambassador to say , and get reported on Wikileaks, that he has difficulties in choosing his Ministers from Gonzipn's pool of limited talent! Just who is kidding who.... of should I say Birds of a feather shit together?
It is quite clear that a century of parliamentary inheritance for the Mifsud-Bonnicis third generation, must come to an end. This MP's action and dedication to perform is lacking professionalism. The facts have exposed what many believe, that the first generation lays the foundation, the second generation builds on it, but the third generation will find a way to dismantle it.
It is the Prime Minister who hires and fires! No matter what others says. Mifsud Bonnici has the trust of the constituency and reflects honesty. I don't think that the new Minister of Justice has invented the wheel because CMB had done nothing. He is building on what Mifsud Bonnici had done.