Eight years on since EU membership, Sant prefers ‘partnership’
Former Labour leader Alfred Sant gives his take on Malta’s accession to the European Union in an interview with sister-paper Illum.
In an interview with sister-paper Illum, former Prime Minister and Labour leader Alfred Sant describes government as “caught in a trap” and “living a lie”.
Asked whether Malta’s situation has improved since joining the EU, Sant believes that what was promised prior to joining the EU did not take place.
“Actually membership only benefitted 20% of the population... The remaining 80%, largely those with average to low income, have been left behind,” Sant says, adding his conviction that his proposed ‘partnership’ with the EU rather than membership, was a better option for Malta.
Sant believes that Malta “rushed” into deciding to join the single currency, the euro.
“Look at what has happened! Never before have we had such an unstable currency. The euro crisis is still ongoing and definitely won’t come to an end by the day after tomorrow.