Muscat hits out at ‘shrinking clique’

Labour leader Joseph Muscat hits out a the GonziPN clique which is growing smaller and stalling progress. He invites Nationalists to join the Labour movement.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat

Addressing party supporters in Naxxar, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said the proposed 'youth guarantee' plan "combines two pillars of socialist belief , that is aspiration for a better life and compassion, While keeping in mind the success stories we can never forget who is left behind and we have to create a social net to help those who are left behind."

Muscat explained that the youth guarantee plan recognises the achievement of high-flyers in our education system who are among the best in Europe. "We want to see more of these high achievers but we also have to help those who are falling behind," Muscat said.

"There are powers that want to stall development to strengthen the position of the elite establishment. These are not Nationalists but it is the GonziPN clique which is occupying the country," he noted.

Muscat explained that "Labourites are not benefitting and neither are Nationalists, but it is the GonziPN clique which is benefitting from this."

"The clique is shrinking. It was reported that former MITA chief Claudio Grech, who is a PN strategist who previously controlled government's IT system is now working as a consultant at MITA on a voluntary basis. He still has access to MITA, and even held on to his car and other perks but just changed his job title," Muscat said.

Muscat invited all disgruntled Nationalist voters to join Labour and said "the doors are open for Nationalists who want to join this movement."

 "We are aware of the permits being approved and other favours dished out by GonziPN. Only God knows what is going on. Gonzi has gone on record saying 'we will give you what you want', which is a clear admission of clientalism," Muscat said. 

He added that a new Labour government will not give people what they want but what they deserve and emphatically said "the Maltese deserve the best."

"The system only helps people according to who your parents are, what your surname is and how much money you have in your bank account. The people have had enough. They want jobs and training and a better education because they deserve it," Muscat said.

Muscat added that GonziPN has obliterated meritocracy. "We do not want people pleading for help. We do  not want to humiliate people to get their utility bills reduced. We want to give people what is theirs by right through meritocracy."

"We therefore need to address the problems plaguing our society. We want to address problems such as having 10 or 11 year-old that cannot read or write. Aren't these candidates for criminality and dependence on social welfare?" Muscat asked.

He explained that the' youth guarantee' plan will ensure that everyone will be skilled and competent. "We will eradicate illiteracy. We will provide training to early-school leavers to find a better job and encourage them to take up further education."

"We will not oblige people to take up this scheme," Muscat added. He went on to explain that just below half of the unemployed persons in Malta are 29 years or younger which is higher than the EU average which stands at 38%.

Muscat described the GonziPN administration as "a precarious government." He cited an article penned by the president of the Forum trade union,  John Bencini on precarious jobs at Mcast.

The Opposition leader said the article which describes the situation at Mcast, where teachers are registered as self-employed and do not enjoy the benefits all other teachers enjoy deserves a fully-fledged inquiry.

"To be taken seriously, this government must eliminate precarious jobs in the public sector," Muscat said to great acclaim of the gathered crowd.

Muscat noted that other persons are not in precarious jobs but are enjoying a €500,000 wage at Air Malta. In a clear reference to the airline's CEO, Peter Davies, Muscat accused Air Malta's chief of employing his friends at the airline "as he has done in other companies he has worked in."

He added that Air Malta's management will soon be claiming victory when the European Commission will approve the restructuring plan. "The plan will obviously be approved after having pumped in so much money," Muscat said.

He also expressed his surprise at the airline's decision to first allow employees to take early retirement schemes then employ other persons.

Citing a report published by Sunday newspaper Illum, Muscat said Air Malta has taken a decision to spend €700,000 on new uniforms at a time when the airline is facing financial difficulties.

"However, we have no money for medicines, we have no money for Learning Support Assistants and no money for ETC training schemes," he said.

In reference to the Opposition's parliamentary motion to censure justice minister, Carm Mifsud Bonnici, Muscat said that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi  is a "hostage of his own ministers."  

In reiterating Labour's pledge to reduce the utility bills, Muscat quoted the IMF report published this week which he said confirmed that energy rates are high not because of the international prices of oil but because of bad management.

In a clear attempt to involve and promote new faces, the party faithful were also addressed by prospective candidate Chris Fearne and the party's executive president Lydia Abela. MP CharlesMangion also addressed the crowd before Muscat's address.

@fenea .......when are people like you going to grow up?.......@better future!!! very interesting user name consider youar a gonzipn apologist, whilst truely every vote counts we still do away with those of leeches so you are no threat.... @raja like I told fenea grow up.
Mr Privitera - I just pity you and your comments.... Int trid tghajjar lin nies giddieba ?! Bil kumment tieghek ikkonfermajt li int kont wiehed minn tal qalba ZGUR. Jekk tahseb li biex tihu linja ta telefon u biex takkwista TV tal kulur ma kellekx bzonn tmur ghand ministru nahseb INT il vera giddieb u hadt izjed
Dr Muscat saqsi lil Joe Debono Grech , Silvio Parnis u lil Jason Micallef fost ohrajn. Nahseb jafu sew xi jfisser " klijentalizmu "
Better Future: So who gets your vote, those who are committing these abusive actions ? Don't you know that Dr. Muscat wants to have the 'Whistleblower Act' introduced as from NOW and to be retroactive so that those who abused can be prosecuted ? And GonziPN does not want retroactivity but wants it to apply from the date the law becomes operative ??
Kelma wahda ghandi ghalik 'fenea' - GIDDIEB ! Jekk kien hemm min approfitta ruhu minn xi beccun li ma riedx jistenna ftit - kif ghadna nisimghu min jiffroda lin-nies illum jippoza ta' li jahdem ma' xi ministru etc.. - dik affari tieghu ! Jien ma kellimt lil-hadd biex xtrajt TV tal-kulur. Mort fil queue u meta missni xtrajtu ! Allura int il-klijentelizmu li hawn ILLUM taqbel mieghu ???
sur muscat il klijentalizmu kien fl-aqwa tieghu fi zmien il gvern socjalist ta duminku mintoff. kien it timbru ufficjali tal partit laburista ta dak iz-zmien. biex tiehu job biex tiehu telefon biex tixtri television ried ikollok min jghinek. u sahansitra biex tiekol bicca cikkulata tajba ried ikollok min jghinek u jixtrijilek min sqallija. tippruvax tnessi il passat ghax il poplu malti mhux se jinsieg malajr.
""We are aware of the permits being approved and other favours dished out by GonziPN. Only God knows what is going on." Unless Labour promises to get back, for the benefit of all Maltese, this money; and abolish retroactively all abusive privileges/contracts/permits being dished out, and bring all to book, it will not get the undecided vote. No excuses please!