Government, Opposition united against United States proposal for S.O.F.A.

Foreign minister reconfirms opposition to ceding jurisdiction on offences committed by United States military personnel.

After Libya, a stronger partnership. But how far will the United States go in asking for a Status of Forces Agreement with Malta?
After Libya, a stronger partnership. But how far will the United States go in asking for a Status of Forces Agreement with Malta?

Government and Labour are seemingly on the same wavelength when it comes to protecting Malta's national interests with regards to visiting foreign servicemen.

Both Foreign Minister Tonio Borg and Labour's shadow minister for foreign affairs George Vella have reacted with a clear refusal to
cede jurisdiction on crimes and offences committed by visiting United States military personnel.

Reacting to comments made by newly appointed US ambassador to Malta Gina Abercombie-Winstanley, who in an interview says that "the US would love to have a Status of Forces Agreement with Malta," the foreign minister and his shadow minister were adamant on insisting on a refusal.

A SOFA determines what privileges, facilities and immunities will apply to military forces when they are present on Maltese territory, but does not necessarily imply hosting a military base.

Although the ambassador made it clear that "this is a decision to be taken entirely by government and the Maltese people", Borg replied that he would not cede jurisdiction over any offences committed on Maltese soil by foreign nationals.

"Government's position is the one which I expressed in a public statement to the effect that Malta should not cede any jurisdiction over incidents relating to Maltese nationals or involving damage done to property in Malta," Borg told MaltaToday.

On his part, George Vella said that the matter will be subject to an internal discussion and decision by the Labour Party. "But I can tell you from now that my advice to the party, is not to give in to any issues related to jurisdiction."

Vella - who has not yet met with the new US ambassador - augured for a good relationship with the new US envoy to the island.

A Status of Forces Agreement is an agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing forces in that country. SOFAs are often included, along with other types of military agreements, as part of a comprehensive security arrangement.

Discussions on a SOFA had taken place in 2011. Foreign Minister Tonio Borg had told MaltaToday that informal discussions had taken place but no agreement was reached. “Even if we were to reach an agreement this would need parliamentary approval.”

When Malta ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Bush administration suspended its regular military funding to the Armed Forces of Malta, for not signing an immunity agreement to protect servicemen. So called bilateral immunity agreements (BIAs) are drafted out of concern that SOFAs don't sufficiently protect Americans from the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Malta lost its US foreign financing in 2004 because it did not sign the BIA.

Borg is actually described by US embassy cables published on the Wikileaks website as having been “a sceptic” of the US proposal for a SOFA, but later dropped his opposition – according to a conversation between former US ambassador Douglas Kmiec and the Prime Minister’s personal assistant Edgar Galea-Curmi.

Galea-Curmi told Kmiec that Lawrence Gonzi was “ready to go forward” on a United States request to consider a SOFA, two years after rejoining the Partnership for Peace. “What remained to be determined was what parameters the SOFA needed, and how Malta could met U.S. ‘expectations’,” Kmiec paraphrased Galea-Curmi as saying.

The cables strongly hinted that Lawrence Gonzi would “move broad SOFA legislation quietly through parliament without formal debate”or increase NATO presence gradually through diplomatic notes.

Malta’s then head of defence - today ambassador to Belgium - Vanessa Frazier is said to have proposed to Douglas Kmiec a gradual approach: “The best course would be to execute SOFA incrementally by means of diplomatic notes” – suggesting that any military presence could be built-up incrementally, perhaps with frequent visits by US ships. Kmiec welcomed this tactic as a “useful interim” step, since NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis had requested at least six ship visits “to reacquaint Malta with [their] economic and associational value” while SOFA discussions were kept alive.

A SOFA does not constitute a security arrangement - it establishes the rights and privileges of foreign personnel present in a host country in support of the larger security arrangement .The SOFA is mostly focused on legal issues associated with military individuals and property.

For civil matters, SOFAs provide for how civil damages caused by the forces will be determined and paid. Criminal issues vary, but the typical provision in US SOFAs is that US courts will have jurisdiction over crimes committed either by a service member against another service member or by a service member as part of his or her military duty, though the host nation retains jurisdiction over other crimes.

Part of the notoriety of the SOFA stems from cases such as when US Marine Michael Brown was accused in 2002 of the attempted rape of a Filipina bartender while stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Though the rape charges were eventually dropped, thanks to collaboration between Japan and the US, Brown was charged with attempted indecent assault and the destruction of public property.

Well said Bcassbern. Bring in the S.O.F.A!
Well said Bcassbern. Bring in the S.O.F.A!
Statutory rape is punishable by three to six years in prison. The minimum age of consent is 18. Rape committed by violence carries a penalty of imprisonment for three to nine years, with or without solitary confinement. Creation of child pornography is prohibited and punishable by imprisonment from one to five years (up to eight years in special circumstances). Possession of child pornography is also prohibited and punishable by imprisonment not exceeding three years - That is in MALTA For rape defendants sentenced to prison, the average term imposed was just under 14 years. About 2% of convicted rapists received life sentences. - That is in the US. If your child/daughter/son were ever raped by anyone FROM ANY nation which laws would you rather you had on your side???????????
Well said Bcassbern. Bring in the S.O.F.A!
Well said Bcassbern. Bring in the S.O.F.A!
Don't be so narrow minded!! Jesus Jones!! At least the US court system is faster, more reliable and they actually pass a sentence and don't give 'suspended sentences' like they do in our Mickey Mouse court house! Should military or civilians commit a crime they would be sentenced once investigated and it won't take 10 years to get to court and have the date changed moved and delayed a further 9!! Our courts are full, slow and a joke! 1 they take work off our hands, 2 they get proper sentences and 3 why don't you look up crimes committed by Maltese people overseas? Murders, drug lords, human trafficking just to name a few. You're all so obsessed and narrow minded! Do you know what revenue these sailors bring to our shores? Not just clubs but hotels, restaurants, taxis, tourist attractions.. They even do voluntary work during their time off! After being at sea sleeping in something that resembles a shoe rack among another 200 - 5000 people! Why not look at controlling the hundreds of 'massage' parlors that are popping up on every block by these Thai, Philippine and every other country round that end.. Do they all have visas? Yeah right they don't they cause more harm then these sailors who put money into our economy rather than suck it (no pun intended) out of the male breadwinners in Malta sending them back broke and even with something they might not be able to wash off!! I bet you all enjoy that!
@skaldazghira ---> I think you watch too much television. Tajba din, so you don't want the Americans to come to Malta because you think they are murderers? Since when did you adapt this stupid mentality? I suggest you be the one to step into reality and look around you to see who the real problem in Malta is..
@skaldazghira ---> I think you watch too much television. Tajba din, so you don't want the Americans to come to Malta because you think they are murderers? Since when did you adapt this stupid mentality? I suggest you be the one to step into reality and look around you to see who the real problem in Malta is..
@skaldazghira ---> I think you watch too much television. Tajba din, so you don't want the Americans to come to Malta because you think they are murderers? Since when did you adapt this stupid mentality? I suggest you be the one to step into reality and look around you to see who the real problem in Malta is..
@skaldazghira ---> I think you watch too much television. Tajba din, so you don't want the Americans to come to Malta because you think they are murderers? Since when did you adapt this stupid mentality? I suggest you be the one to step into reality and look around you to see who the real problem in Malta is..
skalda I m not gonna sit here and attack you like you are attacking me, first of all we all think we are tough coz we are on the INTERNET, second of all I have the right for an opinion just like you do. The fact that you called an ambassador by her first name, reflects your moral values. No matter what country he/she is representing. All this anger you are putting out also reflects pain, a lot of loneliness, attacking people on maltatoday to get some attention..venting on this topic. I pity you... lol All i mentioned is what YOU THINK these people do in Malta versus what they REALLY do when they are here, I happen to work in tourism and made friends with both male and female sailors that's all.So I happen to be the one to be in touch with reality, you base your opinion about what you see on CNN. So you d one that needs a reality check.
I totally agree with this agreement. This is good for various reasons but the biggest one is our economy. It will boost our economy especially right now in these times of crisis. Re the comments that I have been reading about criminal activity, well I tend to disagree with this. The amount of criminal activity that has been caused by american military in Malta is to the bare minimum. I think it's better if we realise who is the real cause for all the criminal activity that is occuring here in Malta lately. Whenever the Military comes here they nearly always do voluntary work which is good for us and they help us in our economy!
b_real stop living in another universe and come back down to earth
Don't be so narrow minded!! Jesus Jones!! At least the US court system is faster, more reliable and they actually pass a sentence and don't give 'suspended sentences' like they do in our Mickey Mouse court house! Should military or civilians commit a crime they would be sentenced once investigated and it won't take 10 years to get to court and have the date changed moved and delayed a further 9!! Our courts are full, slow and a joke! 1 they take work off our hands, 2 they get proper sentences and 3 why don't you look up crimes committed by Maltese people overseas? Murders, drug lords, human trafficking just to name a few. You're all so obsessed and narrow minded! Do you know what revenue these sailors bring to our shores? Not just clubs but hotels, restaurants, taxis, tourist attractions.. They even do voluntary work during their time off! After being at sea sleeping in something that resembles a shoe rack among another 200 - 5000 people! Why not look at controlling the hundreds of 'massage' parlors that are popping up on every block by these Thai, Philippine and every other country round that end.. Do they all have visas? Yeah right they don't! They cause more harm then these sailors who put money into our economy rather than suck it (no pun intended) out of the male breadwinners in Malta sending them back broke and even with something they might not be able to wash off!! I bet you all enjoy that!
Don't be so narrow minded!! Jesus Jones!! At least the US court system is faster, more reliable and they actually pass a sentence and don't give 'suspended sentences' like they do in our Mickey Mouse court house! Should military or civilians commit a crime they would be sentenced once investigated and it won't take 10 years to get to court and have the date changed moved and delayed a further 9!! Our courts are full, slow and a joke! 1 they take work off our hands, 2 they get proper sentences and 3 why don't you look up crimes committed by Maltese people overseas? Murders, drug lords, human trafficking just to name a few. You're all so obsessed and narrow minded! Do you know what revenue these sailors bring to our shores? Not just clubs but hotels, restaurants, taxis, tourist attractions.. They even do voluntary work during their time off! After being at sea sleeping in something that resembles a shoe rack among another 200 - 5000 people! Why not look at controlling the hundreds of 'massage' parlors that are popping up on every block by these Thai, Philippine and every other country round that end.. Do they all have visas? Yeah right they don't! They cause more harm then these sailors who put money into our economy rather than suck it (no pun intended) out of the male breadwinners in Malta sending them back broke and even with something they might not be able to wash off!! I bet you all enjoy that!
Don't be so narrow minded!! Jesus Jones!! At least the US court system is faster, more reliable and they actually pass a sentence and don't give 'suspended sentences' like they do in our Mickey Mouse court house! Should military or civilians commit a crime they would be sentenced once investigated and it won't take 10 years to get to court and have the date changed moved and delayed a further 9!! Our courts are full, slow and a joke! 1 they take work off our hands, 2 they get proper sentences and 3 why don't you look up crimes committed by Maltese people overseas? Murders, drug lords, human trafficking just to name a few. You're all so obsessed and narrow minded! Do you know what revenue these sailors bring to our shores? Not just clubs but hotels, restaurants, taxis, tourist attractions.. They even do voluntary work during their time off! After being at sea sleeping in something that resembles a shoe rack among another 200 - 5000 people! Why not look at controlling the hundreds of 'massage' parlors that are popping up on every block by these Thai, Philippine and every other country round that end.. Do they all have visas? Yeah right they don't! They cause more harm then these sailors who put money into our economy rather than suck it (no pun intended) out of the male breadwinners in Malta sending them back broke and even with something they might not be able to wash off!! I bet you all enjoy that!
So disgusted at the pathetic comments below. Why so much hate against these people? What happened 60 years ago is irrelevant. Every country has a psycho that makes headlines once in a while. Why should the entire nation be blacklisted? We welcome millions of tourists every year, how do we know whether they have been convicted of any crimes or not? But of course, let’s turn against these young men and women who have voluntarily chosen to defend the safety of their country and that of others. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from them about patriotism, we obviously don’t respect our own military enough to respect the military of another country. Malta should be a prostitute and isn’t a latrine, seriously? These people leave behind their parents, wives, husbands and kids not knowing if they will ever see them again. I have no shame to say I know first-hand how horrible that is. For months on end they have to carry the burden of war. While you are sitting pretty drinking your coffee, they are in the most unwelcoming environment. Try putting yourself in their shoes before writing another bias comment. They are our allies. If things get ‘dirty’ they will be the first ones to come to our rescue. So why shouldn’t we respect them enough to welcome them into our country and let them have their well-deserved break?
would love it if who ever posted the allegations of a woman been stabbed by US military and also about the beating on don mintofs father . i looked up on the times of malta archive and found nothing of such allegations been confirmed . please send me proof.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
b_real you must be living in a parallel universe not to know that American servicemen have killed Maltese persons. this is apart from murdering many other in other countries. Why we give them negative attention> Because they deserve it all. The fact that they do some voluntary work is to try and give a good image but that image is so much tarnished that their efforts are USELESS.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
I never said that Malta should become a prostitute for their military but let's be realistic...For years Malta and the u.s. seemed to have an agreement and it did just fine.. now all of a sudden the government or whoever decided to change the rules...? What for?! Of course I'm sure you're not the ones that have to drive cabs every day or have an establishment in St Julians or Valletta...who cares about those people right? Americans are a joy to be around, personally they are the nicest and friendliest people.
Hmm I would like to know what these offences are? I never heard of a US serviceman stabbing or killing a Maltese person, yet I have heard of other nationalities doing so, so why are we giving all this negative attention to the US servicemen? Does the Maltese media mention the voluntary work that these men and women do while in MALTA>>> YES WOMEN SAILORS, Flashnews it s not the 60's anymore!!! They are here for 4 days max, 2 of those days they have to work and on their day off they have to carry out voluntary work. Bet you did not know that. I am just saying that you are generalizing and stereotyping. Maltese people do not always agree with the goverment's decisions, same with Americans. I suggest you go there if you never been it is not what you see on CNN! And the people are awesome. PEACE.
No SOFA. We prefer to die on the floor then die on a SOFA. Do the Americans treat other Nations citizens on the SOFA. How did they treat the ex IMF Chief. They were right mind you. When you're in Rome do as the Romans do.
No thank you. Years back, a,mongst others, we had two distinctive incidents involving U.S Sailors. One killed a woman in Valletta, and another entered the house of former PM Mintoff's father, also in Valletta , and beat the hell out of him. Both perpetrators were immediately flown out to the U.S.A, and never heard anything about the outcome. Can you, Mrs Ambassador, kindly inform us what was the outcome ?. Were they prosecuted ?.
If we are not careful - US will turn the Mediterranean into the same mess they created in Latin America with Malta being the next Haiti. Its amazing how easy it is to become a regional leader for the US. Here are a few requirements: 1. Let a few airplanes land - carrying kidnapped people on their way to be tortured outside US soil 2. Ignore the constitution of your country and let your country be used by the US to carry out war 3. Plan to be in power for the rest of your life and then appoint your own successor. 4. Have your government filled with family and friend - turn ministries into hereditary dynasties. 5. Stand for election by proxy - which is what Gonzi did on his first term. 6. Have a corrupt and brutal police force who can get away with murder. Gonzi fits the profile perfectly.
Well all know the imperialistic attitude of the US. Today 5 leading corporations control the world in terms of money, food and water ie Monsanto, Golden Sachs, JP Morgan, Chase and Bank of America. The deprivation of millions of people on Earth is the result of the greediness of the echelons of Washington. However the US has its values which are positive but they have wavered from the 1770 Constitution. So, we are friends with the US but not partners. No sir!!!
L. Gatt, why should we accept that criminal acts committed by U.S. Sevicement in our country, not be dealt with by our police and courts ? What you suggest is that for money, malta should become a prostitute !!!
: j_gatt how can people be such boot lickers? Usually only pimps used to say that.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
Dear Mrs Ambassador we should be mutual friends, but Malta has its dignity too: we should not be a latrine to America's service men as we were in the 60s!
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
What a SHAME the Government and the Opposition DO NOT realize that military ships are such a boost to our economy, especially U.S Navy ships.
You got your answer Gina. Neither the Government nor the Opposition want to subdue Malta to your diktat. If your MURDERERS didn't commit war crimes they wouldn't have anything to be afraid of from either Malta or the International Criminal Court. So you want to exclude your soldiers from Malta's jurisdiction for crimes they commit and also from the ICC and yet you expect other countries to extradite THEIR citizens on the pretext that they have broken some idiotic maniacal US law not in the USA but in their own country like what happened when the idiots in the UK signed the extradition treaty with the US. No Gina, the US jurisdiction STOPS at your frontiers.