Gonzi takes Cabinet roadshow to Gozo, announces child hospital

Gozo benefiting from more benefits and schemes to promote growth on sister island - Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterated his commitment to overcome Gozo's double insularity.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterated his commitment to overcome Gozo's double insularity.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi set much store in promoting the 'Gozitan dimension' of his government's decision-making, with a Cabinet meeting held at the ministry of Gozo in Victoria today.

Also present for the meeting was permanent representative to the European Union, Richard Cachia Caruana. It was the first Cabinet meeting in a long time in which the press was invited to an address by the prime minister: no questions were taken and the press conference was delayed because the party's Net TV crew missed the channel crossing.

Addressing the press, Gonzi highlighted his efforts in overcoming Gozo's double insularity, saying the government's benefits and schemes gave far greater advantages to Gozitan beneficiaries. He said Gozitans could benefit up to 60% in tax rebates, compared to 40% for Maltese nationals, and higher feed-in tariffs for photovoltaic and solar heating panels.

Gonzi also announced a new child development centre, to be built next to the Gozo general hospital. "The hospital's services will start being provided to this child development centre, which will offer specific services for the care of children," Gonzi said.

The prime minister said up to 10% of all European Union funds are hived off for projects in Gozo, which is one of Malta's thirteen electoral districts. "We believe this skew is essential to promote growth in Gozo. There are €71 million in projects waiting to be implemented."

These publicity stunts don`t impress us Gozitans anymore Dr Gonzi .We had enough broken promises from you
Nispera li l-ministru tagħna organizzatilhom kowċ. Lanqas ħaqq jiġu Għawdex b'karozza kull wieħed! Dak imur kontra l-ispirtu ta' Eko-Għawdex.
so its seems missing the boat is something inherent to the new PN- bring back Eddie anytime
Next thing we'll know gonzi promising a fetus hospital and a hospital for the dead. Why not think of this hospital before coming up with the City HOLE Project?
Ghall-beneficcju tal-Ghawdxin gonzipn illum rajnih bil-glekk u bl-ingrevata ..... biex taraw kemm jistmahom ahjar mill-maltin lill-ghawdxin ghax dan l-ahhar konna drajna narawh jiggerra 'l hemm u 'l hawn bil-qmis miftuha u bla ingrevata !!!!! U biex aktar jikkonferma kemm hi cajta l-mina bejn malta u ghawdex, illum mid-dehra insiha u ma qal xejn fuqha!!! Ga zvintalu l-interess dwarha ... issa jerga' jiftakar dwarha xi xahar, xahrejn ohra !!!!
I will vote for GonziPN if he finishes the tunnel before the elections; b'GonziPN kollox possibli! Yups!
I promise you this and promise you that, Mr Gonzi made so many promises that he forgot that the same promises he made to the Maltese and Gozitans had already been promised to the people of Comino, Filfila and Cominoto.
The first time the Cabinet meet in Gozo was during the Prremiership of dr alfred Sant. More gimicks like the tunnel.Gimicks dont work any more........especialy in Gozo
Can they do anything original? He must have copied this circus from the EP circus which goes so many times from Brussels to Strasbourg at great expense to the tax payers.
Did the Gozitano "Queen" offer peppered cheese-lets to all her subjects in recognition of such an honour as this visit of such high office holders (was RCC present)? Was Gozo wine handed round to the gathered crowd at the entrance of the "palace"? Oh, by the way, I was almost forgetting. Did the Finance Minister elaborate on the disparity in the tax receipts the National Government gathers from Gozo; and the enormous slice out of the national cake that ends in Gozo, seeing that most are public servants, consultants or employees of public servants.
Luke Camilleri
...u wara sptar tal-animali biex zgur ma jkun nesgha il-hadd! Qisghu Willy Wonka u c-chocolate factory iqassam il-goodies u l-karotti....
"No questions were taken". WHY?
Ghadhom jasbu li ser JITNEJKU bin-nies dawn il-politikanti Nazzjonalisti. 20 SENA jweghdu Terminal ic-Cirkewwa, Tunnel, darba minnhom waqt mass meeting lejliet l-elezzjoni tan-1996 qalulna li ser jibnu s-Site tal-Bus Terminus gor-Rabat. Ahna Ghawdex xoghol irridu u mhux politikanti jistadu ghall-voti jew Parlementari jagevolaw u jiddefendu haddiema jahdmu xoghol iehor waqt li suppost qed jahdmu mal-Gvern. Insomma l-attitudni MOQZIEZA taghkom il-politikanti prezenti Ghawdxin taz-zewg nahhat haditna mitt sena lura.
Ghadhom jasbu li ser JITNEJKU bin-nies dawn il-politikanti Nazzjonalisti. 20 SENA jweghdu Terminal ic-Cirkewwa, Tunnel, darba minnhom waqt mass meeting lejliet l-elezzjoni tan-1996 qalulna li ser jibnu s-Site tal-Bus Terminus gor-Rabat. Ahna Ghawdex xoghol irridu u mhux politikanti jistadu ghall-voti jew Parlementari jagevolaw u jiddefendu haddiema jahdmu xoghol iehor waqt li suppost qed jahdmu mal-Gvern. Insomma l-attitudni MOQZIEZA taghkom il-politikanti prezenti Ghawdxin taz-zewg nahhat haditna mitt sena lura.
GonziPN the older he gets the smarter he gets,thanks, for your gentleness,keep it up,remember, we have the majority of the PN supporters in Gozo.
Yes...it was announced in 2012..should be ready by 2032! U leeeeee..!!