Pullicino Orlando’s fury at Bishop’s view on ‘the family’

Divorce bill promoter and government MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says Gozo Bishop ‘has absolutely no right to encourage discrimination’.

Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has hit out at Gozo's Bishop Mgr Mario Grech over statements made in a pastoral letter over what constitutes a family.

An irate Pullicino Orlando said it was "shameful" if government was "dragging its feet" on the regularisation of gay unions because of the Church's beliefs.

"Bishop Grech has absolutely no right to encourage discrimination against those families he deems as being 'flawed' by the State," Pullicino Orlando, who was on the forefront calling for divorce legislation, said.

"If this is why we seem to be dragging our feet in relation to the promised regularisation of gay unions ... shame!"

Pullicino Orlando added that it is up to government to legislate in such a way as to protect the rights of all families. "Once again it seems that the sensibilities of the Curia come before basic civil rights," he said.

According to Grech and chancellor Salv Debrincat, "families are built on a relationship based on marriage between a man and a woman, where there is lifelong commitment with the aim to love and procreate, raise and educate children".

The two added, "No other relationship could be equalled to a family."

"It was true that there were those within political, economic and media institutions that wanted to call a family any experience of people who decided to live together because they loved one another," the pastoral letter goes on to say.

"But while these people, who were not a family, had the right for the state to respect their individual rights, it was also the duty of the state to recognise real families and develop a policy in their favour."

Grech said that the family was "a sanctuary where human life was conceived and brought up".

"The respect to the dignity of life required that not just abortion and euthanasia were not permitted but also that methods of procreation would not be a threat to human life," the pastoral letter read.

Grech goes on to suggest that low birth rate could be the result of the social environment: "Financial burdens, precarious work and buying a home could be some of the reasons leading young couples to take a long time to get married and start their family."

anqas temmen kemm haw vavi, pulcinelli u giddieba! Jistahbew wara l-anonamita, jigdbu, jitfghu akkuzi foloz u ma jkunux irgiel jew jissostanzjawhom jew jirtirawhom. Ghandhom ragun jinjorawni lili. PULCINELLI!
Anqas temmen kemm haw VAVI, PULCINELLI u GIDDIBIN. Ghandkom ragun tinjorawni.
Times do change. I can not belive that this "fury" is coming from the Gonzipn side. Bishop Grech is right 100% on this issue.
@ Guidaforte: la ergajt tfaccajt nerga' nisfidak tispjega x'ridt tghid bit-tabib, hwienet, pastizzi, eluf fil-kunsill. Inkella did-darba jkolli nghid li l-kodard huwa INT.
@Progress: bil-Malti veru ghandek bzonn kors intensiv ghax izjed ghandek kliem hazin milli tajjeb. Jekk trid nurihomlok. Fuq il-kunsill, jekk joghgbok spjega ruhek ahjar halli li ngibek fl-inkwiet u anqas nghidlek giddieb.
JPO fuq din zgur li ma ghandikx ragun. Din id-darba Mons Grech qieghed spot on. Familja hija bejn ragel u mara u jekk ikun hemm, l-ulied. Kull xorta ta forma ohra ta' hbiberija jew imhabba tissejjah ghaqda u mhux familja. Tippruvax tbillel ir-rota ghax mhux se jirrnexxilek.
This was a hateful attack on the family by the bishop of Gozo which further proves that the church is incapable or unwilling to fulfil its constitutional duty to teach what is right and what is wrong, and is instead teaching wrong as right and right as wrong. It is time to get rid of that anachronistic article that besmirches our constitution.
Giovanni hemm xi cans ittini privat tal Malti u jien nghalmek tkun accountant tajjeb ghax meta kont int fil kunsill tal Mosta l-bahar konna morna, minghaliek trid ticcajta fejn jaqbillek,isma minni mur erga fuq il gazzetta l-ohra li iggib lilek biss xi kultant ghax jaqblila, ara hawnhekk kummenti min kulhadd bis sens, int dejjem tmaqdar lil Pl. Isma minni u ghalaq halqek ghax hlief hmerijiet ma tghidx
Kif jinbidlu z-zminijiet. Kulhadd liberu jghid li jrid u li joghogbu. Inkluz kontra l-gvern . Mhux bhal 1981-1986. Tghid kelma kontra r-regim socjalista u tissogra li jqattghuk. Alla hares jarawk timxi fit-triq bin- Nazzjon ghax taqla' xi xebgha lembubi. Le ghal Malta libjana mintoffjana. Viva l- Maltin. Viva l- Lemin. Il-Liberta` l-ewwel u qabel kollox.
The Maltese Constitution provides that no discrimination should be made on grounds of race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex. I say it’s either time to change the law on marriage ... unless Parliament wants to change the Constitution!
Elwenzu....il-lejla se torqod kalm, possibbli?
Mur arana kieku kellna nizzewgu jien u Guidaforte. X'ghaxqa jkun fina. Imma mbaghad gosti fl-ahhar mill-ahhar. Min jiehu grazzja ma' Belen u min jiehu grazzja ma' Giovann. (dejjem jekk Guidaforte huwa ragel...)
Ara Guidaforte kif qbaddtu! Spjegalna jekk ghandek sinjal ta' rgulija x'ridt tghid meta semmejt tabib, te, pastizzi, flus fil-kunsill....Spjegalna jekk ma tridx tghaddi ta' VAVU bezziegh? Jew anqas taf xi tkun qed tikteb.
The question is " Do a couple of gays living together constitute a family".... Well it depends what one believes what a "Family" is made up of and here opinions differ. While family is defined as ... "In human context, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children."..... the word co-residence seems to include a gay couple. Is the bishop right after all, the definition of a family wasn't thought up recently but has been so for ages.
JPO shabek tal PN gabu li qal L-Isqof ta Ghawdex fejn qal fl-ahhar fazi ta l-istatement:"Financial burdens, precarious work and buying a home could be some of the reasons leading young couples to take a long time to get married and start their family." Certu kuntratturi li jfornu l-PN jaqblilom li jkun hawn emigranti llegali jigru maghna biex jigbruhom mil Marsa biex jtuhom €5 kuljum. Dak kienet pjan ta certu nies li jaqblilom ha jhallsu lil haddiema bi ftit flus. Iva hekk qed jigri barranin gabu x-xoghol prekarjat. Riward il gays u IVF naqbel ma JPO ghax kulhadd ghandu d-dritt jghix bhalna u hadd ma hu anqas min haddiehor, jien nikonsidra persuna gay normali bhali, anzi jaf ihobb aktar minni. Naqbel ma IVF ghax meta tkun taf li ma tistax ikollok tfal hlief b'mod prokreattiv, hajja wahda ghandna Isqof Grech allura int ghazilta t-triq tieghek u halli lil haddiehor jghazel it-triq tieghu jkollu tfal kif jixtieq.
Kif inbidel iz zmien. Kieku J.P.O qal dan il kliem fis snin is suwed tas sittinijiet, meta kien hemm kunjom iehor ta Gonzi, imma mhux P.N. izda Archisqof, ibqaw zgur li kieku bhal issa J.P.O. tiela it tarag tal forka. Dak iz zmien ahjar kont tehodha dirett ma ta denbu twil milli maz ziju tal P.M. li ghandha.
Georgette Bezzina
It seems that every time the Archbishop is away from the island archbishop Grech trys to upset the applecart! Makes you wonder is is really in charge; is it the monk or the priest!?
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi missu hadhu mieghu il-JPO Ghawdex ghal Eco-Gozo Phase 2 flok RCC, forsi kien joqghod naqra kwiet u jkollha one 2 one ma l'Isqof Grech hemm kif ikun qedgha tigi imbierka l-Irhma ta' Villa Rundle !
Well said Archbishop Grech. God knows I'm no saint! But you are 100% right on this one.
Every one should read "God hates you, so Hate him Back", by CJ Werleman. It is an excellent insight on what utter bullshit is written in the bible and how the priesthood persists in pushing it's outdated and obscene "teachings".