Richard Cachia Caruana to sue Evarist Bartolo for libel

Malta’s permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana will be filing a libel suit against Labour MP Evarist Bartolo.

Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana (left); Labour MP Evarist Bartolo (right)
Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana (left); Labour MP Evarist Bartolo (right)

In an official statement sent through the Department of Information, Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana announced that he will be filing a libel suit against Labour MP Evarist Bartolo.

Without elaborating further, Cachia Caruana said that Bartolo had "resorted to blatant lies and personal attacks" while speaking about him early today on One TV.

"Bartolo has surpassed all limits," Cachia Caruana said.

The official statement went on to add that this morning's attack "adds on to a series of other attacks carried by Labour MPs on the Labour Party's media".

Contacted by MaltaToday to explain why Cachia Caruana had denounced his statements as "blatant lies", Bartolo said Cachia Caruana should be the one to explain what he was referring to.

Cachia Caruana is facing a motion of censure tabled by the Opposition, following his 'behind-the-scenes' role in bringing Malta into Nato's Partnership for Peace in 2008 and bypassing the parliamentary procedure for this decision.

Suddenly this gentleman is making it to the headlines with statments. usually he never talks just dictate.The westin is a favourite place for the gentleman.Around 8 years ago Sunday morning I had to meet an American guest at the hotel. behind a corner there was this gentleman and the lady of bahrija I forgot what they call her . How can an ambassador of My country be an qactive member and policy maker of a political party.? Does this Gentleman without portafolion excpect that he goes on after Joseph Muscat takes the goverment?
Like my father once told me "If you are guilty go to court".
Like my father once told me "If your guilty go to court".
Allura li qal Evarist Bartolo huma "blatant lies" u li qal Franco Debonu huma verita? Just a question.
Luke Camilleri
What could Evarist Bartolo have said , that Dr. Franco Debono has not said already, about RCC for the latter to consider a libel case and communicate this bit of news through the DOI? Is the DOI at the disposal of RCC as well?
‎'faxxisti, ħamalli, injoranti, arroganti, baxxi, mhux superjuri u abjetti'.- Ex deputat lajburista lil l-listudenti ta l-universita.
Luke Camilleri
Tghid hemm xi laqgha ohra il-Westin issa mal-Avukat Zammit Dimech ha jiddiskutu il-kaz? Mela id-DOI huwa wkoll ghad-dizpozizzjoi ta' RCC....bhal gonziOPM?
Kull persuna li imbotta imhallef korrott ma haqqux l-ebda rispett!
It would be interesting to know what these ' blatant lies ' about the country's Eminance Gris are, no?
Ukoll jiehu tieghu wara li min dar kulhadd anki mil ghola stituzzjoni jikmanda hu x'jghamel il-Poplu. L-anqas biss avza lil parlament ahseb u ara kemm ghamel izjed min hekk u ma nafux bihom. Hallina RCC ma gbajtx int u l-klikka tixorbu t-taxxa ,intom komdi u sirtu sinjuri miljunarji u biljunarji min fuqna.
Patricia Marsh
Miskin x'inhuma jaghmlulu. Dawn il-lejburisti ma jinbidlu qatt!!! Hadem u stinka tant biex gibna dan il-pajjiz l-ghira tal-ewropej:))
It is people who subvert Malta, the Constitution and Parliament who should be taken to Court for High Treason