PM Gonzi goes on the offensive, warns against return to socialism

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi warns against return to the dark days of socialism and accuses Labour of copying 'youth guarantee' campaign from European Socialist Party.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said a Labour government would drag Malta back to the "dark days of extreme socialism" by copying policies that were better suited for other countries which are in trouble.

Speaking in an interview on the PN's Radio 101, Gonzi accused Labour leader Joseph Muscat of copying the 'youth guarantee' campaign from the European Socialist Party (PES).

Gonzi noted that the PES campaign was designed for other European countries with acute unemployment problems and not for "Malta's thriving education sector."

In an outright offensive against the Labour Party, Gonzi said "No matter how much blue they wear and use in their back drops, they are still the Labour Party, and there is a big difference between both parties. I will not let Joseph Muscat hold the country back, as the Labour Party is trying to do by sending us back to the dark socialist days."

He added that Joseph Muscat is against liberalisation. "After criticising every single project we've ever come up for years he is now admitting that investment is the only way forward, however only because the European Socialist Party are saying so." 

Gonzi said Muscat models himself on the former Socialist Prime Minister of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and wants Malta to implement the same measures proposed by Zapatero which led Spain to ruin.

He explained that over 50% of Spanish youngsters are unemployed, while the Maltese government has created 20,000 new jobs in the last four years.

"In addition in the last four years we have seen 20,000 new graduates come out of our university and higher education facilities," Gonzi added.

Gonzi re-assured listeners that the Nationalist administration will retain student stipends which are "an investment in the country's human resources."

On the other hand, Gonzi warned, "the people who used to try to keep University exclusive and inaccessible unless you had a sponsor (parrinu) are still important members of the Labour Party." Gonzi also warned that Labour cannot be trusted with the education of Malta's future generations.

"Today I believe in our country more than ever before. We have weathered the storm and come out stronger. We have managed to turn challenges into opportunities through creativity and imagination. We are a greatly talented island and although sometimes we get distracted by our differences, at the end of the day we are competent people."

Gonzi also pledged to keep attracting more foreign investment and said that in the past few weeks a Dutch aviation company announced that it will investing €22 million in Malta while a gaming company also declared its intentions to expand its operations and create more jobs.

He also said the government is committed to keep improving the infrastructure and work hard to ensure that generations of graduates would be able to find employment.

On the Opposition motions calling for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana and Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, Gonzi said the government will not be intimidated by such moves.

"The Opposition is showing its true colours and is trying to force people to resign by inventing false claims. The Opposition is choosing personal attacks over debate. This is unethical behaviour," Gonzi said.

Ahna tal-Lemin kontra l-morsa qerrieda socjalista li bl-iskuza li jtik bicca flat tal-qamel (u huma jghixu fil- vilel u jsiefru bil-jottijiet u ighumu fil- whisky) iridu jiddetawlek x'tiekol u fejn tibghat lil uliedek skola u kif tghix u x'ghandek tahseb. Le ghal malta mintoffjana marxista. Battalja eterna ghal-Liberta` . Well said Dr. Lawrence Gonzi. Viva l- Maltin. Le ghall-ktajjen socjalisti. Il- liberta` u l-Lemin l-ewwel u qabel kollox.
Kemm hawn min ghandu memorja qasira ux... 4 snin ilu biss nehodkom fejn ex deputat mexxej tas socjalisti ta Malta Dr george vella u li adu membru parlamentari sal gurnata tal lum ghajjar lil l-istudenti ta universita - hamalli ,injoranti , faxxisti , abbjetti ,pulcinelli u ma nafx xix iktar. Dak hu is socjalizmu taghna. Ghalxejn joey il ginger jipprova ipingi stampa ohra ta dan il moviment il gdid bhala progressiv jew moderat ghax fil verita dan mhu gdid xejn wisq iktar moderat. Bnies bhal joe Debono Grech, Marie louise coleiro , george vella , karmenu vella , alex Trigona , Toni abela , jason micallef , Anglu Farrugia , Leo brincat , zgur huwa partit li ifakarna fil hnizrijiet ta 80's u ta aktar zminijiet ricenti f'pajjizna.
Dr Gonzi warns us against the threat of the socialism of the 80s. He can very well do that! It had scared him so stiff that, it seems, he had gone into hibernation during those years. Others thought they could join the fight; his name or his face, however, were never anywhere near the thick of it then. He surfaced only after 1987. And then we all remember in 2004 the demonisation of Dr Alfred Sant, the man who had managed to clear the air of thuggery and violence, who tried to give politics a new clean face. Now it's Dr Muscat who has to face this kind of attack. GonziPN resorts to the same tactic: depict the opposition as the devil incarnate. One can only hope many will not forget and much less forgive the long list of sins of omission and commision the party in power has inflicted of us for the last 10 years.
l unika biza huma dawk in nies li jheddu lil min johodha kontrikohm lawrence gonzi u naf x qed nghid. l uniku cankru f dan il pajjiz hu int , lanqas il partit tighek ta , imma int personali , dan jafuh shabek imma qajla jistaw jitkellmu. mela lawrence qabel tferrex il hdura kontra l partit laburista ftakar ftit f dak li ghidt int biex jiefqu l attakki , l attakki qed taghamilhom int , u t theddid qed jghamlu haddiehor.
ma x biza!rega gej is socjalizmu,dak is socjalizmu li elimina il faqar min pajjizna,dak li ta ic children allowance,dak li qassam djar u plots ghal familji,dak li bena l airmalta,maltacom,seamalta etc,etc.le jien ha nivvota li gonzi u facistpn,dak li elimina il middleclass ,li zarma l infrastruttura ta pajjizna ,dak li svojta kaxxa ta malta u illum hemm 5 biljun euro dejn etc etc.gonzi serrah rasek ghandek il vot tieghi.grazzi
Nghid is-sew jien gie naqa' u inqum kompletament minn dak li jghid gonzipn meta jkun qed jindirizza l-fidili tieghu - haga wahda biss tinteressani ... jekk hux liebes qmis u glekk minghajr ingrevata (biex jilghabha tal-modern ghax hekk ikunu qalulu dawk li jqabbad biex ipinguh u jidher "cool"); jew jekk ikunx liebes xi pullover blu !!!! Nista' intih xi zewg pariri jien jekk irid biex aktar jidher bhala xi wiehed modern - ghax ma jaghmilx xaghru bil-gel jew jaghmlu spiky - kieku aqta' kemm ikun gustuz u min jaf kemm jimpressjona aktar flok il-hmerijiet li jghid !!!!!
Is your heading a true summery of the sermon delivered by the Gonz? Is this the best this clown can come up with? Has the PN now lost its thinking head or is RCC temporarily sidetracked with the call for his resignation?
Hollande's socialist victory in France did not go down very well with Gonzipn. This could be the reason for his rant against socialism and "the dark socialist years" How can this man be taken seriously when he wanted to keep Malta in the dark church dominated years with his anachronistic position against the introduction of divorce. What's next Dr Gonzi. Will you be calling the crowds in anti-socialist rallies like your great uncle, Michael Gonzi did in the sixties?
Ma x'biza', ara bhalissa l-francizi x'jibku u jaghtu fuq sidirhom ghax rega' ghandhom president socjalist wara hafna snin!!!! U l-Grecja u l-Germanja qed jilghabuha wkoll l-ahwa!!! Mela ejja nitolbu ghalihom halli jfittex jehlishom min din il-pesta ta socjalizmu (il-bambin jilliberana)
Ma x'biza', ara bhalissa l-francizi x'jibku u jaghtu fuq sidirhom ghax rega' ghandhom president socjalist wara hafna snin!!!! U l-Grecja u l-Germanja qed jilghabuha wkoll l-ahwa!!! Mela ejja nitolbu ghalihom halli jfittex jehlishom min din il-pesta ta socjalizmu (il-bambin jilliberana)
Veru li hemm differenza kbira bejn iz-zewg partiti. Alla hares il-Partit Laburista kien partit KORROTT bhal GonziPN ! Il-PL dejjem hadem fl-interess tall-poplu kollu, u specjalment dawk li huma l-aktar vulnerabbli. Waqt li l-GonziPN hadem l-aktar ghal dawk tal KLIKKA TAL-HAZEN - kif iddiskrivieha Franco Debono stess. Il-PL dejjem gieb l-interess ta' Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox. GonziPN dejjem laghaq il-barranin ghas-skapitu tal-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin ! Sewwa ghidt Gonz, hemm differenza bejn iz-zewg partiti !
The Opposition is choosing personal attacks over debate. This is unethical behaviour," Gonzi said, Like when you called Dr.Muscat jaqq or the labourites a disease, or one of your limited talented minister called the Maltese cwiec, or the other wannabe called workers rats.Mr Gonzi No one believes a word you say, might as well start packing your bags.good riddance.
The Prime Minister is unfortunately lying and keeps on lying. We know him now. We know his tactics. They do not convince. Its time for him and his party to retire and have a fresh Government.
Gonzi is ALWAYS on the offensive! His speeches are all about degenerating and offending the Opposition - particularly Joseph Muscat ofcourse! He is starting to sound like a hysterical fish wife ...with apologies to the fish wives!
Thanks God Gonzi is showing his true mettle; gone are the days when Serracino Inglott -God bless him- used to preach that the PN is the real socialist party. It was this priest's'left wing' rhetoric and script writing to the mediocre EFA that weaned workers and middle class voters away from Labour to the 'socialist' PN. Indeed, EFA, under direct orders from Serracino Inglott-retained all the welfare state trappings built up by Mintoff, and made them 'his' own, though this was only a gimmick used to steal votes from Labour, and enrich a few good PN fellas who call the real 'wealth distribution' tune, and who form the bulk of the oligarchy, which made most of the Maltese dispossessed.
dejjem ibezza bil babaw.Franza is socjalista rebhu.
Gonzi jidher car li qed jibza mill-vot taz-zaghzagh. U ghalhekk qed jipprova jbezzaghhom bill-babaw kif kien jaghmel Eddie Fenech Adami qablu, u Gorg Borg Olivier qabel Fenech Adami. Iz-zaghzagh tal-lum aktar ma jisimghu lil-Gonzi jitkellem, aktar qed jindunaw li m'ghadx ghandu post fil-politika Maltija tal-lum !
Gonzi, tibqax TIGDEB dwar il-hrafa tal- 20,000 impjieg gdid !Kemm li statistika tal-gvern stess kif ukoll Joseph Muscat giebu l-prova li qed TIGDEB meta tirrepeti dik il-hrafa !Dr. MUscat ta' ezempju wiehed minn hafna aktar ezempji ta' kif jinholqu imjiegi fittizji taparsi "godda". Persuna tigi mpjegata fuq bazi ta' 3 xhur, 3 xhur. Kull darba li jghalqu it- 3 xhur u jibda impjieg iehor ta' 3 xhur ohra ghal-istess persuna, u dan jibqa sejjer hekk ghal- sena, ghal-Gonzi dak ifisser li jkunu nholqu 4 imjiegi godda, meta jkun inholoq imjieg WIEHED !U hafna tricks ohra, bhal meta wiehed johrog bil-pensjoni u xogholu jiehdu persuna ohra. Ghal Gonzi dak imjieg gdid, meta dak l-impjieg ikun diga jezisti !! B'MI TRID TGHADDI Z-ZMIEN Dott ?
Warn against?? I daresay that many of the Maltese are counting on it.
il lemin farrak l ewropa u gonzi wiehed minnhom.
GONZI PN qed jaghmel u jghid minn kollox biex forsi jirbah ftit voti,imma il-familji maltin jafu issa xi jfisser GONZI PN.GONZI irid li jibqa fuq is-siggu tal-poter halli jkompli jaffeg u jintaxxa lill poplu malti,l-aqwa li hu u shabu ikunu komdi.Minn halq GONZI PN nafu x`johrog bizzejjed...gideb u weghdiet fill vojt,peru il-poplu malti m`ghadux cuc,tidhaq bieh darba u ikun jaf x`hobz tiekol.
Patricia Marsh
Today I fully understand why Joseph Muscat keep a step backwards before announcing the PL's policies. Each and every proposal are something that at least Gonzi has to talk about by trying to ridicule them. Keep on trying GonziPN!! Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliette, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jean Pierre Farrugia and others who do not go in public ridicule you, and you ridicule the PL's proposal. The end result should be another huge loss for you at the polls.
And what about Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Ireland? Was it 'Socialist' governments who brought them to their knees? Dr Gonzi is very selective in his examples. Bla bla bla bla. Gone are the days of taking this country for a ride Dr Gonzi!
Dear gonzipn, the more u blablabla the more you convinced me to vote labour.Amen
Graduates find employment? Such as doing all the dirty work and being paid the minimum wage in jobs not related to their areas of study? Who do you think you can fool Gonz?
Ara min irid jitkellem !!! Il-Prim Ministru li SHABU STESS nirrepeti SHABU STESS gabuh b'ilsienu barra jitkaxkar mal-art qisu dudu; il-Prim Ministru li gie umiljat minn shabu stess tant drabi f'dawn l-ahhar snin; il-Prim Ministru li gideb kemm felah lil tat-Tarzna, tal-Air Malta, lill-kaccaturi; il-Prim Ministru li xejn ma staha jimla bwietu b'zieda goffa waqt li l-haddiem baqa' l-art; il-Prim Ministru li kompla jkisser il-kaxxa ta'Malta bid-dejn; il-Prim Ministru li ghamel il-Parlament paljazza; il-Prim Ministru li xejn ma jisthi juza flus il-poplu biex minn fuqhom jixxalaw tal-klikka ..... qed iwissina li ma ghandniex immorru lura lejn partit laburista .... trid tkun veru wiccek tost u lanqas taf fejn toqghod is-serjeta u l-irgulija biex tghid dan id-diskors .... dan il-bniedem li nesa xi tfisser il-kontabilita u t-trasparenza .... HALLINA GONZIPN, ghadek tahseb li l-Maltin gejjin minn wara l-muntanji kif kien jahseb zijuk jaqaw?
Ergajna bil politika tal-biza. Dejjem hekk kienu u ma jinbidlu qatt. Hasra li ma marx jikkampanja ghal Sarkozy, forsi kien jehilsu mit-tkaxkira li ha minghand il partit tas-socjalisti. Dr.Gonzi idejqu is-socjalizmu ghax huwa u il-klikka ta madwaru jipreferi l-elitizmu tal ftit, punto e basta.
Ian George Walker
Lawrence Gonzi is a fine one to talk about copying ....
The dictator speaks. May the Gods forbid a re-election of the most useless administration in Maltese history.
I truly believe in GonziPN policy and it was announced that Malta may lose money on the Greek loan...I truly believe that smart city will employ 6000 souls....I truly believe that a tunnel will be dug between Malta and Gozo...l truly believe that GonziPN managed to eradicate discrimination between Maltese who have different political beliefs...I truly believe that socialism is evil and Religio et Patria had no connections with Fascism...I truly believe that human rights were only breached under Mintoff...I truly believe that no corruption exists under PN government...I truly believe that some Maltese are poor is a blatant lie...I truly believe that all Maltese can do without basic needs as they have enough...I truly believe that all government entities and corporations are efficient and effectice to tackle all problems...I truly believe that under GonziPN everybody got what he merits...I truly believe that there were never any jobs for the blue eyed...I truly believe that I must be living in a mental hospital if I believe all his lies.
Ahjar Socjalismu ghax kulhadd jiehu il ftit milli Gonzismu ghax tal klikka hadu kollox u ahna li nigu l-ohrajn haddiema li naqalawa u niekluha inhallsu t-taxxi biex Gonzi u l-klikka jixxalaw u saru sinjuri u fgharu li, uliedom ghandom igawdu ghal mijjiet ta snin, vera li qed nghid ghax bihhulna l-assi kolla li kellna u gab dejn ta €5billjuni u min sejjer ihallas ghalihom ahna l-bqijja ghax huma paxxuti jifilhu, issa min hu cuc Malti jerga jivvotalu lil Gonzi