Cachia Caruana grilling | AG rules PfP membership did not need Parliamentary ratification

Prime Minister says he 'would have sacked' Richard Cachia Caruana hadhe not offerred his advice on Malta's participation in Nato meetings.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Malta's EU ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana?
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Malta's EU ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana?

Updated at 9:29pm

In his third appearance before the European and foreign affairs committee, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi presented a letter from the Attorney General Peter Grech in reply to a request by the Prime Minister for legal advice on whether the 1996 Nato security agreement needed ratification by Parliament or by law.

The committee is currently discussing the Opposition's motion calling for the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana over his alleged involvement in re-activating Malta's Partnership for Peace (PfP) membership without consulting Parliament.

The committee decided that Cachia Caruana will be testifying on Tuesday 29 May as the Prime Minister today made his third and final appearance.  

In his reply to Gonzi's request the Attorney General (AG) noted that the agreement is not a "an international agreement concluded between States." The AG concluded that the ratification of the agreement "falls within the general powers of Government."

A calm but combative Prime Minister appeared to be well prepared for tonight's grilling and at certain moments the Opposition members sitting on the committee were visibly exasperated by Gonzi's stoic performance.

At one point Gonzi affirmed "I am the Prime Minister and not Cachia Caruana. I take the decisions and not Cachia Caruana."

The Prime Minister also presented a confidential memo submitted by Richard Cachia Caruana in 2004, in which he recommended the Prime Minister to go ahead with Malta's participation in Nato meetings since "a Security Agreement with Nato is actually in place."

Labour MP Leo Brincat took the Prime Minister to task over the memo and asked whether he had communicated in writing with Cachia Caruana. Brincat also said that the memo presented today should have been presented earlier.

Gonzi wriggled out of the question posed by Brincat by saying that he had presented all documentation relevant to the Opposition's motion.

"Had Cachia Caruana not given me this kind of advise, I would have sacked him, because his role is to advise the government in the national interest," Gonzi said.

Gonzi followed this bold statement by explaining that the documents clearly and categorically show that Cachia Caruana and his officials at Malta's EU representation had done their best to resolve the problem Malta was facing, because it had no access to Nato-EU security documents and meetings.

The Prime Minister calmly added that he "cannot understand or accept the Opposition's fixation with Cachia Caruana."

Gonzi also presented a number of media reports quoting Labour's foreign affairs spokesman George Vella as saying that the Opposition was calling for Cachia Caruana's resignation based on a cable leaked by Wikileaks, which imply that Cachia Caruana was working with US government officials to take Malta back in Partnership for Peace behind parliament's back.

The prime Minister also added that other sensitive documents which he has not produced can still be viewed by members of the Committee if requested.

In a heated exchange with Labour MP Luciano Busuttil Gonzi said the government could not go before Parliament when discussions were still ongoing. Gonzi said it was only after four years of hard work that the decision was taken, in 2008 to re-activate Malta's participation in the PfP programme.

"That is why I told the US ambassador in January 2008 that Malta will be rejoining PfP after the election," Gonzi said.

Busuttil claimed that Malta's PfP was "terminated and not suspended, therefore it needed Parliament's approval to be re-activated."

On hearing this, an agitated Foreign Minister Tonio Borg asked Busuttil, "why didn't you present the motion four years ago?"

After challenging Busuttil whether the Opposition agrees with Malta's PfP membership, to which the Opposition MP replied in the affirmative, Gonzi said  that although Malta's membership in PfP was terminated, Malta did not need to sign a new set of documents on rejoining in 2008, because the agreement signed in 1995 by the Maltese parliament was still applicable.

Busuttil asked the Prime Minister whether this meant that Malta could have gained access to the NATO documents and meetings without rejoining PfP.

Gonzi said this was not possible and stressed that the Government exhausted every possibility before rejoining PfP.

He noted that the bottom line is that the Opposition had only presented this motion calling for the resignation of Cachia Caruana for partisan political reasons. "Admit that your whole premise is flawed and built on a gross misunderstanding. The premise is wrong and thus the motion is wrong."

Gonzi added that Labour conjured a strong and terrible accusation against Cachia Caruana and "after all the sittings I cannot understand what on earth could possibly be constituted as betrayal or treason. The only conclusion I can draw from these sittings is that Cachia Caruana has worked very hard in the country's best interests."

In his final remarks, Gonzi said the minutes from all the Nato meetings revealed that the government had no intention to rejoin PfP. And the Opposition's motion only reinforced Cachia Caruana's honesty. Gonzi explained that all documents show that Cachia Caruana recognised that the final desicion had to be taken by politicians.

The committee's chairman, Francis Zammit Dimech adjourned the meeting to Tuesday when Cachia Caruana is expected to appear and give his testimony.

One word - DICTATOR
Albert Mifsud Buckland
Francis Zammit Dimech is acting in the most appropriate manner. It would be folly to say that he is unbiased but at least he does not take to silly outbursts which does the whole process no good and it seems that he is trying to keep athe whole wobbly proceedings onm an even keel - difficult as that might be proving to be. Indeed such outbursts (of giving up for example!!)renders this whole charade even sillier than it is slowly slowly proving to be. I do not believe that ANY politician from ANY side of the fence acts in any way that knowingly would harm the country. The last one would have been deGray who sided with the Crown and not his then Maltese masters. So why are we now trying to pillory somebody who is/was ACTING in accordance with instructions received from the (Maltese) Government to whom he is directly answerable? And did so to the ultimate benefit of the WHOLE country (otherwise why would BOTH polticial parties agree with the net result obtained??). I think this whole issue will fizzle out and the only consequence of it would be that we would have dragged a couple of poeple across the proverbial muck for nothing (or as an attempt to satisfy the ego of one FD in the hope of....!!). Oh well at least it seems to be filling the pages (printedd and online!!LOL. Incidentally TVAM this morning proved that the vast majority do not know what the heck is going on.... sad, but that is the reality of it all. Politicians please note.
@Pirandello....... your colleauges on TOM are using the same tatic that gonzipn strategists adviced you to use, that is, saying that all this is a waste of time. For heaven's sake can't you guys be a little original.
Is this the same AG whose office let off the hook a rapist paedophile priest?
Albert Mifsud Buckland
what do you expect from a high rep of Government. That he knows only what time to have tea! Get real.The issue here is not what Cachia Caruana knows or does not know. It is whthere he was correct in his doings to get Malta back into the PfP. The problem the way i see it is that all this is anway 'acqua passata' as BOTH parties are in agreement that Malta should be part of the PfP. That leaves the REAL question as to what is behind all this fuss. I think it is because of FD's outburst against RCC on which the PL is trying to ride gunshot. Unfortunate in my opinion as I am sure taht there are more important things to be tackled. If the way RCC went about is considered not 'normal' (which I strongly doubt) so what?. What is the net result. Malta gained from forming part. Again I ask. So why all this fuss?
The truth is that Cachia Caruana knows so many dirty details adn secrets about the PN Govt team that their only salvation is to protect him to high heavens, so that he protects them in turn. Otherwise , why this over- the- top defence by the PM which is making the whole charde even more suspicious. We are not all gullible idiots you know, Mr PM! Why is RCC so untouchable? Why are the PN so scared of what is hapening and are trying to ridicule the Opposition who, after all, is doing its job of overseeing the interest of the electorate? The more the PM goes out of his way to protect RCC, the more suspicions he is raising. Conclusion: something is rotten in the state of Denmark!
Aktar ma tosserva l-ferocita li biha Gonzi qed jiddefendi lil Cachia Caruana, aktar tirrejalizza kemm verament Gonzi ried jehles minn John Dalli meta gieghlu jirrizenja fuq rapport ta' persuna li diga kien hemm hafna dubji serji dwarha u li rrizulta li kienet ghamlet rapport falz dwar John Dalli ! Mhux ta' b'xejn li l-gvern ma jridx lil John Dalli jixhed f'dan il-kaz !!!!!!!!!!!!
jafu jsajru l-borma !!!!! xi kultant tkun qarsa. issa tkellem l-AG?
As anyone can reasonably conclude, it is all lawyer's doublespeak. That is what the Gonz and partners are very good at. Why did we allow old-school lawyers imbued with the catholic "relic" truths to take over our economy? No wonder they got the economics and financials so bl**dy wrong! If you want legal niceties, fine! If you want a secure future, then??
PM has clearly proved that this is either a politically motivated motion of sheer waste of time and money or else a demo of opposition incompetence.
He noted that the bottom line is that the Opposition had only presented this motion calling for the resignation of Cachia Caruana for partisan political reasons. "Admit that your whole premise is flawed and built on a gross misunderstanding. The premise is wrong and thus the motion is wrong." IL PARTIT LABURISTA SE JERGA JAQA GHAN N... A calm but combative Prime Minister appeared to be well prepared for tonight's grilling and at certain moments the Opposition members sitting on the committee were visibly exasperated by Gonzi's stoic performance. GONZI GABHOM JITKELLMU WAHEDHOM.
Luke Camilleri
"Had Cachia Caruana not given me this kind of advise, I would have sacked him, because his role is to advise the government in the national interest," Gonzi said. -------------------------- Min irrid jithaq b'min? Gonzi jkecci il-Cachia Caruana...... u ejja kieku Gonzi ma lellhux l'appogg ta' Cachia Caruana, John Dalli hemm Prim Ministru ! Min irrid idahhaq b'min?
Dear editor, please let me correct you on your first paragraph.It should read: The prime minister says he would have been sacked by Richard Cachia Caruana....
Is this the same AG who is sending out judicial letters asking for payment of dues WHICH ARE ALREADY PRESCRIBED AT LAW ?