Gonzi to meet Hollande, as EU leaders called to discuss 'growth over austerity'

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will attend an informal European Council meeting in Brussels, and meet new French president Francois Hollande, who intends to flex his political muscles against austerity within the eurozone.

Lawrence Gonzi will meet EU leaders for an informal summit tonight in Brussels
Lawrence Gonzi will meet EU leaders for an informal summit tonight in Brussels

Francois Hollande will propose a series of measures to promote growth when he meets the EU's leaders, at an informal dinner organised by the European Council .

They will discuss ways to fund large-scale projects in Europe, including jointly backing bonds for specific schemes and pumping more capital into the European Investment Bank, which is the lending arm of the European Union .

But senior diplomatic sources say President Hollande also wants to bring more controversial proposals to the table including so-called eurobonds, jointly backed by all eurozone countries, which Germany adamantly opposes.

He also will raise the issue of a Europe-wide financial transaction tax, which the UK refuses to countenance.

 Other countries, including Sweden, the Netherlands and Ireland, also have reservations about such a scheme, which the commission supports.

Sources suggest the dinner will produce little in terms of concrete policy announcements, but will "shape the discussions" leading up to a formal EU summit on June 28.

However, they suggest the informal summit will mark a fundamental shift in the political underpinning of the EU as the dominant Franco-German partnership of Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy has now been dismantled.

"Sources suggest the dinner will produce little in terms of concrete policy announcements, but will "shape the discussions" leading up to a formal EU summit on June 28." ......... who gives a shot as long as gonzi gets a freebee
Mr Hollande keep your distance remember what happened to Gadaffi.
Luke Camilleri
Will Dr. Gonzi be telling Holland how he arrogantly calls Dr. Joseph Muscat a SOCIALIST ? What hat will he be wearing now? The only thing that will save Dr. Gonzi when meeting Socialist Leaders and he goes on to shake their hands and maybe even give them a hug , like he did with Gaddafi is that he knows no shame!
Sur edituri tal-maltatoday: nahseb li ghandkom zball kbir tafux ghax ma nafx kemm gonzipn se jkun ippreparat li jiltaqa' ma' prim ministru socjalista - mela ma tafux li l-moviment socjalista ma hawnx aghar minnu, li jwassal ghar-rovina tal-pajjizi li jhaddnuh, li jgib il-guh u l-ghaks, li jkisser il-haddiema ..... mhux hekk qal ftit ilu li allahares li malta terga' lura ghas-socjalizmu? Xi tridu jghidlu lil hollande? - li l-francizi imbecilli jew li ghazlu l-partit socjalista? Jien nghidilkom li kulma se jaghmel quddiemu tkun li bhas-soltu johodlu b'idejh qisu l-akbar habib tieghu li ilu jafu s-snin, icarrat halqu fi tbissima vojta u superficjali li ahna issa drajna u jippoza ghal ritratt biex igibu fuq il-website ta' kastilja .... mistoqsija wahda baqaghli: tghid illum imurilhom bil-pullover blu u bil-glekk bla ingrevata jew illum jaghmel tibdila ghax dawk ma jtuh ebda vot?