Present perfect… past tense?

Lawrence Gonzi has once again exhumed the dark socialist days in a speech on Sunday. Is this strategy aimed at rekindling memories, or to inspire distrust in a Labour future?

Left to right: Anton Buttigieg, Sir Anthony Mamo, Dom Minitoff and Lorry Sant
Left to right: Anton Buttigieg, Sir Anthony Mamo, Dom Minitoff and Lorry Sant

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's constant references to the "dark socialist" past of the Labour Party may well rally the Nationalist Party's old guard - but it flies in the face of a younger generation of voters which remembers 25 years of Nationalist governments, but very little - if anything at all - of the Labour days.

First-time voters in particular - a vital category that is central to the PN's strategy to stay in power beyond 2013 - are probably the least affected by the talk of the past.

The only way the PN can counter the shift to Labour is by appealing to the majority of new voters. In fact a major weakness of this strategy is that it fails to address voters whose political baptism of fire was the 2011 divorce referendum campaign: a memory which scars the PN's image among a large number of younger voters.  

In fact fresh memories of the Prime Minister voting against divorce in defiance of the referendum result, and the association of the PN with ultra conservative elements such as the 'Kristu Iva, Divorzju Le' campaign, could have a greater impact on voting intentions than events which took place 30 years ago or more.

The logic of a strategy

Gonzi's evocation of the "dark socialist" days could well be a pre-determined strategy aimed at galvanising the core Nationalist vote in the early phase of the campaign.   This could well be an indication of the PN's deep problems, which are not restricted to its hold on pale blue voters, but also its hold on core voters. Galvanising the enthusiasm of these voters is needed to set the electoral machine in motion. These are the people who attend campaign meetings and spread the word in the towns and villages.

This strategy may also be targeting older Nationalist voters toying with the idea of voting Labour for the first time in their lives but who still value their party's past.

Another intended consequence of the revocation of the past is that of generating interest among younger voters in a historical period which is largely overlooked in secondary school history textbooks.

The more they hear about the past the more likely these voters are to ask older parents and relatives about what  really happened. This is likely to raise questions about Labour's past among voters who do not directly recall these events. Faced with the truth and gravity of some of these events, younger voters are likely to recoil in horror. 

Still, this strategy is limited by the fact that the Maltese are more nuanced than Gonzi in their assessment of the 1970s and 1980s to the extent that a survey published in Illum showed a majority of voters expressing the view that  Dom Mintoff's political career was more positive than negative. The survey also showed that most respondents associated Mintoff with social welfare rather than violence and human rights violations. 

Finally, Gonzi is exploiting Muscat's attempt to reconcile with the Mintoffian element which had been shunned by his predecessor Alfred Sant, but which has been rehabilitated by Joseph Muscat. And when 'New Labour' candidates such as Yana Mintoff allude to  "talking to lawyers" in response to Dear Dom - a documentary on her father - they could well have provided precious fodder for the PN's campaign to associate Labour with Mintoffian antics. 

On the other hand, the concerted attempt to link former old Labour exponents like Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat have largely backfired due to the perceived moderate nature of these politicians. 

Re-opening a can of worms

One major shortcoming of the evocation of the past campaign is that it risks re-opening a can of worms of unresolved cases which involve people who are still expecting justice after 25 years of PN-led governments. In fact by exhuming the past, Gonzi is inviting criticism from categories like former National Bank of Malta shareholders, who still yearn for justice which was promised to them before 1987, but that was never delivered.

Labour exponents like deputy leader Toni Abela, who have a track record of publicly denouncing Labour's excesses in the 1980s, have also been able to deflect criticism of Labour's past by pointing out that police officials found guilty of breaching human rights were promoted by the PN in government after 1987.

Too divisive?

Another risk of the campaign is that  the constant evocation of the PL's dark past makes Gonzi look divisive and responsible for perpetuating historical schisms. On the other hand Muscat's prosaic rhetoric - projecting his party as an inclusive one, which appeals to Mintoffians and former Nationalists alike - could strike a chord with voters.

In fact it could also alienate his attempts to win sympathy among former Labour voters. Gonzi knows well that he needs to counterbalance the shift from PN to Labour by winning over voters from the other side.

According to the latest MaltaToday survey, while 10% have shifted from the PN to Labour, only 3.4% have shifted from Labour to the PN. 

Ironically, one way of appealing to Labour voters would be that of outflanking Labour from the left, something which the PN proved capable of doing in the past, even by exploiting Sant's rift with Mintoff. 

Curiously, Gonzi's evocation of the dark socialist past and Labour's "extreme socialism" could not be further from Muscat's Labour, which projects itself as business friendly and rarely says anything which can be remotely described to be leftist. So while attacking Labour for its dark socialist past, the PN is stirring doubts on Labour's commitment to uphold the stipend system and free health care - two things excluded by Labour leader Joseph Muscat but questioned by Edward Scicluna before he joined the political fray. 

Stirring doubts

Nor is the PN's revocation of the past limited to the 1970s and 1980s. Closer historical memories, like those of Alfred Sant resorting to austerity after promising the exact opposite, still form part of the repertoire of PN propagandists. So is Muscat's opposition to EU membership in the 2003 referendum.

But while history has a big role in defining identities, it is doubtful whether voters will be influenced by historical considerations when actually voting. Ultimately the historical dimension should be seen as part of a more concerted attempt to stir doubts among voters who might yearn for change, but still fear a leap in the dark. Even examples of other countries, like the economic collapse of Zapatero's Spain - a popular tourist destination with many Maltese - are conjured up by Gonzi in the his attempts to instil doubt on Labour's credentials as an alternative cabinet.  But by the same reasoning should Gonzi be blamed for the economic failures of  fellow members of the European  Popular party like New Democracy in Greece or Silvio Berlusconi in Italy?

Reference to bloodcurdling events in the past only serves to amplify this fear of an epochal change. The success of this strategy also depends on whether Muscat succeeds in filling the gaping holes in his policies: something which is also being exploited by the PN in its bid to depict Labour as untrustworthy.


Int ma njorajtnix, imma, Guid. Imma ma ghedtlix xi trid tghid bit-tabib, te, pastizzi, flus fil-kunsill. INT KODARD! Illum lilek qed nghid. Wiegeb u nghoddok b'ragel. Xi trid tghid?
Sur Giovann, Meta titghallemm tirrispetta lil min politikament ma jaqbilx mieghek, ikun ghawn aktar li jifthu djalogu mieghek Int ghanke tkun taf li qeghed zbaljat tibqa tohrog il hdura li ghandek ghal Maltin bhalek, sempliciment ghax il Bambin ikun gabhom laburisti.Hadd ma huwa jirrispondik ,u inhalluk tifga f`demmek. Dak li QATT ma jammetti li xi darba zbalja, m`huwa xejn ghajr GIFA..
Ara s-Sur Guidaforte rega' tfacca billi semmielna tlett oxxenitajiet li twettqu taht ir-REGIM laburista. Anzi nesa lil Nardu Debono, lil Raymond Caruana, lil Pietru Pawl, lil Cardona, lil Lino Cauchi. Tergax tinjorani Guid, ghall-erwieh. Ma jimpurtax billi ma tantx taf tikteb bil-Malti.
Sur Editur, Kien hemm aktar avvenimenti politici importanti,pero tnejn ta min isemmihom....A.Il qtil ta Karen Grech 24 ta Dicembru 1977, u B. Il hruq tat Times of Malta, u fl-istess gurnata l-attakk fuq id dar ta Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami fil 15 ta Ottubru 1979.
Ara l-VAVU rega' tfacca. VAVU! Bezziegh! Jaqaw rega' ccensuralek il-kumment tieghek, VAVU?
Ara l-VAVU rega' tfacca. VAVU! Bezziegh! Jaqaw rega' ccensuralek il-kumment tieghek, VAVU?
is sittinijiet huma ferm ghar. kien hemm attakki sfrenghati fuq il libertajiet tal espressjoni mill kurja u mill gvern nazzjonalista. transfers vendikattivi kemm galore, id data bank tal partit nazzjonalista kienu l arciprieti u l kappillani. il fjur tal poplu malti kellu jezilja ruhu barra minn malta sabiex isib xoghol. sahansitra ministru instab hati talli ma halliex il gurnal laburista jidhol l isptar. dan kien paolo borg olivier qarib tas segretarju prezenti ta gonzipn Paul borg olivier. u l istorja tal biza u ta terrur kontra il membri tal partit laburista tohodna anke fit tletinijiet meta membri zaghzagh attivi tal partit gew arrestati ghax kellhom kotba li skond il puluzija kienu ta sedizzjoni kontra il gvern ingliz. dawn kotba ma kienux hlief ta Bernard Shaw u ta ministru tal gvern ingliz stess. dawn iz zaghzagh gew mitfugha il habs u tilfu ix xoghol u wiehed minnhom certu carabott li kellu hanut tal kotba kellu l mara tqila u din tilfet it tarbija. il ministru tal puluzija ta dak iz zmien kien carmelo mifsud bonnici il gross in nannu tal istess ministru membru ta gonzipn karm mifsud bonnici........
Huwa ghajb ghal l-istorja tal pajjiz, meta johrog Prim Ministru, u jitkellem nofs veritajiet. Jien ghandi zmien bizzejjed li ghanke is sittinijiet ilhaqt tajjeb. L-istorja ta Malta ma bdietx fl 1971, imma hafna qabel.Ikun zball kbir li lil l-uliedna nuruhom parti mill l-istorja. Ta l-anqas nghejdulhom min kienu li l-anqas il lingwa Maltija ma riedu, min kienu dawk li l-anqas il vot ma riedu jghatu lin nisa.Min kien kontra l-introduzzjoni ta kull beneficcju li qeghedin ingawdu sal lum. Jien niftakar sew li il vjolenza politika saret miz zewg nahat, pero l-aghar li ghamlu kienu in nazzjonalisti.Kien hemm zewg accidenti koroh, u anqas ma nitkellmu fuqhom aktar ahjar.Niftakkru il memorja taghhom, nitolbuhom sabiex izommu ghajnejhom fuqna, ghax it tnejn kienu vittmi. Ta min isemmi li ghal kull kazin nazzjonalista li tkisser ...tkisser iehor laburista.Il vendikazzjonijiet li saru mill 1986 il quddiem,meta telaw in nazzjonalisti, kienu inkreddibbli u ma jitwemmnux jekk tghejdhom illum, u dawn saru taht P.M. li kien imur il quddies kulljum.Il passat ghandu jinkiteb ezatt kif kien, kullhadd ghandu ghalxiex jisthi, u kullhadd ghandu ghalfejn jiftahar, ghax kullhadd ghamel it tajjeb u kullhadd ghamel il hazin....
It's very obvious that the PN is in a state of panic. The PN is forgetting that the same people that dethroned labour in 1987 voted them back in power just 9 years later. Who gives a damn what happened back in the 80's when we have a new leader with new ideas. The PN should tell us what they are going to do in the immediate future and not tell us what somebody else has done 26 years ago ! And by the way, do not mention the Malta Gozo tunnel which is purely wishful thinking ! How ridiculous !
Luke Camilleri
The past has also Gonzi connections, his uncle, anothe Gonzi that split up Malta with repercussions still being felt today! SHAME ON THE NAME GONZI! Noonw will forget the terror of Archbishop Gonzi on the poor souls that he condemned to eternal hell if they voted Labour! Exhume the past and the memories of your uncle, the political / religous conflicts of the time which are still fresh, I dare you to do it Dr. Gonzi!
Luke Camilleri
,,,,, and off Gonzi Goes to me "SOCIALIST LEADERS" like Holland at the E.U. summit! How will Dr Gonzi greet Holland by a two-faced greeing like he used to do at Libya, Gonzi the last Prime MInister to hug Gaddafi?
What I cannot understand is this: if the labour (or socialist) politicians from the 70s and 80s are all criminals as PN is trying to depict them, why are they still running around free? Why hasn't the government in the last 25 years rounded the all up and put in prison? Maybe hoping to get their votes in the next general election :) ?
last sundays gonzis outburst calling labour measures as socialist confirms that gonzi is out of touch and out of time with the eu political scene. and it ironic for the malta today to post a photo of gonzi with a certain hollande. as far as i can recollect monsieur hollande is a socialist par excellance and who knows next time round we will also have a socialist at the helm of the german chancellory. and gonzi and his spent strategists will be left wondering whats wrong with the eu.....
Do me a favour. Kindly warn il-Gonz (and his strategy group) that children can see through this game, let alone grown up non committed voters. What Malta needs are good, valid, workable policies not regurgitated b**ls**t.
Ian George Walker
Raking up the past can be a bit of a boomerangs.
Your 'historical memories of different voters' is intrinsically flawed...where is the introduction of minimum wage, children's allowance, students' stipends, old age pension for all, the national health service, social housing...need I go on? Yes for some people it's very convenient to remember the dark days of Mintoff's rule, periods of which were undeniably dark but as a post 1987 Labourite employee I have a couple of dark tales myself which have irrevocably changed the course of my life and that of my family forever...blacklisted for promotions, ruthlessly transferred from one end of the island to the other, 'irregular' employees only to be replaced by even more 'irregular' employees, the underhand wheeling and dealing when it comes to national assets, the creation of the gravy train that is the MFSA by this government which purportedly safeguards the people's interests...then again that's just me...but need I go on?
Your 'historical memories of different voters' is intrinsically flawed...where is the introduction of minimum wage, children's allowance, students' stipends, old age pension for all, the national health service, social housing...need I go on? Yes for some people it's very convenient to remember the dark days of Mintoff's rule, periods of which were undeniably dark but as a post 1987 Labourite employee I have a couple of dark tales myself which have irrevocably changed the course of my life and that of my family forever...blacklisted for promotions, ruthlessly transferred from one end of the island to the other, 'irregular' employees only to be replaced by even more 'irregular' employees, the underhand wheeling and dealing when it comes to national assets, the creation of the gravy train that is the MFSA by this government which purportedly safeguards the people's interests...then again that's just me...but need I go on?
Dr. Gonzi ahna niehdu pjacir li ssemmi l-istorja politika tal-passat imma mhux tghidilna kif id-doqq qampiena wahda, ahna rridu nisimghu t-tnejn imbaghad halli ghalina halli haraw u niggudikaw, ghax nahseb li itni taqbel mieghi li ahna ntelligenti bizzejed biex niggudikaw hux hekk, ma tahsibniex xi vavi bil-harqa nispera. Issa li perrict l-istorja politika passata tal-PL ahna rridu nkun nafu l-istorja tal-PN minn zmien it-Tieni Gwerra lil hawn, kienx hemm xi traditur li kellu tendenzi tal-PN, il-kaz ta' Strickland u l-fardal, il-kaz ta' Terrinu, id-dnub il-mejjet u l-interdett, meta jiena ma stajtx naqra l-gazzetta li rrid, meta ma stajx indahhal il-gazzetta l-Orizzont gewwa l-isptar, etc, etc. Dawn irridu nkunu nafuho halli wara naghmlu speci ta' ezami halli naraw min igib l-iktar punti u b'hekk niddecidu l-vot taghna fejn ser nitfghuh ghax jekk m'intix lest li tghidilna ftit mill-istorja tal-PN jiddispjacini nghidlek li ma nistax naghmel gudizzju favorik.
We have enough fresh memories of PN taking a dump in our soap to bother about the past - the same past, i might add, were his uncle was trying to keep us in the dark ages. No Thanks Gonzi.
I see that the murder of Karen Grech is not remembered as a Historical Memory. Maybe you categorize yourself under the 18 Year Olds and thus should be pardoned for the (intentional) omission.
THAT is the problem. Thousands of voters have no idea what it was like 'existing' under the regime.
As always they want to potray labour administration as the source of evil. Please ask those persons who had nothing under the PN administration and found hope under PL administration. Please do not potray the PN as being the victims of PL administration. If there are worms, there are more skeletons hidden inside cupboards under the PN. It is much easier to misquote history and mention facts related to some orchestrated events by PN supporters and other individuals within the PN. Can you explain why certain police officers were promoted under PN administration when they were found guilty or accomplices of frame-ups, murder and violence? Is it that difficult to grasp why? Well...
Micheal Bonanno
"Reference to bloodcurdling events in the past ". Only James Debono would come up with this statement! Was there some kind of French Revolution in the 70's and 80's? Or Arab Spring for that matter? This exaggeration of the past makes want to puke. I won't say that there weren't any mishaps, but to "bloodcurdling", come on! Give us a break!
I see that the murder of Karen Grech is not remembered as a Historical Memory. Maybe you categorize yourself under the 18 Year Olds and thus should be pardoned for the (intentional) omission.