Updated | Debono protests call for Speaker's ruling on amendment for minister's resignation

Shadow minister claims CPD’s stolen generator was listed for €7,000 on online site Maltapark; and reports inmates being placed in induction area within notorious ‘punishment wing’ Division 6.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono said the government's call for a ruling on whether the motion can be amended or not was shameful.
Nationalist MP Franco Debono said the government's call for a ruling on whether the motion can be amended or not was shameful.

The Opposition has asked to amend its motion of censure against the home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, to call for his resignation.

But deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg has demanded a ruling from the Speaker, saying the amendment has been proposed after the reading of the motion and that in demanding a material change to the conclusions of the motion this requires the House's consent. "According to Erskine May, this amendment is not possible, so I am asking the Speaker whether such an amendment demands the consent of the House. It's not a cosmetic measures but one that amends the motion materially."

Borg's intervention was met with an angry outburst by Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono, who was seen calling out the minister for opposing the amendment. Debono was instantly warned by acting Speaker Censu Galea that he would be suspended from the House if he persisted in his vocal protest. "Honourable Debono, you are not the be all and end all of this House," Galea intoned from his seat.

But Debono was equally forthright with the acting Speaker. "I will do my best in speaking even if you interrupt me Mr Speaker... this parliament has been shamefully run by you [Borg] and the man beside you, the Prime Minister."

"Honourable Debono, I will not let you speak in this manner," Galea retorted.

"It's shameful that democracy has been tainted in this manner while €80 mllion is spend on a new parliament building," Debono replied. Visibly angered, the MP said the amendment moved by the Labour MP was relevant in the light that his own private members' motion on justice and home affairs had not even put on the agenda by the House Business Committee by the Leader of the House - who happens to be home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

On his part, Labour deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Anglu Farrugia said amendments to the motion could be proposed at any time, and that the Speaker should simply ask who seconded the amendment and proceed.

Earlier in the day, shadow minister for home affairs Michael Falzon took his government counterpart to task in a litany of shortcomings in the police, security and other sectors in Carm Mifsud Bonnici's portfolio, in the opener to the motion of censure against the minister.

Falzon opened the nine-session debate on a motion of censure he and shadow justice minister José Herrera tabled back in December against the embattled home affairs minister, whose justice portfolio has since been awarded to Chris Said in a cabinet reshuffle.

"I want to dispel the notion that we're trying to ride some opportunistic wave here," Falzon said introducing the motion, in a reference to the vocal criticism of Mifsud Bonnici's stewardship by Nationalist Franco Debono.

"This motion does not reflect any sort of political opportunism. It is informed by the people's needs and the need for better governance. This is no personal attack," Falzon said.

Thoughout his speech, Falzon displayed his intimacy with the affairs of the forces of law and order, relaying a host of complaints by members of the disciplined corps on the state of the Police and the Civil Protection Department.

Even on migration and the detention of asylum seekers, Falzon focused on the lack of decent conditions for Detention Services officials and training for police "to be prepared for immigrant riots", and said the Maltese government had to be stronger in its approach for more European assistance.

"I understand that the influx of illegal immigration does not depend on the government of the day, but I feel we could have done more. We agree that we have international and moral obligations, but we must tackle the situation better.

"I reiterate our criticism in the past that the voluntary burden sharing scheme did not result in any concrete aid from the part of EU member states, and we saw much greater assistance from the United States."

In an indication that there had been no scaleback from the PL's hardline position on irregular migration, Falzon also expressed agreement with tactics employed by the recent Berlusconi government in Italy.

"There has been a lack of insistence by the government with the EU to go beyond voluntary measures... but the Italians did not shy away from declaring Lampedusa a safe haven," he said referring to the blockade of a Maltese patrol boat that had effected the rescue of asylum seekers. "Nor did the French or Italians have any compunction in suspending the Schengen rules when they deemed it in their interest."

Falzon's criticism drove straight to the heart of Mifsud Bonnici's administration, accusing the minister of being unaware of developments under the ministry's responsibility.

It included spurious episodes of a generator being stolen from the Civil Protection Department and being listed for €7,000 on online listings site Maltapark; to serious cases of prison inmates being placed in an induction area within the notorious 'punishment wing' Division 6.

Falzon said the prison had been overrun by drugs, had no sniffer dogs available to tackle the situation, and that inquiries into inmates' deaths had not yet been concluded.

He also raised the serious shortcomings in the restorative justice reform that had been announced without a proper infrastructure having been provided to cater for inmates' parole applications. "There has been a serious lack of long-term planning on important developments like these... but let's not treat this as some magic wand to cater for the over-population inside Corradino Correctional Facility. It's not simply parole, but restorative justice in the sense that it must lead to victims' compensation by perpretators."

He reported widespread demoralisation amongst the disciplined corps and prison warders, and denounced the "scandalous" decision to have the training of firefighters administered by a private firm.

"The demotivation in the police corps is to be expected in a large outfit, but persisting in doing nothing about it is diabolical," Falzon said, reporting a large exodus of police members.

"There is a lack of belonging in the corps. Too much sophism, where appearances seem to be more important. Even tattooed candidates have been turned away," Falzon said.

"Some of the best officers in the corps have left, and the minister knows that sometimes not even top police officers are aware of who has resigned. I can confirm a particular officer, a Nationalist as it happens, was contacted five months after resigning to reconsider his position."

Falzon also said a schism between police stationed at the general headquarters and village districts had resulted in the latter officers being treated as second-class. "They have come down on these officers like a tonne of bricks for working part-time jobs, while those in the depot get off scott-free.

"I know of one case where a police officer was off-duty, involved in a traffic collision while on his part-time job, threatened the person involved in the traffic incident, and when a police report was filed... nothing happened."

Falzon also claimed that Special Assignment Group officers had been reduced to carrying out maintenance work, while the five SOCOS (scene of the crime officers) units only had four photographic cameras at their disposal.

At one point, the pro-hunting Falzon took umbrage that CABS (Campaign Against Bird Slaughter) had forewarned publicly it would apply for police permits to fly a model airplane that it had used to film instances of illegal hunting practices during the spring season.

"I hope the police corps won't be serving the foreigners - in the colonial past we'd complain that the government serves the Crown - now that we know the flight of the drone was illegal."

@ eddyjoyce. F'dardir normali niehu minn dak li ilek tibla' int ghal 30 sena shah. naqra izjed min-normal niehu minn dak li hadt int meta zarmajtu l-ufficcju ta' Karmenu li kellkom il-Mosta. dardir super ninfexx nibghat ittri anonimi.
Maureen Attard
Ghandek ghalih perusnali jaqaw?
Stop barking if you're not going to bite.
Jekk Franco jivvota favur il-mozzjoni jigi ikkunsidrat traditur miz-zewg nahat tal-kamra. Franco Guda? ...Ma’ nahsibx!
Giovann, x'qed tiehu biex jghaddilek id-dardir ?Imma jidher li aktar Franco Debono qed jiddardar bil-mossi tal-OLIGARKIJA !
Which act of the "Hillirous Farce" is this?
Franco; Carm will be there, RCC will be there only you are not going to be there.
you became to joke of the centuary fl-antik kien jghezisti il Pes. Stop acting like this you deserve better or show your guts. on your way out from court this morning I realy felt sorry for you the comments passed by 2 high people in court.
Patricia Marsh
@Giovanni Demartino. Emmen jekk trid, dejjaqt lil kulhadd bil-kummenti banali, bla sens u ta bniedem marid bil-politika. Ta bniedem ma baqalu xejn x'jaghmel b'hajtu hlief li jghaddi z-zmien quddiem il-PC (ghax ghalih gugarell) u joqghod minghalih jimbotta l-agenda tal-gvern li xebgha jisloh lilu stess u lill-poplu. GonziPN jinqeda b'nies bhal Demartino u Demartino dahal fil-lixka. Kbirt fiz-zmien u mohhok baqa zghir. Awguri!!
Xhur ilu jien kont ikkummentajt li "issa DARDARNA (Franco Debono) U, emmnu jekk tridu, hu ried jaf ghala!
Now Dr Debono has to show he has guts and vote against the government. I am sure he won't! This is witch-hunting Carm Mifsud Bonnici. Debon knows that if he votes against, CMB do not have to resign and if he resigns, Gonzi has already said that he would not be the sacrificial lamb. So why are you doing this Dr Debono? You understand that you have never a chance of being a minister either under a nationalist or a labour government. As that hones MP, Lino Spiteri said: an MP is elected on his party platform and if does not agree he should support his party or resign. We have examples of this: Mr Spiteri resigned from Minister because he did not agree with Dr Sant but continued to support him; Dr Moran had to leave the party on the abortion issue, he gentlemanly said that he would continue to support the Labour Party because he was elected on that platform. Dr Debono remember you won on the PN platform, not on Dr Debono's platform. Your duty is to support the government nothing else. Or else resign your seat.
Luke Camilleri
When will Franco Debono go all the way, he is just prick-teasing and not really getting anything done with his pricks! He hould sharpen his point to make a hit or else sit down and live with his public declarations which are just like a voice in the dessert for the GonziPN Oligarchy! He's had his chance!
Michael Falzon certainly cannot get anything right these days. Last week he gaffed over the canine section at the CCF, today he gaffed on this generator business. First of all, the generator in question was never actually the property of the CPD. It was in fact donated to the volunteers of the CPD. The police were brought in on the case when the generator appeared on Maltapark, but did not find any case to start with.
Il-poplu Malti kollu jixtieq ikun jaf minn Franco Debono: jekk dak in-nhar li jsir il-vot fuq il-mozzjoni ta' CMB, hux se jerga' jhalli l-kukki Hal Ghaxaq - bhal ma ghamel f'zewg okkazjonijiet ohra dan l-ahhar - jew inkella se johodhom mieghu il-Parlament biex juri li hu ragel u mhux babbu.
Is socjalisti mghandomx ghalfejn jifirhu bid deni ta hadd iehor. Sur Privitera nispera smajt x'qal ukoll Dr Adrian Vassallo. Igifieri tantx tifrah li l-partit tieghek isu fil genna ta lart u dan mill oppozzijoni. Kulhadd jaf li Franci qied jaqla bl addocc lil gvern minhabba cirkostanzi personali li kulhadd jaf bihom. Allahares Dr Adrian ghamel nitfa hsara li qied jaghmel franco lil PN ghax ma nafx xsar minnu kiku.Sur Privitera ghamel kuragg u gholli idejk u xomm riha qawwija daqs tal PN. Tifirhux hbieb ghax min jidhak l-ahhar jidhak l-ahjar.
We've never had such corruption and incompetent idiots running this island. The PN has lost all sense of justice; the clique exists and how!
"I want to dispel the notion that we're trying to ride some opportunistic wave here," Falzon said introducing the motion.....kompli dahhaqna Falzon, mela hsibt li ghajnejna mhux f'wiccna qeghdin
The worst administration this country has ever seen. Scandals, corruption, laissez faire, bribery, stealing, astronomical salaries, anti-democratic antics and, above all, high commodity prices, exorbitant fuel prices, lack of medicines, spiraling cost of living, €5 billion debt, the servicing of which is impoverishing us. What else can one say of this Government? Now, come the election, and we will be receiving thousands of letters signed by Gonzi promising us heaven on earth, again. @ not amused. Probably you will say you are not aware of any of the above. Which will not surprise me, if you watch only NetTV and read only in-Nazzjon.
not amused... I don't get it... They are reporting a good set of misgivings, wrong doings, and outright lack of interest shown in our institutions, and you say that this is a witch-hunt? Being a minister should not grant you a 'Get Out of Jail Free' from any criticism or responsibility. Come on, we need to expect more from the few individuals who the people elected to guide and govern...
It is reported that the Hon Franco Debono said:"I will do my best in speaking even if you interrupt me Mr Speaker... this parliament has been shamefully run by you [Borg] and the man beside you, the Prime Minister." Hon Debono, if you truly believe in what you have been quoted as saying, am I correct when I say that every time you backed the govt you were a party to the way this parliament is being run? If you disagree with the PM why do you keep voting in favor or playing neutral by abstaining?
not mused. Have you heard Franco Debono's outburst at the end of the sitting ? If you did you know that he told C arm Mifsud Bonnici, that Michael Falzon " was very kind" to CMB in his speech ! Ranco Debono also hitvout at Tonio Borg and Dr. Gonzi , accusing both of them as running parliament in a shameful way !
Nistaqsi lil dawk kollha li tkazaw u ghorku idejhom u qed jonfhu x'qal Dr.Vassallo, x'tahsbu minn dak li qed jghid Dr.FD? Tkaxkira wara ohra lil Dr.Gonzi fil Parlament, kull ma jonqos huwa biss ftit kuragg u jiffirma il kritika tieghu b'vot kontra il Gonzi PN.
A crash course on how to conduct a Witch Hunt.... What's next, burning CMB at the stake? Inflammatory politics at it's disgusting best