Leadership aspirations ‘not part of my plans’ says MEP Simon Busuttil

Nationalist MEP says Opposition leader Joseph Muscat hampered by his anti-EU past and MPs who served as ministers under Dom Mintoff.

Leadership ambitions are not in Simon Busuttil's plans, the MEP said in an interview.
Leadership ambitions are not in Simon Busuttil's plans, the MEP said in an interview.

The 'papable' Simon Busuttil has said ambitions to lead the Nationalist party are not part of his plans, in an interview on Reporter with Mediatoday's managing editor Saviour Balzan.

Since being appointed Lawrence Gonzi's 'special delegate' for civil society, Busuttil has become the face of the Nationalists' strategy of rapprochement with the electorate. But although the MEP has not ruled out any interest in the leadership, Busuttil says taking the party helm is not on the cards.

"It is not part of my plans... As an MEP I am privileged to represent the electorate in the European Parliament, and it is my work, which I do with much sacrifice since being awarded this new responsibility."

The 43-year-old MEP and chairman of the PN think-tank AZAD has so far led a considerable number of meetings between Gonzi and special-interest groups and lobbies, in a bid to soften criticism that the government has been distant from the electorate.

His appointment as special delegate, announced by Gonzi during an extraordinary general meeting, led to speculation on whether the MEP was being groomed for the leadership and even sparked criticism as to whether it slighted future candidates like Mario de Marco.

Busuttil was categorical about the role Gonzi's leadership played in safeguarding jobs and a decent standard of living after the financial storm that broke out in 2008.

"The government's priority soon after re-election was the enormous financial crisis, and we fared well compared to other countries thanks to Gonzi's leadership. We could have helped those whose salaries or working conditions are lower than they expected... but there was proper economic management, and people today can put their minds at rest that this government is performing well."

Busuttil played down suggestions that under Joseph Muscat, a Labour government could guarantee a successful management of the economy.

"Muscat can say all he likes that he will manage the economy any better but the truth is that he has three problems: an election is round the corner and we still don't have any of his proposals. It is extremely serious and grave that a party presents itself as an alternative government without any proposals.

"Secondly, if any his proposals drive us into a brick wall: he says will cut utility rates but not how he will finance it, which means he wants to tax us somehow. The little proposals that have slipped out are so far unfeasible."

Busuttil also laid into Muscat's choice of former ministers Karmenu Vella and Alex Sceberras Trigona to be part of his team.

"He has put former ministers of the Mintoff government on the frontline..."

But although recognising that a younger electorate may not respond to scare tactics that focus on Labour's past, Busuttil insisted that the past was no guarantee of the future under Labour. "Take Muscat, he was against EU membership eight years ago. Today it might be irrelevant, but if he made such a grave error of judgement on Europe then, how can you trust him as a prime minister now?

"Doesn't a politician have to be credible?" Busuttil asked. "I was in favour of the EU. And I still am."

ghadu ma tghallem xejn gdid dan il boy. idoqq l istess diska tat tmeninijiet donnu jien infakkar li fit tletinijiet il ministru carmelo mifsud bonnici il gross li kumbinazzjoni jigi in nannu ta ministru karm mifsud bonnici kien arresta ir runners tal partit laburista ghas semplici raguni li dawn kellhom kotba ta george bernard shaw u ta l istess ministru ingliz mhux arrestahom biss imma intefghu il habs u tilfu il jobs u wiehed minnhom li kellu il mara tqila tilfet it tarbija ukoll.... mhux bhal joseph muscat is sojourn tieghu fi brussels ghaggnu ghal leader. politiku jkun kredibli meta jkun jgharaf meta jrid ibiddel ir rotta dr busuttil. dak li jibqa kkakmat ma l istess idejat jasal sa post u jieqaf hemm. tghid mhux se jemmnu xi hadd li ma ghandux il leadership go mohhu....jekk jitlef gonzipn imbghad naraw......
Bhala MEP ghandi l-privilegg li naqdi l-kostitwenzi Maltin fil-Parlament Ewropew--xi hmistax ilu ktibtlek Dr. Busuttil u ghidtlek kemm hi difficli ghalija insib avukat li jipprezentali l-kawza ghad-danni u kumpens fil-kas tieghi tal-frame-up ta' missieri Karm Grima. Ga avvicinajt xi 15 il-avukat imma hadd ma jrid jiccappas.It-tlieta li thajru, wiehed ha gudikatura fi Strasburg, l-iehor post Brussels u l-ohra, li wara seba xhur li hadithu f'idha u baghatitli il-karti lura bla kliem u bla sliem, nahseb li se tiehu promotion fil-luxemburgu fil-harifa li gejja. Kemm tipprezenta l-kawza quddiem qorti u ghax l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, sabet lill-missieri innocenti u intbaghat ghomru Monte Carmeli se jintrebah zgur ghax Dr. Fenech Adami,ghandu kopja ghax hu kien li ghamilha.Anke Dr. A.Sant ghandu ohra ghax hu kien li harigha bil-mohbi.Ara Mist. Prl 14066-sed225 8/6/98. ta' Dr A.Gatt.Tista' tibghatli email risposta u tghini?
Alex Sciberras Trigona kien il-ministru ta' l-affarijiet Barranin li siegha biss wara li harqu t-Times, fil-15 ta' Ottubru 1979 xandarha ma l-erbat irjehat tad-dinja li kien sar attentat fuq hajjet il-Prim Dom Mintoff, u ghalhekk wara li qaghadu l-vjolenti u saru jafu li ma kienx veru dak li qal,issa riedu isibu scape-goat f'min iwahhlu u sabu lill-missieri Karm Grima,u iffrejmjawh bl-ghajnuna ta' l-avukati taghana stess jew joqtluh,ghax ga kien sar il-hames attentat fuq hajjet Grima. Wara Dr.E.Fenech Adami ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi fuq il-frame-up li sabithu innocenti u intbaghat inturtamentt Monte Carmeli ghall-ghomru. Lil PP Busuttil u lil Gaffarena taghahom 40,ooo lira li kienu elf euro tal-lum u kullwiehed imma ta' Karm Grima hbijha fl-istrong room tal-Parlament ghax kien siehbu, l-avukat difensur taghana li orkestraha u ma riedx li jidher li l-PN kien imdahhal fil-frame-up. Sal-lum hadd ma jrid jiehu irresponsabilita ta' dan il-frame-up. Dan hu AST.
sakem jihu it tkaxkira gonzi, wara ibbidel il hsieb.
Isabelle Borg
Take Gonzipn, he was against divorce a year ago. Today it might be irrelevant, but if he made such a grave error of judgement on something simple like divorce, how can you trust him as a prime minister now?
As the song goes Simple Simon says.
Issa anki n-najxu qed jitkellem u jilghabha ta'xi qaddis gdid fil-firmament ta' gonzipn !!! IMMA KEMM JAHSEB LI L-MALTIN HUMA BOLOH IS-SUR XMUN? U zgur li politikant ghandu jkun kredibbli, alla hares le. IMMA XMUN forsi nesa lil guido demarco jwerzaq li bis-shubija fl-Unjoni Ewropea Malta kienet se ddahhal MITT MILJUN LIRA MHUX EWRO - NIRREPETI MITT MILJUN LIRA MHUX EWRO - FIS-SENA. Fejn rajnihom dawn il-miljuni sur busuttil? Daqshekk kien kredibbli l-partit li ccappast mieghu int - imma din ma ssemihiex, mhux hekk !!! Naqbel mieghek li mintoff kien arroganti, kiesah u salvagg - pero qatt ma nizel fil-baxx, qatt ma kien umiljat, qatt ma kiel it-trab, qatt ma gie mcekken minn xi deputat tieghu stess kif gara f'dawn l-ahhar xhur lil gonzipn, il-mentor tieghu. Qatt ma gie mghajjar u mzeblah minn deputat tieghu stess quddiem malta kollha - dak ezempju sabih li ta lil pajjiz gonzipn li jrid jibqa' ikkakkmat mal-poter biex igawdi hu u l-klikka tieghu. HALLINA BUZU - iddahhaqniex aktar trid u mur pacpac fil-vojt strasbourg fejn hadd ma jaghti kasek.
hassra kixfitlu kollhox daphne tal bidnijja , min jaf min qalilha tikxef il hajja personali tieghu?
Raymond Falzon
"Doesn't a politician have to be credible?" Ask thousands of Hunters and Trappers you made a fool of.
I don't blame him . Who wants to be a captain of a sinking ship ?
Dr. Simon Busuttil, to this very day you have never denied the report by 'Open Europe' , that it is costing Malta €72 million a year, just to introduce and implement EU legislation. Besides the money we are paying directly to the EU budget ! You NEVER mention what memebrship is costing Malta, only the money which we receive with so many strings attached !
Simon, mentioning Dr. Alex Sciberras Trigona, please note that he was elected international secretary by the party delegates not by Dr. Muscat ! Besides, you should also know that Dr. Sciberras Trigona was the man who negotiated the Italian Protocol, from which Malta receied so many millions of MALTA LIRI without paying Italy any money back as we're doing with the EU. And which we LOST from the day your party got Malta into the EU.
Simon Busuttil, no wonder you have no aspirations for the leadership. You know how you and your MIC MISINFORMED the Maltese and Gozitans about EU membership, by allowing Dr. EFA & Dr. LG to fool so many people with those personal letters ! Look what you have got Malta into ! By the way, are you going to reply to Dr. Sant's comments about Malta's EU membership ? Let's see now how clever you are !
Considering the wages between a MEP and leader of the opposition I do not blame Simon. As for the rest of what he had to say doesn't he feel so cheap repeating the rubbish that has been churned over and over again. As a special envoy I expected a special outlook, something different from the drab that we are accoustomed to. Simon you are as ordinary a politician as most of the rest, there is nothing special about you that distinguish you from the rest of gonzipn leader hopefuls.
As if anyone expects him to say he wants to unseat Gonzi!! Kemm tahsbuna stupidi, madoffi! I suppose Busttil has learnt from his gaffe, when he bragged publicly that he had turned down Gonzi's request that he becomes the PN Gen Sec, prior to having the PN make do with the email guru PBO. Diplomacy and tact should have never let him reveal this rebuff, but egocentrism got the better of Simon Busuttil! And yes, Simon Busutil, a politician has '' to be credible'' .That is why Gonzi and the PN's time is long overdue!
Dr Busuttil I like you you have a goody look, and GONZIPN wants to embark on this look. But refereing to the 2 ex Mintoff Minister Alex as far as I know he is not even a member of parlament and Karmenu Vella has the best record when he was Minister of Tourism. When you are doinging your kitchen round for the PM ask the Nationalists Hoteliers whom they prefer as a Tourism Minister. His calm attitude as far from the present reality. Regarding old guys coming back, do you remember M Refalo taking charge of the GONZIPN gimick election? The statment the Ex President of all Malta do mostly against Joseph Muscat.All present Ministers most of them have been there for around 20 years. Do you have faith in them. No minister or Prim Minister under labour administration was found guilty by the costitutional court against human rights. You know who was found gulty. You are a good guy, you are the guy of GonziPN as Karmenu Vella is the guy of PL.
It says a lot of Simon Busuttil to pass judgement on Joseph Muscat. After all everyone has some skeletons in one's cupboard, all shrieking to come out at an opportune time.
Igor P. Shuvalov
"It is extremely serious and grave that a party presents itself as an alternative government without any proposals." Of course only an alternative government needs to present proposals. An incumbent Government does not need to present proposals.. all it has to do is that on the eve of an election is to appoint a'special delegate' with a task of implementing a strategy of rapprochement with the electorate, and at the same time start and 'cut the ribbon' of as many projects as possible and of course include some 'cejca' to get the vote of those who are impressed with such pre-election bonanza.
Luke Camilleri
A question to Dr. Gonziwhich not even Peppi the Coach ever dared ask him, aquestion Peppi Azzopardi, likes to ask LP Leaders when the country is in election mode- Will you Dr. Gonzi resign if you don't win the next general election?
And how can you be credible when as head of MIC you were meant to be an independent and yet a few months later you were aPN candidate? And of course you do not want to be leader. Not cushy enough for your expensive tastes!