Debono blames political instability on Gonzi’s ‘short-sightedness’

Nationalist MP Franco Debono insists motion of censure only concerns one individual minister and not the government and blames political impasse on the Prime Minister’s “short-sightedness.”

Nationalist MP Franco Debono said he will not be bullied
Nationalist MP Franco Debono said he will not be bullied

Speaking to MaltaToday, Franco Debono said the motion of censure on home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici only concerns one individual minister and not the government. 

The Nationalist MP said this in reaction to the speech held by fellow MP Edwin Vassallo who equated a motion against a minister to a vote against the whole government.

Asked whether this is a move to pile pressure on him and refrain from voting for the motion, Debono said "this is bullying."

Debono also hit out at the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi for "naming Mifsud Bonnici as Minister for Parliamentary Affairs in the Cabinet re-shuffle in January, when Gonzi was aware that the minister was facing a motion of censure."

"This shows the Prime Minister's poor leadership and his short-sightedness," Debono said. He also lambasted Gonzi's record since taking the helm of the Nationalist Party and noted that "Gonzi has lost all elections as party leader with the sole exception of the 2008 general election which was gifted to him by Labour."

Debono also blamed the political instability on the Prime Minister because he "chose Mifsud Bonnici's interests ahead of the national interest by delaying the debate on the Opposition's motion."

He noted that "the Prime Minister could have resolved the issue of stability months ago if he had held the Parliamentary debate and vote earlier."

The Nationalist MP who has been calling for parliamentary and institutional reform added that the Prime Minister had not taken heed of his advice to hold the elections in March 2012 together with the local council elections, "however the Prime Minister can call an election at any time if he feels that he cannot govern the country."

 "If anyone suffered from psychological violence, it was me as I still have police officials guarding my family's house. Unlike others, I do not want to play the victim, but once family members have been brought into the equation, I must say that even some members of my family have been and are still going through health problems," Debono said.

He added that he has been targeted by his own party for "criticising the way the government is led and put forward a number of positive proposals." A resolute Debono said "attempts to destroy everything I have earned and built in my lifetime are futile."

Debono said that in normal circumstances, a minister who does not make the grade should resign out if his own accord and not hang on to power.

He made it clear that he has absolutely no intention of defending the Opposition's motion but said that he is "hurt" because the motion he presented on justice and home affairs, one month before the Opposition tabled the motion of censure has still not been discussed.

While explaining that during Mifsud Bonnici's tenure people have died while in police custody and in prison and the police have been involved in a number of shoot-outs, Debono said that "it is presumptuous to play the victim."

He added that Mifsud Bonnici is no common minister as he is also the Leader of the House and the motion of censure also applies to his function as the minister responsible from Parliament.   

Dr Debons male a reaserch whil il PIKE was? people are thinking that he came from the grave
Il-kummenti tieghi qed jergghu joghsfru!
Possibli ghadkhom ma ndunajthux bit-tattika ta Franco. Jersaq sa x-xifer jittawwal u jitlaq lura. Tatux kasu izjed. L-elezzjoni ser issir fi zmiena. Kull meta il-PN kellu suspetti serji li jista jitlef, dejjem baqa sal-ahhar gurnata fil-poter. Hekk kien gara fil-1971, u hemm ser jerga jigri issa. F-opinjoni tieghi, bl-istess rizultat. BIDLA
Guidaforte ghaliex qed tahrabni daqshekk? Ghaliex qatt ma tispjegali xi tkun trid tghid meta jien ma nifhimx? Veru li bil-Malti ma tantx taf tikteb, imma hazin jew tajjeb niftehmu. Xi trid tghid bit-tabib, te u pastizzi, flus fil-kunsill? Tridni nghidlek KODARD?
Debono said that in normal circumstances, a minister who does not make the grade should resign out if his own accord and not hang on to power. - and in normal circumstances, a member of parliament who does not agree with his prime minister and party should resign out of his own accord. THAT IS YOU MUST DO FRANCO RESIGN.
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi only sees up to the next election date and buying back loyalty with the power of inumbancy through kitchen visits! That is Gonzi's Vision or lack of it.... putting the Party first and not the country!
Ma nistax nifhem kif ghad hawn laburisti li jikkummentaw u jghatu importanza x`jghejd Dr. Franco Debono.Il partit laburista ma ghandu l-ebda problema fil parlament. Jekk hemm membri li qeghedin jghamlu mozzjonijiet, dak huwa dmirhom, anzi imishom ilhom mill bidu ta din il legistratura zoppa jghamlu mozzjonijiet. Rigward x`qeghed jghejd Dr. Debono u aktar is Sur Edwin Vassallo, huma kollha irrelevanti ghal P.L. la qeghedin tghamlu xogholkhom.X`qeghed jipretendi Dr. Gonzi li kullhadd jghamel l irid u hadd ma jitkellem. Mela draw fil lussu li jghamlu li iridu ? Miskina id demokrazija...Mur gib lil mibki Profs Guido Demarco, jara din id demokrazija li tant iggieled ghalija tispicca imzebilha mill partit tieghu stess.
@Kris...... TOM is not the epitome of the local media it publishes what it thinks looks like being critical of the government but will not cross the line in outright censure. Let's just say it handles gonzipn with velvet gloves.
What weight has anything that Edwin Vassallo says? Just watch him on TV in some debate and you get a good perspective of his incompetence, no wonder gonzi did not trust him with a ministry. With his banal outburst Edwin is only hoping, that should ( God forbid) gonzipn is back in government he would be favourably looked upon by gonzi.
Kemm tinsa u sewwa qed tghid!! Il-familja u l-qraba ma ghandhomx x'jaqsmu u allahres. Imma insejt li ftit jiem ilu għajjart lill-Prim Ministru bl-Arcisqof Gonzi. Dak li tajjeb ghalik tajjeb ghal haddiehor. Mhux hekk???? Hazin jekk attakkaw lil familtek, hazin hafna imma inti imxi ukoll hekk. Tattakkax! UI bil-haqq nhar it-30 ta Mejju toqghodx tastjeni biex isalvalek is-siġġu li Speaker. Jew iva jew le!
Nazzareno Pace
Bħas-soltu jparla fil-vojt għax fil-mument tal-prova jibża u jirtira kollox. Mhux xejn ħlief PATPITU!!!!
Ga jidher car x'fi hsiebu jaghmel franco debono dak in-nhar tal-votazzjoni dwar il-mozzjoni tal-partit laburista fuq carmelo mifsud bonnici: lest nilghab imhatra ma' kull min irid li se jastjeni ghax jghid li dik mhix il-mozzjoni tieghu .... u nergghu bil-vot tal-ispeaker ..... u nergghu bil-kantaliena li issa ilna sejrin biha ga sitt xhur ..... u wara xi ftit laqghat ohra l-parlament jaggorna ghall-vaganzi tas-sajf .... u sadattant il-hamiem hdejn il-bieb tal-belt ga qed jaghzlu fuq liema blokka tal-gebel li qed jorbtu mal-gnub tal-bini se jpoggu ......
Are you sure that Franco Debono passed these comments on Dr. Gonzi? I have not read such comments on Times of Malta.
Imma possibbli li l-onor franco debono ghadu ma ndunax li bit-tattika tieghu li issa malta kollha kemm hi lahqet drat, haraq lilu nnifsu u issa kull meta jitkellem hadd ma jaghti kasu? Illum kulhadd, sew gonzipn kif ukoll il-partit laburista, jaghrfuh u jistmawh talli hu - bezziegha u lablabi li paroli ghandu kemm irid imma sa hemm jasal u xejn aktar ..... hafna raghwa go flixkun zghir ......