Gonzi announces new initiatives as he insists on need to be closer to the people

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announces new online outreach initiatives as he repeats call for PN to be closer to the people.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi made a public show of his support for home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, thanking him for his integrity and sense of duty as the minister faces a motion of censure moved by the Opposition, Wednesday coming.

Stopping short of saying whether Mifsud Bonnici will remain minister after Wednesday's vote on the Opposition's censure motion, if it passes, Gonzi said the party still had faith in Mifsud Bonnici.

Addressing party councillors during the party's General Council on Sunday, Gonzi warned against complacency and taking anything for granted in an upcoming genera election.

"The confidence we have in our people is reciprocal. We have overcome recent troubles thanks to the confidence the people have in us," Gonzi said.

"We have overcome the dangers which afflicted the rest of Europe thanks to our policies which were opposed by Labour and thanks to the confidence we have in the people."

Gonzi lauded the utility of the new media initiatives the PN was taking. He said the PN will be launching an initiative on Facebook, called MyVoice.pn where people will be able to communicate with the party. He said justice and public dialogue minister Chris Said will be running this new project. Gonzi urged everyone to make use of "this direct line of communication with me and the party."

"We have confidence in the people and in their ability to make the right choices. I am indebted to the Maltese people because my family and I have only achieved what we have achieved so far because of the right choices the people have made," he said.

"We have to do the same. We must roll up our sleeves, meet people, listen to people and understand and respect the people. If we do so, we will show that we have confidence in them. We can then turn on them when the time comes and ask them to return the confidence. Only then will they choose us again to govern the country."

Making reference to Labour's track record, Gonzi mentioned episodes of violence, including the death of the person at the Police headquarters.

"On the other hand we are not ashamed of our past," Gonzi said to loud applause. The PN leader stood in front of a number of young persons in a clear indication that both the PN and Labour are targeting young and first time voters.

"Work, education and health are the three pillars on which our policies are built," Gonzi said.

"Youth" and "education" featured throughout Gonzi's speech and at one point the Prime Minister said "I wish I could embrace the 20,000 new university graduates," Gonzi said, boasting of the level of investment and the results achieved in the education sector, citing the new Mcast campus as a prime example of government's commitment in the sector.  

Explaining that the party's policies wereshaped on the well-being of each individual person and "in the best interests of our families", Gonzi said the government has taken a number of initiatives to safeguard the future of everyone.

In a low-key address, Gonzi listed a number of initiatives in different sectors, including education, health and job creation, which he said "will shape your individual future, according to your needs, aspirations and talents."

"These principles have guided us in the last few years to always be on the right side of history. On the other hand, the Labour Party has almost naturally been on the wrong side. This happened when we had to make a choice on Independence, EU membership and the freedom of church schools."

Gonzi described the Opposition as "socialists" on a number of occasions in a clear attempt to equate Joseph Muscat's party to "the dark days of socialism."

He added that Labour's short stint in government in 1996 was an embarrassment because while all European countries, including Turkey wanted to join the EU, the Labour government had frozen Malta's EU membership application.

The PN's general council theme is 'Fiducja, fik u f'uliedek' (Confidence, in you and your children). Gonzi said the main difference between the Nationalist and the Labour parties is that his party talks about confidence while the Opposition only talks about no confidence. He said the Opposition's Parliamentary motions of no-confidence in the government and a number of ministers are proof of this.

Luke Camilleri
Jiftah Take-Away jonqsu...biex ikun aktar qrib il-poplu! Imissu jaghmel vista sa l'ARMS kif qieghed sis-sahna ta-vizti qalb il-folol li jmorru kull jum hemm b'nifishom maqtghuh bil-kontijiet tad-dawl li qedin jircievu! --------------------------------------------------- Hemm imissu jmur Gonzi...jew jibghat il-Chris said jew il Simon Busuttil... u mhux fl-Ufficcju tas-CEO , fil waiting room fejn immur Cikku Poplu!
Mr. Gonzi what makes you think that the people have confidence in you?, every opinion poll shows the contrary.Please come to my kitchen and cook one of your patented froga.
"The PN's general council theme is 'Fiducja, fik u f'uliedek" Depends on which children the PN is referring. They must be referring to the children of those who under GonziPN never had it so good and are now enjoying a life of great luxury.
I don't want to hear what happened 25 years ago. Tell me what your'e gonna do in the future. Germanyand Italy bombed us in the 40's but we still have good realtions with them thanks GOD. Lets look at the future and not talk of the past. That was another generation and today we know that all are different. So get on to it and stop this cheap talk of the past which for me menas that you have nothing to offer for the future!!
Sur gonzipn, issa qed thawwadni tafx. Gej bit-torok ta' Facebook ..... Int mhux fil-kcina kont gej jew issa rega' bdielek? Ara per ezempju kieku tigi llum aqta' kemm niehu gost bik ... ghax il-bierah insejt zewg bajdiet fuq l-ispiritiera tal-pitrolju xi tlett kwarti bi zball biex nisimghak tfahhar lil carmelo mifsud bonnici fuq ir-radio u tghidilna kemm hu bravu u il-kcina sibtha kollha nugrufun .... hsibtek gej tizboghhieli dalghodu .... u biex is-saqaf tilhquh ahjar, tinsix tghid lil dak it-twil, xmun busuttil li cempilli, ghax dak ilahhaq zgur aktar minnek .....
Sur gonzipn, issa qed thawwadni tafx. Gej bit-torok ta' Facebook ..... Int mhux fil-kcina kont gej jew issa rega' bdielek? Ara per ezempju kieku tigi llum aqta' kemm niehu gost bik ... ghax il-bierah insejt zewg bajdiet fuq l-ispiritiera tal-pitrolju xi tlett kwarti bi zball biex nisimghak tfahhar lil carmelo mifsud bonnici fuq ir-radio u tghidilna kemm hu bravu u il-kcina sibtha kollha nugrufun .... hsibtek gej tizboghhieli dalghodu .... u biex is-saqaf tilhquh ahjar, tinsix tghid lil dak it-twil, xmun busuttil li cempilli, ghax dak ilahhaq zgur aktar minnek .....
Joseph MELI
Online,offline down the line its irrespective as its action we want and urgently need not even more interminable ineffective "discussion and bla.bla".Spend a day with the PM -I would sooner spend a penny!
Kif ma jisthix mil-poplu dan GONZIPN ? Kif ma jidejjaqx jitkellem u jitnellah bil poplu izjed milli tnellah? Ilek 25 sena issa trid tkun qrib il poplu gonz, ghax waslet l-elezzjoni forsi tiddobba xi vot zejjed? Issa trid tidhol fil-kcejjen tan nies, ghax wasalna f lahhar ghal voti? Gol kamra tas-sodda ndahhlek!! Anqas habbata wara il-bieb ma rridek GONZIPN, ahseb u ara gewwa. Jien jiddispjacini mhux ghax jitnellah bin-nies imma ghax ikun aw min jibla il lixka u jivvutalu. Mela kompli hawwad il-borma gonz int u il-KLIKKA tieghak u la tkun lesta ikxef il laghtu ha tohrog rieha ta fossa tad dranagg.
How can GonziPN be so ridiculous. They did nothing wrong and everything is perfect. These people live in their ivory towers, grabbing money from us, the taxpayers, and tell us to continue to be their 'slaves'. What a bunch of wolves and vipers. They will be 'crushed' soon. Hallelujah!!!.
ABOUT TIME TOO Gonzi! Mela qed tammetti li avolja das-snin kollha bqajt il-boghod mill-poplu f'wixx il-kuxxjenza socjali li kont teqred tant fuqha! Darba kull hames snin m'huwiex bizzejjed Gonz...TIR MINN HEMM ghax vot iehor minn ghandi ZGUR li ma tiehux!!!!
Lawrence Covin
@Spionkop: Ittra tajba. Gonzi konxju ta'dak li fakkart int, u jaf li ma ghandux cans ghall-elezzjoni li gejja, jekk l-affarijiet jibqghu kif inhuma. Imma tahseb li l-elezzjoni ser issir? Jew ser issir fi zmiena, jew fi klima tajba? L-anqas ser jaccetta rizenja mitluba mill-Parlament, ahseb u ara kemm ser jaccetta disfatta. Xi haga ser tigri. Qalbi u mohhi hekk jghidu. Kun floku, u ahseb bhalu. Kieku int darek mal-hajt daqsu, u spregudikat daqsu, int x'taghmel?
Gonzi announces new initiatives as he insists on need to be closer to the people?? You HAD your chance wenz and you blew it!
Luke Camilleri
Why now Dr. Gonzi? If the Maltese electorate is intelleigent enough he will see through your schemes to buy back votes so you can retain your seat , the power to take backthe €500 a week salary rise.... You have no shame to come back to us and want to listen to us now, HAVEN'T OUR VOICE BEEN LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOU EVERY TIME YOU INCREASED TARIFFS OF BASIC COMMODITIES wh ilst you and your coterie never had it so good giving youeselves perks and raises in salaries? THE
The Gonz and his clikka need to be close to a repayment programme to refund all that was lost to the Maltese these past 2 decades (of course without charging it to their expense accounts).
Milli jidher l-istrategija tal-kcina falliet! Jista' jigi qrib tieghi kemm irid izda l-vot mhux se jiehdu minn ghandi.
mela kemm qieghed il boghod mil poplu gonzipn biex ghadek ma wasaltx.
You are not ashamed of the past......Bi dnub il mejjet ta zmien l Arcisqof Gonzi, meta il PN kellhom ministru li ried jitfa l haddiema l habs jekk jaghmlu strike, meta emigrajtu eluf ta familji lejn l Awstral;ja, Canada, Uk fi zmien is sittin, meta ivvutajtu kontra l minimum wage, sahha b xejn, childrens allowance, equal work equal pay, leave ghal kulhadd, maternity leave, injury leave. Meta tkellimtu kontra Libjani u wara mortu tilaquhom. Dan il passat taghkom. Il prezent huwa nuqqas ta xoghol, faqar li rega fegg, impiegi prkarju. tkeccija mil postijiet ta xogjol bhal Air Malta, Sea Malta, Tarzna, Go. Gholi tal hajja, zidiet ghal haddiem mizerja u il prim ministru u shabu jiehdu Euro 500 zieda fil gimgha minn wara dar il poplu, dejn tal pajjiz. Hallina sur prim tkomplix iddahhaq
The more Gonzipn says he wants to be closer to the people, the more he admits that he was far, and far away from the people during the previous 4 years. He was only close to the people before 2008 election, when sending job guarantee promises, to thousands of workers such as Shipyard workers, Air Malta, and Bus Drivers. After winning 2008 election, he forgot all his promises and started with the Shipyard workers, sending them fresh letters, this time, to resign from their jobs or the Shipyard will be declared bankrupt. Four years of arrogance. While Gonzipn increased his salary by 500 euro per week to himself and the other ministers, workers and their families were in distress not knowing what to do. Many other families were in difficulties, struggling to paying higher electricity and water bills while others had their supply cut not having enough money to pay excessive bills. Higher fuel and gas prices were burden not only for Maltese families but also for industries and tourism. Now too late to come closer for the people. My Choice...for sure like most of the people will not be for Gonzipn who forgot the people during the last four years and now he wants to hear the people and go in their kitchen, only because election is behind the corner.
Wara li fl-ahhar diskors kien qal li hu u l-ministri u d-deputati tieghu kienu se jmorru jidhlu fil-kcejjen tan-nies, la llum qalilhom biex jersqu aktar vicin lejn in-nies, jaqaw iridhom issa jidhlu fil-kamra tas-sodda wkoll - ghax zgur li ma tistax tersaq aktar vicin minn hekkk !!!!!!!!!!!
Wara li fl-ahhar diskors kien qal li hu u l-ministri u d-deputati tieghu kienu se jmorru jidhlu fil-kcejjen tan-nies, la llum qalilhom biex jersqu aktar vicin lejn in-nies, jaqaw iridhom issa jidhlu fil-kamra tas-sodda wkoll - ghax zgur li ma tistax tersaq aktar vicin minn hekkk !!!!!!!!!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Reading the title of this story gave me the impression that the Prime Minister had announced two initiatives which would be of benefit to the people an the country. Actually it is clear that the aim of these initiatives is to for the benefit of the Nationalist Party in its attempt to lure back the voters it has lost.
Dr Lawrence Gonzi ghalxejn taghmel WIDNEJK ma l-ART ghax l-UGIEH tan nies ma tridtx TISIMAW ghax INTI TRUX Ghandek l-ex HADDIEMA tax Xatt li siehbek Dr STINATU (Austin) Gatt qabad u QALAHHOM il barra mil ahhar riforma li saret fil portijiet u ma TAHGHHOMX dak li is soltu DEJJEM HADU lil ex Haddiema tax Xatt kull meta saret xi RIFORMA Tinsiex Dr Gonzi li ghandek mas 600 ex Haddiem ta Xatt li jekk ma tatijomx dak li HUWA TAGHHOM ghalxejn TMUR ITHABBTILHOM IL BIEB biex forsi JIVVOTAWLEK
Hon Prim Minister, do you think you're close to the people when you go online? Have you failed visiting the kitchens, or you're feeling embarrased when you face them? Will the people trust you once more after all you have done and said? Are you still going to take that €500, if God forbid you;re re elected. Will you go one your word and make us pay for health services? Will you continue to allow the defict and debt increaseing while allowing also poverty to increase?
And Dr. Gonzi said ' We must roll up our sleeves, meet people, listen to people and understand and respect the people, bla, bla bla. Iva sur prim ministru, wieheD mill ministri tieghek DIGA gie s'ghandi u ghamel nofs siegha jghaddini biz-zmien. MINGHALIEH!!!!
Hon PM. You made reference to Labour past and said that some of those that had an active part during past labour govt are still there. And yet, you, Hon PM choose to nominate (and appoint) a former deputy leader of the labour party as Head of State.
Gonzi said the main difference between the Nationalist and the Labour parties is that his party talks about confidence while the Opposition only talks about no confidence.Well than, since Gonzipn is a confidence party, this means that Gonzipn has confidence in the Labour Party too. But anyway Labour does not need confidence from 'Il-klikka tal-Hazen'. The PL has the confidence of the majority of the people, and that is what scaring Gonzipn to go for elections, because he does not have confidence from all his Gonzipn.
The only thing Dr.Gonzi’s clan needs to be close to; is the EXIT DOOR. They have milked the EU and MALTESE assets to the last drop. From this date forward, what Dr.Gonzi should be insisting with his Junta is very clear. The last one ought to turn out the lights as they leave Castille and let the PN refresh with new faces and the will to eradicate collusion, corruption, nepotism and fiscal atrocities. The HAGUE ought to be interested in investigating (a) the abuse of power (b) fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement (c) electorate registrations and democratic elections.
Issa jrid ikun "close to the people" gonzipn? Ghaliex ma kienx "close to the people" meta hu u l-klikka hadu zieda ta' 500 ewro fil-gimgha bil-habi u hallew lil kulhadd lampa stampa? Ghaliex ma kienx "close to the people" meta wahhlilna dawk it-tariffi tad-dawl u ilma li wahhxuna? Ghaliex ma kienx "close to the people" meta l-arriva, stinatu gatt u manwel delia harbtulna hajjitna x-xena li ghaddiet? Ghaliex ma kienx "close to the people" meta ikkonfoffa ma' renzo piano fuq il-bieb tal-belt u bini gdid ghal parlament li jaghmel xi hames xhur vaganzi fis-sena? Gonzipn l-ewwel ried jidhol fil-kcina; issa jrid ikun "close to the people" .... imma ghalkemm itawwal kemm jiflah, dalwaqt jinduna li l-poplu xejn ma jrid ikun close mieghu u l-aktar li se jdahhlu mhux fil-kcina izda f'kamra (is-soltu jghidulha baxxa) u jifflaxxjah minn hemm darba ghal dejjem ..........