Government MPs insist vote against Mifsud Bonnici is vote against government

MP Jean Pierre Farrugia urges MPs not to vote with Opposition on justice and home affairs motion.

Parliament will be voting on the Opposition's censure motion on Carm Mifsud Bonnici this Wednesday.
Parliament will be voting on the Opposition's censure motion on Carm Mifsud Bonnici this Wednesday.

During their interventions in parliament this morning, Nationalist MPs Charlo Bonnici, Jean Pierre Farrugia and Joe Falzon insisted that a vote against Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici would be a vote against government.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister also hinted that the motion was one of no confidence in government.

Addressing the House, backbencher Jean Pierre Farrugia said that before justice and home affairs had been split earlier this year, Mifsud Bonnici had had a lot on his plate.

Making reference to the mention of the family court in the motion, Farrugia said it was superficial to think that no bottlenecks would be formed when the Maltese society was experiencing an increase in births outside marriage.

In an apparent appeal to Franco Debono not to vote with the Opposition in favour of the motion, Farrugia said that the Opposition had attempted to ride upon government MPs when these would be critical of government's work.

"The Opposition is not sincere and nobody should side with it," Farrugia insisted.

Nationalist MP Charlo Bonnici said that whoever cites democracy in defence of the justice and home affairs motion "was taking the country for a ride".

"Carm Mifsud Bonnici has worked hard. The motion is not only against him, but also against government. Do they expect that we don't fight back?  His work is our work, and an attack against him is an attack against us all," Bonnici said.

Bonnici said MP Edwin Vassallo had been correct is describing the motion as "immoral".

"Despite the attacks leveled by Joseph Muscat against Edwin Vassallo, in an attempt to ridicule him by calling him 'bishop', he [Vassallo] had been right in criticising the motion.

"Labour is showing that in its policies the end justifies the means and they will stop at nothing to satisfy their thirst for power," Bonnici said.

Backbencher Joe Falzon said the motion constituted an "offence" against minister Mifsud Bonnici. This prompted an intervention by Franco Debono who said that Falzon was using the wrong word, as no motion is an offence against anyone.

During a number of interjections he made, backbencher Franco Debono criticised Mifsud Bonnici for his reference to the frame-up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil.

While yesterday addressing the PN general council, Mifsud Bonnici said there was nothing worse than accusing somebody of crime when the person is innocent. Citing the frame-up, Mifsud Bonnici said the Opposition had not changed in the last 25 years.

Intervening while Labour MP Owen Bonnici was debating the right of legal assistance to arrested persons; Debono said it was "shameful" that Mifsud Bonnici made reference to the case.

"He should be ashamed of citing the frame-up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil when Mifsud Bonnici had been plotting with the Opposition not to introduce the most serious law during interrogation," he claimed.

Gouder se jiehu ghalieh !!
Luke Camilleri
Sab il-vuci issa wkoll Hermann , ilu tant kwiet! Tghid kellu xi kitchen visit ta' Gonzi & Co. u offrilu xi haga mill-platt kif Gonzi qieghed fil burdata li jqassam...? Hu jqassam, jieklu tieghu u THALLAS INT u Jien mit-taxxi taghna, u mhux mill-fondi tal-Partit!
Dear minister, you are correctly right when you said that :' there was nothing worse than accusing somebody of a crime when the person is innocent.' But what about when a person is accused of child abuse, and even of a rape, but on the charge list there's a mistake about where it took place, and so the person is not convicted for the rape charge! Can you please explain to us, in simple words and not with alot of theatrical emotions involved, who's resposability it is for issueing a charge sheet with the wrong details? Many would appreciate alot a simple, straight forward answer, but since the accused was a member of the club that your party was, is and always be an ally of, many people really wonder why there was this type of mistake in the charge sheet! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Isa Franco-ara x'qallek il-giudice. Xieraq wiehed tal-klikka dan u ghandu x'jitlef? Din id-darba Franco jekk tivvota mal-mozzjoni tkun imxejt mal-irgulija u fl-istess him ma jaqghax il- gvern, kif qed jippruvaw ibezzghuk . Issa jekk imbaghad iridu imorru ghall-elezzjoni,niddubita kemm, dik affari taghhom. Imma ma jkunux jistu jghidu li int waqqajt il-gvern. Din id-darba ghandek il-karta f'idejk u ilaghaba tajjeb.
Appell sincier lil Dr.Franco Debono...F`gieh il gustizzja ara ma ifettillekx tivvota ma l-opozzijoni.Min huwa laburist sincier ,ikun Dr.Carm Mifsud Bonnici,jew Peppi iz zattat ministru tal gustizzja ma tantx tghamel differenza.Ghalina l-importanti li dan il gvern ikompli il legistratura kollha sa l-ahhar, halli wara ma ikunx hemm skuzi li fixkilnieh sabiex iwettaq il programm elettorali kollu.Hekk jew hekk x`fadal 10 xhur ohra.
With the PN parliamentarians consistent insistence that this vote would be a vote against the government, it is obvious this is being coordinated to put Franco in a bind. I would suggest that Dr Gonzi, makes this official. That would make a donkey or a man of Dr Debono.
Sinjuri tan naha tal gvern, Ghadu kif inqata il kas tas `Save On `22 SENA WARA LI SAR....Dik efficenzja tal Ministri li servew f`dan il ministeru. Isthu jekk tafu.