Armed Forces rescue 87 migrants at sea

Three pregnant woman aboard dinghy saved by AFM.

The Armed Forces of Malta effected a rescue of some 87 migrants at sea.
The Armed Forces of Malta effected a rescue of some 87 migrants at sea.

Around 90 migrants have been rescued by the Armed Forces of Malta, MaltaToday is informed.

The boatload is due to arrive later this evening.

The dinghy, which is also carrying three pregnant women but no children, were spotted in the morning by a French naval vessel.

The AFM dispatched a patrol boat to effect the rescue mission.

How heartless of the Libyans to be allowing this kind of human trafficking. Placing all these pregnant women on board dingies. Don't tell me the Libyans are not aware of this. And how come the UNHCR and the UN are not investigating these human rights infringments. How come the EU is not even saying anything either. Why not put Nato and EU patrols in the mediterranean and address this issue. Shame on the EU. And Libya. And little malta continues to be invaded.
Pretty soon they will be occupying the open air theatre or the new parliament building. Viva l'Unjoni Ewropea w dak kollu li gej. Keep up the good work GONZI maybe they will vote for you in the next election.
Since becoming Prime Minister Dr Gonzi's policy on illegal immigrants has been to preach Christian values, tell the fable of the Good Samaritan and repeat the story of St Paul's shipwreck. And look at the result! Can Dr Gonzi please tell us how many illegal immigrants Malta will be forced to take in the name of Christian values? And who pays for Christian values?
For the last 10 years the Jesuit Refugee Service has been supporting the arrival of illegal immigrants, bullying politicians with the threat of being called racists. In the meantime JRS has not been very forthcoming with accommodating the illegal immigrants in their premises all over Malta and Gozo - Mount St Joseph in Mosta and others that are listed in the telephone directory under Jesuit Fathers. UNHCR is responsible too because it has taken advantage of a weak government to ram down our throats first hundreds, then thousands of unwanted illegal immigrants. Will UNHCR and JRS now help out in the current emergency?
275 in two days. If this is not a national emergency I don't know what is. Can those who are happy about these arrivals please identify themselves?
"Armed Forces rescue 90 migrants". In other words 90 illegal immigrants are being brought to Malta to be housed and fed at the expense of the Maltese taxpayer and to sow the seeds of untold social problems in the near and distant future. Who's happy at the arrivals? UNHCR, JRS, no doubt, and all the other do-gooder NGOs who have been singing a siren song that is heard on the Libyan coast by thousands if not millions. Does Dr Gonzi not feel the need to address the Maltese nation in this hour of need?
qabel konna inwahlu f'gaddafi li qighad jibatom.