Edwin Vassallo takes offence at 'irresponsible' bishop jibe

Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo takes offence at Labour leader Joseph Muscat's bishop remarks.

Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo
Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo

Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo said Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat was "irresponsible to have called me a bishop" when speaking at the end of today's Parliamentary sitting.

Yesterday, Muscat referred to the Nationalist MP as 'bishop Edwin Vassallo' twice in reaction to the speech held in Parliament on Friday by the Mosta MP.

Vassallo had described the censure motion against the minister of home affairs Carm Mifsud Bonnici as "immoral" and said it amounted to psychological violence.

The government MP said Muscat had every right to disagree with him but it was "irresponsible to attribute to me a title of the Catholic Church."

"As a liberal Muscat should accept different points of view without needing to steep so low," Vassallo said.

He added that if Muscat was using such language now, "what will happen when the electoral campaign starts?"

Ara fliema faqar qed jaqa dan il-pajjiz taht GONZIPN u dawk ta bla talent. Hux hekk qallhom GonziPN (Kabinett bla talent?)
Boo hoo hoo, Edwin has been offended. If he tries not to upstage the bishop regarding morality issues he won't be called a bishop. Let's be frank if it was I who would give him a nickname it would much much much worse than "bishop". Of course MT will censor it so I leave it to your imagination.
Luke Camilleri
Is calling someone Bishop, stooping Low...by Edwin Vassallo's benchmark? Call it a day Mr. Vassallo, leave the theathrics for the stage....the pantomime season!
Igor P. Shuvalov
He added that if Muscat was using such language now, "what will happen when the electoral campaign starts?" Is this title something to be ashamed of? Does he read the papers? If yes he would surely met the the title 'His Eminence@ attribute to one of his unelected cabinet member who never reacted to being called so!
"Santo subito" Vassallo should have been elated at Muscat's suffix. Now when Vassallo dies he would stand that bit closer to God given his "coronation" on this earth.
Ara daqxejn biex irridu nghabbu.
Sur Vassallo, Hadt ghalik ghax qallek ISQOF ? Mela li kieku tak it titlu ` Ta l-akbar politikant zatat `li qatt kien ghawn... x`kont tghejd ? Zatat ghax trid tindahal f`kollox u lil kullhadd, u tieghek biss tajjeb...Hallina Mons.
Lawrence Covin
He deserves all he gets. He is a mealy-mouthed idiot who dares to encourage his colleagues to ignore Parliament. Can't be more asinine than that! What's he doing in Parliament if he wants to ignore it?
Is-sur Edwin Vassallo ha ghalih ghax qalulu isqof. U ghandu ragun ..... Dak kariga wahda hemm li tixraqlu u li haqqu jinghata: Speaker tal-House of Commons tal-Mosta ..... meta johrog b'tejoriji bhal dik li hareg biha fil-Parlament il-gimgha li ghaddiet, zgur li tixraqlu kariga bhal din. Taf int, forsi jsir l-Erskine May il-gdid tal-Mosta !!!! Haga wahda nghid: b'ilsien twil bhal dak, jilghaq kemm jiflah lil gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu, qed jinvesti biex forsi xi darba flok ibiegh il-krakar, il-bras, il-pigami ul-qliezat ta' taht fil-mosta jilhaq xi ras kbira .... haqqu, le?
Our sincere apologies Mr.Vassallo we forgot that you are now a cardinal.
I suppose in conservative anachronistic Malta, many or some believe that only the Catholic Church has "bishops". Is it "low" to refer to someone as "bishop" to encapsulate how they come across!! Especially in Malta - everyone will understand the analogy!!!
Another genius from the government side. He should remember that he was not elected by the people but the twisted Maltese Constitution has rewarded this Kannol Bla krema the chance to continue to insult the intelligence of the Maltese people by sitting on the government benches spewing irrellevant sweet nothings. The saddest part of Hon. Vassallo is the lack of common sense on his part to realize when to shut his trap. People are tired of his nonsense and are a lot smarter than he gives them credit for. That is the reason he did not get elected in the last election.
Dwin, ergajt bikkejtni!
Sur Edwin hassu urtat ghax Joseph Muscat qal li hu Isqof, kemm ghamel ghar min hekk haddiehor li fin 1996 kien gab store parokki biex jintlibsu jekk jerbah il partit nazzjonalista imma inzertat photo finish ghal Edward, dak li qal li t-tifel tieghu kien gie irrifjutat jidhol l-universita min Dr. Alfred Sant. Dawk offizi hafna ghar min tigi imlaqqam Isqof. Sur Edwin l-anqas fadallek izjed fejn taqa fil baxx ghax meta Ministru jigi sfiducjat mil maggoranza tal parlament mhemmx altru hlief li jbaxxi rasu u jirrazenja mela tmejjel id-demokrazija
Allura ippretenda li jissejjh Kardinal?
Would the Honorable gentleman prefer "Your Eminence"?