National Bank shareholders to seek out-of-court settlement

Jeremy Cassar Toreggiani - 'National Bank shareholders have valid claim to Bank of Valletta shares'

The National Bank of Malta was nationalised and later became Bank of Valletta.
The National Bank of Malta was nationalised and later became Bank of Valletta.

The former shareholders of the National Bank of Malta have voted to negotiate with the government for an out-of-court settlement on their claims for compensation for the shares they signed off to the government in the 1973 takeover and nationalisation of the bank.

One of the shareholders, Jeremy Cassar Toreggiani, was however adamant that the shareholders had valid claims to shares in Bank of Valletta, the successor to the National Bank.

"Government still owns well over 25% of BOV. I believe the most equitable solution is for government to give shareholders their rightful shares in Bank of Valletta. It would be giving the bank back to the shareholders, acknowledging the facts of the case, and this would be a settlement that does not affect anybody negatively. Indeed, it would give renewed confidence in Malta's financial services industry," Cassar Toreggiani said.

But shareholders yesterday resolved to appoint a team of negotiators to open discussions with the finance minister to settle the matter, which has been pending since they first instituted court action against the Prime Minister - then Dom Mintoff - in 1977.

"Other shareholders felt that asking for BOV shares was too bold a statement, but I think it is a valid request. If you have a valid claim, then it's a valid claim all the way. Calculating the Lm5 million lost in 1973 to 2012 levels is quite simple," Cassar Toreggiani said.

National Bank shareholders had previously learnt their claims were being valued at Lm8 million (€20 million) when they filed a judicial protest against the finance ministry which was negotiating the divestment of its shareholding in Bank of Valletta with a foreign bank.

The shareholders' negotiation team will be made up of Milica Micovic and Edward Attard Montalto, heirs to the Tagliaferro Bank; Conrad Cassar Torregiani and Marcus Scicluna Marshall, heirs to the Sciclunas Bank - the National Bank of Malta was a conglomeration of Malta's major banks.

A run on the bank in December 1973 was followed by a demand by the Dom Mintoff government to have shareholders transfer their shares - controversially, without compensation - to the government. The bank later became the Bank of Valletta in 1974.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat held a meeting with Jeremy Cassar Torregiani - grandson of National Bank of Malta founder Antonio Cassar Torregiani, raising the possibility of some form of closure after a legal battle that has dragged on for over 35 years. No final agreement was reached in the meeting, but Muscat told Cassar Torregiani that he intended to set up a 'team of advisers' to draw precise conclusions on the implications of the National Bank court case.

Clearly the people who commented here have no idea about any of the details of this case! I will just mention a few things. Pjacir xejn! This court case has been going in for 38 years as far as I know, so it's an ongoing thing and not a question of let's settle before the election. The shareholders are not asking for a favour... More like the other way round! The government should ask the shareholders if the can get away with just a compensation and an apology for 40 years of hardship and outright theft!! Someone mentioned that compensation would be "stealing the Maltese state", do u have an idea what happened here?? You mentioned 20M right... So, the government stole Hundreds of millions over this 40 years and spent them on what it deemed necessary and giving back 20M is considered stealing??? Sounds crazy to me! Now I will steal your car and use it for a while then u take back the spare wheel... Then someone accuses you of stealing that spare wheel... How would that make you feel? I think furious and disgust would be right. Now that is what the shareholders must be feeling when they see comments like yours. Also another point is regarding a comment I read... "this would be making the rich, millionaires", I'm sorry but again you have no idea... Firstly it is totally besides the point, it does not mean because someone is rich you can steal his money. And secondly the WERE rich families which were stripped of their wealth and had to go through a very very tough time mostly psychologically! Do not pass judgement where you do not know or do not understand. Just for once try and put yourself in someone else's shoes and see how you would fee and react. They just want what is right and all I want is to see Everyone respect the law! And NO ONE is above that law.
According to a legal expert's recent article in the TOM, the ex shareholders legal arguments are weak, so much so that the word "moral" rather than "legal" rights come into play. Correctly, he advised them to swallow their pride, and strive to conclude an out of court settlement with a presently friendly Government. Unfortunately, the PN led Government had, a couple of years back, presented a plea of prescription, thus seriously damaging the ex shareholders presumed plea of aggravation. Had the PN Government not taken this correct legal course, any concluded contract would not be worth the paper it is written on; as it would be open to cancellation on the whim of any party to that contract pleading coercion. So the PN acted correctly, whilst the PL has steered clear of controversy, and decided to let the court case/cases run their course. Which leaves the ex shareholders at the mercy of the present PN Government's largesse. This was considered to be the most viable solution. It is unfortunate that because of the procrastination, and the ex shareholders not accepting the initial out of court settlement proposed by the PN Government, it has come at a bad time. What with all the economic chaos, huge deficits and debts the country is experiencing who would blame the present Government for sticking to legalities.
Give these people eur 20 million would be stealing the Maltese state!! These are rich individual that would come millioners!!
give them eur 20 million!!!!!!!!!.........are we nuts or what?? this is capitalism at its BEST!! official procedure to make Rich people millioners! kolla mietu bil-guh tal-National Bank!!
give them eur 20 million!!!!!!!!!.........are we nuts or what?? this is capitalism at its BEST!! official procedure to make Rich people millioners! kolla mietu bil-guh tal-National Bank!!
Zmien il-pjaciri beda!