Prime Minister displays common touch for ‘reality’ TV feature

PN’s social media initiative is largest crowdsourcing effort so far in Maltese politics.

Lawrence Gonzi is the protagonist of a social media outreach campaign that the PN is using to tap into the minds of an internet-savvy demographic.
Lawrence Gonzi is the protagonist of a social media outreach campaign that the PN is using to tap into the minds of an internet-savvy demographic.

Get ready to see the prime ministerial elbow grease in action. Once Lawrence Gonzi is freed of the House's debates on his embattled home affairs minister and Richard Cachia Caruana, the prime minister will be entertaining one lucky contestant to a day shadowing him as he leads the nation.

With its total immersion into the world of social media, the Nationalist Party is making its mark in the digital arena with the largest 'crowdsourcing' effort seen so far in Maltese politics.

Critics of the politically gimmicky will find the PN's 'Prime Minister for a day' to be just another Americanisation of politics: think reality shows like The Apprentice (where aspirant capitalists worship at the altar of Sir Alan Sugar) or American Candidate.

But in this talent show, the protagonist is Lawrence Gonzi, and while the competition winner will enjoy seeing the prime minister in action, it is Gonzi who is being given the human touch with a Net TV television feature portraying the prime minister as he grapples with his daily business and other political minutiae.

As part of its social media outreach, will allow the PN to "take politics out of the mainframe" - as secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier put it on Tuesday's press launch - and take it into the digital arena.

Applicants must propose an innovative idea to the prime minister. The judges - Chris Peregin from The Times, editor Chris Sultana, and Xarabank's Norman Vella - will shortlist the top three and select a winner.

In this outreach campaign the PN is gaining an insight into the minds of a wired demographic: young digital natives and internet-savvy inhabitants who find politics boring and who consume the news from Facebook.

It is yet to be seen which idea captures the minds of the judges' panel. Paul Borg Olivier says the idea itself will not necessarily be committed to. "It must be doable," Borg Olivier said, which raises a modicum of doubt of how 'implementable' a policy idea shared on the internet can be. "If somebody suggests reducing utility rates, they must understand the consequences of sustainability of such a decision." (Read: you won't meet Gonzi with this dumb idea.)

So is it really the lucky contestant the heart of this 'political reality', or the Prime Minister?

"We're telling people that politics is about 'you'. Our web conference with the Prime Minister attracted around 1,000 participants, with a maximum of 650 at one given moment... we want the participants to be the protagonists in politics," Borg Olivier said.

There is a serious case for proper documentary film that focuses on the Prime Minister's daily chores. But it's a fine line between reality and entertainment. Should we be seeing Lawrence Gonzi in action - for real - away from the manipulative television bulletins... or seeing him entertain a 'contestant' who mediates this experience for us?

This Net TV spectacular is scheduled for the 19 June, while the contestant will be live-tweeting his experience (from the iPad 3 that is up for grabs by winning) with Lawrence Gonzi on 15 June. Hopefully by then, much of the prime minister's parliamentary headaches will be over.

4 thousand years ago, when the world was created by GOD, there was no internet. Glad to see our local taliban leader staying ahead of times!
Peres li Malta hi vasta geografikamnet bhac-Cina, Usa u l-India, is-social media ghal politika taghmel hafna sens! U halluna, gimmicks galore, play station politics; its no wonder Malta is in the present predicament: Prime Minister has nothing better to do than play with the computer like my 1 year old kid? Why does Gonzi show his mettle instead by trying to fix the disgraceful court delays? The Law Courts are in a mess; its run by lawyers; Malta is in an other by lawyers too! Makes you wonder!
Idea gejja min Pawlu Borg Olivier........nidhaq jew nibki ?
Luke Camilleri
The prime minister will be entertaining one lucky contestant to a day shadowing him as he leads the nation - HAVING BREAKS , travelling by private jets, enjoying shopping sprees at Harrods,more reaks in Milan and Rome, go to the nearest ATM and withdraw some €s....
Dear Mr Matthew Vella are you sure that you have written this article for MaltaToday? You must have mistakenly sent it here. Such articles are usually read on Maltastar or Il-Kullhadd portals! Shame! Shame! Shame!
This Net TV spectacular is scheduled for the 19 June--- Great move. But isn't it only PN diehards who watch the crap from this channel. According to B.A statistics, NET at the best of times, reaches a VERY small audience. The majority of us are totally unconvinced of the childish games Gonzi is now playing.
Bil mod hej il grande fratello!!!!! xi pjacir gurnata MOHLIJJA MA GONZI.
It is interesting to know that Gonzi has just discovered the existence of Facebook. It had to be a young lad to explain to him what it all is about. This is at the same level of mediocracy of Giovoanna Debono's claim some months ago that the PL does not know that interactive boards in schools exist. Probably she had heard of them for the first time that same day.
Il-Prim Ministru jdoqq il-fifra u madwarna kollox jinharaq. Ga la darba gejja l-elezzjoni ahna kollox sew mhux bhal pajjizi l-ohra tal-ewro. F'Malta niddiskutu krizi wara ohra, fl-Ewropa niddiskutu krizi wahda ikbar min ohra u ghandu mnejn nitilfu skoss miljuni u l-Prim Ministru jikkummiedja. Ara veru qeghdin sew!
Ħasra mhux ser juruhulna jiftiehem ma' sħabu sabiex jieħdu ż-żieda ta' 600 ewro fil-ġimgħa min wara dahar kullħadd!!! Dilettant tat-teknoloġija veru Gonzi, staqsu lil Jesmond Mugliett għax biex qalftu għamel użu minn SMS! Ħasra wkoll mhux ser juruh kif kien wara li tilef ir-referendum dwar id-divorzju għax dakinhar lanqas b'nemes ma' deher!
Ħasra mhux ser juruhulna jiftiehem ma' sħabu sabiex jieħdu ż-żieda ta' 600 ewro fil-ġimgħa min wara dahar kullħadd!!! Dilettant tat-teknoloġija veru Gonzi, staqsu lil Jesmond Mugliett għax biex qalftu għamel użu minn SMS! Ħasra wkoll mhux ser juruh kif kien wara li tilef ir-referendum dwar id-divorzju għax dakinhar lanqas b'nemes ma' deher!
If I am a Prime Minister for One day, I will increase my salary by €500. I will spend some millions and ibcrease the deficit and debt, then I will use the New Parlament and increase taxes left right and center, and let our children, grand children, great grand children and great great grand children pay for the lot. I will then make a public conference about "solidarity with the Maltese families" and how much i love the workers who have a precarious jobs, the pensioners who can't make ends meet. I am sure I will be as popular as the might one (The Self acclained world Leader - Dr Lawrence Gonzi).
The usual faxxist tatics of dream state over reality. Let them eat cake.
Ikun imissni xi haga mill 500 ewro li kien jiehu u ma irritornax lura ?
This will confirm we have a gimmicky prime minister and gimmicky GonziPN !