[LIVE] Franco Debono votes with Opposition, Mifsud Bonnici motion approved
Opposition motion calling for resignation of Home Affairs minister passed after Franco Debono votes with Opposition.
*** BREAKING *** 11:00 Franco Debono has told MaltaToday he will not vote with Labour in the motion calling for Mifsud Bonnici's resignation.
Welcome to MaltaToday's live blog this morning for the debate on the motion of the Opposition calling for the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.
19:44 Franco Debono has left the building before journalists could reach him.
19:42 The Speaker adjourns the House to Monday. Labour MPs are still in the Chamber as they discuss their next move. They seem as stunned as the Government MPs are.
19:39 Debono votes with Opposition. The motion calling for Carm Mifsud Bonnici's resignation is approved.
19:37 Debono's vote in favour of the amendment raises doubts about how he will vote on the motion itself.
19:36 34 government MPs vote against the amendemnt.
19:35 The Speaker is calling for MPs to vote on the amendment to turn the motion from one of censure to one calling for Mifsud Bonnici's resignation. Franco Debono votes with the Opposition MPs. The amendment is approved.
19:33 Falzon ends his speech. The Speaker of the House is explaining the procedure.
19:32 Falzon said the Opposition had every right to table the Opposition which only calls on the minister to carry his political responsibility. Whatever the result is we have performed our duty. He says the Opposition is only carrying out its democratic responsibilities.
19:30 Falzon recounts his personal experience of political and psychological violence as his forceful address comes to an end. He says unlike the Catholic church the PN has never issued an apology for past events.
18:27 Falzon says the procrastination is debating the Whistleblower Act is proof of government's lack of belief in this act.
18:26 The two whips are busy making a head count as the doors of the House will soon be closed before taking the vote.
19:23 Falzon says former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami was the only Prime Minister to be found guilty of political discrimination and added that Fenech Adami had tabled a false resignation.
19:21 Almost all MPs on both sides of the House have taken their seats. The Visitors' Gallery is also full of curious onlookers.
19:19 Falzon says court trials are "crumbling" and adds that the judicial system is not being given its due importance.
19:16 As the vote gets closer the two party whips David Aguis (PN) and Joe Mizzi (PL) are rounding up the troops and making sure all MPs are present for the vote. 15 minutes to go.
19:14 Falzon lashes out at the slow pace at which parole is being introduced. Labour leader Joseph Muscat shares a joke with his MP Adrian Vassallo as the two walk out of the Chamber together.
19:10 Franco Debono is heard loudly egging on Falzon to ask Mifsud Bonnici how many people died in prison under his tenure as Falzon speaks about the "disastrous" state of prison.
19:01 Falzon lambasts minister George Pullicino who said that only Nationalist MEPs were doing anything about migration. He describes this as a joke. Falzon gets his history wrong after claiming that the Labour Party was founded by Manwel Dimech.
18:56 Falzon says members of the Police, Armed Forces and the Civil Protection Department will be allowed to unionise as soon as Labour is elected to power.
18:54 A slow but steady influx of MPs. This evening's crucial vote has also attracted MPs who have a poor attendance record such as Labour MP Adrian Vassallo.
18:51 Falzon says he will tackle issue by issue in his intervention. He starts off by mentioning the Civil Protection Department. He says it is scandalous that the department's facilities have been handed over to a private company against the advise of many experts. Falzon says his only interest is the national interest.
18:50 The Labour MP who tabled the motion says government MPs were incorrect in believing that the motion was presented during Mifsud Bonnici's illness.
18:48 Falzon says he is not an MP to please the Prime Minister but to fulfill his duty towards the people.
18:46 Labour MP Michael Falzon takes the floor and will be the last speaker before the vote is taken in 45 minutes.
18:44 After asking for a 10 minute extension, Gonzi sings Mifsud Bonnici's praises and says he will vote against the incorrect, unjust, immoral and opportunist motion. He says the Opposition is only guided by convenience.
18:40 Gonzi says the reasons behind the motion are hypocritical and ridiculous. He says Mifsud Bonnici stood by his side during the Libya conflict and praised his contribution in very trying times.
18:36 30 minutes into the Prime Minister's speech and we still have not had a disruption by Franco Debono.
18:31 Gonzi says the Opposition could not stoop any lower and the motion is evidence of its crass opportunism.
18:28 "What's good for the goose is not good for the gander for the Opposition as they believe a Wikileak cable and they expect us not to believe reports on the foreign press on Labour's backing of the North Korea missile programme. I take Joseph Muscat's work on the issue but he does not believe the minutes and documentation on Malta's Partnership for Peace membership."
18:23 The Prime Minister hits out at Labour's support for North Korea's missile programme which was reported on the foreign press and the threats of legal action levelled at minister George Pullicino for mentioning this episode in Parliament.
18:21 Gonzi stresses that the Opposition should be ashamed for its double standards. He notes that no Labour minister resigned in the 1980's despite the political turmoil.
18:19 Gonzi asks how does the Opposition have the gall to speak about fundamental human rights, constitutional matters and the right for legal assistance when in the dark-days of socialism, Labour governed without having a popular majority and many breaches in human and civil rights took place.
18:15 The Prime Minister says he has not heard one single valid reason why Mifsud Bonnici should resign. He also says that the Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has a lot to answer to about his party's past.
18:13 Gonzi says he appreciates Mifsud Bonnici's offer to resign as Leader of the House even if the motion is defeated. However he does not say whether he will accept it.
18:11 Gonzi says Mifsud Bonnici deserves the confidence of the government and of the House. "We do not say so because we pity him or because he is a friend. He deserves our confidence for the hard work he has done in the last four years."
18:10 "Labour is trying to defend a motion which cannot be defended. Nobody is perfect and that includes me and Mifsud Bonnici. However the judgement on our performances must be objective."
18:08 Gonzi says the motion tabled by Labour MPs Michael Falzon and Jose Herrera is "shameful."
18:06 Gonzi deplores personal attacks carried out by bloggers, journalists and editors and urges them to stop these attacks immediately.
18:04 As Labour MP Charles Mangion makes his way in the House, Gonzi says the Mifsud Bonnic case is not comparable to the more serious case when Mangion resigned in 1998.
18:02 Gonzi says "a lot of good work has been done in the home affairs sector."
18:00 The Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi takes the floor as Mifsud Bonnici ends his speech among acclaim by his fellow government MPs, apart from Franco Debono.
17:59 The minister ends his address. "I have worked hard. I have not done so for personal glory but out of a sense of duty towards the Maltese people. I thank everyone."
17:57 "I thank all persons who have worked with me. In this sector, there is never an easy day. Everyday brings new challenges. I worry when a day comes to the end without facing serious difficulties. This is what a home affairs minister goes through every day."
17:54 The minister says he is nearing to the end of his speech. He expresses his gratitude to all persons who have worked closely to him especially the staff at his ministry.
17:53 The minister says his Libyan counterpart and the UNHCR chief will be in Malta in the coming weeks. He says it is his aim to organise a meeting for home affairs ministers from all Mediterranean countries to discuss migration.
17:48 Mifsud Bonnici says all structures dealing with migration have been strengthened. "Illegal immigration is not easy. It is a big challenge. It does not only affect one country and we have to tackle the issue together with other partners."
17:45 Mifsud Bonnici thanks his aides for their support and efforts in the Libya conflict. He also thanks the Armed Forces of Malta. "Last year we were facing the possibility of having over 100,000 persons reaching our shores. Fortunately this did not materialise but we were prepared for such an eventuality."
17:42 The minister says repatriation of migrants is one of the biggest challenges Malta faces. Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has taken his seat besides Labour whip Joe Mizzi.
17:40 Mifsud Bonnici says the migration issue is very sensitive and Malta has to respect its international obligations. "The coming months will bring on further challenges in which persons will try their luck to reach Malta or Italy."
17:32 Carm Mifsud Bonnici mentions the Whisleblower Act which has still not been discussed in Parliament. He says "I will gladly participate in the debate on the act." He also speaks on migration and the reallocation programme which saw hundreds of migrants move to other countries.
17:29 As the minister calmly speaks about the judicial reform carried out in the last four years, a restless Debono has an animated discussion with fellow MP Edwin Vassallo.
17:26 Debono loudly disrupts Mifsud Bonnici who is now boasting about the number of cases the Courts are dealing with every year.
17:23 The man of the moment Franco Debono walks in the House, jacket in hand. As he makes his way to his seat, he stops by the Opposition benches and has a quick word with Labour MP Michael Falzon.
17:20 Mifsud Bonnici says great advances were achieved in the Family Court sector. He says he cannot understand the criticism this sector has come under. The minister says each judge in the court concludes up to 3,000 sentences every year.
17:19 Maverick MP Franco Debono has still not shown up. The majority of government ministers are in the Chamber, however most PN backbenchers and Opposition MPs have not arrived yet.
17:15 Mifsud Bonnici goes through a whole litany of legal amendments in regards to the confiscation of property.
17:09 The minister lists the legal amendments carried out in the last four years, including the property law. The vote on the Opposition's motion is to be taken at 7:30pm.
17:06 The Prime Minister takes his seat on the government benches. Mifsud Bonnici says all constitutional court sentences have been taken into account by the government.
17:03 Mifsud Bonnici commences his address as more MPs make their way in the House.
17:01 The Speaker of the House Michael Frendo enters the Chamber. The session is now underway. No Parliamentary Questions will be taken this afternoon.
16:57 Mifsud Bonnici is expected to continue his address in a few minutes time.
16:54 The minister is going through his notes with his aides. Apart from Mifsud Bonnici only a handful of MPs are present in the House.
16:52 Good afternoon. Welcome back to the Parliamentary debate on the Opposition's motion on home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.
12:00 Session is adjourned for 4pm.
11:56 Mifsud Bonnici says he worked harder to eradicate any notion of conflicts between the executive and the judiciary.
11:50 The minister is saying he worked to strengthen the independence of the judiciary, against any influence that could be leveraged by the government executive; including leavng the administration of case-work to the judiciary itself. "Even the choice of magistrates today, is one that reflects this will to be independent from the executive."
11:36 Mifsud Bonnici sounds exasperated in his impassioned chronicle of his achievements in the home affairs and justice portfolio, exhaling a 'Marija Santissima' as he stops for a breather and asks for a coffee.
11:30 Mifsud Bonnici said even during the pressures incurred by the Libyan crisis, he was relentless in fine-tuning the restorative justice bill for parole.
11:05 Mifsud Bonnici is listing new developments in pyrotechnics regulations against the abuse of production methods in fireworks factories.
11:02 Mifsud Bonnici has listed a slew of legislative developments in the field of justice and criminal law, including new amendments increasing punishments for hate crimes.
11:00 THIS JUST IN - Franco Debono has told MaltaToday mediatoday editor Saviour Balzan in Valletta he will not vote with Labour in the motion calling for Mifsud Bonnici's resignation.
10:48 Mifsud Bonnici says criticism of police squad in the media is often unwarranted and that police force remains second most trusted institution, citing a Eurobarometer survey.
10:46 "Police has specialised drug squads and more preparation against human trafficking and irregular migration - amendments to Criminal Code have aided police force" - Mifsud Bonnici.
10:37 Mifsud Bonnici says the recent purchase of a €1.2 million police car fleet was a result of good strategy, and is now defending the police canine section, saying it is well equipped and that even Cypriot authorities have asked for Maltese assistance during the papal visit to Nicosia.
10:28 Minister defends operations of Prosecution Unit: "Prosecution Unit police inspectors follow a specialised legal course at the university, and they provide a back-up to the work carried out by police inspectors. Prosecutors must know both the law as well as the facts of a case."
10:24 Minister says EU funds allowed purchase of DNA and fingerprint analysis machines and allow Europe-wide comparison of records. "Contrary to what has been said, these machines have been purchased, installed and already being used."
10:18 Mifsud Bonnici says claims of demoralisation insde the corps are recurrent themes of criticism for any minister of home affairs. "Every police district station is important to the force... it is possible that a certain healthy competition exists between the specialised units and the district stations, but not that this is tantamount to some form of discrimination between the two sections."
10:15 Restoration works at St Elmo saw police academy move to Ta' Kandja temporarily, until new academy headquarters are completed.
10:12 Mifsud Bonnici says over 230 applications for 100 posts in the police corps puts paid to claims of demotivation in the force.
10:10 "I assure you that the police are far more advanced than the impression that was given by the Opposition that the police are on some bicyle while law-breakers are travelling by jet."
10:07 Mifsud Bonnici is listing reformed working conditons for the Police corps, in pensions, rest periods and leave, and overtime payments.
10:05 "I was sorry to see the Nicholas Azzopardi inquiry being politicised..." - minister referring to Labour's championing of a new inqury nito the death of Nicholas Azzopardi from injuries incurred in a fall from the police headquarters' bastions he suffered while under police custody.
10:01 Mifsud Bonnici says criticism of the way the Nicholas Azzopardi inquiry was carried "is unfair" - minister says he saw all testimony of witnesses as well as Judge Albert Manché's inquiry report. "One can understand the facts of this case. Nobody, in the past four years, ever came to my office to read this inquiry and its full documentation." The minister has tabled the full inquiry and supporting documents in the House.
09:58 "There is nothing really being said against me, except a lack of disagreement over the way things have been carried out. I believe there has been no criticism that merits that I resign."
09:56 He also says the "challenges of illegal immigration" have been played out in an ever-changing scenario.
09:55 Carm Mifsud Bonnici lists achievements in the area of justice and home affairs, citing the Restorative Justice Act as an example, and other reforms under his stewardship.
09:50 "Last year I was unrelenting as I dealt with the crisis that we were facing with the civil conflict in Libya, and it cost me my health and many hours of rest. That is why I found myself in this very difficult position."
09:49 "I hope the Opposition realises that I have worked, and will continue working, without ever having hurt anybody."
09:47 In attacking the integrity of this motion, Mifsud Bonnici says he always worked well with his Labour counterparts, that he sensed an apologetic tone from the Labour shadow ministers when they addressed the House o the motion, and that he felt the Labour media put much store in speculating that he would resign during his absence from work due to a long bout of medical illness.
09:45 "I am ready to resign as Leader of the House to concentrated fully on my role as home affairs minister" - Mifsud Bonnici says.
09:37 Mifsud Bonnici is acknowledging the "strange" circumstances that led to the tabling of this motion against him.
09:35 Good morning. Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici is addressing the House.