Debono ‘will definitely not vote with Labour’, hints at abstention

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has told MaltaToday he will 'definitely not vote' for, or against, Opposition motion on Mifsud Bonnici.

Franco Debono will
Franco Debono will "definitely" not be voting with Labour on Carm Mifsud Bonnici motion after all.

Saviour Balzan's blog | Why Carmelo and not the others?

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has told MaltaToday he will not be voting with the Opposition on the motion calling for the resignation of Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

Debono was in conversation with Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan, in the presence of two other witnesses, when he said he would not be voting with Labour on the motion. "Mifsud Bonnici said he has resigned as Leader of the House," Debono said.

When asked whether he will vote in favour of the motin, Debono said: "Do you think I'll be voting with them? You can quote me on this..."

After the story was published, Debono made three phone-calls to the MaltaToday newsroom insisting that he we will not be voting 'against' the government.

"I will not be voting against the Labour motion ," Debono later told MaltaToday in a phone-call to the newsroom offices. But when asked whether he will abstain, the MP replied: "You must wait and see until this evening."

Six months since he first started a long campaign of vocal criticism of Mifsud Bonnici's stewardship of the justice and home affairs portfolio, backbencher Franco Debono told MaltaToday that he “definitely will not” be voting with Labour on the motion.

The declaration comes hours before the House is called to vote tonight ay 7:30pm on a motion which calls for the resignation of Mifsud Bonnici after it was amended by the Opposition from its original motion of censure.

But the statement comes also as an anti-climax following Debono's months-long antics about justice and home affairs. Some weeks ago, shortly after one of his outbursts in Parliament, Debono crossed the floor and approached Opposition leader Joseph Muscat, telling him he would back a motion against the minister. He subsequently walked out of the House shouting: "goodbye Prime Minister."

Debono broke ranks with the government on 6 January, when Lawrence Gonzi's cabinet reshuffle led to the split of the justice and home affairs minister - long held to be one of Debono's more precious of demands for reform - but did not include Debono amongst his ministerial promotions. Debono threatened to withdraw support for the government, but later did not support a motion of no confidence against the government.

Taking the floor yesterday evening, Debono said: "If the minister ever felt that I have offended him I never had any intention to do so," referring to several speeches by government MPs that the motion was a personal attack against Mifsud Bonnici.

"I wish him the best of luck and good health. If I were him I would have left my wife at home as I know what it means. Members of my family are going through health problems too," Debono said, seeing Mifsud Bonnici's wife in attendance for each sitting of the week-long debate.

"I have been at the receiving end for disagreeing with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's leadership style. I was attacked by persons who have been awarded government contracts," Debono said, snidely adding that when Mifsud Bonnici was passing through health problems recently, he was not sure whether he was sick or not since Mifsud Bonnici kept on writing in newspapers.

After that declaration made by Dr.Beppe Fenech Adami,that you have burnt all bridges with the PN , the least I expect from you is to vote against the government , otherwise all your accusations which you have made will be considered to be a pack of lies . If you vote with the government , the few people who control the government will remain there . So , be a man , and do what you have said , and bring them down once and for all .
Sur Demartino min qallek li xi hadd jew xi darba lil dan Franco Debono qatt qalulu biex jivvota mal-Partit Laburista? Naf li hawn hafna jixtiequ u inti ma tridx li tigri immal-imortanti ghad-demokrazija hu l-Oppozizzjoni tghid u tikkritika u tikkundanna dak kollu li jkun qed isir hazin fil-pajjiz. U haga ohra jiena nahseb li JM u shabu qed jaraw kif qed iggibu ruhkom intom bhalissa halli l-quddiem jekk ikun hemm bzonn nikxfulkom il-karti.
Micheal Bonanno
Dr. Franco Debono, if you think that the PL or the PN depend on your vote, well you got it coming! Both parties will be giving you the order of the boot, and the sooner you stand down for the good of the country, the better. To the PL supporters. Quit criticizing Dr. Debono, he has enough flak coming from his side of the fence. To the PN supporters. By criticizing and insulting Dr. Debono won't get you anywhere either. Now the die is cast. With or without majority, the PM has only one option. Go for elections. Dr. Debono has become a liability and an insult to the PM.
Nahseb mhux jidhru. Mid-dhera hawn xi forma ta censura. GRAZZI.
Illum Franco ghandu jivvota ma l- oppozizzjoni ghax ghamel kritika harxa fuq KMB. Imma zgur mhux ha jghamel hekk. Issa tilef il krittu ghal kollox.
Micheal Bonanno
Dr. Franco Debono, if you think that the PL or the PN depend on your vote, well you got it coming! Both parties will be giving you the order of the boot, and the sooner you stand down for the good of the country, the better. To the PL supporters. Quit criticizing Dr. Debono, he has enough flak coming from his side of the fence. To the PN supporters. By criticizing and insulting Dr. Debono won't get you anywhere either. Now the die is cast. With or without majority, the PM has only one option. Go for elections. Dr. Debono has become a liability and an insult to the PM.
Vera nies IPOKRITI. Jinteresshom huma biss. Allura li marradtu il-POPLU ma jghoddhx? Veru ghalikhom u ghall-uliedkom.
BOOTLICKER ! The man is aiming high. He prefers to be a lackey now but show he's the real Nationalist so as to increase his votes next time round. Whether in government or in opposition, he's going to give hell to whoever will be PN leader after next elections. He's aiming for the top post, mark my words.
@franco Debono Ahna nafu x'inti tghid, imma nhifmuk, ma nistawx, hu pacenzja, erga ibda mil bidu. Ara bdejt fis-sitta ta Jannar u sal lum tletin ta Mejju hawwad lil Malta kollu taqlalu lil GonziPN kemm flaht il verita li PN huma Klikka u Oligarkijja u tigi jew tastjeni jew tivvota favur il Gvern. Mela tmaqdar u tikxef il hniezrijiet li qed isiru u ghandek int bhala suppost membru onest fil parlament twaqqaf din il-hsara kolla. Thobba lil Malta int! Giovanni l-ewwel qalalek u ghajrek kemm felah issa ghax sema li ha tastjeni qed jghidlek qed tara kemm ihobbuk il-laburisti. Il-Laburisti la jhobbuk u l-anqas jghoboduk. Inti taf li hemm klikka u nuqqas ta trasparenza fil partit tieghek u tmaqdar u ma tghatwax li hu dmirek meta jigi l-vot . Int komplici, il whistle blowers act ghaliek minghajr suffara jigifieri int , bye bye li tghid u tghid ghax kulhadd issa jistmak bhala senza stamina, allura mhux Franco Malta tafek imma Stanco. LOL
Assolutament ma naqbel XEJN u XEJN ma' min irid li franco debono jirrizenja jew iwarrab jew idabbar rasu jew ... ma nafx x'hix. GHANDNA CLOWN LI QED IDAHHAKNA B'XEJN tista' tghid kull erbat ijiem - x'jonqosna aktar - is-soltu biex tmur il-kummiedja trid thallas waqt li hu qisu kummidjant tac-cirku li jdahhakna b'xejn !!!! mhux tajjeb jew?
Once again the PL and Joseph Muscat end up with egg on their faces. They went to great lengths to present motions to lure Franco Debono (typical opportunistic tatctics) but it's likely that, after keeping them hanging on, he will once again refuse to take the bait. When will Joseph learn?
Qal tant kontrih u kritikah!! issa suppost jivvota ma l-oppozizzjoni, le? Paroli si fatti no Frank. Issa tlift il krittu.
Guido l-VAVU ghadek ma wegibtx. Jew qed tinjorani? Jew il-kummenti tieghek mhux jidhru?
@ Franco MHUX Debono. Dan tal-hero mnejn ivvintajtha? Kieku kellu jivvota maghkom mhux hero kontu taghmluh, imma SUPER hero.
Abstaining is not an option! FD must decide: he either votes in favour of the motion or against. Abstaining means being absent!!! I hope he will not turn up in Parliament tonight. He should be consistent and accept to have a deduction in his honoraria if he turns up and declares his intention to abstain!!!!
Jien ma nafx ghala dan il-bniedem joqodu ituh importanza,hu hekk iried.Jien meta jkun fuq is-super one naqliblu,ma nafx kif niqbaw niprovaw li xi darba jivota kontra l-gvern,bla guts il-bniedem,sewwa qalu eddie li dan SHOW OFF BISS. Anke din il-mozzjoni misna halejnih iressaqa hu stess,il-lobour froga wara l-ohra qed jaghmel biex nigru wara franco.
Quit Crying YOU are a BABY. Please YOU should resign because we do not need people like you making a joke out of our Parliament.We know now for sure you did this because the Prime Minister did not give you a Minister post. Our district is very sorry we elected people like you
U ghal darb'ohra Franco se jhalli l-kukki warajh Hal Ghaxaq u jmur il-Parlament minghajr l-apparat li jiddistingwi l-irgiel minn krejaturi ohra msemmijin gha-djufija taghhom.
After casting his vote tonight Franco will slowly ebb away in oblivion. On one will take any more notice of him. He will be remembered as being just a loud mouth.
@raja and demartino who the chuck said Franco is a hero, personnally I have been consistant with not believing he could deliver, he is all mouth and no guts. I said so from the very begining, if anything I enjoy hearing him displaying to all what is ugly and corrupt in gonzipn, and be assured there are real nationalists who are very happy about it too.
Franco I have a neutered cat and you should hear her screech when she encounters another cat. But she only screeches but no quintessence. See any similarity.
For once I have to agree with a certain female blogger that Franco needs help. @Jesmond the PL motion has nothing to do with bring down the government, gonzi did not even tie the mtion to one of confidence in the government after the banal speech by Edwin Vassallo. gonzi ain't wise but he isn't stupid either.
If this man actully abstians after all the tantrums and after taking the whole country for a ride, the least the media could do on all our behalf is to IGNORE HIM AND DELETE ALL REFERENCES TO FRANCO DEBONO FROM YOUR DATA. THE COUNTRY DESERVES IT, AND HE DOES TO. This man is mad !
I am afraid to say that Franco Debono contribution to our Republic has been economic uncertainty and selfish endeavors. He is not to be trusted.
x'riha ta hruq....... dan Franco iktar qied jitnejjek bikom jahasra!! Daqqa tfahruh u daqqa taqlawlu kull haga. LOL
Qieghed tara kemm ihobbuk Dr. Debono?
I beg the PM and J.Muscat and together help this man as no doubt he needs it.
trid tkun priminstru Franco?? il pn teighek qedin jil launchjaw progett li gei imhabbar minn pawlu borg olivier li tista tkun prim minister ghall gurnata, applika franco forsi tirbah ha tagmel gurnata priministru, hehe!jien nahseb li dan il progett gei imhejji ghalik biex forsi jaghlqullek halqek, applika franco dawn issibu mezzi biex tirbah int. hehehe!!! `
Of course he wont vote with the labour party, like ive said before FD is just a big mouth, wants to make himself heard but can not follow through with his moaning, When will he realise his own party treat him like the fool he is and the Labour party think hes also a fool. Hopefully in the next election we will get rid of all the fools who run parliment now
What the hell does Franco flippin Debono want?????? you had tantrums for the PM to resign, when push came to shove in a vote of cofidence you absteined, again more tantrums for CMB to resign, again you,ve indicated that you will again abstein. why don't you just shut up and let this crippled goverment finish it's term in office. and let everybody get on with their life, the best place for you is not in parlament, but in a PLAYPEN, with a lollypop in your gob. get a life.
Marelli - dik sorpriza !!! U naghmillek imhatra li l-lejla qabel ma jittiehed il-vot l-onorevoli franco debono jitlob li jerga' jitkellem .... u naghmillek imhatra ohra li tghaddi gimgha, gimghatejn ohra u jerga' jaqbad ma' xi haga ohra u jerga' jibda jghajjar lil gonzipn u lil klikka ... kif jghidu bl-ingliz, more of the same .......
made of marshmellow !!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Whether Dr Debono votes for the Labour motion or just abstains the Government still cannot say that it has a majority in the House. After all the Speaker is not an elected member of Parliament and although it is quite legitimate for him to vote against the motion, thus saving the Government and Dr Mifsud Bonnici, the real truth is that only 50% of the elected deputies support the Government.
Tonight will be the end of Franco's political career. And he will ebb away unnoticed.
A lot of Yap but no zap. Heard your debate yesterday in Parliament, I agreed on most points with you also on other I do not agree, but now it is the time for you to decide. An abstention is not what you were elected for but for in favor or against vote. We do not need any Humpty Dumpty on a wall in parliament but members who have balls to vote. That is what MP are elected for to decide So please decide as no one is taking you seriously anymore. Please remember that time is money and you are costing the country money that could be spent on other issues of more importance than on a whole week debate.
Now, Dr. Debono is starting NOT to make sense. If this is true he will have lost his coherence and a great chunk of the support he enjoys in the country. This would have been his final opportunity to hit back at the oligarchy he claims to loath so much. It seems he is as much its victim as all of us are.
Sewwa qalet DCG: li Debono ghandu bzonn il-kura! punto e basta!
ara veru bniedem JAQQ, ghadni ma nistax nifem ghalfejn il midia taghti importanza ta xijajd dan il BUFFU. Nispera li il PL iddahala fmohu li lil dan il BUFFU jinjorah totalment u ghanqas biss issemi ismu fuq il mezzi tax xandir tal PL.
He criticises the govt for not keeping with its principles and he does the same thing, or worse, does nothing to try and change things. I agree with what Daniel said. He is just there to waste precious Parliament time. On second thoughts, maybe he is doing this on purpose. Maybe instead of taking another month of Easter vacation leave, Dr Debono may provide us with a bit of entertainment in Parliament. This way he will create a diversion and in the meantime the LP will be happy as well. I one does not try and change things one is an accomplice to the wrongdoings. He has taken all for a ride.
jastjeni zgur , franco jaf li jridu li hu jwaqqa gvern u mhux se jpaxxijhom.
Dr.Franco Debono, Kompli ghaffeg u ghamel il hsara lil pajjiz...Min qallek sabiex tivvota favur il mozzjoni tal-oppozizjoni ? Li irid Cikku tat triq huwa li tghalaq halqek halli tispicca l-instabbilta politika, u thalli lil dan in nofs gvern ikompli imexxi sa l-ahhar nifs ta hajtu, halli ilesti il programm elettorali kollu li weghedna.
Franco Debono ilu jikritika lil CMB ghal zmien twil, anki l bierah fil parlament. Imma meta tasal is - siegha tal rpova jistahba wara subajh. Dan ragel li jitfa l gebla u jwarrab. Jekk daqs hekk konvint li CMB huwa dizastru ghandu jivvota favur il mozzjoni
Le, Dott, mhux ghal li ghedt u ghamilt int kont kritikat. IMMA GHAL MOD KIF! Mhux dekor ta' Onorevoli jkellem hekk lill-PM tieghu. Ikun xi jkun il-kaz. Jekk ma tifhimx din, allura.........
I think someone should table a motion of no confidence in Franco Debono guaranteed it will pass unanimously. This man does not know if he is coming or going, no wonder he is like a voice in the wilderness.
Dan Dr Franco, haqqu gieh ir-repubblika ghal-kapacita li ghandu biex jitmejjel bin-nies. Great talkers are little doers.