Mifsud Bonnici resigns, Gonzi calls confidence vote, Franco Debono: 'I will not vote against government'

Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici tenders resignation after Nationalist MP surprises government, Opposition with vote in favour of resignation motion | Joseph Muscat: Prime Minister's 'system has imploded' | Gonzi to call confidence vote on Monday.

Franco Debono exits parliament right after voting with the Opposition. (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)
Franco Debono exits parliament right after voting with the Opposition. (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)

Additional reporting by Jurgen Balzan.

Updated with Joseph Muscat's statement to the press at 8:17pm | Lawrence Gonzi's statement to the press at 8:37pm | Comments from Franco Debono at 9:16pm.

Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici has tendered his resignation after government failed to muster the support necessary to defeat an Opposition motion of no confidence against the minister.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has now tabled a motion of confidence in the government, to be debated on Monday. "I feel the vote has political consequences, and that in the circumstances I have to register whether I have a majority in favour of this government, even though I feel the first vote of confidence that passed this year still stands," Gonzi said.

Notably absent for Gonzi's press conference were MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett, whom Gonzi said had been contacted telephonically to stay for the press conference.

Gonzi reiterated his defence of Mifsud Bonnici but claimed he was not surprised by Franco Debono's vote in favour of the Opposition motion. "I have to thank Mifsud Bonnici for his service to tthenation," Gonzi said to the acclaim of his government MPs.

Asked whether Debono had any future in the party, Gonzi said that any MP must shoulder the consequences of their actions. "It's not whether any MP has a future or not... everyone, Debono too, must take responsibility for their actions."

In comments to The Times, Debono said he will not vote against the government in the confidence vote on Monday or the censure motion against Richard Cachia Caruana. "I will surely not vote against the government in both of them" he said. "I am a firm Nationalist but I had no alternative today in view of the minister's shortcomings in the running of the ministry."

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has now taken responsibility for the home affairs and local councils portfolio, while deputy prime minister Tonio Borg is now Leader of the House.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono caught his harshest critics and government and Opposition alike by surprise, when he voted in favour of the Opposition's motion calling for the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, in a move that was much expected over the past week of parliamentary debate.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said in a press conference after the vote that the Prime Minister had unequivocally lost two votes, the motion proper and an amendment, and said Lawrence Gonzi could not waste any more time in removing the uncertainty that had gripped his one-seat majority.

"Today's vote shows that the prime minister's earlier vote of confidence this year did not confirm the stability of his majority... government MPs this week described this vote as a vote of confidence in the government. So it is now up to the Prime Minister to see what action he will take," Muscat said.

"The wording of the motion is clear. There are serious political repurcussions and issues over the political instability of this government. Today we are witnessing the implosion of this system. The prime minister must choose whether to put the national interest first or keep plodding in this manner."

Muscat said the Prime Minister had to decide what to do before the summer recess.

Government MPs have been asked to stay in the House for a press conference from the Prime Minister, who today was accompanied by his chief of staff Edgar Galea-Curmi.

While earlier in the day Debono was believed he would abstain on the motion, as expressed privately by government MPs with this newspaper, the MP's 'change of heart' even caught senior Labour officials by surprise.

"We were not expecting it," a Labour party official told MaltaToday after the vote. "We were convinced he would not support it."

Tonight's vote brought to a close over five months of speculation over Franco Debono's intentions to vote against the government side, after having broken ranks in January when the justice and home affairs ministry was split - something he had long demanded from the Prime Minister.

The rebel backbencher had been building expectation for weeks in the run-up to the motion that called for the resignation of one of his main targets of criticism.

But the huge anti-climax never came, leaving even the media's keenest of observers flummoxed at Debono's decision to finally vote against the government he had been criticising for ages.

The fact that the motion of censure was amended to explicitly call for Mifsud Bonnici's resignation, and the increasing overtures from government MPs who said a vote against the minister was 'a vote against government', seemed to indicate the chances that Debono would vote in favour of the motion were diminishing considerably over the last week.

One former Nationalist minister told MaltaToday before the evening session: "We know this guy's going to abstain."

It was this sensation, gathered from the Nationalist bench on Tuesday evening as it sniggered throughout Franco Debono's address to the House, peppered with quips, that seemed to pervade the relaxed government bench.

But Debono could not resist from adding to the suspense this evening by going over to the Opposition's bench as soon as he walked in the House on Wednesday evening - with his jacket in hand - to share a quick word with shadow home affairs minister Michael Falzon, a co-signatory of the resignation motion.

Proceedings of evening session

Mifsud Bonnici had been the first to address the House this evening, continuing from the morning's address. The home affairs minister recounted the work he carried out in the past four years and defended his record in "working hard to combat illegal immigration."

"I have worked hard. I have done so not for some personal glory but out of a sense of duty towards the Maltese people. I thank everyone," a serene but tired-looking Mifsud Bonnici told the House.

"I thank everyone who have worked with me. In this sector, there is never an easy day. Every day brings new challenges. I worry when a day comes to the end without facing serious difficulties. This is what a home affairs minister goes through every day."

Taking the floor soon afterwards, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi hailed Mifsud Bonnici's work.

"Labour is trying to defend a motion that is indefensible. Nobody is perfect and that includes Mifsud Bonnici and myself. However the judgement on our performance must be objective," Gonzi told the House, insisting that the home affairs minister deserved the full confidence of the whole of parliament.

"We do not say so because we pity him or because he is a friend but because he has worked hard."

Gonzi also levelled much criticism against the Opposition, reminding the other side of what had gone on in justice and home affairs under a Labour administration during the 1980s.

the Prime Minister can run but in the end the only logical thing left will catch up with him. lets go for the only way forward, a general election. the mep elections, the divorce referendum, the censor motion, and now this is the straw that should have broken the camel's back, but you chose to cling to power. but you have been humiliated once too many mr prime minister. be a man and dont try to run
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Instead of tackling the internal problems forcefully and calling the bluff of not just Dr Debono but also of other “silent” dissenters, even, if need be, by calling an early election, the Prime Minister kept hoping against hope that a way out could somehow be found. It should be clear to him now that that there is no way out. The government may again win the confidence vote in the near future but the only real way out is an election." This is not my opinion but that of an Editor of a newspaper which neither belongs to, nor is a pro Labour paper.
Dr Gonzi, the longer you cling on, the bigger with be the PN inevitable electoral defeat, and the bigger will be your shame afterwards. You will eclipse Alfred Sant's loss of votes. How an intelligent man like yourself cannot see this, I just cannot figure out. Your time is way up!
Prosit Franco tal- messagg car li wassalt lill GonziPN. F' isem l- ex haddiema tal- Air Malta napprezzaw il- gest tieghek li kien ukoll gest ta' solidarjeta maghna li spiccajna bla xoghol meta kien hemm minn wieghdna li xogholna garantit. Messagg car lill Gvern moribond li ta lill Air Malta fuq platt tal- fidda li xeba mercinarji barranin li mohhom biss kif idawru eluf ta' ewro qabel jaharbu minn pajjizna. Iva daqt tasal l- okkazzjoni biex nivvutaw bil- qalb lill Joseph Muscat, hafna minna ghal ewwel darba wara snin twal nivvutaw PN li remewna bhaz zibel
@vincente destra o Faxxista, dan hu l-Partit tieghek, li nefaq €500miljun li halla Mintoff fin 1987, berbaq kemm felah lil tal qalba u klikka, Oligarkijja, bieh L-Intraprizi kolla, u ghamel €5biljuni dejn li bil garanzijja marru fi bwiet ghal parti tal poplu u nahseb int gawdejt hafna minghajr ma kont misthoqq, akkontabilita ma tezistiex, EneMalta ma jkolliex audit ghal snin,ezempju, nahseb, x'gara- taxxi sfrenati, weghdiet firha li ma sehhux, min 35% taxxa ghal 25%, tarriffi tad dawl mghola s-sema, cilindru tal gas ghola f'sentejn ghal hames darbiet izjed, anki tipparkja l-isptar ifaqqruk,allura nahseb il-ktajjen garrejnihom ahna li mahniex blue eyed boys, jew tal qalba, x'fiha billi tkun socjalist, meta kien Mintoff fil Gvern ta artijiet bi ftit flus u maggoranza tal poplu ghandom dar taghhom, wiehed mil aktar pajjiz fl-ewropa li l-poplu ghandu dar tieghu bis-sahha ta Mintoff. L-Italja, Franza li kienu Gvernijiet Lemini ghal hafna snin hallew qasma fil Popolin fejn hemmm hafna nies bil kera. Grecja gvern lemini falla pajjiz li hadd ma jista jiggvernah bil problemi ghax nefaq u berbaq bla razan. Allura dawn mhux ktajjen, anzi ha nigu lliberati ghax il Poplu kollu ha jqawdi u mhux parti bhal forsi int wiehed minnom
Ma nistax nifhem ghax qed tohduha daqshekk bi kbira meta s-soluzzjoni hi tant facli. Gonzipn kulma jrid jaghmel hu li jerga' jressaq mozzjoni quddiem l-ezekuttiv tal-pn (jew ma nafx ezatt f'liema organu suppost imur) biex jara jekk iridux izommuh bhala kap tal-partit - mhux hekk ghamel id-darba li ghaddiet? B'hekk "solva" il-problema ghal sitt xhur - u allura ghax ma ghandux jaghmel l-istess haga din id-darba? Ghalfejn dan l-istaghgib kollu - din id-darba wkoll, din hi haga interna tal-partit, skalda zghira, li jrid isolvi internament. Fi kliem iehor - issa dalwaqt ikollna l-Olympic Games f'Londra - kulma jrid isir hu li jdahhlu event gdid - tellieqa ta' 100 metru ghal partecipant wiehed - u jekk jidhol gonzipn f'isem Malta zgur li nirbhu l-ewwel midalja tad-deheb fl-istorja ... b'kundizzjoni wahda pero - li kif jasal lura, jerga' jmidd ghonqu u bil-par idejn sodi li ghandu jkompli jahdem biex isalva l-impiegi ghax alla hares ma jkunx hu ghalina !!!!!
Dak li sehh dawn il-jiem urew affarijiet inkwetanti ferm. Ghandna partit li jmexxi l-gvern sparpaljat u bi kredenzjali demokratici zero. Edwin Vasallo il-percimes anti demokratiku. Urew ukoll li GonziPN huwa paroli biss, ghax wara li qalu li CMB mhux se jkun il-haruf tas-sagrificcju, il-Prim messu qal li issa daqshekk, u jekk jitlaq CMB jitlaq kullhadd, imma x'ghamel minflok...hadlu l-ministeru tieghu u baghtu lejn id-dar b'idu f'idu. Konkluzjoni...se jkollna super Prim Ministru imwahhal mas-siggu tal-poter bis-super glue. Ma nistax nifhem kif Dr Franco ma kellux fiducja fit-tmexxija ta CMB, u qal li nhar it-Tnejn se jaghti l-fiducja tieghu lil nies bhal Edwin Vassallo, Austin Gatt li kien falliment totali u lil-Prim Ministru.
@ Vincente Destra....Ftit inkwiet ghandha il familja Nazzjonalista ? Meta ghandek familja li kull membru taghha jaghmel li irid ? Meta hemm ta l-anqas 6 membri il hin kollu jeheddu lil missier ? Meta hemm wiehed imqareb li qeghed igib lil missieru jiekol min idu ? Ma nafx intiex tghejx f`Malta, peress li semmejt lil Libjani, u ma tridx Malta Libjana...meta il gvern gej u sejjer ghand il Libjani jitkarrab halli jara x`ser jiehu. L-Air Malta bdiet topera fuq it tieni Belt libjana, wara Tripoli, issa Benghazi, Habib tidher li ma kontx f`Malta fis 60 ijiet, ghax hemm tkun taf il liberta x`inhi. Meta ikollok ta l-anqas 4 entitajiet ikkissru fuq il haddiem. Ara illum hemm libertinagg ghal klikkek,bhal ma qal wiehed min tal familja ghax iz zghir AWSTERITA hemm lest ghalih..
Zack Depasquale
Jivvota kif jivvota Dr Franco Debono nhar it-Tnejn fil-vot ta’fiducja, il-fatti juru li l-Partit ta’GonziPN gie umiljat bil-kbir il-bierah fil-Parlament kif ukoll li m'hemmx stabilita politika. Il-fatti juru ukoll li l-Priministru biex jibqa mwahhal mal-poter irid jizfen ghal-kull muzika li jdoqqlu wiehed mil-backbenchers tieghu. Dr Franco Debono qal li mhux sejjer jivvota kontra l-Gvern nhar it-Tnejn imma l-anqas qal li sejjer jivvota favur il-Gvern. Dr Gonzi jkun kuntent jekk jerga jsalva b’vot tal-ispeaker? GonziPN ghamlu kompetizzjoni ‘be a Primeminister for a day’. Jien nahseb anke Dr Gonzi jixtieq ikun Priministru ghal-gurnata ghax dan l-ahhar 8 xhur hlief jipprova jraqqa l-pannu bil-qargha hamra jipprova jsolvi l-inkwiet intern gewwa l-Partit tieghu m’ghamilx, U fil-pajjiz kollox sejjer ghal riehu l-aqwa li naqdghu lill tal-qalba forsi b’miraklu nerghu nivvotaw ghal-Gonzi u shabu biex jiehdu 500Euro zieda.
Jekk il keliema min naha tal gvern fil maggoranza tahhom qalu li dien hi mozzjoni mhux kontra KMB imma kontra l gvern allura ghal fejn se jitiehed vot ta fiducja fil gvern?.......... Forsi Vella jew Dematino jiluminawna? Jew forsi dak li qal li l gwerra tal Libja kienet "Grazzja Minn Alla" jaf jispjegalna aktak fid dettal. Nistennew u naraw!
80"s.best years of our lives.
lets sing together ;the only way is up..Labour
will someone kick this maniac out of the party. this guy does not have the PN at heart.
Kemm ftaħar il-prim ministru meta kien hemm il-mozzjoni tal-PL kontra l-għoli tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma! Kien anke saħansitra wasal biex qal fil-parlament li :'se nivvota kontra din il-mozzjoni bil-qalb.' U issa għażiż prim ministru ta' anqas minn nofs l-elettorat Malti w Għawdxi, aħna qed nieħdu ħafna gost u nittpaxxew narawkom titkissru bil-mod l'mod. Iva, Franco Debono IVVOTTA BIL-QALB mal-Labour, kontra tagħkom!!! Fl'aħħar bdejtu dduqqu t-togħma tal-arroganza li għandkom. Aħna se norqdu b'rasna u qlubna mistrieħa!
That`s what you get GONZ, when you treat people like " ANTS " just because you`re a Prime Minister.The Maltese saying says it all....."Li tizra tahsad".
Well done Debono. There is no chance that GonziPN will change and there is no sense in waiting until they can neutralize you. As for Labour - where is the shadow minister for justice in all this? - i guess if you live in a glass house, you dare not throw stones and that would explain herrera's silence; Labour continues to show that far from being the solution, they are as much part of the problem in this country. Debono - I think your long term best option is for you and a number of other back-benchers to form your own political party. You are bound to get at least one seat and will be in a position to influence parliament. It will give us Maltese someone to vote for - before its too late and the damage done cannot be undone.
A Firm Nationalist. Kemm hu kliem sabih dan. Naqra glied jkollna bhal f'kull familja li tinhabb. Imma meta nigu ghas-si u no Le ghal malta libjana nord koreana mintoffjana. Viva l-Lemin. Viva L- Maltin. Dr. Franco ftakar kemm kellek zmien taht ir-regim socjalista 1981-1986. X' ma tkunx a firm Nationalist. Viva Malta Ewropea. Viva l- P.N. u l-Maltin. Il-Liberta` l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Battalja sal-mewt lil min ried jisirqilna l-liberta`. O Malta taghna ehlisna mill-ktajjen socjalisti.
If Debono votes with the government next Monday it still will not bring any stability to the government as today’s events clearly shows that the prime minister is at the mercy of one MP and he has no credibility as a prime minister or as a party leader
GonziPn please since you hugged Gaddafi as a Prime Minister and even was the last head of a Government to do so, you must have got an infectious decease of a loser LOL, your time will soon come and hopefully we will have a democratic Government based on stability and transparency. You promised so many things in 2008 and never happened, 25% tax and all Dockyard and AirMalta employees an assurance of not losing their job, you are doomed, liars and cheaters are doomed. So much corruption and as Joseph said the clique is getting smaller, obvious, last chance is dishing out favours as you did in 2008, but I doubt this time round you will succeed to betray again the electorate
According to the statement issued by the prime minister, he said that :'EVERYONE SHOULD SHOULDER HIS RESPONSABILITY'!!! Well said indeed. But what he forgot to say was that his government (GonziPN), is above everyone, and so, they can do whatever they like, and that they can avoid all type of responsability, and accountability! I wonder what the foreign media would report about the political situation in Malta during these last 4 years of GonziPN! During the 80's, alot of British press used to invent big exagerated lies about what was going on in Malta. But I forgot that there were many BLUE EYED BOYS who were giving that type of misinformation to damage Malta's reputation abroad. What happened today is not a LIE, and I really feel pity for the prime minister that he's bound to call another vot of confidence in such a short time. I can't understand why GonziPN made such a big effort to try to make us believe that today's vote was a vote against the whole government! So, according to the prime minister, today the government was BEATEN! By the way, any comments from the President's office???????
GonziPn please since you hugged Gaddafi as a Prime Minister and even was the last head of a Government to do so, you must have got an infectious decease of a loser LOL, your time will soon come and hopefully we will have a democratic Government based on stability and transparency. You promised so many things in 2008 and never happened, 25% tax and all Dockyard and AirMalta employees an assurance of not losing their job, you are doomed, liars and cheaters are doomed. So much corruption and as Joseph said the clique is getting smaller, obvious, last chance is dishing out favours as you did in 2008, but I doubt this time round you will succeed to betray again the electorate
Isabelle Borg
Another vote of confidence? No not again. What a waste of time. Gonz, you can fool some people but you can't fool all the people.
Another No Confidence Vote, and then what? Another election starring Gonzi vs Casper? HA-HA!
Another No Confidence Vote, and then what? Another election starring Gonzi vs Casper? HA-HA!
Nhar it-Tnejn FD ser jivvota favur mozzjoni ta fiducja fil gvern, wara il manjata li tah illum fil parlament. Hawwadni ha nifmek. Aktar incertezza.
At last, Franco Debono is a man of his words not like GonziPN.
Luke Camilleri
Il-Buzollotti jkomplu!
@Progress Could you please leave Giovanni and Antoine alone. They are busy praying to the Madonna of Girgenti to make sure the PN do another 25years but I surely doubt any more miracles can hide this government's weak but disastrous term in government. Lawrence Gonzi = Worst Leader
Imma possibbli li gonzipn ghadu ma ndunax kemm hu ridikolu, patetiku, fqir, bla sinsla, tac-cajt u kemm qed icekken lilu nnifsu meta biex jibqa' imkahhal mas-siggu tal-poter jibqa' iggranfat mal-vot ta' franco debono? Trid veru tkun lest ghal kull umiljazzjoni biex Membru tal-parlament tan-naha tieghek johrog jghajjrek quddiem il-pajjiz, izebilhek, jumiljak b'dak il-mod, icekknek u jbaxxik quddiem kulhadd, ikakxrek fit-trab b'dak il-mod ..... u biex tibqa' imqabbad mal-poter (ghax jidher li thobbu sew) taghzel li tirrikorri ghall-vot tieghu .... lanqas prim ministru tal-aktar pajjiz lura fl-afrika ma jaqa' daqshekk fil-baxx ... tiskanta, tkaxkira wahda wara l-ohra, u jrid jilghabha li ghadu jferfer !!!! GONZIPN - FOR GOD'S SAKE, GO!!!!!!
And now the Pn and gonzi end up with an egg on their faces, what do you think Antoine Vella, and Giovanni Demartino ends up with his big mouth shut.
Luke Camilleri
Will Dr. Gonzi now please COLLECTIVE RESPONSABILITY after this vote? Is this just lose of confidence in Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnicior in the GonziPN / GonziOPM / Gonzi Oligarchy??????
@Giovanni Demartino l-ewwel gbajt taqlalu lil Franco Debono, illum kif smajt li qal li sejjer jastjeni bdejt tizel bih u issa LOl x'sejjer taghmel, fhemna naqra ha nifhmuk. Isma minni int, anki Antoinne Vella ibilaw kollox u morru ibku, inaw u okorbu u fl-ahhar ifilgu kemm intom mahsuda nahseb ghamiltu daqshekk hsara lil Partit Nazzjonalista bil kummenti redikoli li tiktbu, Giovann u Antoine grazzi talli qedin tghinu lil PL ghax hlief gideb ma tiktbux
@Giovanni Demartino l-ewwel gbajt taqlalu lil Franco Debono, illum kif smajt li qal li sejjer jastjeni bdejt tizel bih u issa LOl x'sejjer taghmel, fhemna naqra ha nifhmuk. Isma minni int, anki Antoinne Vella ibilaw kollox u morru ibku, inaw u okorbu u fl-ahhar ifilgu kemm intom mahsuda nahseb ghamiltu daqshekk hsara lil Partit Nazzjonalista bil kummenti redikoli li tiktbu, Giovann u Antoine grazzi talli qedin tghinu lil PL ghax hlief gideb ma tiktbux
GonziPN has been running and hiding since January of this year. The pantomime of the one horse race-where he raced against himself- has imploded, Baqalu 'amor propju' il-Prim Ministru?
Atta boy, Franco! At last, a democratic vote has been given by someone who stood by his convictions and NOT toeing the party line (aka dictatorship).
Ejja Gonz ghamel kuragg......pass li jmiss jew taghmel Franco ministru jew isejjah elezzjoni.
Ejja Gonz ghamel kuragg......pass li jmiss jew taghmel Franco ministru jew isejjah elezzjoni.
The only best and honorable thing that the Prime Minister should do and say, is to call a general election, or else the labour party should start doing mass protest like the PN undre Eddie did during the 80's! And GonziPN should just call it a day, after doing all those nasty decisions against the people's will, especailly the Euro500 weekly increase to cabinet, and voting AGAINST the divorce law, after a 53% of the eligible electorate voted YES in a referendum!