The hush that fell over the House as Franco Debono stood up to be counted

Franco Debono, with his artless tactics and confusing messages, outsmarts Prime Minister and critics alike.

After the vote: government ministers rally around Carm Mifsud Bonnici  (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
After the vote: government ministers rally around Carm Mifsud Bonnici (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

All photos Ray Attard/Mediatoday

  Additional reporting by Jurgen Balzan

It was with some with surprise, if not outright disbelief, that MPs and journalists yesterday evening witnessed Nationalist MP Franco Debono voting in favour of the Opposition's motion for the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

The rebel MP floored critics and killed months of speculation over his intentions by voting for a motion which was met with the instant resignation of the home affairs minister, and a new motion of confidence called by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi for next Monday.

In his resignation letter, Mifsud Bonnici thanked Gonzi for the confidence he had shown in appointing him minister, having occupied justice and home affairs since 2008 before the ministry was split in a cabinet reshuffle back in January.

"I can declare that in the last four years I was loyal to my oath of office and I always carried out my duty with the utmost responsibility," Mifsud Bonnici said, after having delivered a four-hour speech in which he did not beat about the bush about his achievements while in office.

"Unfortunately, some MPs did not understand well enough the commitment the ministry I led required, and for that reason I am submitting my resignation with immediate effect."

Gonzi thanked Mifsud Bonnici, saying his dedication to his office had been inspirational and informed by "strong and sane values".

The prime minister has now taken responsibility for home affairs and local councils, and appointed deputy prime minister Tonio Borg Leader of the House.

Yesterday evening, Franco Debono made a hasty departure from the House, later telling The Times he will not be voting against the government in the vote of confidence called by the prime minister, and even in the Opposition motion calling for the resignation of permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

In a press conference, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat remarked that the prime minister's majority was experiencing an implosion he had already predicted back in January.

But when the vote was taken at 7:30pm, journalists, guests in the Strangers' Gallery and MPs from both sides of the House looked equally stunned when Debono stood up to vote with the Opposition for a second time, after voting in favour of the amendment to convert the censure motion into a resignation motion.

The odds seemed clearly against Debono crossing the Rubicon and vote against a government minister, especially after government MPs put great store in dubbing the motion "a vote of no-confidence" in the government.

The tactic backfired spectacularly. Debono's criticism of the justice and home affairs minister on Tuesday might have indicated that he would not support his nemesis, but the maverick MP did his best to confuse everyone by giving conflicting statements on how he would vote.

As soon as he stood up for the first vote to approve the amendment, members of the Opposition were seen looking in astonishment at Debono.

But most notable were the looks on the faces of government MPs, frozen in disbelief and the telltale signs of betrayed honour.

Although both Gonzi and Mifsud Bonnici yesterday claimed Debono's vote had not caught them by surprise, there was no doubt that they expected Debono lacked the gall to vote against the government.

Aware of the commotion that he had stirred, Debono had already put on his jacket as the clerk of the House counted the government's vote.

And then he fled the House, leaving from the side of the Speaker's chair as soon as the doors of the Chamber reopened after the vote was counted.

As soon as the Speaker adjourned, the startled government MPs exited the chamber and congregated inside the Prime Minister's office, while Opposition MPs gathered around their leader Joseph Muscat as if deciding what to do next.

In his office, as the events of the evening soaked in, a visibly elated Muscat could be seen discussing with his MPs. One Labour official later told MaltaToday that Debono's vote "has taken [us] by surprise".

On the other hand, the Prime Minister addressed the media a full hour after the vote. Visibly emotional, some members of Gonzi's entourage could be seen shedding a tear or two in disbelief.

Mifsud Bonnici himself looked emotional, even as he put on a brave face after a trying week in which he was put under some harsh scrutiny.

Government MPs - with the exception of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett who left parliament soon after the vote - grouped around Mifsud Bonnici in a show of support. The show of support continued outside parliament, where a small crowd had gathered outside waiting for the former minister to come out.

fejn qeghdin de martino il bella kumpannija jaqaw kellna xi funeral statali il bierah. min huma il mahruqin?
and now what Dr. Debono ? kuntent issa ? am sure you will succeed in making all your wishes come true now that the Prime Minister has taken over CMB ministry hux hekk ? soon the summer recess, then a couple of months of parliament...then xmas recess...then maybe elections in march ? tahseb li il bandiera ha ddur kif tixtieqa int ? tahseb li ha ssir xi riforma wahda ?hallina man !! u il PN ha jergghu jafdawk....? bye bye your political career...especially if labour wins the next election and even if the PN will win it. This is nothing but a personal vendetta and grudge against CMB et al ! no more no less enjoy yourself u hu gost u oqghod capcap !
Dr Eddie Fenech Adami might be sorry to have suggested calling Dr Debono's bluff. I am intrigued by what EFA, who will probably come back in full force now that we are in election mode, will propose after the vote of no confidence next Monday passes with the Speaker's vote. Surely Dr F. Debono will not be easing his pressure for reform. So, appeasement or calling the bluff again? Will Malta's interest prevail over those of GonziPN? Or have these two interests now become one and the same thing in the GonziPN psyche?
Well done Debono! Time to have all the people in this picture above sent to the dole line - before we are!!
Din ghandha tkun taghlima ghall-partit Nazzjonalista. Il-fatt li missierek jew zijuk jew il-kugin kien xi darba politikant ta' stoffa, ma jfissirx li, ghax kunjomok bhal tieghu, se taghmel success bhalu jew daqshu. Harsu harsa lejn il-medjokrita' ta' politikanti ohra bhal Pawlu Borg Olivier, Beppe Fenech Adami, Gonzi nnifsu u Mario De Marco u taraw li din hi verita' li ma jichadha hadd.
The tear or two shed in disbelief because they know that they may be next in line!
The tear or two shed in disbelief because they know that they may be next in line!
Jisoghobija nghid li l-PM ma jxommx mill-boghod. Kieku kien ikun ghaqli jiehu bi skuza l-kura li l-ministru kellu biex jghid li htieglu jiehu zmien jirkupra u kien ser jirtira. Wara ftit zmien kien ireggghu lura f'kariga ohra. L-istess ma xammx Delimara, minkejja li l-intejjen fgaw lil kulhadd. Dahal fiha bla htieg. L-istess ghall-iffangar f'zieda ta' iktar minn Euro 500 fil-gimgha bil-mohbi ghall-ministri. Xi nghidu ghall-PfP u SOFA? Jonkella rapport li stqarr mal-Korp Diplomatiku li jinhtieg insolvu l-problema tal-Palestina ghax mhux sewwa li l-Lhud jghixu mhedda, meta huma li ijassru u jkasbru u jisirqu u jisolhu lill-gens Palestinjan
PN and CMB did not have the decency to admit failure and move on. I would not put that down to just arrogant pride. I would give more credence to the monetary aspect. Franco did it for them and has partly redeemed himself in the electorate's eyes. Malta, and the PN by far more, needs to be reinvigorated. The PN needs a transfusion of completely new blood, in as much as the PL got.
Franco Debono now showed that he wanted Carm out. What is his next move? ABSTENTION on vote of confidence and RCC motion. Why? He said he will not vot against the government, BUT he did not say he will vote in FAVOUR. So, abstain. He does not want government to crumble, at least he takes the honorarium home until the last day. He knows he will never make it again to the House. People will never forget. We know what happened to MPs bigger than him, Mario Felice. He was not elected from his district.
Haga wahda nghidlu lil CMB, ara xhallejt warajk, herba shiha f'kull dekasteru li zammejt. Sar registratur tal qorti ma felahx izjed bi tharbit li hallejt ghax ma ghamilt xejn ghal erba snin shah. Fil habs xalata ta drugs , fil puluzija jahdmu bla qalb, ma nistax nifhem kif GonziPn halliek hemm , imma anzi issa fhimt ghax int wiehed min tal klikka li semma Franco, u allura Gonzi kien ostagg u ghadu ostagg ta erba ohra li suppost gew imnehhijja ghax hawdu fil borma izjed min nanna
The whole saga and suspense is over. Dr Debono like all MP took the right way to vote and not abstain as one expected. For Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici he is a good man and I am sorry for the way he had to go but unfortunately he did not deliver as expected. Also he is not the only one there are others who should follow suit as they have failed to deliver also. Now for a vote of confidence in government, we do not need such a thing more time gaining polices or what? Is there an other unknown reason. Wait and see.