‘Franco Debono has burnt all bridges with PN’ – Beppe Fenech Adami

Fenech Adami: ‘Debono no team player’ | Pullicino Orlando: ‘Early elections the way forward’ | Edwin Vassallo: ‘Debono chooses his own legacy’

Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami makes no bones about Franco Debono's political status inside the PN.
Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami makes no bones about Franco Debono's political status inside the PN.

Franco Debono's stand in parliament to vote with the Opposition has not come without its repercussions, as confirmed by the sentiment of Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami, the parliamentary assistant in the home affairs ministry that has just lost its minister.

"Franco Debono has burnt all bridges with the Nationalist Party," a forthright-sounding Fenech Adami told MaltaToday this morning.

"He has seriously jeopardised his position and has shown that he cannot work in a team."

Reacting to yesterday's vote, Fenech Adami said the Opposition had taken advantage of Franco Debono's "frustration" inside the party.

"Mifsud Bonnici did well to hand in his resignation, and for the Prime Minister to accept it. However, there are now consequences which go beyond a resignation and Franco Debono must keep this in mind."

Fenech Adami also praised Lawrence Gonzi's decision to call for a vote of confidence in government as the way forward. "Irrespective of whether the motion passes with the Speaker's casting vote or not, government will have the right to go on with its work. If the motion is defeated, in the sense that there is a majority of votes against the motion, than there is no other option than to call early elections," he said.

But backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has expressed consistency in reiterating that early elections are the only way forward for Gonzi - something he said in January, when transport minister Austin Gatt faced a motion of censure.

"I believe that when there are irreconcilable differences between a prime minister and one of his MPs, the best way forward is to call early elections. A threat emanating from a one-seat majority that comes into play every time this difference crops up, is not beneficial for government. It ends up losing focus on its administrative work, to find a solution for the threat," he said.

But Pullicino Orlando also said he was unhappy to see Carm Mifsud Bonnici "passing through what [he] passed through".

When asked whether he believed Franco Debono had a future within the PN, Pullicino Orlando said that was a decision the party's executive had to take.

On the other hand, MP Edwin Vassallo - who lambasted the "immorality" of the Opposition motion over the past week - said Debono's future was in the MP's hands: "His future depends on him and on how much he will be able to persuade others of his good intentions. The doors of the party are always open but it will only depend on how much he [Debono] will feel comfortable or not."

Vassallo added: "It's entirely up to Debono to see how he wants to be remembered."

The MP said Debono's vote had been "expected" but the party had to move forward. "What it irritated me was the Opposition's sole intent to win a vote against government. They found an opportunity through Franco Debono's criticism of justice and home affairs and used his sentiment to achieve what they wanted," he said.

"Every MP had the right to criticise, but then he has to shoulder the responsibility of the criticism made."

Vassallo conceded that Debono had "unlike the Opposition" put forward a "positive motion" sustained by proposals.

He also rubbished claims that Wednesday's vote had fuelled instability in government. "The Prime Minister never loses focus from his work and knows exactly where he wants to go. He has a long-term vision and is able to go on with his work even while dealing with everything else," Vassallo said.

"He is not gripped to the seat of power, but to his duty as an elected Prime Minister. Instability comes from a prime minister with no vision or track record, something that's not attributable to Lawrence Gonzi."

Dr.Debono , Issa ghandek konferma li inti ma ghadekx parti min dak il-partit li kont tappartjeni . Jekk int verament temmen dak li int akkuzajt ghall diversi drabi li il-partit hu immexxi minn klikek ta ftit nies , ma ghandekx triq ohra hlief tivvota kontra il-gvern , altrimenti dak kollu li ghidt ma jkun iffisser xejn . Mhux talli hekk , talli inti tkun qed tidher li minkejja dak kollu li ghidt , meta kellek ic-cans li tagixxi u taghmel xi haga ,ergajt lura min kelmtek u hrigt ta vavu . Ghalhekk ,gfhamel ftit kuragg u ghamel dak li ghandek taghmel .
Now that Dr Franco Debono according to Dr Beppe Fenech Adami has burnt all bridges with the PN to the point of no return . What the hell is Dr Franco Debono is expecting to nail them down once and for all ? If he really means what he said , that the PN is controlled by a few number of inner people , what is he going to do about it ? Abstain of vote with the government ?
Dr. BFA simply took the bull by the horns and his statement is 100% correct. What does this Debono guy expect? Are we going to keep handling him with kid's gloves? He has been going on with these charades well before Christmas 2009 and now enough is enough. Debono cannot understand or does not want to understand that the Party is very much bigger than him or anyone else and he is no position to dictate the national agenda. By his latest vote Debono's game is over and it is only a matter of time before we see his back once and for all.
posts ta min tridu jigu jidru bis, mhux ta kulhad
He is not gripped to power.hahahahaha.Only in Malta.com
Dr.Beppe Fenech Adami and Edwin Vassallo , the latter insisting that motion of no confidence if it goes through would mean a motion of no confidence for the Government should now stick to their guns and force the Government to go for elections, most of Pn members of parliament followed suite, tightening the motion with a Government stability. So why do another motion on Monday when the majority of PN members already decided that was the only way to go forward, why, now, they are to vote again on Monday if the Government has the majority to rule.? This shows that Vassallo & Co. have no guts to confront the Prime Minister to convince him that the majority insisted that if the motion goes through elections is the only way out or else Edwin Vassallo & Co. have so much bullshit that if bullshit was made out of rubber they would never stop bouncing.
The great democrat and feudal lord has spoken. Why not hold an election this month and see what the voters think you can do with GonziPN.
Beppe Fenech Adami - li meta kien tifel kien waqa' fi sprall il-belt hdejn cordina - qed jghid li l-oppozizzjoni hadet vantagg mill-frustrazzjoni ta' franco debono dwar gonzipn. Tghid jiftakar meta l-helu missieru - dak li gideb fuq alfred sant gurnata qabel l-elezzjoni - kien imur id-dar tieghu f'birkirkara fl-1998 u bhala kap tal-oppozizzjoni kien jisimghu jikkonfoffa mal-klikka tieghu ta' dak iz-zmien biex jiehu vantagg mill-frustrazzjoni ta' dak il-helu l-iehor mintoff dwar il-partit laburista? Ghax ma jghidx beppe li c-cirku dar dawra tond u issa hu qed ikollu jilghaq it-trab kif missieru kien gieghel lil haddiehor jaghmel fl-1998?
jaqaw ghaw xi censura ghax il-posts tijej mux jidru?
the only way forward is general election. it is useless for the prime minister to go for a vote of confidence in parliament now. we had that a couple of months ago afterwhich he also called for a vote of confidence from his party faithfull and got it. it is the electorate who is now supreme. no amount of running will do dr gonzi anygood. by time this process will catch up with him in the meantime malta could not just live in limbo.
What would you expect BeppeFA to say? Of course he agreed with CMB handing in his resignation?! After all he did not get the ministerial post he was working for, even for the few months left. So he digs into Franco and his antics for all he is worth, as he sees him as being the prime reason of having deprived him of a ministerial title. Franco now you have it straight from a member of one of the founding PN families. You have no option but to say nay to a vote of confidence in this lot. Your chances are far greater within a refreshed PN.
May be he is afraid that FD will cleanse another family jambooree!
.........."Every MP had the right to criticise, but then he has to shoulder the responsibility of the criticism made." I couldn’t agree with you more. I am quite sure that a Minister for Home Affairs won’t be chosen, surely, not before Monday, when th last Bridge might not be burnt but explode. If Dr Franco Debono was not a team player, this isn’t enitrly his fault but the fault of all the other players, and especially the Captain, who is supposed to be the Brain. When the brain malfunctions, the rest of the body goes haywire. When people aren’t being noticed they are bound to create something so that their voice is heard. My honest opinion is this is why we have criminals, rebels and terrosists. We are all humans and should be treated likewise by ONE and ALL. I also hope that everybody shoulders his respobsibility not just in this case but in everythng that was done and is being done. Justice is there for one and ALL whatever your position in Society and whoever you are and not just for the Lamb that is usually chosen for the sacrifice.
‘Franco Debono has burnt all bridges with PN’ – Beppe Fenech Adami. In my opinion Beppe fenech Adami should have said,' Gonzipn has burnt all bridges with Maltese citizens.
I am sure that speeches made by Edwin vassallo and Beppe Fenech Adami must have hardened Franco Debono's resolution to vote in favour of the motion !
edwin vassallo int suppost tirrezenja ghax int u xi hadd iehor irbattu il vot tal bierah mal fiducja fil gvern, ghalhekk ghandek tirrezenja halli ma tibqax tghid cucati
First of all a BIG prosit to Dr. Debono for his courageous act on Wednesday. He should now continue along the path he has chosen to obliterate the remaining members of the oligarchy. I sincerly hope that he possesses the political acumen to realise that he now has no other choice but to go all the way and achieve his objective. Only thereby can he throw wide open the gateway to political reform and consolidate his own future Maltese political history. Otherwise it's going to be more of the same and he will only be furthering the connivances of the oligarchy who have neither Malta's nor his well-being at heart. It' s more Franco Debono shock tactics we need here!! Keep it up Franco and send them all to Hades!!
Hbieb Nzzjonalisti.....Il ballun f`saqajkhom qeghed. Jekk tridu tibqaw tmexxu taht theddida kontinwa affari taghkom. Dejjem zommu f`raskhom li hsara lil pajjiz qeghedin taghmlu. Iridu nammettu li il Prim Ministru sar Dr.Franco Debono ghax li jghejd huwa isir. Sur Edwin Vassallo, tista tibda taqlalu lil Franco, ghax bezaqlek mis sunnara...Mons
patrick calleja
Lol BF Adami: what do you expect from the minister of justice in waiting ? though not exactly the brightest pin in the pn box is he ? With regards to Edwin Vassallo his speech against the Pl motion of censure was merely that of an absolute monarchist making a pitch for his king to govern without opposition. It is a travesty and an insult to the democratic European aspirations some of us voted for. That it actually was delivered in a European parliament is an unnerving thought. Vassallo merits a footnote in history as a prime example of the cognitively dissonant politician who pays lip service to democracy while fervently believing in the right of God anointed absolute monarchs and family dynasties to rule unchallenged till kingdom come .
Beppe, kellu bzonn ghandek farka mill-inizzjattiva u ntelligenza li ghandu Franco Debono. Ghandek tghid li bniedem wahdu u kontra l-kurrenti kollha irnexxilhu jcaqlaq lill-partit tieghek mill-letargija li kien waqa' fiha u bis-sahha tieghu it-tkaxkira li se taqilghu fl-elezzjoni li jmiss mhux se tkun kbira daqs kemm kienet tkun kieku FD ma fetahx halqu. Tajjeb li tkun taf ukoll li l-kunjom ma jaghmlekx la ministru tajjeb, la segretarju parlamentari tajjeb u l-anqas deputat parlamentari tajjeb. Dan il-fatt jghodd ghalik daqs kemm jghodd ghal Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici.
Igor P. Shuvalov
"backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has expressed consistency in reiterating that early elections are the only way forward for Gonzi." But of course no one has the guts to force Dr Gonzi to call it a day.It seems that no one wants to be blamed for the fall of the present Government. So what's the use of making these kind of statements?
E.V. has got his mouth and his anus mixed up, because his is talking a whole heap of bovine excrement.
One MP says that Dr Debono has burnt all bridges, the other says that the PN's door is always open. The latter has said prior to the voting, that a vote against a govt Minister is a vote against the government itself. Does Mr Vassallo then agrees that the PM should have called an early election?
Other than exempting his own ministers from unnecessary ridicule - as well as attempting to avoid the long-term negative effects on his own Party that such censure motions carry along - Gonzi insists on holding onto his glorious PM post. He naturally also assigns himself the duties of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Local Councils. Whether he will or will not deliver interim reforms is a different matter and one which is yet to be proven. Suffice it to say that the PM galantly praised CMB's work and practices in their entirety, completely depreciating a highly talented and valid resource (FD) within his own Party other than pro-actively exploiting it to the benefit of the country and obviously to the benefit of the Nationalist Party too. So much for team work! So the PN is pretty much back to square one now, with the opposition most-likely having similar con-arguements though towards a different (P)minister (Gonzi) this time round. Indeed patience is a virtue though isn't Gonzi shamelessly abusing of it now? He (Gonzi) noenetheless insists on holding onto his seat! If only he truly respected his own country, his own Nationalist doctrine, all of his own MPs and above all if he still retained that little of humility, dignity and honour which he constantly brags about then things would be way different for all.
I was wondering what Beppe meant when he said"Mifsud Bonnici did well to hand in his resignation, and for the Prime Minister to accept it. However, there are now consequences which go beyond a resignation and Franco Debono must keep this in mind." What does PN have in mind for FD. Payback???? What kind of payback?
Ian George Walker
And the Fenech Adami family know all about bridges - especially road-bridges at St Julian's - right?