Debono said he asked Gonzi to condemn ‘blogger’s vile attack’ against mother

Franco Debono denies reports he requested to be Leader of the House; says Prime Minister was not specific in condemnation of “blogger”.

“We were so close and yet so far,” Debono said on the discussions between him and the PN.
“We were so close and yet so far,” Debono said on the discussions between him and the PN.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has denied suggestions that he sought the position of Leader of the House, during negotiations with a government interlocutor over his voting intentions throughout the week.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi told the media that "a solution could not be found" when asked whether Debono had been offered the role of Leader of the House.

Debono's vote in favour of the Opposition motion later on Wednesday evening led to the resignation of Home Affairs minister, and Leader of the House, Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

But Debono has denied having "asked for the role of the Leader of the House" during discussions with the government side.

"I was asking them who would be made Leader of the House if Mifsud Bonnici resigns... I wasn't asking to be appointed, so much so that I don't even know whether you have to be a minister to be appointed to the role.

"But I did make it clear I would have appreciated such an offer, even though I would have never accepted it," he said.

The MP has however told MaltaToday he did ask the Prime Minister - even before the 9 May vote on the budget measures - to condemn "a blogger's vile attack against my mother and family."

"I asked him to be specific in his condemnation," Debono said, but refused to name the blogger or whether he was referring to Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia, whose 'poison-pen' blogs were the subject of some of his parliamentary speeches.

Only this week in the House, he mocked the columnist as Daphne 'Cachia Caruana', to highlight the close friendship she has with permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

"I don't care about the attacks leveled against me, but I will never accept attacks leveled against my family. This is psychological violence, not some parliamentary motion," Debono said.

Indeed, in his speech on Wednesday evening, Lawrence Gonzi said his government condemned attacks against any MP by bloggers.

But Debono said the lack of specificity in his condemnation was "very determining" for how he voted. "We were so close and yet so far," Debono said on the discussions between him and the PN.

In one of her blogposts back in January, Caruana Galizia had written that Debono's mother "should be arrested and charged with crimes against the state for foisting her tifel biezel on us".

Debono also said he was offered a "number of things" in writing in a document that was passed on to him, but refused to elaborate on what the offers were, or who had given him the document. "The only one thing I could have accepted was Carm Mifsud Bonnici's resignation from Leader of the House. All the other things they offered wouldn't have determined my vote.

"I have long been telling the prime minister to remove Mifsud Bonnici from home affairs. At one point they told me he was going to resign from minister, then Leader of the House, then that he wasn't resigning ... it was very fluid," Debono said.

Up until Wednesday afternoon, Debono had left everyone guessing on how he would vote after giving conflicting versions of his intentions to different media.

Debono said he was satisfied that Gonzi had taken home affairs under his wing. "I think it was a good decision which sends out a strong message that he will be tackling the issues raised."

However he felt someone other than deputy prime minister Tonio Borg should have been Leader of the House. "I believe he should have appointed someone else. Why appoint Borg if he was removed five months ago? He is not the ideal person since his role as foreign affairs minister requires that he travel a lot."

Asked whether he had any suggestions on who would have made a good Leader of the House, Debono said it wasn't in his remit to name anyone.

Beppe Fenech Adami 'is not the party'

Reacting to comments made by Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami to MaltaToday, Debono said Fenech Adami "was not the party".

Fenech Adami said that after yesterday's vote, Debono had "burnt all bridges with the Nationalist Party" and that he "cannot work in a team" when asked whether the maverick MP was accepted within the PN.

"I am not going to comment out of the huge respect I have for his father," Debono said. "Beppe is not the party and those decisions are not taken by him."

Debono added that Fenech Adami's stand contrasted greatly with the comments made by MP Edwin Vassallo. Vassallo said that Debono's future within the party depended entirely on him: "The doors of the party are always open but it will only depend on how much he [Debono] will feel comfortable or not."

He also said he appreciated the position taken by Vassallo and fellow backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando on his future within the party.

@ MOnte. Dak l-istudent universitarju MHUX il-gvern tellghu l-qorti, imma l-pulizija. Hemm differenza bejn liberta u libertinagg. Dak ittella' l-qorti mhabba l-vulgarita "fl-opra" tieghu. Fil-fatt hareg liberat. Sfortunatament ghalija. Imma Gonzi ma dahal xejn fiha l-istorja. Kienu regimi laburisti li kienu JINDAHLU lill-imhallfin. Min ihossu offiz b'xi kumment jaf x'ghandu jaghmel.
@ Monte: Izjed ma tithabtu biex tiehdu ragun izjed turu kemm ghandkom tort. Iva niftakar f'dak l-istudent tal-universita. Imma dak mhux Gonzi waqqfu. U ghax qeghdin go pajjiz demokratiku dak l-istudent dahal il-qorti u hareg liberat. Sodisfatt? Issa biex inkun onest jien qbilt li tellghuh il-qorti ghax hemm differenza bejn liberta u libertinagg. Ma naqbilx li jinkiteb hmieg bhal dak u qiesu ma gara xejn. Jekk DCG qed tikser il-ligi, hemm il-qrati MHUX il-politici. Imma l-lejber huwa maghruf kemm kien jindahal fil-qrati u anki jissospendihom.
Egomaniac is a word that springs to mind!
allahares naslu fi stat li politikant jindahal lic cittadin x'jikteb u x'jghid.nispera li joseph muscat mhux se jimxi fuq il passi ta mintoff u joqghod jindahal x'ghandu jinkiteb u x'jinghad. jekk franco debono ihoss li DCG offendietu jghamilla libell.jekk nigu ghal argument franco debono ukoll ghajjar lill prim ministru fil parlament u zeffen lil arcisqof gonzi fin nofs.
@ Demartinu 'Fil-pajjizi dittatorjali BISS il-politikanti jindahlu lic-cittadini x'jiktbu u x'ma jiktbux.' Agree 100%. Remember what happened to that university student. And that was done during and by your beloved Gonzipn dictators.
Insaqsik haw Endru: Int taqbel li PM, ikun min ikun, jindahlilna x'niktbu?
Mhux Franco Debono biss qalaha minn ghandi din il-.............. imma anke JPO, Mugliette,Musumeci Dalli etc u ma nistrax nifhem kif jibqghu jissapportu lil gonzi li zgur hemm xi tip ta' konnessjoni politika bejniethom. Nhar it-tnejn huwa l-waqt li Franco, JPO u Mugliete iqumu fuq taghhom u jew ma jersqux lejn il-parlament jew johorgu qabel jigu ghall-VOT.Vera jkun hemm min jishetkom imma l-maggoranza tal-poplu malti zgur jibqa jghafulkom, xejn xejn tergghu tibilancjaw il-mizien, tafu x'qed nghid.
Ghaliex il-kumment tieghi kien censurat? Intom tal-MT, taqblu jew ma taqblux li xi hadd ipoggielkom sarima ma' halqkom? Dan tghid jidher?
@Giovann il-Gidra. Ikteb liz-#o$$ trid! Iktar ma tikteb cucati(bhal ma taghmel dejjem) iktar tpaxxina.
@Giovann il-Gidra. Ikteb liz-#o$$ trid! Iktar ma tikteb cucati(bhal ma taghmel dejjem) iktar tpaxxina.
If truth be told, the straw the broke Franco's back is Daphne CaruanA Galizia's venom. The chicken are coming home to roost adn the PN will soon sr=tart to feel what it means to condone unpalatible characters like DCG. An MP from the PN side was heard to say at a coffee shop today"" Wahlitulna is-Sahhara!"" ! Giov de martino: dan HU pajjiz dittatorjali. Huma nies bhalek li ghandhom il parilji blue li ma jindunawx--jew forsi hekk jaqbillek. If Franco Debono really loves the PN, his COUNTRY and his MOTHER, he should be the one to have the balls to cleanse the PN of its MARMALJA!!!
Fil-pajjizi dittatorjali BISS il-politikanti jindahlu lic-cittadini x'jiktbu u x'ma jiktbux.
Luke Camilleri
What will be Gonzi's choice Dr. Franco Debono's mother, an innocent bystander, her only fault being BEING FRANCO DEBONO'S MOTHER or RCC's bosom pal Daphne Caruana Galizia?????
Igor P. Shuvalov
Can a Prime Minister be in a worse situation than that described above where he goes about offering one does not know what to one of his own MPs to get his vote in Parliament?
GonziPN will never go against DCG as the connections are too great. Makes one wonder why this time GonziPN did not bring about the collective responsibility plea as in the motion against Austin. Was he ready to sacrifice CMB?
gonzi ipprefera lil DCG min CMB.Ma kienx kapaci jikkonvinci lil Franco Debono ahseb u ara lil poplu Malti.Proset Franco.Gonzipn called your bluff(EFA)and now he has lost the majority.
The motion of confidence the PM is asking for is like an insecured child always asking if we love him, well Mr PM you know the answer the quicker we see the back of you the better.
Veru li suppost nghatu spazju lil bloggers jiktbu li jhossu imma Daphne Caruana Galizia tinsulta u twegga bil blogs taghha u kemm il-darba smajna kemm tinfama u tinsolenta lil min ma jaqbilx ma GonziPn. Allahres il PL kellom bniedem hekk jikteb blogs bi hniezrijiet bhal ma taghmel Dapne ghax kieku jqumu l-irwiefen kolla. Gonzi l-anqas semmiegha b'isima biex teiqaf tattakka hekk krudili u bla verita. GonziPn il magna tal propaganda qeda titmermer. Li kieku kien vera jixtieq iwaqqaf lil Daphne, seta meta ried, imma halliha ghax kien il hsieb tal partit li tibqa ssahhan l-irjus ghax ikun hemm xi iblah u jdur ghaliha, ghalhekk meta tresqet il Qorti ftit xhur ilu bdiet tintimita li tal ONE crew, imma gew imwissijja biex ma jghatux kaz taghha sa anki bdiet toffendihom
Yesterday's vote should be the turning point for GonziPN! Either the prime minister calls a general election, or Dr.Franco Debono will continue making a fool out of him! It's up to the prime minister to call a general election, and Franco is being very careful in not being the one to bring down the government, so that no one could point their finger at him! But if the mentioned media attacks on his family continue, and I'm sure that he knows who's orchestrating them, he should give the final blow to this all non sense in 2012 in European Malta! I used to believe that GonziPN believed in democracy, but I'm being proved wrong each and every day! The prime minister should have tendered his resignation soon after the divorce referendum, and not trying to justify his conservative beliefs but voting against the divorce law, and against the strong and clear YES vote of the people, in parliament. No matter what anyone says from GonziPN camp, the 80's were terrible under that administration, but now it's getting even worse, because through the media, we are following a very dirty and nasty campaign against someone who stood up to be counted against this vile arrogant government.
I am more convinced than before that Gonzi(PN) is just a messenger, a puppet on a string; otherwise he would have resigned to save face...but, it seems the klikka-who elected him in the first place many years ago at Msida...way before the foot soldiers at Pieta thought they were choosing-is still gorging on contracts and has an immense appetite, therefore, GonziPN will continue to limp till March.....meditate gente.
Ma tahsibx Dr. Debono li qed titlob xi haga mpossibli. Ma tarax li mhux ser nikkundanaw lill blogger nazzjonalista bhal dik minhabba fik jew familtek. Wara kollox il-Partit taghna u tieghek nies bhal dawn ghandu bzonn bhalissa.
I compare this 'blogger' to the one of vile monsters of Greek Mythology, the Hydra. This 'monster' will someday meets its fate in this life or the next.
In a post she published at 01.58 on Thursday 31 May titled Franco Debono:"Take that, Carm" Daphne Caruana Galizia, commenting on the events in Parliament on Wednesday,wrote: "One of the members of parliament who was right there, watching and listening, and who told me about it" A clear confirmation of the collusion between DCG and one or more Nationalist MPs
@xprun - kin ftit uman man.
Having read the spiteful comments of this said blogger, now even referring to his mother as "ghastly woman" in one of the bloggs, Dr. Debono did the right thing! I believe any guy would have done the same to defend his mother! No matter if its against the party or not.
Dr Franco is it true what DCG said re your reaction towards CMB after the vote? We would like to know what exactly your agenda behind all this.
Having read the spiteful comments of this said blogger, now even referring to his mother as "ghastly woman" in one of the bloggs, Dr. Debono did the right thing! I believe any guy would have done the same to defend his mother! No matter if its against the party or not.
Kif qatt Dr Gonzi jista' jikkundanna pubblikament lis-sahhara tal-Bidnjija meta din qed taqdih mill-koxxa. U wara kollox jekk jikkundanna l-hnizrijiet tagha ikun qed imur kontra r-religjon specjali li jipprattika hu - dik ta' hdura kontra kull min hu kontrih.
B'dan it-tahwid, tnassis, tgerfix, konfuzjoni, glied, piki, ghira, vendetti, stalletti f'gonzipn u fil-klikka tieghu, irid ikun veru wiccu tost gonzipn biex jersaq lejn il-poplu jitolbu li jaghtih il-vot fl-elezzjoni li jmiss !!!! Kif tista' taghti l-vot tieghek lil partit li nizel wahda sew u qed joghdos fil-hama? - trid tkun veru ma tafx x'qed taghmel biex taghzel lil gonzipn biex imexxi l-pajjiz ghax issa veru addio l-par idejn sodi - jekk qatt kellu wara kollox !!!!
Having read the spiteful comments of this said blogger, now even referring to his mother as "ghastly woman" in one of the bloggs, Dr. Debono did the right thing! I believe any guy would have done the same to defend his mother! No matter if its against the party or not.
Luke Camilleri
Tghid Gonzi sejjer jaghmel li jghidlu Franco fuq Daphne Caruana Galizia??? Forsi..... jekk irrid il-Franco jivvotta favur il-bosom pal ta' DCG, RCC nhar it -Tnejn!
B'sobgha nghid li l-PM ma ghandux vizzjoni ta xejn. Jisma biss min ta madwaru u min EFA meta qallu call off his bluff. Ir Rizultat familja antika fil politika ,mhux ghax kienet xi brillanti iccaqilqu is siesin taghha. Forsi ftit jaf meta l-GROSS kellu xi jghid man nazzjonalisti. Anyhow Gonzi li ghandu arti kbira kif jipprova jirranga ma kullhadd ghal spejjes tal poplu, ceda lill Giovanna meta ma riedix aktar Ministru ghal Ghawdex ,possibli ma kellux l-arti li jirranga ma Franco u kien ikollu 4 snin issa kwazi hamsa b'anqas tranquilisers. Possibli ma sibx il hila. LE ma ridtx. Il klikka ta gewwa ma hallewhx. Franco ma xtaqx jasal sa hawn. Kellu bosta okkazzjonijiet fejn seta ha decizzjonijiet ghar. Imma GONZI kien daghjef. Kisser u haraq il bridges kollha li seta kellu ma Franco.Wara kollox dak li ried Franco riedu kullhadd.CMB kullhadd jaf xi jsarraf u x'gara? mhux tnehha imma gie mkecci mill kariga tieghu. Din qatt ma kien hawn bhala. Possibli Sur Prim ma sibtx il volonta li tfittex is soluzzjoni.Sewwa kien qal darba Fr Peter meta deccidejt li tibni tejatru minghajr saqaf. gejt fi kliemu. U jista jkun ukill il Kbir ghadu gej. Illum nista nghid li Franco Debono mhux marshmellos imma azzar ghadu mhux polished. Jista jkun ta azzar kif kien jaf jghamel Mintoff.Franco min jinsulenta lill Ommi ma nahfirilu qatt, u ibqa cert li paroli kien hemm , kienu jafu fejn irridu jweggu.
And pray what huge respect does this guy have for President Emeritus Eddie Fench Adami? Has he already forgotten the shallow and vile attack he made on him only a few months back? BFA might not be the party as much as Debono is not larger than the party.
BALBULJATA SHIHA. Tistaw jekk joghgobkhom taraw x`ser taghmlu ghax ghandkhom ir responsabbilta ta pajjiz f`idejkhom.L`anqas l-icken rispett ma fadlilkhom.Il kilba tal poter fixklitkhom wahda sew. Biex tghaqqad il bubun, ikun hemm bhas sahhara tal Bidnija u aktar titfa melh fuq il FERITI.Hemm ukoll Lou Bondi u il Bocca jew I.M.Back jew Dr. Andrew Borg Cardona , dan ta l-ahhar qiesu tlett figolli ....f`figolla wahda.Iddecidu ghax il Bambin biss jaf xi hsara qeghedin taghmlu lil pajjiz. @ Dr. Franco Debono ,ghalkemm ma naqbilx ma kif qeghed timxi...Naqbel mieghek 100% talli tiddefendi lil familja tieghek specjalment lil l-Ommok.
It appears that Dr. Debono's appeals to the Prime Minister as regards that deplorable blogger have fallen on deaf ears. She's back with a fury and again targetting Dr. Debono's family especially his mother in the most unacceptable way. On the other hand I am really astounded at Dr. Debono's reticence towards RCC if the oft mentioned connivance between this person and the afore-mentioned blogger is factual. I would not act in such a gentlemanly manner if that were the case!
Certi nies tajbin biss biex ipacilqu.
Franco, it is true that BeppeFA is NOT the whole party, but you must admit he represents the old mouldy PN. You have been given this opportunity to cleanse your party, once the party is taken away from the hot Government seats. With time it would rehabilitate itself and reform into the strong party it once was. I am sure the modern PN will find good places for you and others that were cast aside. BUT, the ball is in your court. You hold the destiny of the future PN. Grab this opportunity as this is God's gift to you.
Biex jippridka biss tajbin Gonzi u shabu tal-klikka. qedin jaghmlu dan lil-wiehed minn huthom ahseb u ara x'jaghmlu lil dawk ta kontrihom. Dr Francis Zammit Dimech u l-Hon Agius insew x'ghamel il-partit u hbiebhom lil-ewwel Dr AAlfred Sant. Dak ukoll kien ma jiflahx. Jew li jaghmlu in-Nazzjonalisti huwa dritt Divin?
Is-sinjura DCG fil-blog taghha dalghodu qalet li kienet taf li kien hemm kuntatt ma Dr Franco qabel il-vot, u qalet li taf hafna affarijiet ohra fuq Debono li suppost ftit nies tal-klikka ta Gonzi jafuhom. Tghid min qed jghidilha li DCG? Mhux xi hadd qrib il-prim. Allura Dr Franco ghamel sew qal lil Gonzi biex iwissiha. Dr Franco inti taf x'ghandek taghmel u tifqa l-buzzieqa mhux hekk. Nhar it-Tnejn ghandek l-ewwel cans.
Luke Camilleri
Mhux Gonzi biis mhux ta'minjafda' imma L'OLIGARKIJA, IL-KLIKKA kollha tieghu fosthom il-famuza Blogger u l'fossa taghha li ssejhilha BLOG, bil-barka ta' Gonzi!