Hamrun Spartans player denies involvement in fixed-match allegations - lawyer
One of the two Maltese players charged by UEFA’s disciplinary inspectors in connection with match-fixing allegations surrounding the Euro 2008 qualifier between Norway and Malta is Kevin Sammut, known colloquially as ‘il-Viper’.
One of the two Maltese players charged by UEFA's disciplinary inspectors in connection with match-fixing allegations surrounding the Euro 2008 qualifier between Norway and Malta is Kevin Sammut, known colloquially as 'il-Viper'.
The Valletta FC midfielder, who is on loan to Hamrun Spartans, has denied his involvement, lawyer Michael Sciriha - one of the three lawyers defending Sammut - told MaltaToday.
Sciriha said that Sammut's defence counsel also includes lawyers Lucio Sciriha and Emanuel Mallia.
Michael Sciriha has told MaltaToday the footballer has always insisted on his innocence, when asked whether they will be seeking a plea bargain. "There is already a plan of defence being drawn up as he has always insisted that he is innocent," he said.
Sciriha added that the lawyers were waiting for UEFA to announce the date of the hearing. "We will then prepare the defence accordingly, if we have the necessary means, obviously," he said.
When contacted by MaltaToday, Sammut - who was awarded the MFA's Player of the Year 2007-2008 - said: "Do you honestly believe that I would tell you if any charges were filed against me? Call MFA or UEFA."
MaltaToday however could not get official confirmation on the identity of the second footballer. When contacted, the second player said that he "didn't know anything of any charges".
Meanwhile, the MFA has been tight-lipped over the identity of the two footballers.
Contacted by this newspaper, the MFA's Integrity Officer Franz Tabone said that the case was now in UEFA's hands and refused to confirm or deny the names of the two players. "It was a difficult task but we did our utmost," Tabone said over the investigations carried out by MFA. "Now it's all up to UEFA to decide and we will leave everything in their competent hands."