Prime Minister determined to run five-year term, sets tone for tomorrow’s confidence vote

Lawrence Gonzi refuses to blame Franco Debono over motion that ousted Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

Lawrence Gonzi has displayed a pacific tone over Franco Debono's actions, and deflected attention over to the Opposition.
Lawrence Gonzi has displayed a pacific tone over Franco Debono's actions, and deflected attention over to the Opposition.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has refused to blame Franco Debono for the resignation of his home affairs minister, insisting Labour leader Joseph Muscat "is the biggest loser" in the motion that ousted Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

In an interview to the Sunday Times, Gonzi appears keen to deflect attention to Muscat, claiming his actions have been belittled by Mifsud Bonnici's honourable exit.

Gonzi also said he would not speculate on whether he will call early elections if Franco Debono abstain on Monday's confidence vote, which would require the Speaker's casting vote to pass.

"I have to recognise the serious political implications of what happened on Wednesday. But I do need to take into consideration the importance of avoiding an early election. If I'm forced to call an election, so be it. But I have tasked by the electorate to carry out a five-year programme and I will continue to try to this.

"I would naturally bow my head if there is a vote of no-confidence in the government."

Gonzi said winning the confidence vote would give his government a moral duty to continue government. "I'm determined to run the whole term."

The prime minister also said Franco Debono's future as a PN candidate will be dertemined by the party's executive committee.

Gonzi denied contacts made with the MP prior to the vote on Wednesday evening were a bid to buy his silence, and also said Debono did not tell him he wanted to be appointed Leader of the House - something the MP has so far denied.

"There was no horse-trading. I tried to see how Franco could contribute and identify space for him to work, while coming in line with the government," he said of his parliamentary assistant, who is still paid an emolument for assisting the PM at Castille.

Gonzi refused to manifest any sense of anger or betrayal at the motivations behind Debono's vote to oust Mifsud Bonnici, even saying his ambition to be a minister was "a natural desire [that] appears to be too strong."

"I hope people understand just how false Labour's motion has been... the criticism was superficial and that's why I can't understand why one of our own MPs voted in favour of a motion which is unjustified and hypocritical. This has upset me greatly."

When asked whether he could work with Debono in a team, Gonzi immediately turned to Muscat: "He has taken the wrong decisions... his main aim is to bring down the government."

Gonzi, who has taken over home affairs, did not rule out passing on the ministry to somebody else, such as parliamentary assistant Beppe Fenech Adami. Other former ministers who could be in with a chance for the job are Francis Zammit Dimech, the current chairman of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee.

Mela ma tafux li jekk tkun qed tiekol il-lahma tkun trid tmexmexha sewwa sal-ghadma. Kompli mexmex Gonzinu ghax ma tanx baqaghlek wisq . Tinsiex li , Hadd wara Hadd , tasal ta' kullhadd . U tieghek tinsab fil-qrib .
Carry on entertaining us Gonzi! Time, however, is running out... fast. The day of reckoning is looming larger than ever.
il-Prim ministru qed jinsa li l-LP wahdu qatt ma seta jwassal lil CMB biex jirrizenja, u kien deputat minn tieghu li wassal ghal dan. Mela allur ghalfejn qed jaghti t-tort lil LP u ma jikkritikax lil MP Debono. Semplici. Ghad ghandu bzonnu, inkella ma jkunx jista jibqa' jerda minn fuq dahar il-poplu ghal ftit xhur ohra. Issa nuzawh lil FD u meta nlestu minnu narmuh, bhal-lumija . Dawn dejjem hekk kienu juzawk u jarmuk. Ahjar iqum qawma fuq tieghu il-Prim ministru u jdur dawra madwaru u mal-pajjiz ghax kollox ghan-nizla u mhux mhedi fil-parlament ikrah daghwa fid-dahla tal-belt u fit-teatru bla saqaf u l-pontijiet li ma jwasslu ghal imkien. . l-ghar li sejjer il-but tal-poplu, karettun niezel in-nizla.
Possibbli meta gonzipn imur quddiem mera kull filghodu biex iqaxxar il-lehja ma jindunax kemm xejjhu franco debono wara li ilu seba' xhur imieghku quddiem il-pajjiz kollu, jghajjru bla ebda hajta f'ilsienu u jirridikolah left, right and centre? Possibbli meta gonzipn imur quddiem mera kull filghodu biex iqaxxar il-lehja ma jisthix minnu innifsu li deputat tieghu stess - mhux tal-partit laburista tafux - qed igieghlu jitkaxkar fit-tajn qisu dudu mghaffeg u minghalih li qed jimpressjonana kemm hu b'sahhtu u kemm hu bravu?
Jekk, kif ghandu kull dritt ( morali u mhux ) Dr.Gonzi bi hsiebu jibqa sa l-ahhar, jigifieri kwazi sa April ta sena ohra, ghalfejn dan id-dmugh tal kukkudrilli biex ikun jaf x'inhu il programm eletorali tal PL. Meta ikun komdu u isaffar, is-suffara ,tal PL bil qalb kollha jaghmlu publiku il manifest elettorali.
First term he contested by PROXY - taking over from Eddie a week later. Second term, he got elected by a dubious one thousand votes against all expectations. Clearly - with such a clear mandate and having won an internal election where we was the only contestant - he is totally entitled to run the full term. I wonder how he plans to get his third and fourth mandate to run the country ? More excommunications maybe ?
@ PM Qazzistu u dardartu lill kullhadd bil kummiedji li qed taghmlu fil parlament u bil kilba ghall poter sfaccata li ghandkhom, tahsbu li Malta hija tal partit nazzjonalista u li intom biss ghandkhom id-dritt li tmexxu!! Iktar ma iddumu hemm iktar ser iddahhku nies bikhom, ibqghu sejrin hekk.
Igor P. Shuvalov
"There was no horse-trading. " Dr Gonzi is free to give his interpretation to his offers, the once that came to the people's knowledge and maybe others which we do not know about, to Dr Debono. But it is remarkable that after almost four years in Government Dr Gonzi now that "he (is)determined to run five-year term"..."tried to see how Franco could contribute and identify space for him to work, while coming in line with the government,"
Ghandek ragun sur Prim Ministru. Dak mhux Franco Debono ivvota favur il-mozzjoni tal-PL, dak kien il-babaw. U zgurrrrr li m'intix se twahhal fi Franco Debono. Dak ghandek bzonnu bhal hoibz. Ma tridx tghidilna wkoll li qed tmexxi xi partit maqghud qaqocca hux? CMB messu ma telaqx minn Ministru. Mhux hekk qallu Edwin Vassallo u inti kont kuntent u mort tifrahlu wara d-diskors tieghu fil-Parlament.
For once Dr.Gonzi is right , why should he blame Dr.Franco Debono when he knows that the only one for this tragic comedy is Dr.Gonzi himself . Carry On Gonzinu . What a comedy .
"Labour leader Joseph Muscat "is the biggest loser" in the motion that ousted Carm Mifsud Bonnici." >> I would argue the opposite. Having this motion succeed opens the door to believing that other actions are doable and achievable. It has made clear that nepotism can be overpowered, and that the power of the clique has been effectively weakened. Franco's future within the PN will not be decided by the present posse. If it were up to them, they would hang him from the new lift structure made available by Austin Gatt's largesse with taxpayers monies. No, it will be decided in 5 years time by an enlarged and enlightened PN and the free voters. After all, present parliamentary members from founding families are only a shadow of their parents. Nepotism must out!
Zack Depasquale
"Appeasement" is the policy of feeding your friends to a crocodile,one at a time, in hopes that the crocodile will eat you last.- Franklin D. Roosevelt
malta tvm station , hacked by a virus called pn.
This Government is in shambles and do not care of the economic instability created. WE NEED ELECTIONS!!!!.
Mela ghalhekk qed isisti l- boy. Ghandu cans ghal- ministru, Francis, ehh. Dan l-ahhar hlief jigri wara l-Cameras mhux. Jista jaghmlu Segratarju Parlamentari ghall-Appuntamenti Governattivi. U bil-hadd. Tghid Edwin jista jsir Segretarju Parlamentari ukoll? Forsi tar- Relazzjonijiet mal-Kurja ArciveskoVILI. Tixraqlu tafx!!!.
The current PM regime and way of politics is definitely not democratic but is now verging on a dictatorial approach. It seems that the PM is really grasping on to his seat till the very end. It is useless ignoring reality and forcing his way as if all is ok. All the silly propaganda and self acclaimed praise about jobs,education u ninvestu fik bla bla bla... does not impress at all! Obviously this is an option but the end result is going to be a big disaster both for the country and the party itself.