[SLIDESHOW] Mifsud Bonnici welcomed to loud acclaim

Former home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici welcomed with loud acclaim at Luxol Grounds, as Prime Minister tells party faithful that politicians enter politics to serve and for nothing else.

MP Carm Mifsud Bonnici receives warm welcome by the party faithful
MP Carm Mifsud Bonnici receives warm welcome by the party faithful

A large crowd gathered under the tent at Luxol Grounds this morning welcomed former minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici with loud acclaim, chanting out loud "Nazzjonalisti" as a visible emotional Mifsud Bonnici walked through the crowd shaking hands.

Mifsud Bonnici was also warmly embraced by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Transport Minister Austin Gatt and by several other MPs gathered under the tent.

Mifsud Bonnici was forced to resign last Wednesday after a motion tabled by the Opposition was approved after backbencher Franco Debono voted against the minister.

Addressing the party faithful, the Prime Minister said that the support and sense of solidarity shown to Mifsud Bonnici will "not stop here but will keep showing".

"Thank you for your integrity, for your values and for your loyalty. Thank you for always being present even during the difficult moments. You have shown how a true politician at the service of the people should act," a spirited Gonzi said.

Gonzi added that Mifsud Bonnici deserved the praise not only because he had passed through a difficult period but also because of his work.

"Last Wednesday's vote had been a hard blow to genuine politics, to those who are in politics to serve. This is what politicians before us and Eddie Fenech Adami have always taught us: we are elected to serve the country, to serve our people," he said.

"Those who chose political opportunism showed that politics means nothing to them. Who truly has been elected to serve the electorate took the honourable decision. Carm turned out to be the gentleman while the others turned out to be just kids."

Gonzi added that Opposition leader Joseph Muscat had "shown that he will do anything to be in government". He claimed that  Muscat's "opportunism" showed he "will stop at nothing to satisfy his ambition to become Malta's youngest prime minister".

"Last Wednesday they threw their honour out of the window. Their motion was not supported by concrete justifications. Their debates lacked substance which could have justified their criticism. We are not perfect and we are subject to mistakes. But forcing the resignation of a minister without concrete reasoning was nothing more than opportunism," he said.

Gonzi said Labour MPs like Alex Sciberras Trigona, Evarist Bartolo and George Vella were the ones who "deserved" a vote of censure "for the way they had acted when they were in government".

"Muscat has once again taken the wrong decision ... they can change the colour of their ties as much as they want but they will all remain the same old Labour," he claimed.

Gonzi also said that in tomorrow's vote of confidence in government he expected nothing less than a "clear vote".

Gonzi has still to explain why he tied Austin Gatt's no confidence motion to a collective responsability one, dragging all the cabinet into it, but that of CMB he left it as an indivdual's responsability leaving CMB to shoulder the blameon his own, unlike Austin who found Gonzi's, Tonio's , Goavanna's, etcetc.? If anybody was childish it was gonzi.
@vince desira, this moring there was no need for gas you choked on your poor showing for what was supposed to be a mass meeting disguised as simple one. For you info, thos police officers who ordered the use of gas during nationalist's meeting were all promoted just as soon as Gwido Demarco became minister of the Interior.All the horror you punts like to mention was orchestrated and done by nationalists elements within the police force, so much so that police officers who made perjury in Pullicino's case wer , again, promoted whit the change of government, this all happened under a "il-verita tirbah zgur" government. Get your facts right and be a fool.
Gonzi said Labour MPs like Alex Sciberras Trigona, Evarist Bartolo and George Vella were the ones who "deserved" a vote of censure "for the way they had acted when they were in government". Hadd min dawn ma' ħa 600 ewro fil-ġimgħa zieda minn wara dahar kullħadd bħalek u sħabek fosthom ukoll il-qaddis CMB.
"Carm turned out to be the gentleman while the others turned out to be just kids." You are right Gonzipn. Franco Debono is only a kid.
@ Vincente Desira Lid-dittatur afrikan l-aħħar li għanqu kien gonzi!!! U n-Nord Korea mar ukoll il-world leader!!!
@ Vincente Desira mela fejn kont int meta l-SAG ta' Demarco bellattilnaa l-gas tad-dmugħ waqt regatta semplicement għax konna Laburisti. Mhux waqt attivita' politika terġa iżda waqt attivit' sportiva!! Nies handikappati u tfal kien hemm magħna dakinhar. Li tridu tiftakru intom! Dik demokrazija eh biex jirreżenja ministru trtid tisfurzah anki war c-cucati li jkun għamel u t-tip ta' nies li jkollu jħufu miegħu għax mhux imbilli tilgħaba tal-qaddis!!
Vincente Destra was this African Dictator the same one our dear Prime Minister hugged before the Dictator's downfall? Vincente Destra, is sew jirbah u l verita tirbah flahhar mil ahhar
Veru tassew li ghad min ighix fil-medjuevu huwx veru Vincente Destra. Vincente! Li mhux tad-dahk tibki.
CMB might be a nice person. I do not know him, but he looks like a pleasant person. It is unfortunate that he had to be the fall guy, although the Gonz has already promised him some juicy appointment, going on what was reported at Luxol. However, nepotism cannot be allowed to run our policies or economy. Being a member of Government, and a minister to boot, mainly because you belong to a party (club) that your nannu and papa belonged to cannot be allowed in this day and age. One must admit that the current crop representing the old PN are a shadow of their fathers and grandfathers. Let them play at politics in Parliament if people will vote for them, so the family's name will still fly, but entrust our policies and economy the best people.
Zack Depasquale
X' nazzjonalita kien il-Gas tad-dmugh li ntefa fuq il-haddiema tax-Shipbuilding gewwa Hal-Luqa jew dak li ntefa fuq il-familji gewwa Bormla?
Please note that Dr. Gonzi does not have the guts to criticize publicly THE ONE PERSON WHO BROUGHT THE DOWNFALL OF DR. CMB - DR. FRANCO DEBONO !!!!!! Instead he tries to put the blame on Dr. Muscat and the opposition for having tabled the motion of no confidence in the way Dr. CMB ran his ministries !
Tinsiex min ghannaq l ahhar dittatur
@ skonfiska destra dittatura dawk li itellghu fil parlament lill dawk in nies bil kunjom bhall fenech adami, de marco mifsud bonnici, cassar8(CENSU TABONE) gonzi ghal dak id dittatur tal knisja
@ Destra' Gass ta dmugh? Staqsi lil dawk li kienu ghal kwiet jaraw ir-regatta meta gew attakkati min ta SAG. Nisa xjuh u tfal. Dittatur Afrikan? Ghal li jista ikun mhux qed tirreferi ghal dak li ghannaq u bies Dr.Gonzi, hux qabel ma tajrulu rasu mil poter? Kullhadd igawdi il benificcji socjali my friend, grazzi ghal PL.
Aghmlu mass meetings fi x'hin tridu u fejn tridu. Hadd mhu ser jigi jifgakom bil-gass tad-dmugh nord korean. jekk tridu ergghu stiednu xi dittatur afrikan biex jindirizza mass meeting socjalista. Kulhadd liberu my friend, grazzi ghall- P.N.
Censura haqqu min mar kontra r-rieda tal-poplu bhal ma ghamel Gonzi fil-votazzjoni tar-referendum. U ghalfejn dan it-tqanzih kollu dwar il-vot ta' ghada? Mela veru qed tibza li ma baqghalekx maggoranza? Ghandek guts biex ma nghidx kelma ohra biex ticcensura il-famuza "blogger" u tnehhila il-protezzjoni li ghanda biex tkompli tinsulenta lil min trid. Meta intmiss il-qabar tal-familja tieghek kemm qmost imma ghal omm Franco Debono ma jimpurtax. Franco, dan se juzak, jghasrek imbaghad jarmik.
Incredible. People died,the prison degraded and crime increased all under his watch. And we throw him a celebration. Was this done for John Dalli?
Prime Minister tells party faithful that politicians enter politics to serve and for nothing else. And to those party unfaithful ? Whom did you intend to serve Hon Prim Minister Dr lawrence Gonzi? What is your true meaning of “serving”? Did you serve the people when you took €500 weekly while giving just €1.16 weekly to the workers and pensioners? Did you serve the people when you voted against the WILL of the majority when you voted against divorce in Parliament. Did you serve the people when you are about to spent €80,000,000 in a new Parliament while 83,000 are either below the poverty line or they are about to be? Did you serve the people when you rocketed the utility bills, like water and electricity, gass and fuel? Did you serve the people when on goes to the pharmacy of your choice and are told that their medicines are out of stock, or when waits years on end for an operation or need to make an appointment and then he is told that his appointment is in a year’s time? Did you serve the people when we have illiterate students leaving our education system? Did you serve the people when for the last months no bills were passed in parliament and one of the most important Bill was the enactment of the “Whistle Blower’s Act”. If you really want to serve then pass this Bill retroactive, 30 years will suffice. Did you serve the people with the BWSC power station working on heavy fuel oils? Did you serve the people when the Nationalist Government discriminate between its own workers, with the precarious jobs you’re providing to your own employees, or others workers for that matter? Did you serve the people with Arriva, Smart City, Air Malta, Sea Malta, Malta Dry Docks, Ship Building etc? Did you serve the people when the deficits and bedts exceed the €6 billion mark? According to my dictionery serving means “provide something for the Public”. For the General Public you provided the above but for those of the most inner circle you provided thousands from our money in hefty salaries, allowances and other benefits. We have to judge you on what you done and not on what you said, according to your own words.
Zack Depasquale
Dan Dr Gonzi jdahhaqni, ghandu l-inkwiet fil-Partit tieghu u jwahhal fl-Oppozizjoni. X'jippretendi li l-Oppozizjoni tbaxxi rasha ghal dak li jrid hu wkoll.M'ghadux jiftahar li ghandu l-maggoranza Parlamentari. Anzi nahseb li-PL qieghed vera jkun kawt ghax imaggina l-istess sitwazzjoni taht PL; kemm naghmlu Mass Meetings fuq il-fosos u nixghellu xemghat u nghidu li id-demokrazija fil-pajjiz tinsab mhedda. Jiftakar Dr Gonzi kemm il-Partit Nazzjonalista rewagh meta il-Partit Laburista kellu l-inkwiet fi hdanu.Jekk din mhux ipokrezija ma nafx kif tkun ipokrezija.