Prime Minister wants clear vote of confidence with no conditions

Lawrence Gonzi says tomorrow's vote of confidence must be "clear and without any conditions".

Lawrence Gonzi takes some hard questioning from PBS journalist Reno Bugeja on Dissett.
Lawrence Gonzi takes some hard questioning from PBS journalist Reno Bugeja on Dissett.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi attempted to present an image of aloofness from the predicament he is facing inside the government backbench, insisting on PBS's Dissett tonight that his main concerns are still the creation of jobs and attracting investment to Malta, and not the media's fixation with his political troubles.

Interviewer Reno Bugeja pointed out the prime minister's apparent 'uncertainty' over tomorrow's vote of confidence, which Lawrence Gonzi has called in a rebuttal of the Labour motion that led to Carm Mifsud Bonnici's resignation as minister after Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono voted in favour of the motion.

"I cannot say I am sure about it... I have no reason to think otherwise. But the result will be known at the final vote."

The prime minister did not give any clear indication whether he would call early elections Monday, if his entire one-seat majority does not back him leading to his confidence motion passing with the Speaker's casting vote.

"Whichever way it passes, it must be a clear vote. Tomorrow I want a clear vote for government without any conditions," Gonzi said, reiterating the same sentiment he had expressed prior to the last vote of confidence held in January.

So far Nationalist MP Franco Debono has claimed he will not be voting against the government on Monday.

Gonzi was evasive when asked why - as he had declared in the House during the motion of censure against Austin Gatt, when Franco Debono's vote could also not be counted on - he did not turn the motion of resignation against Mifsud Bonnici in one of collective responsibility, or a motion of confidence against the government.

Prevaricating, Gonzi insisted his vote of confidence on Monday spoke for itself, before Bugeja aired a sound-clip of the prime minister telling the House the vote against Austin Gatt was one of collective responsibility - Debono later abstained on this vote.

"This is just a hypothesis," Gonzi said, insisting his confidence motion was an apposite rebuttal to Labour's resignation motion. "To me this sort of reasoning is just Joseph Muscat's way of devaluing politics, and I'm fighting back, democratically, with a vote of confidence."

Gonzi then skirted Bugeja's explicit suggestion that Labour's resignation motion, as the censure motion against Austin Gatt had been, was only possible due to the possibility of Franco Debono voting in their favour. "The people in the street know that this motion was only possible due to the chances of Debono voting for it, prime minister," Bugeja said.

"It was classic opportunism... the pits of politics, and I want to raise our politics to the standard it merits," Gonzi replied, careful to keep up the pressure on Labour, without passing judgement on Franco Debono.

Gonzi was unrelenting in dissecting Labour's "dangerous" policies on justice and home affairs, and said the Opposition had been unable to muster one decent proposal. "They've been negative on energy, negative on immigration... and this scandalous motion is one motion Labour must take responsibility for."

"We got good results for this country in the last four years and a half. Unnecessary as much as this political turmoil is... we made our budgets, created new jobs, introduced new initiatives, and continued with our work. Getting such results while other countries are in an economic storm, is a credit to this government and exposes the falsity behind Labour's motions."

Bringing the prime minister off his criticism of Labour to answer to questions about his political stalemate, Bugeja pointed out that Gonzi's troubles had not subsided since the last vote of confidence and the one-horse leadership race he ran to confirm his authority inside the PN.

"Today I can say I have the entire Nationalist party are behind me," Gonzi replied. "We do have our internal debates in the PN, and it makes it more challenging for me. But I reiterate that if I still managed to gain good economic results, then it confirms the success of our electoral programme."

So why not go for elections now if the economic results are good, Bugeja asked.

"That would be the easy way out. I'm not for the easy way out... we were elected for a five-year legislature. And that's what we'll do.

"Muscat wants to be the youngest prime minister in the history of Malta," Gonzi told Bugeja, who pointed out the historical inaccuracy. "I want to lead this country and overcome the challenges it faces, and our first interest is the country, not the party. And that is to keep leading this country."

The prime minister categorically denied having offered Debono the position of Leader of the House, which was occupied by Mifsud Bonnici, the latter having informed the House on Wednesday morning that he would step down from the parliamentary position if the resignation motion did not pass.

Gonzi revealed that Debono failed to make a meeting with him last Monday, and contacts ensued through a government interlocutor on the eve of the motion. "Our contacts were messages to Franco not to vote against the minister... his demands were that he wanted his motion [on justice and home affairs] to be debated... and it will be debated, but that depends on the House's agenda, and whether the confidence motion passes."

Throughout the year, Mifsud Bonnici had come under severe criticism from the Opposition of filibustering and delaying the motion of censure debating his record as justice and home affairs minister, when he was Leader of the House.

Gonzi recognised that the nature of this criticism required that deputy prime minister Tonio Borg also attend the meetings of the House Business Committee. But he refuted suggestions that appointing Mifsud Bonnici had been an error of judgement, given the motions concerning the justice and home affairs portfolio had already been tabled back in January.

Bugeja was merciless when he quetioned the prime minister's choice to take home affairs under his wing: airing a clip from a previous interview in which Gonzi insisted his cabinet reshuffle in January allowed him to focus solely on the eurozone's troubles, he was asked how he could now accept to take such a large ministry, which also includes immigration.

"I started this legislature with a small Cabinet. The model worked, and the results are there. They were economic, creating 20,000 new jobs and saving 5,000... I did have internal tension, but was this tension more important than these results? No."

There was little time for an answer, as Bugeja pointed out that this was the fourth time in the interview that he had boasted of his job creation record. "It's starting to sound like an advertisement, Prime Minister."

"Who gets to be prime minister," Gonzi replied, "gets to say that his policies reaped the results he earned."

Kellna Prim Ministru jitpastas fuq ix-xandir nazzjonali . Lanqas beda jaghti cans lill-prezentatur jistaqsieh il-mistoqsijiet tieghu .Possibbli , dan hu l-istess bniedem li jghajjar lill-laburisti hamalli ? Tghid jarah ir-rikording tal-programm , tghid jinduna kemm gab ruhu ta' hamallu ,giddieb u ipokrita ? Meta qal li jrid jaghmel mozzjoni ta' sfiducja fil-kap ta' l-oppozizzjoni , juri li lanqas il-proceduri tal-parlament ma jaf . Mozzjoni issir kontra l-operat ta' xi ministru .
Anette B Cassar
Now she said, "I am left with the impression that he will hound and pursue for years those who he thinks have done him ill, and that even after he has been removed, by the electorate or the party, from politics, he will viciously and obsessively pursue those who he believes have hurt him." That sounds like what she would do.
Anette B Cassar
Well, this woman is showing what a doormat Gonzi is to her. He will not say anything to tone her down. Franco, You have a mistaken notion about DCG's attacks are OK on you but the ones on your mother are not. They are both attacks on your mother. Your mother must be hurting seeing all the attacks on you. When ever my kids came home hurt by others, I felt hurt as well.
This is what Daphne wrote to day on her blog; True, this means that he will probably do to Gonzi what Mintoff did to Sant, but quite frankly, it’s reached the point where going down like a man is infinitely better than surviving for another few months as Franco Debono’s doormat. Yes, even if it means a Labour government at this point, and yes, even if those extra months give the Nationalist Party a better chance of winning the election. so according to her, Gonzi prefers to be francos doormat then stand up like a man.. who is attached to power???
Anette B Cassar
"It was classic opportunism... the pits of politics, and I want to raise our politics to the standard it merits," Gonzi replied, careful to keep up the pressure on Labour, without passing judgement on Franco Debono." I guess this is continuing about x'pastazata kienet il-mozzjoni. Well I made my own judgement. Even on one thing I would want CMB accountable and off his ministerial seat. The Stephen Spiteri issue. What made matters worse. On One news his sister basically called him a liar. I have not seen the matter denied elsewhere. If he did lie it was a matter of trying to mislead the house which in my books is contempt for our highest institution. He should be thrown out of that as well.
Qatt , u nerga nghid qatt ghadni ma rajt lill-Prim Ministru Dr.Lawrence Gonzi daqshekk patetiku u ipokrita daqs kemm kien il-bierah fil- programm "DISSETT". Kien veru patetiku meta il-hin kollu beda jinterrompi lill-prezentatur Reno Bugeja u ma bediex ihallieh jaghmel il-mistoqsijiet tieghu . Kien evaziv f'bosta okkazzjonijiet u ma irrispondiex ghall diversi damandi li sarulu . Ghawweg kemm felah is-sewwa magharuf u dawru kif jaqbel lilu . Ghamel dak kollu possibbli biex ma jurtax lill-Dr.Franco Debono biex ghall-vot ta' ghada jipprova jserrah ftit rasu mil-vot ta' Dr. Debono . Insomma,Kien patetiku u ipokrita ghall-ahhar . Gonzi qal li skandalizza ruhu bl'atteggjament ta' Dr.Muscat u ta l-oppozizzjoni . Kemm hu qaddis dan Gonzi ? Nesa meta kien hemm dak id-disgwid fin-1998 kemm hambaq li il-gvern laburista ta' dak iz-zmien hu instabbli . Nesa kemm hadu vantagg min dik is-sitwazzjoni dak iz-zmien in nazzjonalisti . Semma lill-Evarist Bartolo , ghax dan qal li ma ghandux fiducja fil-gudikatura u ghax Dr.Muscat ma kkundannax dan id-diskors . Mela ma qarax x'qalu il-maggoranza tal-poplu malti dwar il-qrati fir rapport tal-Euro Barometer ? Tghid dawn ser jikkundannhom ukoll Dr.Gonzi ? Forsi ma kien il-predecessur tieghu li kien iddikjara li ma kienx jaqbel ma' certi sentenzi li inghataw mil-qrati ? Jew huma ghadhom xi dritt sagrosant li jikkritikaw lill-qrati u haddiehor le ? Ipokresija fl'aqwa taghha .
Qatt , u nerga nghid qatt ghadni ma rajt lill-Prim Ministru Dr.Lawrence Gonzi daqshekk patetiku u ipokrita daqs kemm kien il-bierah fil- programm "DISSETT". Kien veru patetiku meta il-hin kollu beda jinterrompi lill-prezentatur Reno Bugeja u ma bediex ihallieh jaghmel il-mistoqsijiet tieghu . Kien evaziv f'bosta okkazzjonijiet u ma irrispondiex ghall diversi damandi li sarulu . Ghawweg kemm felah is-sewwa magharuf u dawru kif jaqbel lilu . Ghamel dak kollu possibbli biex ma jurtax lill-Dr.Franco Debono biex ghall-vot ta' ghada jipprova jserrah ftit rasu mil-vot ta' Dr. Debono . Insomma,Kien patetiku u ipokrita ghall-ahhar .
Qatt , u nerga nghid qatt ghadni ma rajt lill-Prim Ministru Dr.Lawrence Gonzi daqshekk patetiku u ipokrita daqs kemm kien il-bierah fil- programm "DISSETT". Kien veru patetiku meta il-hin kollu beda jinterompi lill-prezentatur Reno Bugeja u ma bediex ihallieh jaghmel il-mistoqsijiet tieghu . Kien evaziv f'bosta okkazzjonijiet u ma irrispondiex ghall diversi damandi li sarulu . Ghawweg kemm felah is-sewwa magharuf u dawru kif jaqbel lilu . Ghamel dak kollu possibbli biex ma jurtax lill-Dr.Franco Debono biex ghall-vot ta' ghada jipprova jserrah ftit rasu mil-vot ta' Dr. Debono . Insomma,Kien patetiku u ipokrita ghall-ahhar .
il paraguni huma odjuzi imma bzonnjuzi....kandidati prospettivi godda tal pl profs scicluna, dr deo, dr ferne, dr debbie,dr mallia etc etc,,,, kandidati prospettivi godda ta gonzi pn claudette pace.....
Dak li gie intervistat il-bierah kien vera Dr.Gonzi ghax qieghed niddubida, fit 2008 ghamel min kollox meta kien jaf li Dr. Sant kien marid bil cancer u beda l-propaganda minghajr rispett ta xejn u gabu cameras tal Pn crew juru wicc Sant ghax kellu tebghat ma wiccu u ma waqqafx l-elezjoni sa kemm Sant seta jerga jkun b'sahhtu bizzejjed biex idur fil Lokalitajiet. Il Bierah il kliem li qal bqajt imbellah u hudu pacenzja kummentaturi accertawni li kien Dr.Gonzi ghax tant hu ddisprat li l-anqas halla lil Reno Bugejja jsaqsih mistoqsijja wahda u beda jinterrompih u hlief Konferenza stampa kienet , qisu bla Gurnalisti, Reno seta ma deherx u missu qam u telaq, propaganda kontra Joseph Muscat kien il-programm mil bidu sa l-ahhar, anki Reno qallu li ma tahx risposta wahda li prova jsaqsieh.
Reno Bugeja qal lil prim ministru: "Qieghed tinstema qisek qed taghmel riklam ". Kien qed jghidlu dwar kif Gonzi l-hin kollu jghid li "Hloqna 20,000 imjieg gdid ". U " Salvajna 5,500 imjieg " ! L-ewwel wahda hija GIDBA li giet ippruvata li gidba mill-figuri tal-istatistika. Impjiegi godda inholqu f'dawn l-ahhar 4 jew 5 snin, xi haga fuq l-10,000 impjieg ! Dwar il- 5,500 imjieg "salvat", Gonzi jrid ibellaghha lil-imzazen, illi dawk il-fabbriki kollha li tahom xi ghajnuna finanzjarja, kienu kollha se jaghlqu ! Meta l-aghar li seta gara kien li jissensjaw xi numru ta' haddiema, izda zgur mhux li jghalqu l-fabbriki !!!! mela dawk il-5,500 hija figura FITTIZJA ghax tfisser it-total ta' haddiema li kienu jahdmu f'dawk il-fabbriki li hadu xi ghajnuna finanzjarja etc.. !!!! Ghandna prim ministru li jemmen li kullhadd f'pajjizna hu MAZZUN !!!
keep on running mr prime minister your time will soon be up. those you have led to believe that you would be their saviour last elections will now think twice before they will trust you again. Go employees, drydocks employees, air malta employees, sea malta employees, enemalta employees, young it students remember the 7000 jobs at Smart City, people who were taxed on the maximum all these and their family were duped by you. even so you only managed to scrape through last time round. you nearly squandered all the 12000 strong majority a legacy left to you by the previous prime minister. Votes of convidence in parliament at this late hour do not hold any water. Its like the last time when you run against yourself coming first and last. Those folks whom you have conned in 2008 will have one battle cry come next election whenever it is held and this will be 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”.
Ezatt kif kien imhabbar gara: 1. Gonzi u Franco jilhqu ftehim dwar il vot tal llum, 2. Dissett jiccaqlaq mis Sibt ghal Hadd u l Prim jghid li se jaccetta biss vot car, u 3. Franco jghid li se jivvota mal-Gvern. and they lived "happily" ever after.
hu le taqtax qalbek gonz, franco jiv vottallek, ax ghadu mhux lest, ghad faddallu xhjimsah s---- bik u bil kabinet moffat teighek, the show must go on!!!
Tghid gonzipn ghamel xi weghda biex franco debono ma jqumx bil-b...a mdawwra dalghodu? Tghid gonzipn ghamel xi weghda ohra biex is-sahhara tal-bidnija ma tkunx qamet bil-b...a mdawwra dalghodu u fuq il-website jew fuq il-blog jew fuq il-facebook taghha tkun regghet tat xi tmiehika ohra lil franco debono u terga' issahhnu kontra gonzipn u jaghmillu xi wahda minn dawk il-kbar nett il-lejla? Dak suspence, kif jghidu t-taljani !!! Dak eccitament !!!
If today, Franco Debono votes with the government, he shows that he NEITHER LOVES THE PARTY,NOR THE COUNTRY NOR HIS MOTHER! wHY? Because the PN needs regenrating and cleansing from the web of evil he knows about; the country needs fresh blood at the helm, as well as a stable political climate, and his mother and the cruel words written about her by Daphne Caruana Galizia, the PN's darling, will be vindicated.If Franco votes with the govt he will confirm that he approves of everything that he has critisised at the cost of his own political career and the attack on his family - which will get more fierce any way he votes. At this point Debono has nothign much to lose, and he has to choose whether to be remembered for being a big mouthed chicken, or a ballsy guy who stands by his principles and for which a new regerated PN will thank him for.
A clear vota and without conditions means a 35 - 34 vote that is the clearest it can get. If it will be 34 - 34 and a Speaker's vote it will not be clear at all and it will be conditional. So either 35/34 or otherwise Gonzi must call an early election, there is no way round. Parlament is not like a roundabout you go around it, it is a cross-road you pass through it or not.
He should have declared that before last week's vote of censorship/resignation; not the day after! Indeed what the fool does in the end, the wise man does at the beginning!
He should have declared that before last week's vote of censorship/resignation; not the day after! Indeed what the fool does in the end, the wise man does at the beginning!
qisna litalja, kul xaghrejn vote of confidence fil gvern.kif ma tisthiex tider quddiem in nies.
" CARM HAREG TA RAGEL....HADDIEHOR HAREG TA TIFEL " ..Pero Dr.Franco Debono ...Dak Le...Dan qalu il Prim Ministru. Dr. Gonzi...HOW LOW CAN YOU GO.....Jekk joghgbok irrispetta l-intelgenza tac cittadin PLEASE. Kelli stima kbira lejn Dr.Carm Mifsud Bonnici, pero il bierah meta smajt lil l-oht is Sur Stephen Spiteri tgiddeb lil Ex Ministru Carm u tghejd li mhux veru li il familja tal vittma kellhom mill l-anqas tlett laghqat mal puluzija, anzi li kellhom appuntament u hassruh..johrog li Dr.Carm gideb fuq kas serju bhal dan....Bir rispett kollu...Ma kienx jixraqlek li tkun Ministru.
The Gonz is under tremendous stress. He is completely lost for answers. It is so visible in his overwhelming use of the maxim "attack is the best form of defence". No use of botox and facials will serve to present last election's, "false smile", GonziPN's face. It seems someone decided to do a "Castile" on the Gonz's face. It did not work.
Kemm jinsa malajr dal-Prim Ministru li ghandna. Nesa li meta fl-1998 kien hemm id-diffikultajiet fil-gvern ta' Alfred Sant u Lawrence Gonzi dak iz-zmien kien segretarju tal-Partit Nazzjonalista kemm kien ihambaq li l-gvern ta' San kien dghajjef u ma setax jibqa jmexxi u qed jikser id-demokrazija u l-pajjiz se jmur lura jekk ma ssirx elezzjoni immedjata. Issa d-diska darek u qed jghidilna li hu ghandu mandat ta' 5 sini u jigri x'jigri jibqa hemm imwahhal mas-siggu. Issa l-pajjiz ma jmurx lura u d-demokrazija ma tidhol imkien. Tal-PN jahsbu li huma ghandhom xi dritt divin mghoti lilhom minn fuq li jekk ma jkunux huma fil-gvern dal-pajjiz jikkrolla. Nahseb li issa ghajjejtu u wasal iz-zmien tal-mistrieh biex tidhol energija gdida u zaghzugha. Zmienkom ghamiltuh, Ikun ta' gid ghall-pajjiz u ta' gid ghall-PN, biex forsi tergghu tingabru u tkunu dak il-partit li kontu fl-87.
X'Faqar ta PM il-hin kollhu jipprova ma jhallihx isaqsih il-mistoqsija beda jipprova jamem Dr Gonzi.U kemm qed itih gewwa Joseph?.Sur PM mela insejt li wiehed min tijek ukoll ivvota kontra?.Dak ukoll opportunist ghax meghdtx li hu hekk ta?
Smajtu Dr Franco x'qallek. Hu kien fis-sewwa u haddiehor kien fil-hazin. Franco Debono jivvota man-nies tat-terrur u Carmelo Santo Subito!